6mm ARC Load Development - 58gr Vmax & 70gr Nosler

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[Music] what's going on guys uh sitting here with one of our dna um renegade model six millimeter arcs side charged um running 22 inch barrel 10 twist going to do some load development real quick collect some velocities um happen to find some benchmark powder it's the only powder i could find that had a close burn rate at this crisis time right now where you cannot find powders primers projectiles or anything but did manage to find some benchmark that should work pretty well in this uh configuration we're gonna run 70 grain nozzler ballistic tip boat tails and 58 grain horny v maxes collect some data and let you know what we found for velocity findings we're using the magneto speed v3 and uh plan to deliver a real nice report for you guys so let's get started [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right guys so uh we just pulled up all our data on the test we performed shooting this uh dna six millimeter arc um which is wearing a 22 inch barrel gas system like this national match which is a rifle length plus two they did this in a 10 twist for the sake of i know a lot of you guys are saying why 10 twists you know why did hornady and all these other barrel manufacturers opt for that seven to eight twist uh area well the arc was designed to shoot heavier longer projectiles higher bc with the intentions based primarily on long-range principles as a predator hunter and our customer base which is primarily predator hunters um we seem to find that the lighter projectiles work better for predator hunting because at night time when we're hunting often it's hard to judge yards so we want something fast and flat to 400 yards in very rarely are we taking shots over that distance so we prefer to have a fast and flat trajectory so knowing that we want to shoot projectiles in the 58 to say 75 grain range which is going to have that shorter bc the 10 twist is going to provide good stability for these projectiles yet also allow us to get the most out of it for per velocity because in the world of predator hunting there's an old saying that goes by speed kills so let's keep that in mind that's why we're running this 10 tours so we just did low development basically only one powder because powders are about impossible to find right now due to the economic issues that are taking place right now in the country y'all are buying up all the powders and didn't leave me nothing to play with so we did all the testing today with one powder known as benchmark we did testing with 70 gank grain nozzle ballistic tip boat tail projectiles and 58 grain warranty v-max protections today we shot five shop groups that way we had accurate standard deviations data that provide as well as group sizes as well as well as velocities that were collected with a magneto speed d3 we started with charges of 28 grains at the top right here this is uh all nozzle right here 70 grains from here below was the hornady vmax 58 grains also bear in mind this is a brand new barrel but did not even break it in it's fresh so you can expect after probably 200 rounds or so velocity to pick up a little bit maybe as much as 100 foot per second but i would definitely expect 50 foot per second anyway so accuracy also may be even better than what we got out of this test because once again we performed the testing we didn't break it down clean do anything like that we went straight into testing on a fresh barrel so let's look at the 70 grain data that was collected best group was actually with 30 grains which was our max charge we ran from 28 28 and a half 29 29 and a half and 30. this is called a ladder test the best group of all of them was 30 grains with 57 point er it was 573 inches thousandths group 0.573 which is almost a half minute and the next was actually 29.5 just above it 0.655 655 thousands um both these groups are definitely acceptable in my book for predator hunting above that or our charges that were below that such as 28 20 and a half and 29 grains were all above a minute on 70 grand so i definitely would opt for the 29 and a half grain charge um 30 grain it shot great we had a standard deviation of 10. um on the 29.5 29 and a half grain we had a standard deviation of eight and a half both very good now standard deviation let me explain what that is that is saying more than likely this gun is going to shoot this load within let's say 10 foot per second of each other or eight and a half foot per second of each other each shot means this is giving you a roughly it's going to shoot approximately this difference of each shot and velocity so that's what we're saying when we say standard deviation the one thing about the 30 grain is where we started to really notice some pressure as you've seen before definitely had flat primers uh had a pretty good ejector sway so i would probably opt for the 29 and a half grain load if it were me on this one moving into the hornady v-max 58 grain we worked it the same way 28 grains up to 30 and half a grain increments five shot groups the best looking group was at 29 grains we had a group size of 0.662 662 thousands a standard deviation of 15.6 muzzle velocity average was 32-18 not too bad from there we had 28 and a half and 29 and a half one up and one below that 29 grain we had a 819 thousandths group 845 000 square both still approximately three quarter moa deviations were a little high on the 28 and a half grain we had a deviation of 26.8 but on the 29.5 gram we had a deviation of 8.1 so once again that's very good for deviations now in my history i've had a good performance out of each of these projectiles a lot of the guys on the team uh dna crew um we typically prefer to run the 70s from coyote so i really kind of tend to look at this data harder so if you got some benchmark laying around and you pick up one of our barrels and you want to work up a quick load i would either be looking at 29 grains of benchmark with a vmax at 58 grains overall length is 2.063 now if you look at that mode we're going to be looking at the nozzle 70 grain glycerin tip dovetail at 29.5 grams of inch mark overall length at 2.152 that's what i'm seeing for performance you
Channel: DNA Firearm Systems
Views: 7,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t8Sl6flD4-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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