6mm AR

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well my guys this is Chad with Iraq veteran 8888 you guys ever heard of a six millimeter AR no this is not six millimeter Creedmoor no no no I'll talk a little bit more about it as we go let's take a few shots here at the big five hundo with 105 grain pill a little tiny pill go ahead alright ready yep got a good strong tailwind I'm just gonna hold center mass go good shot you're in there [Music] man [Applause] probably about a 4-inch brute submit it yeah buddy alright so six millimeter AR this is a project I've been working on for a while if you guys have been following my progress with this rig and even way back dating to like the the two to four Valkyrie stuff that we were working on this kind of came out of the two to four I I never would have known about this cartridge had I not done a lot of work with the two to four Valkyrie so this is a just basics basics here okay this is a 6'5 Grendel neck down to accept a 243 diameter projectile so typical six five is a 264 about 123 grains or so going down to about 100 grains the 243 projectiles that you can run in this we can go from a 58 grain or even less all the way up to about a 108 so it's a very wide range very similar to what you could get out of the Valkyrie however the Valkyrie didn't really fit the bill for me from a hand loading perspective it was very problematic in that department very problematic with the twist rates and a few other oddball things if you guys want to learn more about that go back and check out some of our old 2 to 4 Valkyrie videos also did a reloading video on the subject where I mentioned diving into the 6 millimeter here but this thing is just done exceptionally well with everything I've put in it from 70 grains all the way up to 108 brain pills right now at this moment I have just over a thousand rounds through this rig as it sits and a little history of the cartridge and then we'll talk about this rig and we'll shoot a little bit more and we're going to push out to about 750 yards today this cartridge was developed in tandem with a few other Wildcats that Robert Whitley put together back prior to 2010 right around that time frame he's a very well known high-power rifle competitor and he had used the six millimeter AR and variants of that cartridge for a number of years in three hundred and six hundred yard competitions and it really piqued my interest because of the fact that it was so flat shooting it could run the long high BC projectiles like these 105 Greenberger vld hunting projectiles and I'm running in this particular load out to some pretty respectable velocities through this 22 inch X caliber barrel here I'm hovering right around 2,700 feet per second and the reason that I wanted to go with a 6 millimeter over say something standard like a 6 v Grendel was because it more matched the capabilities that the Valkyrie should have had so long range work going out past a thousand yards slightly before you had any sort of problems with the projectile going transonic being able to have minute or sub minute accuracy potential out of a small frame AR with those kind of speeds retaining a lot of energy downrange for hunting scenarios that was really what piqued my interest about it and this particular cartridge we're just shooting at five hundred yards I still got right around a thousand foot-pounds of energy at five hundred yards which is just incredible to me out of this frame the small frame here you'd have to go up to something like a 308 or a similar large frame cartridge to get that kind of performance and really the variance of this cartridge here they come very close to 243 performance at 243 Winchester performance there's a couple other varieties of this the turbo and then the turbo 40 that give you even more powder capacity and you're sending these rounds downrange at even faster velocities so enough about the cartridge just a very brief synopsis but we'll talk about the rig real fast and then we'll proceed to shoot a little bit more and have a little bit more fun on the range here but this may look familiar to you this is the same rig that I did run in the 2 to 4 valkyrie videos with the xcalibur 6 and a half twist barrel the only thing that is really different is a few accessories that I have on here I did change the optic but the barrel which is really the heart of accuracy is the same manufacturer this is an Excalibur barrel it's the exact same thermally fluted 416 stainless steel cryo treated profile that I had in the Valkyrie up front I'm running an RMS to hope Heike this is a cane that I had custom-made got a superlative arms direct gas impingement block this is a fully adjustable block here it's a 12 inch full rifle length gas system the upper receiver has been lapped this is running on an Anderson poverty pony lower you know we like our poverty pony stuff around here I've got a standard a tube butt stock with a bradley cheek riser on top here a guy's Lea high-speed national match trigger Radian 45-degree safety selector guys lis charging handle the super charging handle there and I'm also running their super precision mount this is a 30 millimeter cantilever mount is very very high quality and within that mount I'm running the loop hole LRP vx-3 i this is a six and a half to 20 power model with the large elevation turret up top this is a really really cool optic and this is actually a demo model that i purchased from OpticsPlanet a little while back and this optic has the CCH reticle in it it's a proprietary Christmas tree radical from leupold with 0.25 mil holds so it's a little bit less busy than something like Horace h 59 but still gives you good capability for being able to do long range just holdover work in this particular video I'm just going to be dialing I did dial up to 500 yards there and that was a two point eight mil BCM grip BCM rail up front with em lock and up under here I have an ARCA rail mount from MDT this is for running like the backbone bag system that I picked up from coal tech it's a bag mount that can slide along this arc rail and you can position it anywhere you need for competition shooting I did compete in a PRS match down to South Georgia with this particular rig not terribly long ago the rig performed great it's just everything about it it pretty much in my opinion in my experience it maximizes the potential of a small frame AR it's just you're not going to get more power and more downrange energy and more long-range performance out of an ar-15 unless you do something in the Grendel family of cartridges just my personal opinion of my personal experience but let's take a few more shots down here I've got my little ammo novel here keeping my stuff on the shade so alright so we've got 14 rounds here in these ASC magazines and these are just standard six five Grendel mags found that loading in the full capacity with this particular projectile even at magazine length I'm still getting a few little weird binding issues and I think that was what's causing me some problems at the match I had some weird flyers downrange and just all kinds of crazy mess going on that I wasn't terribly impressed with but yeah you live and learn so let's take a few more shots and then we're going to turn around and shoot 750 here and this crazy contraption that you see this is a tactical brass recovery systems brass catcher I was looking for brass catching rigs because I didn't want to lose any of this laughs low brass this is the life labrats that I'm running this about a dollar apiece initially and I picked up this brass catcher very reluctantly because they're a little expensive they're around the $200 mark but this thing has been just fantastic actually shot the entire match with this brass catcher in place and it didn't hinder me at all getting in position and I was able to recover pretty much every piece of brass except for the one time that I forgot to put it on you know the brass life has been excellent on that cartridge that's one thing that impresses me so much about it has been this lot here that I'm running in this video is only a second firing so this is the second time that I've loaded this particular lot of the first lot that I initially tested what am I on now I think the eighth firing if I'm not mistaken but I've been keeping very detailed records of this and you guys can follow that link in the description box below if you're curious about some of my some of my information and some of the data that I've collected using various weight projectiles and such but I've shot everything from 70 graders all the way up to like I said the 108 and they've all performed great and 70 grain pills I can get those to the mid 3,300 feet per second mark you can push them a little bit faster but I wasn't getting terribly good accuracy out of them on the very top end but it's a lot of energy for something like a coyote or prairie dogs it's just super fast it's just so crazy I mean even inside of like 150 200 yards it'd still be a great deer cartridge it would be the vld hunting projectiles from burger they're designed to they're designed to you know go into something like a deer and just go a couple of inches and then basically violently explode they're not meant to expand or anything like that they're not a hollow point type projectile but they're meant to to fragment and just dump all their energy in a very small area just right inside of an animal and I haven't had the chance to test that out yet but that's one thing that drew me to the cartridge as well is that 6 millimeter it's legal in pretty much every state for hunting so you can go pretty much anywhere in the states here and use a 6 mil and get away with it for medium sized game so that's another plus to it maybe that's something we'll test out in the future video we might be able to take this thing out for a hunting video I'd like to sit in the ritz-carlton and kill a deer from about 450 yards away you might be able to arrange that go ahead whenever you ready I'm gonna shoot the coyote so I'm just gonna dial my bill yeah I'm gonna dial today okay so one mill 1 mill shoot him and then I'll shoot the gopher next to go fair to go fair and we do have some heat out here today and we got some Mirage like crazy it's just not the best day for shooting at 1 mil center mass good shot man my 3 inch group that Mirage is just crazy that coyote is doing this with that being said try to go for now trying to go for why not oh man you got a lot of Mirage that go first tiny he's probably moving around like go for a foot wart all right you'll see go fair go ahead yep keep doing that about the same group size yep I tell you man been out before I want to go this is little guy or you want to let me let me see where I'm at on the big dong there first okay I haven't confirmed this thing in a little while these are all half-size t-28s down range guys they're shoot steel AR 500 targets so 1.8 and the the coyote and go for targets or shoot steel targets as well alright good do that again a little little bit of wind changing down there for sure yeah it's pushing you around a little bit all right let's see let me try that little tiny target he's kind of hiding in there yeah it's hard to see on camera but it's down in the ditch way over there on the left alright let's see that's a challenging target to hit yep impact just off the right edge just off the left edge just off the right edge about an inch you're not missing by much that's a full hundred yard shot that's it that's a tough target hit at 400 you shoot one more mag at the remaining targets we're gonna book you got 440 and you got five minutes and then we'll take some shots out 750 and then I don't know if chat said it but in a future video we're gonna take the six millimeter AR out to some extended long ranges pass probably a thousand it'll be interesting yep it will be alright I'm just gonna shoot a few shots on for 43 there 43 youngers a long way alright to point to center mass okay good triangulation [Applause] thanks max with some Authority it does about a maybe just under 5 inch group and spine good triangulation though it's all in a nice group I said typically what I've seen at range with this thing is it holds MOA right over right under most of the time roughly a minute gun out to a grand and it's mean it's an auto loading rifle I mean I'm not expecting it to shoot tiny bug whole groups okay I'm expecting that the hold MOA at least out to a longer range and these days frankly I don't care what something does it 100 yards as long as it's not shooting like four inches but let's go up all right 2.8 and then we're gonna shoot five again I'm just gonna finish this mag off and then we'll move on okay all right five hundo again go I don't wanna miss on the bolt I don't want to mess up my nice group there put them on the boat keep doing that yeah that was down there in your other group just over his right shoulder yep those rounds probably in the size of a small plate maybe six inches you know that that top of the target is really hard - yeah make out oh yeah just like over the shoulder again yep not terrible same spot a shoulder all right I'm gonna go back to center mass just off the right edge of the plate yeah not bad enough not terrible what this thing cool off it's uh I don't know if she's ever had this much shot through her in one sitting it'll be hot out here man it's hot too so let's all let her cool down we're gonna push out to 750 and see what can be done all right guys I'm gonna punch a six-millimeter AR out to 750 yards that's the longest range we have available here we are gonna in a future video take this out to some longer ranges because long range is always fun got dialed up to five and a half mil and we're going to give a half a mil hold for spin drift and see what happens Chad spottin what's going to play the wind a bit I've shot this rifle a little bit not as much as Chad but let's just have some fun all right going for the big gone yeah just to see where it's at okay see we're working with in fact just high center in fact [Applause] can't tell where that one impacted that's there in fact winds pushing around a little bit back back in fact I'm gonna go for the D 28 to the right of it sure your grouping is favoring slightly right maybe 2/10 of a mil at this range if that going for the half-size ya couldn't see the impact I'm not seeing anything man it's on there that one was might be on the low side I just don't see the impact right over the shoulder on the left side look like yep what a you know very smooth recoil in this rifle I like that quite a bit and I do like that that lowered tilt on the safety that's a nice feature and the guys Lee trigger of course is a always a welcome upgrade and this optics not overly busy I definitely like it in fact in fact all right now you're favoring center mass look I'm gonna go for the popper all right now that's a one in my way target so it's right about eight inches yeah I couldn't tell hey you're punching a little bit further here impact dead center just about just low and slightly left look like impact impact impact maybe who know barely off of it just off the left side a little bit of head wind just off the left side same place right in front of it we had a head wind come in just ahead of it back [Applause] right in the dirt look like yeah I could deal with that the accuracy is definitely not terrible at all I mean for a short action autoloader and delivering that kind of energy downrange and the speed that that round is traveling downrange I like the cartridge a lot to kind of mirror what Chad said you know it is a hand loaders cartridge so it's not for the faint of heart this is something that is going to take a little bit of playing around a little bit of load development remember this is not something you're just gonna waltz into Walmart and pick up ammo off the shelf I mean this is a this is something where you're really chasing performance out of a short action AR cartridge and you know it can really be had with a little bit of effort and extrapolation and remember guys when Chad is working up loads for these guns it takes a good bit of time to really dial these things in just right you know there's a lot of factors to consider when you're talking to developing a really accurate hand load and that's probably something we're gonna do a video on in the in in the future where we'll talk about metrics that you need to keep in mind when it comes to developing loads for your favorite rifles we've done a good bit of work developing hand loads and we've come up with some really interesting results and we've learned a good bit over the years about the different testing standards and the different signs that you should look for so we're certainly in that turrets we're here but guys thank you very much for watching today's video we appreciate all the support all of you who support us on patreon you purchase man cans t-shirts merchandise over on the website any money you spend on the website or donations go directly back into supporting the channel thank you so much for believing in what we do that's the most direct way that you can financially support us so thank you very much for watching today thank you for our supporters we'll see you next time many more on the way [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 249,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, 6.5 grendel, 224 valkyrie, 6mm AR, 6mmAR, 243 LBC, 243LBC, 6mm grendel vs 224 valkyrie, 6mm grendel vs 243, 6mm grendel barrel, 6mm grendel velocity, Wildcat Cartridge, 6mm Grendel, ar 15 wildcat cartridges, 6 grendel, grendel wildcat, grendel wildcats, 6mmar upper, 6ar, 6 ar, 6mm arc, 6 arc
Id: JE7kar1FIl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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