7 BEST Last Minute Interview Tips and Tricks! | How to PASS your Next Job Interview!

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if you have a job interview coming up soon you do not want to miss this presentation because within it i am going to give you my seven last minute interview tips and tricks this tutorial is designed to help you to pass your interview and this is what i'm going to cover so i will teach you the best way to prepare for an interview if you have very little time left available i will give you my seven important last minute interview tips to help you be the standout candidate during your job interview i will tell you exactly what to say at your interview to pass and i will then tell you how you can access further resources including these slides to help you succeed so what's the best way to prepare for an interview if you have very little time left available well the best way to prepare is to focus your efforts on understanding what the interviewer is looking for from the successful candidate and all of the seven important last minute interview tips that i'm about to give you will enable you to achieve that goal let's get into them last minute interview tip number one make sure you read the company's website and their social media pages so if you read the company's website make sure you look at their about us page when did the company start and what do they do have they won any awards or have they been recognized for anything of significance now when the interviewer says to you what do you know about our company you will be able to answer the question with confidence it will give you something to talk about you should also take a look at their social media pages what are they currently involved in on social media what are their latest good news stories and make sure you look for something that makes them appealing to work for as a company so when the interviewer says to you why do you want to work for us you can reference what you have seen on their social media pages last minute interview tip number two make sure you look for keywords from the job advert and use them in your answers to the questions so the job advert will provide a description of the duties and the responsibilities the successful candidate will need in the role and you should be looking for key words from the advert and then be using them in your answers to the interview questions so one of the main responsibilities might be having an ability to work under pressure and also to multi-task so you could say in your answers to the interview questions i'm very good at working on the pressure and i always manage my work so that i can take on as many tasks as possible and by hiring me you will have the peace of mind that i will always take on lots of different tasks and projects and complete them to a very high standard because that's how you are going to be assessed against the job description so you need to reference keywords and phrases from the job advert in your answers last minute interview tip number three have your answer to the interview question tell me about yourself already prepared this is crucial now the first interview question that you will need to answer is going to be tell me about yourself or they might say introduce yourself it's the same thing now if you can answer this question well and with confidence it sets you up with confidence for the rest of your interview so here's how to answer the interview question tell me about yourself now you will notice here on the left hand side of the page in red i have highlighted three things skills and qualities experience and education and the type of person you are now this is what's called the set method this is something that i designed a while ago to make it easier for you to answer the question tell me about yourself because it sets you up with confidence for your interview so in your response to the question tell me about yourself talk about the skills and qualities you have the experience and education you have and also the type of person you are here's my example answer to the question tell me about yourself thank you for inviting me to be interviewed for this position today i have applied for the job because i have the skills and qualities needed to excel in the role i am a fast learner i am great at working under pressure i can manage a large workload i am a supportive team worker and i will always take care of your customers i have several years experience working in this sector and highlights of my career to date include helping my former employer increase sales by 25 and helping the team i was a part of to successfully launch new company products i am the type of person who has very high standards and if you hire me i believe you will quickly see a positive return on your investment that's a brilliant model answer that utilizes the set method s-e-t so you might want to take a note of that last minute interview tip number four write down your strengths and weaknesses before you go into your interview so knowing your strengths and weaknesses gives you lots of things to talk about in your job interview it also prepares you for the interview question what are your strengths and weaknesses which comes up during 99 of job interviews so here's a list of good strengths and weaknesses that you can use in a job interview let's take a look at the strengths first of all you are a fast learner you are a strong communicator you are a supportive team worker you are a resilient and confident person you are able to work well under pressure you are flexible and adaptable you are resourceful which means that you can turn your hand to almost anything you are adaptable to change so you can embrace change positively you are trustworthy and honest and you are a disciplined person so those are really good strengths that will be attractive to all hiring managers and employers let's now turn to the weaknesses now we have to be really careful with the weaknesses because we don't want to give a weakness that is a that is a match for the job we are applying for so these are all really good weaknesses you have a fear of public speaking or you are not yet confident at speaking in front of large groups of people you are not very good at giving feedback to other people you focus too much on the details you are always trying to please everyone you can't say no to people you are not aware of your full potential and also you lack confidence in certain situations so those are all really good weaknesses to give when they say to you what are your strengths and weaknesses so let's have a look at an example answer to that common but difficult interview question what are your strengths and weaknesses here's how i would answer this question here we go my strengths include the fact that i am a fast learner now this means i will come into the role and i will learn everything quickly so i can start contributing to the team goals in super fast time i'm very good at working on the pressure i remain calm and composed and i have the experience and knowledge to produce solutions to challenging problems i'm a strong communicator and whenever i deal with your customer or clients i will always act as a positive role model now in respect of my weakness this is the fact i'm always trying to please everyone and i find it difficult saying no to people this has resulted in me taking on too much work in the past however i am the type of person who always wants to improve and develop and i am learning to be more mindful in these situations that's a cracking answer you are loading it up with about four strengths at the start of the answer you are giving one weakness an honest weakness and you are then saying that you are trying to improve that's how to answer that common interview question what are your strengths and weaknesses last minute interview tip number five what's your greatest achievement so far so knowing your greatest achievement or your greatest achievements gives you something positive to talk about in the interview it also allows you to answer the interview question what's your greatest achievement if it comes up it is popular during interviews so here's a list of example achievements that you could use here we go number one helping your team win an important contract for your employer number two suggesting a change to working procedures or policies that improves efficiency at work number three working on a challenging project at work that ended up being a huge success achievement number four winning awards at work or being recognized by your boss for outstanding work and number five helping the organization to increase sales those are really good examples of achievements and the last one is perhaps you've been involved in a workplace charity event that raised money for good causes and you will notice here that i have given a list of achievements that are all work related now unless this is your first job and you've not been in the workplace before try and give an achievement that is work related of course if you've not been at work and you're a fresher or it's your first job give an achievement outside of work last minute interview tip number six now this is really important because this is how people pass interviews be positive and avoid any negative talk if you are negative about anything and i'll give you some examples in a second you won't get hired okay positivity is attractive so always be positive and make sure you smile during your interview it's very important a smile is contagious it doesn't matter whether your interview is online or if it's face to face smile and be positive do not be negative about co-workers or your former boss remember they are looking to hire someone who can make a positive difference to their team and they're probably going to ask you the question why do you want to leave your current job or why did you leave your last job here's how i would answer this question being positive i left my last job because i felt ready for a new and exciting challenge with a fresh and innovative employer i thoroughly enjoyed my last job and the team i was a part of achieved some brilliant things whilst i was there my boss was very supportive and she gave me lots of opportunities to grow and develop professionally however i felt it was time to move on and seek employment with an organization that was at the cutting edge of its industry and that had exciting plans for the future that's positive a lot of people when they answered the question why did you leave your last job will be critical of their former employer or their co-workers they'll say oh my co-workers weren't very energetic i didn't feel that they wanted to achieve that much that's been negative don't be negative about your former employer be positive throughout your interview and smile last minute interview tip number seven now i told you that i was going to give you seven interview tips i'm actually going to give you more and i'm then going to answer some of the more frequently asked questions people ask about interviews such as how long will my interview last how many questions will i get asked how early should i be to my interview so make sure you stick around for those but here's the last minute interview tip number seven think of three smart questions to ask at the end of your interview so they're going to say to you that's the end of the interview do you have any questions for us now some people will say no it's okay you've answered everything during the interview that's not the thing to say i'm going to give you some examples here of smart questions to ask in an interview i'll give you five and you can then choose three of them to ask at the end i wouldn't ask all five because the interviewer has other people to interview and they've got to assess you at the end of the interview you don't want to take up too much of their time here we go what advice would you give to the successful candidate who wants to do a good job in the role number two what's the culture like in the organization question three what are the plans for the company over the next five to ten years what would you need me to concentrate on in the first 30 days of starting in the role that's a great question and here's another one what if anything has frustrated you about people who have held this position previously there's five smart questions pick three of them and ask them at the end of your interview here's a bonus interview tip last minute interview tip make sure you close the interview in a positive way so at the end of the interview they'll say that's the end of the interview thank you very much so don't just get up and walk out say something positive here's how to close an interview i would say thank you for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed today for this position i've really enjoyed the process and learning about your company now i appreciate you have lots of people to choose from but if you do hire me i will not let you down and i will be a high performing trustworthy and loyal member of the team thank you very much now that's the last thing they will remem remember you of they'll remember sorry that's the last thing they will remember about you when you leave that interview room it's a very positive statement so say something like that at the end of the interview let me now answer some of the more frequently asked questions relating to interviews the first one is here we go how early should i arrive for my interview well if the interview is face to face or in person aim to arrive at the interview venue 20 minutes before so you want to be waiting in the reception 20 minutes before your interview however if the interview is online log on to the platform whether it's zoom skype microsoft teams whatever it is 10 minutes before the start of your interview but you should make sure you download the interview platform the day before your interview so if it's zoom or skype download it the day before familiarize yourself with the platform but then log on 10 minutes before the interview is due to start second question about interviews what should i wear to my interview this is a real common question i shouldn't need to tell you but what you wear to an interview says a lot about you and your intentions for the job you're applying for now regardless of the job you are going for wear a smart outfit that is clean and presentable this doesn't mean to say you need to go out and spend money on an expensive armani or armani or gucci suit it doesn't have to be expensive but just wear something smart and formal it shows that you are serious about the job question number three how many questions will the interviewer ask me well ordinarily the number of questions you will need to answer will be between eight and twelve but this number will increase for technical related job roles so if you were applying for example to become a software developer or a web developer you will get asked more questions question number four how will i be assessed during my job interview well you will be assessed against the job description so make sure as i said at the start read it and familiarize yourself with the document and you can then reference keywords and phrases from the important document and that will help you to pass your interview question number five what should i do if i cannot answer an interview question this is a good question well if you can't answer an interview question don't worry about it but you basically have three options number one ask the interviewer to come back to the question later on this gives you time to think about your response number two be honest and say you don't know just say i'm really sorry i do not know the answer but this is the one i would choose if i don't know the answer to an interview question i would say um i don't know the answer but i will get back to you once the interview's finished and i get back home i will email you the answer that's how i would answer that question sorry that's what i would say if i can't answer an interview question what do i do if i don't have any work experience well don't worry they have invited you to the interview based on your resume or your cv so just focus on your strengths your skills and your qualities and tell them that effectively you are a blank canvas and they can train and develop you up to be the perfect employee use the fact that you have no work experience to your advantage and question seven i'm really nervous what advice can you give me well this is common of course you're nervous you should be nervous now being nervous is natural if you weren't nervous about your interview you probably wouldn't really care about the job so it's a good thing but remember the worst thing that can happen is you don't get the job it's not the end of the world there will be other opportunities and i'm saying this because i want you to pass but i'm trying to get you to get rid of those nerves so i'm not saying be blase about the interview far from it but just remember nothing bad's going to happen it's an experience that you can learn from so take deep breaths smile and be positive and remember to prepare your answer to that first interview question tell me about yourself because if you get off to a flying start it gives you confidence for the rest of the interview now if you'd like a copy of these slides and also answers to to my 21 tough interview questions click that link right now in the top right hand corner of the video it will take you through to my website passmainterview.com you can get a copy of these slides and you can also get model answers to my 21 tough interview questions i hope you've enjoyed this tutorial don't forget to subscribe i am on a mission to help as many people as possible to pass their interviews i can only do that if you are subscribed i will help you throughout your career don't forget to give the video a like and you can also connect with me on linkedin if you want to i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video it's always great to connect with like-minded professionals such as yourself so good luck with your interview don't forget be confident be positive and go for it you have absolutely nothing to lose you can pass your interview it doesn't matter whether you've got it coming up in an hour or tomorrow you will be successful be positive good luck in your interview thanks for watching and have a brilliant day thanks
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 131,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interview tips, last minute interview tips, Last-minute phone interview tips, Last-minute online interview tips, Morning of interview, last minute college interview tips, How do I answer tell me about yourself in an interview, interviews, interview questions and answers, how to pass a job interview, questions to ask in an interview, strengths and weaknesses interview question and answer, freshers interview tips
Id: Ggj8l-OiLrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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