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okay y'all it is that time of year again and I am so excited about it it is officially pasta salad season and y'all know how I feel about a good pasta salad it is like my favorite thing ever so today I actually have six pasta salad recipes share with you guys I've got some pasta salads with chicken with ground beef with no meat at all there is literally something for everyone and they are all so easy so scrumptious you're gonna be loving these all spring and summer long I love a good pasta salad by the pool or the beach okay so let's go ahead and get started on the first one [Music] now this first one might be Bunky's favorite and by the way he's cutting grass so if you hear the lawnmower that's there but gonna be obsessed with this and I don't see a lot of pasta salads with ground beef but today we are making a cowboy pasta salad and it's gonna have tomatoes and scallions and cheese and ground beef but the best part is the sauce that is going on it like that is where the magic is I almost forgot this recipe has bacon in it as well so maybe we'll cook this first drain off some of the grease leave a little bit of it and cook that ground beef in the bacon grease now if you want to make this even more simple and skip this step you can totally just use like a bag of bacon bits as well but since we have this like good bacon I'm gonna fry it up okay now two things one while the bacon is cooking I want to go ahead and get our like sauce for this pasta salad concocted so all those flavors can kind of marry together and then two I am going to make my famous pasta salad recipe because honestly y'all I probably get asked about that recipe once a day it is like one of my top asked questions and at this point I have perfected it so I know I've made it a hundred times I'm gonna make it again with you guys a little bit so I want to go ahead and get that chicken for that pasta salad recipe and some marinade so it has some good flavor so I've got my chicken tenderloins back here for that recipe and I want to talk to you all about the marinade for it so if you know that recipe originally I always made it with the Newman's Own parmesan Aristo garlic and I still love it sometimes it's hard to find and because it was hard to find I started using the Kraft roasted garlic normally this is about like half the price of this one as well and you know I make this pretty much every single week it is one of my favorite things to eat and I almost have gotten to where I like it better with a roasted garlic so that's what I'm going to actually use today to marinate our chicken of course I always add in a little dash of the Kinders garlic and herb as well okay we will set this aside and use it in just a little bit we need to check on our bacon so here is the one up for our sauce that we're going to make for our Cowboy pasta salad the recipe actually calls for a spicy brown mustard we don't have that we have this one so this is what I'm gonna use and then some Worcestershire sauce some mayonnaise Sriracha or any hot chili sauce will do and by the way I don't know if this is like new I was looking for the green cap and I couldn't find it and this one says by Texas Pete so I don't know never heard of that one but I'm gonna give it a try and then whatever your favorite barbecue sauce is you all know we're going to use the Kinders Cali gold because that is our Jam so I'm gonna get this concocted and then after I drain off our like excess grease from our ground beef I'm gonna add a little bit of Crusher pepper flakes and some ground cumin to our meat to season it now of course I'll have this recipe linked down below for y'all but you know me I'm totally about to just eyeball this entire recipe and that's the great thing about cooking if you like it more spicy add more Sriracha if you wanted more barbecuey add more barbecue like you can totally make it your own [Music] it's honestly best that I got this extra crispy because it makes it super easy to chop up our pasta is over on the stove it is finished we have our sauce done our bacon our ground beef so the last few things we have to do is drain this corn and actually just had this one on hand that has poblano and red peppers that's going to give it even more flavor use what you got so we'll do corn I need to go ahead and shred our cheese sharp cheddar if you ask me it's going to be really good in this go ahead and chop our scallions and then wash and half our tomatoes and then we will just put this entire thing together [Music] foreign [Music] how's the grass cut and going the gas is low the grass is also low oh well that's good that's good even working hard out there yeah okay I want you to taste our sauce concoction and tell me do I smell bacon yeah I cooked bacon but I want you to taste this and tell me like if you feel like there needs to be more or less of something before I poured over top what is this supposed to taste like or am I just won't find it just tell me what you think oh a little Tangy a little spicy creamy [Laughter] good it's very good this is like a Southwest Sauce isn't it well it's like mayonnaise barbecue sauce Sriracha mustard yeah I mean this this is like really tasty really good yeah it's really good this is gonna be really good on some pasta salad okay well I'm Gonna Leave it then I'm not gonna do anything else to it I wouldn't make any adjustments to that okay we're gonna build this pasta salad we got the pasta I did the cheese all the things here we go can I just have a bite of bacon to hold me over yes that's good oh thank you what about a kiss for the chef chef's kiss no I just want to kiss for the chef just a kiss for the show thank you [Music] fresh out of the shower you look good you smell good thank you thank you do you notice anything different about me I already know that you trimmed your beer today oh I just haven't said anything okay new oh I knew that up here was like fresh okay are you ready I'm quite ready this is literally just a bowl for bunky although um we are going home for Easter tomorrow and my thought is that we're gonna take all of these I definitely need to yeah home with us okay baby that's a spatula no it's like a squirtle you said that was a spinner we'll be here all day folks [Laughter] this looks really really good like I feel like you're going I bet this would actually be like excellent when it's chilled and it's kind of sat you know as with any pasta salad of course is this the cowboy pasta salad Cowboy pasta salad from a cowboy oh my God that is so good it has all your favorite things that ground beef cheese tomato bacon okay I put so many scallions in there like so many wow oh the sauce is so good that's incredible this is incredible I'll put this up there with my surprise level when we made that broccoli casserole and how good it is wow okay this is really good you know how you love taking pasta salad out to the beach yes this is a pasta salad I wouldn't be very happy to take out to the beach with me all right all right all right we dipped it and did it funky and because it has the ground beef in it I feel like I'm actually like eating or something like having dinner almost yeah like sometimes when I eat pasta salad I feel like I'm getting short changed on the the actual meal element of it but not with this can I say something crazy too yeah this kind of reminds me of like a Big Mac Oh I think this is like eating I mean it kind of tastes like a Big Mac but it is like really good [Music] so for this next one it's a little bit more unique I think because first of all there's no meat in it but Bunkie keeps saying he feels like this is more of like a dessert pasta salad which I guess kind of but I think this would be a great like side dish if you're making a pork tenderloin or like that's exactly what I was about to say really yeah because of the the fruit yeah or like some sort of like roast chicken this would be such a good side dish and if you need something for Easter this is good you know what this would probably be real good with as Assad what the honey mustard Italian dressing chicken like yes that would be a so good great flavor pairing like I told you guys we're taking like all of these pasta salads home because tomorrow we go home for Easter weekend and we have Easter lunch with monkey's family and then I'm sure we'll do lots of cooking and also have like some sort of Easter lunch or dinner with my parents or my family and I feel like my mom is going to love this one like this has Vicki Limeberry written all over it so I went ahead and did our prep works that this could be just like really easy so you need some Mandarin oranges some red grapes strawberries and I just tried to like slice them as thin as I could oh you did a good job on that thank you and then also some red onion we're gonna put feta on there it's gonna have this delicious poppy seed dressing and that is going to be so good home style yes and we're also going to put some baby spinach in there when I made my pasta for the first recipe I just made enough to have for this one I'm just making this a smaller batch well I kind of feel like with this one the pasta is like a secondary item to some extent because I feel like you want more strawberry it more of the the fruit and such to be this the star of the show yeah like a like an equal ratio of everything is probably good yes when I told monkey about this one he was like I feel like this needs like less pasta more fruit the pasta just kind of like gives it a body yeah so I'm just gonna add in everything that I went ahead and prepped [Music] it's like so as they say satisfying just watching all that go into the bowl yeah and it's so pretty I know nice nice colors there I'm thinking for the um baby spinach I'm gonna give it just like a rough chop because no one wants to like have this massive piece of spinach they're biting into so I'm gonna chop it up just a little bit add that in our poppy seed dressing and this is literally done I don't think you need to chop the spinach I'm gonna disagree with you on that okay because I feel like once it gets that dressing on it and stuff yeah it's gonna kind of Wilt up a little bit like it's not gonna stay okay as it is I'm gonna I'm gonna go with monkeys recommendation yeah what does the um I'm just asking you now what does a recipe say the chocolate or no I didn't look I don't think they tried I don't think you need to chop it okay I don't want it to like so because it's so pretty it's gonna shrink up yeah I think this is a good way to kind of get those greens in there too you sure these are some big leaves like you're gonna buy all the way into that uh-huh okay now you're taking back what you eat oh you're taking it back aren't you I mean if that's baby spinach I don't know I don't want to know what like full size finish looks like I think I was right but I'm gonna let you have it okay now we got some feta going on this is the best part right wow adding the feta you can just kind of pour however much you think well I want to taste that because I'm telling you I've never had this exact one but I always love like wearing a restaurant and they have like a this is what um comes in that kale salad kit that we get oh that's what that's why I love it yeah yeah this is a good dressing oh classic funky oh it says I am a born at china shop and he's not kidding all of our feta cheese just like flew out of this bowl I think I needed a bigger Bowlby doing a fantastic job there thank you I think we need a little bit more dressing [Music] okay we're gonna let this sit and kind of marry together while I make my pasta salad okay so now for my pasta salad so I have all my chicken in my air fryer and I've just been cooking it this way because it saves so much time I don't have to like cook it all on my stovetop or volcanoes I have to grill it it's just like 11 minutes in the air fryer of course if you want to use a rotisserie chicken you can do that just like chop it up and then put that same marinade on top of it and let it sit in the fridge for a couple of hours so your chicken has all that flavor or if you have leftover chicken or if you want to grill it however you want to do it I just find that it's really easy and I can prep a lot of it in the airfryer at 400 for like 11 to 12 minutes how while our chicken is cooking I'm gonna go ahead and chop up our cucumber and our artichokes these are my favorite artichokes like this is the can I always buy at the grocery store and I just give them a rough chop and then I cut my cucumber into like little bite-sized baby cubes and then feta now if I was making this for bumpy I would add like tomatoes and red onion but for me I just love the Cucumbers feta artichokes chicken pasta it is so delicious [Music] foreign [Music] cucumber artichokes all the things here's how I assemble my pasta salad I do let my pasta cool because I like to eat this one definitely cold so I go ahead and drizzle some of my roasted garlic dressing and then I take my cutting board this thing weighs like 10 pounds now yeah it's heavy and I literally just push everything in here and make a huge mess which Daisy is so happy because she's like please drop some chicken well she can have this cucumber I think look at me though Daisy May is yours oh goodness she is chunk so happy I actually did it for her secretly huh secretly for her yes now I love a ton of feta so I'm gonna add all of this in no you did not yes I did it's like you're just eating cheese no that no that's the in chicken to Fed a ratio trust me those are uh like everything that we've uh mixed up tonight it's been so nice and colorful I know now this would be a lot prettier if you know I put stuff that you would like in here like tomatoes yes that's all I'm saying is like if you want to add tomatoes in here you can red onion or even black olives like what do you like in it oh I think some black olives even like just what you already have right there black olives will be good Perfection yes just to give I love black olives now I know you do okay I don't know you don't want to try it like that you need to get you a can of sliced black olives yeah I do okay so more of our dressing a lot because that pasta is going to soak it all in do you know who else is soaking that in because you'll like get it out of the fridge the next day and you'll be like wait there's like no juice so you kind of gotta add you know I would say a good amount it is the best the best ever I love the artichokes the Cucumber gives like a little crunch the dressing is so good the feta like I don't know why but these flavors are 1 million like it's just so good okay you wanna taste that's yours now yeah wait by the way I'm taking this home but not one person's touching it but me just yours like this one is just mine which is why I can double dip in it that surprisingly good surprisingly you love all those things I was a little bit hesitant about the combination of all these various things together however the I think what like the The Vessel part is is the um the oranges oh yeah like they're and and actually I can see why this is actually really good it's because of that Poppy dressing oh yeah probably dressing like I just like that is such a good flavor yeah well it has just so many different flavors going on because of the feta cheese and then the spinach but then the fruit like the strawberry and the orange I feel like give you like a little burst of like juicy fresh bright yeah it's fun it's it was fun catching the little orange there it's like a little yeah you remember gushers yeah it's like a little oh I used to love some gushers I like both of these very much okay these are some great recipes I kind of duck down because hopefully y'all can see me I think if I stand up my head will be cut off okay we've got three more awesome pasta salad recipes that we had to share in this video because they are favorites so here's our other three favorite pasta salad recipes okay so for this first recipe Bunkie has so graciously arranged our tortellini beautifully over here we did go ahead and cook this and then let it cool because we are making an Italian sub tortellini pasta salad does this not have Mr monkey's name brand Oliver it's almost like the grinder sandwich mine is like the lettuce but all of those same ingredients we're gonna do salami and pepperoni and banana peppers and all the things this is gonna be awesome we got the bowl okay we've got banana peppers red bell pepper onion this right here is gonna be the goodness oh marinated fresh mozzarella balls oh my gosh I forgot about those being part of this I love when you're digging around in that fridge because sometimes we can't find all this stuff I need to clean the fridge out also we have provolone we have parmesan we have pepperonis salami cucumber I mean this is like the Staples where the olives at I don't have any olives babe I have that other jar of the um Olive medley that we put in the grinder so we're using we'll use that and then once we get this all assembled we will build your little sauce that you're in prepping the things so let's get to prepping okay and one more tip I do want to say just like in my other pasta salad that I always make that you guys know I love and whenever I use cheese tortellini I will cut them in half so that like you know less tortellini goes further so that's just like my little tip [Music] thank you look how pretty this is so colorful wow once you get the onion on there it's like we're going to have the uh Italian flag oh we're making we're making an Italian sub monkey I don't even play in that that was good that was good y'all I'm gonna kill him today you know you know what it probably is what you know what it is you're hungry you ain't fed me you are hangry but can you please let's make this fast so we can feed you for goodness sakes this happens far too often oh yeah I think every single person watching this can attest to the fact that I feed you very well okay listen let's cut your pepperonis and salami into little strips so it's easier to see I get massive laughing monkeys being so spicy I want my peppers and cutting the strips oh monkey yeah this is rare form this is so rare form [Music] hmm that's good yeah I don't know if it's because I'm so hungry or if it just tastes good okay here's your bowl let's start building it and we probably gotta separate this a little bit you know yes I almost feel like I'm just eating vegetables here I know it's gonna be so nice oh it's this close to being keto friendly well that's the thing okay so in this recipe we found on Pinterest you can make it two ways oh and one of them is like keto friendly and they were saying like basically to make this minus the tortellini and just use like romaine and then it's like a big crunchy amazing salad oh my gosh now that yeah that would be so good too we gotta get our olives out girl oh yeah [Music] so they like go further as well so yeah that'd be nice Sorella going in do you think we should cut the provolone into strips yeah yeah oh I was gonna put in their um whole slices yeah okay they're taking my little knife Theo roll up to the slice how do you like that they're beautiful thin strips are you impressed actually yes you've continued to impress today Bob thank you bumpy okay all of the provolone going in looking really good actually thank you thank you very much okay so also to this we're going to add in some like fresh herbs if you just have like basil that would be really really good in there and then we're gonna add in bunkies Olive medley Italian olive salad let's go with like two heaping spoonfuls so like this okay oh yeah I think that in yeah there it is that's good yes ma'am all right so for this dressing we're gonna use some of the submarine dressing that we use on monkey's grinder I just find this in the deli section at our grocery store like where they cut like fresh meats and stuff if you cannot find this or you don't have it you could just do like olive oil red wine vinegar salt and pepper kind of whatever you want add some like Italian herbs in there um but this is gonna be so good but we will do a splash of regular vinegar too because you gotta like kind of brighten it up you know a little bit of a little bite little bite okay are you ready I'm ready drizzle this right on in you don't want like swimming and dressing but you want to be like nice and coated and then let me get the vinegar and a little splash of this is that good yeah so you always add more liquid yeah do you want any um banana pepper juice let's not start with that okay okay first of all before we toss this can we just take a moment for how absolutely beautiful it already looks and I feel like summer food you know is always like so pretty and colorful and refreshing and refreshing that's like what this reminds me of oh my gosh B this is gonna be insane okay this is like a bowl of beauty are you so excited we're finally going to feed you this man's not gonna be angry no more just helping the ball bunk oh bonky monkey stop it's I mean it's so good it's actually been difficult for me to stop taking a bite and actually describe it to you that's how good it is but the um the banana peppers and I mean the pepperoni and salami in there that is just such a great classic combination one thing that I'm actually really liking in there is a little bit of the olive medley we put in there yeah I mean overall this is just absolutely fantastic and it's probably going to be even better in a couple of hours or tomorrow yeah we're going to make this again so the first recipe that we're going to start with is a Mexican street corn pasta salad oh my goodness it's gonna be so good [Music] so as soon as my water comes to a boil I'm going to go ahead and add my pasta and I'm just going to use this rotini but you can use whatever pasta you want and then I'm going to take my two cans of corn I'm going to go ahead and drain them you can use whatever corn you have I just happen to have these in our pantry so it's like a regular can of corn and then this one actually sounds so good it's a Southwest with poblano and red pepper so I think that'll be delicious in there so I'm going to drain these and then I'll add them to my baking dish and then we'll drizzle them with some olive oil salt and pepper and then put them in the oven to broil for about five to seven minutes until the corn is like almost crunchy [Music] thank you [Music] okay pop like this under the boiler for about five to seven minutes but I'll keep an eye on it here is the lineup for like our cream sauce that we're about to make I'm gonna do some sour cream some mayonnaise just a little bit of salt and pepper a pinch of this cayenne pepper if you want to leave this out you totally can and then the recipe actually calls for um chili powder but since I have this chili lime seasoning I'm gonna go ahead and use this but if you just have chili powder then use that and then we're gonna do the zest and juice of a lime and then some garlic powder so it's going to be packed full of flavor and of course I will link this exact recipe down below for y'all foreign [Music] okay I actually missed one ingredient it also calls for just a little pinch of ground cumin as well [Music] foreign [Music] I went ahead and drained it and I'm just letting it cool and then I just pulled the corn out of the oven and it looks perfect I love all those little charred pieces I just want to like get in here and grab all of this because it looks so good so I'm gonna go ahead and drizzle this pasta with some olive oil and just a little bit of salt and pepper and then I'm gonna get bunky to help us with our oh man is it like it smells like Feta it's like Feta parmesan it's like a it's like the feta texture and a parmy taste that is wild tasting cheese all right I'm just gonna knock some big chunks in here to start us out okay wow this just crumbles I know this is going to melt right in there let's leave some larger chunks too okay and then add my cilantro too baby [Music] don't you worry sugar okay now we're gonna add the corn you wanna do it yeah I'll grab it for you [Music] Landslide of corn there [Music] y'all does this not look so good already oh my gosh why do we add this cream sauce okay now to this I'm gonna go ahead and pour in some of this sauce and I'm gonna do it all at once because I don't want it to be too much we'll just add a little bit stir and then see if we need more one more little sprinkle of the cheese and then we'll top it with some cilantro and this will be all done [Music] Okay this not only looks amazing and beautiful but I'm sure it tastes amazing so I say Bunkie and I taste test this bad boy I'm so excited okay you go ahead baby just try not to drool on myself it's actually really good that one pair so well with a multitude of things the one kind of corn that we have is kind of spicy so if you don't like spicy don't get that one but I think it gives it so much more flavor so if you like a little Heat try it with that because honestly it adds to it but this is so good I want everybody to know that you should keep this in your refrigerator at all times we have just been introduced to this delicious Wonder uh-huh secondly I think that some blackened shrimp oh yes not like Cajun blackened shrimp but kind of like a nice it's got a little texture to it you know that kind of shrimp yes maybe shrimp and I can already tell you it's gonna be better get yourself a pile of that pasta salad and then just lay about six or seven delicious shrimp across the top of it oh that sounds like a good summertime dinner and now I'm going to get started on our pesto pot okay so I've got my water boiling over here and I'm gonna just use this rotini pasta I chose this one because it has all the little Curves in there so all that pesto and yumminess can kind of like get in between those and give it all the flavor um since it's just funkina I'm only going to use about half a box of this but you make this much as you eat for your family so I had to end up making a little bit more bacon because we use the rest of it for the potato salad um the pasta is done but I am just letting it cool so we went ahead and drained it and then I just wanted to show you guys what else goes into this pesto salad so I just have these mozzarella little Pearl so these are the ones that are like individual little balls in there if you want to get the bigger balls you can totally do that or if you want to like slice your own fresh mozzarella I would put it into like bite-sized pieces though but this is just super simple way to do it so mozzarella of course some pesto I'm gonna do a little bit of lemon juice and then I'll dice up these sun-dried tomatoes I thought that sounded really good in it we'll top it with a little bit of Parmesan and then of course that bacon and that's it so simple and so flavorful [Music] so I have these cut up and I wanted to show you guys kind of like how big these little mozzarella pearls are so you can see they're super tiny and the sun dried tomatoes have a little bit of oil in them as well as the pesto so that's why I did not add any like olive oil or anything in here I am going to do just a little bit of lemon juice to kind of give it a little bit more um liquid and I actually tried this like little Tick Tock trick that I learned um where you put a skewer through each end of the lemon or no one side right monk only one in so you don't pick all the way through and then you can just like squeeze the lemon juice out it's a pretty cool trick um I've already used most of the juice of this but anyway fun fact um so I'm going to add a little bit of lemon juice and then I'll just start assembling all of this okay so I take it back the pasta does need a little bit of olive oil I was so surprised at how much liquid this pasta absorbed as it sat and right before we ate it I feel like it was a little bit dry so I did just add a little bit of olive oil it made it perfect but definitely don't skip that step here my camera died or back in business last thing is just to top it with a little bit of Parmesan cheese because who doesn't love some pesto and parm and that's it bunky already tasted it he said he wished my camera would not have died because he was like it's amazing yeah like I mean I want to eat the whole Bowl that's what I want to do oh and Bunkie said um if you put some chicken in there it'll be good oh yeah with some like grilled chicken like cold grilled chicken heading out to the pool great snack yeah it'll be it'll be so good I love some sun dry uh sun dried tomatoes yeah they are delicious and then mozzarella oh my gosh so yummy like y'all you have to try this it is so good this is very springy too yeah it is such a going for Easter Sunday or just like a picnic I couldn't just imagine going out to the park spreading the blanket out you got your little like woven picnic basket oh yeah next thing you know you pull out this delicious container of pasta salad just sitting there with the ants and the butterflies and the birds holding my hand of course Whispering sweet nothings to me still in kisses is Daisy there I think Dizzy's there with us Daisy is there for sure there might even be some ducks and turtles oh wow if there's a pond wow yes for sure and I hope it's a fountain as well when it might be sunny out with some clouds drifting about some fluffy clouds that we can look up and try and figure out what it is we can make dinosaurs out of the clouds yes green dinosaurs thank you
Channel: Jessica O'Donohue
Views: 175,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jessica O'Donohue, easy recipes, pasta salad recipes, best pasta salad recipes, 6 pasta salad recipes, cook with me, easy cooking, recipes, cooking, spring side dish, summer side dish, summer recipes
Id: qmRLZTmteA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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