6-Day Fall Camping Trip with the Company

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[Music] thank you [Music] thank you we've got a team assembled here for our mission through these lakes and rivers first up there's Keenan resourceful and tough my senior by 10 days making him the veteran in our Squad he brings to the table as tarp skills Will Keep Us dry in the rain to come then there's Max he's the Soulful artsy one in the group he's also our fire Master very handy in a pinch and Xander he's our company's lovable loser the mill house or the Dwight of our pack his special skill is bringing too much food which is completely useless unless someone forgets theirs and finally there's me I guess I'm the pensive loner and as for a skill well I'm the wet blanket keep things orderly and buy the book and if we play straight we all just might walk out of here alive the weather forecast is the worst I've seen since now we happen to run into our squadron's resident biologist jam on the lake and he's downloading his local fishing Intel to Xander private Bud Nick needs all the help you can get to catch a fish the poor boys just devoid of talents of any kind but somehow we'd all still take a bullet for him maybe it's because he's the youngest I shook hands with Max and keyed him for the first time 30 minutes ago so whether this unit can gel we will have to see fall colors are scheduled to Peak in T-minus 100 hours they're two hours until Nightfall and Camp one is 10 kilometers to our Northeast over and out just got to the first campsite marked on our map and it is a beauty under these white pines nice fire pit that's kind of sheltered and room for all of us more shelters four guys [Music] I just gotta figure out how to wow [Music] I'm in pretty good company on this trip there's Keenan and Max which is terrific such enjoyable conversation it's hard to make progress on the paddle um Xander's taking along which is okay um someone's got to look out for him but yeah we're all set up here we've got split up tours this beautiful thing with a group of four Keenan got the tarp up Max fire me water Xander opened the bag of chips which he's shared spicy ketchup so yeah it's gonna be a great trip terrible forecast but let's make the best of it like what's the right pocket yeah range 24 to like 200. [Applause] so here's a look at where we're going we started at Quirk Lake paddled here yesterday and today we continued down the serpent River some Rapids here hopefully we can run them and hopefully get to Caribou Lake today and set up a base camp there oh we're getting thrown right into our day here Camp just before the portage so we've got that and then those six or so Rapids [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] wasn't sure what to expect on this trip it is so beautiful so far taking the serpent River down here in this Rocky Gorge loving this [Applause] these late summer early fall flows seems dubious that we'll be running any Rapids Water is way too low here it could be a longer day than we expect [Applause] making our way through here this sounds a little bigger but looks like they're dragging down never-ending Boulder Gardens in here but really a beautiful section River [Music] thank you I'll come back for you [Music] [Music] foreign quick lunch break here and we're hoping after a couple more Rapids cup of portages to set up a base camp for two nights and not have to move camp in this rain that would get us through the worst of this rain this looks like a bit of a mess [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] Keaton's line came off the end oh that's awesome we're into Nook Lake through probably the worst part of the trip toughest part anyway beautiful and one Portage and we can start looking for a cat foreign [Applause] 600 meter Port into Bear Lake here and it was kind of nice actually we're all getting kind of chilled it's nice to get off the water and work our bodies a little bit now to look for camp hey don't film me foreign so we didn't like the site that we saw here on Bear Lake so we're going to continue to Caribou Lake it's a detour not part of our main Loop but looks like you should be scenic short easy Portage into this next Lake and we're really happy we did it it's beautiful crystal clear water foreign [Applause] but there was nothing in the bottom we're getting a pretty sweet campsite up here on this island very happy with it and we think we'll stay two nights actually just do some exploring from here tomorrow it's a pretty cool and wet day feels amazing to have tea and tarp and fire going I feel like I'm in like a little kid's chair right now you can find some bass in these Lakes it was much more tiring day than expected getting down the serpent River but great Camp here very enjoyable evening with the guys under the tarp and ready for a good sleep [Music] suddenly into day three and we're gonna base camp on this Lake today and probably explore around maybe get into the next lake or at least stay on this lake and fish maybe get something to eat from the lake poor Cannon crashed his drone he's paddling out to trying to retrieve it by the cliffs over there so the sun is broken through here much to our surprise we're expecting another day like yesterday and we're base camp here for the night have a nice relaxing day and hopefully got some fish to fry up and they're Electro in this Lake unfortunately that closed a few weeks ago for the spawning period for those that species but we hope that they're small with bass in here as well so here's another look at the map from our buddy Brad and explore the back country many thanks Brad yesterday we came down here into Caribou Lake and we're camped there on that island yeah we're probably just gonna have a look around this Lake it's quite beautiful we're considering going to McCool but on the Drone it doesn't look any better than this lake so the Caribou is where it's at yeah well I thought I was thinking I mean hopefully it does all right in the snow beautiful day two bad John's here from ruin a poet darn [Applause] okay mission for the day get fish to eat legal fish can't be lake trout sadly there's one across to the other side last win no just between the islands pretty nasty looking clouds behind us foreign [Music] wow wow wow it's actually a pretty impressive view very nice view the green water is incredible yeah very Colony yeah chinaguchi yeah and you just have this like you you know like I could I could throw myself over right now yeah yeah it's called Call of the Void laughs that was a beautiful hike up to the top of that Cliff we're now at the base of it huge Boulders we have a little lunch here and then wiped it on me so what happens when you get too close to people ew I just touched it my mouth is very sanitary it's like a dog house it's like a Komodo dragon I try to stay close to Max and Keenan this doesn't happen that way yeah hey little buddy big chaga here not a bite for one of us yet but we got sun and Cloud today instead of all-day drizzle that we were expecting so today is a win huge wind coming in here in the rain too I think is just behind it might have jinxed it we raced back to Camp to try and beat this weather and it hasn't rained heavily but the wind is just ravaging this island so Keenan race back to get the tarp down his big 15 by 15 tarp and we had to get rid of that it was just catching too much air so hopefully rain holds off we can make dinner Keenan's got a great setup here he pretty much exclusively uses big tarps and Bug mesh rooms works well for him especially when he's his dogs out Sandra he's a muck he's comatose I'll even be he's probably dead foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] around this Grill here Luigi sent it to us from Memorial outdoor Innovations really really love it it doesn't take up much room in the pack slides down the back doesn't weigh too much has a nice wide span for giving lots of room for pots and pans it's become an instant staple in my kit seen scene I really would like to go on a long trip like multi-month and come back and the world's just changed really that was awesome and that that always kind of excites me on a longer trip not being exposed to the news like what's happened in the world yeah it's always interesting thank you all right we're up in good time today having cold breakfast with coffee owner burners and we go to plow through a headwind to get off this Lake but then we should be sitting pretty with the Tailwind the rest of the day perhaps thank you all right we're at our first Portage for the day we haven't made a ton of progress on this trip yet it's been a pretty slow start we've done that nasty section of river but we have not done many of the portages we have close to 20 left over the next three days foreign Falls here as we get into whiskey Lake where we have a long paddle with the Tailwind taking a quick lunch break here on Whiskey Lake cold wind blowing Max is boiling up a big pot of water for coffee which is he's a hero it's gonna taste so good really quite chilly see Xander I pour myself last called manners awesome thank you everyone who helped you mean Max inbox and nice puller yeah did you serve yourself last and take the sand for the team oh yeah so grandma raised me flying down the lake with this Tailwind rain comes and goes but we'll take it if you need to make progress make great progress on this lake with tailwind and we're heading back onto the serpent River we're a bit worried about getting into super low water like we did on day two hopefully we can stay afloat [Music] thank you oh no we're going around proper stuff oh no oh rivers in low water [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] just sent the Drone up to scout the area and get a look and right as I passed over these shrubs here three bears and they startled and ran off and I didn't I didn't chase after them or anything I backed off the Drone but that was pretty amazing to see they looked so beautiful running down this Valley [Applause] foreign terrific scenery here on the serpent River I already know the way though we're expecting a pretty short Portage here but it's quite a lot longer than expected and we missed the takeout there's an old m r sign and it's in the wrong spot so we took it at the wrong spot it turned into a bit of a Gong Show but we're back on the right track and we're gonna camp on the Portage here's home for tonight peaceful spot by the river too bad it's so shallow because these Waters probably do not get fished and they might have piranhas though yeah that's true [Applause] 6 30. we're all set up here and got him for a meal like in this spot we're all pretty happy here as we've talked about before we try to resolve our differences with communication and when that fails violence oh [Applause] foreign so yesterday we left our camp on Caribou Lake came around the horn down the serpent River and we're camped on that Portage today we need to come up here and set ourselves for an exit tomorrow back on Quirk Lake but there are 13 portages in our way so we have a lot of time on land coming up [Applause] thank you all right there's two tape in that little oh yeah that's got to be okay all right time to start this marathon of portages oh nice well this first one has worked out beautifully we took a wrong turn briefly but corrected our our Direction and it's a good trail so nice speeding in these hardwood forests before a forest just never offers up an understory like this foreign it's the most Blue Sky we've seen I think you'll be paddling so hard you can do a headwind if you won't have to worry about it taking a break here in this Leeward section we've got pretty stiff headwind on the legs today so probably prefer being on the Portage really [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign North from Howe Lake now up a creek and is immediately very shallow so I think we'll be doing a lot of waiting here foreign [Applause] thank you pretty rough travel up this Creek we're gonna start portaging up it Xander descent out his drone to scout for us never trust a creek really beautiful in here though we think we're through the worst of it [Applause] [Applause] foreign ER of river and Creek on this trip has been hard earned it's been a grind but it's been so worth it the colors are bursting out here waterfalls around every turn it's really quite an amazing spot last foretosh so today did not really go as planned at all I'll show you in the map when we get to Camp but we're just going to try and find something as soon as we can it should be a beautiful Lake for our final night foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] so today we carried on down the river and up some of these Lakes we did half of the Portage as we expected to recapped there on May Lake and we thought we would be up here six portages farther but we're hoping that this road will take us back to our cars tomorrow we'll walk out drive the cars back hopefully that's gonna work I mean that was uh that was a trip it was what it was it was a lot more of an adventure than expected it's so enjoyable being around like you guys yeah that's true yeah a lot of fun yeah to be honest my favorite part was probably dragging the gym what yeah on day two or today yeah I I just I just like masochists yeah I just like beautiful yeah it's beautiful it's just beautiful yeah it was beautiful and there's there's Variety in it yeah I I exactly awesome trip flew by yeah it is very fast I heard this quote recently that someone was asked is it the journey or the destination and this had the company well said [Laughter] well guys cheers yeah it was a great trip great trip cheers next year this time [Music] yeah that's crazy man I still can't believe it yeah this this crazy team never been to Algonquin you like interior interior oh okay yeah yeah I've been to Highway 60 plenty okay yeah there's there's great spots like it's it's truly an awesome park it really is yeah that's wild I wonder if this thing picked up any sound whatsoever yeah my camera's probably already off there final pack up here cold morning foggy and we should be able to get out in good time as long as our Exit Plan goes off without a hitch [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] got us well our mission is coming to a close and we can't say it went as planned but they rarely do the weather was tough at times the rivers and creeks were nearly dry and the few chances we got to wet a line were fruitless but around Each corner we found stunning new scenes Cliffs waterfalls and fall colors that made a stop and stare however with the wrong crew it could have been a long six days some might find it hard to see the beauty when they're dragging their heavy outfit for hours on end in the cold rain it's true that sometimes it's not about the journey or the destination it's about the company this unit gelled immediately and fast friends were made here in nature Wilderness has a way of creating these bonds quickly when you realize how much easier things get when you work as a team when you get to camp in the rain and Keenan gets the tarp up Max gets a fire roaring I get water filtering and Xander opens a bag of chips there's an incredible sense of comfort and purpose in that little Community I already can't wait to assemble with this company again for another mission until then over and out [Music] no luck with the road we just walked at the first 900 meters and decided there's just no way so we're gonna have to start porting and hopefully at some point we can take the cars it's really an ATV trail so onward okay we'll go yeah I kind of like to get this part done you know rather than start on an uphill on my way home coming around Lake Superior obviously we made it out fine it was a kilometer and a half Portage to get back to usable Road and we walked for three kilometers got back to our cars and got out of there great trip and I just wanted to say if you haven't checked out Keenan and Max's channels already please do they're they're up and coming like they deserve a lot more views than they get so check them out and if you feel like you don't have room for more subscriptions in your life just go ahead and unsubscribe to Xander old woman Bay here Lake Superior Provincial Park beautiful [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: Lost Lakes
Views: 85,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost lakes, camping, fishing, ontario, canada, bushcraft, backcountry angling ontario, winter, wilderness, solo
Id: 4QKW92HdmWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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