6mm arc-BROWNELLS/FAXON BARREL What you need to know

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hey what's going on guys i'm going to talk to you today about some of the issues and some of the concerns that you may come across with the 18 inch brownells 6 millimeter arc barrel let's get it to it [Music] all right guys so here's the build that you saw me building in the video it is for the six millimeter arc also known as the six millimeter arc and also known as the submit six millimeter advanced rifle car cartridge this round was introduced by hornady about a year ago i'm not going to dive too much into it but just log on to hornady's website they have tons of information specifically for the cartridge not diving into the build uh what until i get a little bit more trigger time behind it and i would do in-depth overview of the setup it's more specifically about the barrel this is a brownells barrel manufactured by faxin brownells just stamps their name on it it is the 18 inch 5r rifling 1 and 8 twist with a mid length gas system okay overall once i received the barrel i was pretty impressed because previously i purchased a barrel and i was extremely disappointed it's not what you want to see out of any barrel that you receive from any manufacturer at all i reached out to brownells they did not respond back to me so i ended up reaching out to the actual manufacturer's barrel manufacturers of the barrel and they told me to send them some board scope footage and i did they immediately told me to send it in and i'm just waiting on that to get back to me and i'll have a in-depth overview about that situation and what happened so stay tuned for that now this is um i was pretty impressed with the barrel overall and how uh it was shipped and everything before i even put together i borrow scoped it so uh here's some borescope footage so here's right out of the barrel extension into the lands everything looks pretty good move it on down the barrel no issues no signs of rust nothing like that the lens looked pretty dang good now there's a bright reflection because they actually did have some cop or barrel grease whatever they're using when they ship it now on this one i was really taking my time because like i mentioned previously the barrel that i got prior to this one was just a complete disaster so it's a little bit longer than and wouldn't normally do a video of that's really clean i was really impressed with it moving up onto the gas port everything looks really good no sign of burrs or anything like that very clean moving on down toward the end of the barrel so overall i was pretty impressed with how the barrel looked when i received it from brownells and as you can see on this barrel i have a just standard gas block okay now i did that re because when you look at brownells website and you look at and you select the six millimeter arc barrel and then you select brownells the facts in one and you actually take a look at the descriptions it doesn't specify what type of gas block it only shows you gas port sizes and a gas block profile and i took it a step further looked at the q and a's and one guy did ask about what type of gas block he should get and the technician only responded with a point size 7.750 gas block profile now anybody in their right mind would think they could just go with the standard gas block i i decided to do that just to see what would happen so that's why i made this video now when i was actually at the range i was having quite a few issues uh now one of the issues being uh when the barrel was reciprocating a lot of times the brass was deflecting hitting the brass deflector or actually hitting the ejection port itself and what would happen the bolt the brass would actually beat the bolt back on its return and the brass was just literally just getting slammed and hammered by the bolt like this as the other well as that as the other round was trying to feed from the magazine okay now i do have some of those rounds and it they were just completely destroyed and i can't even reload them that happened around two out of the four times to me and then twice to my buddy that was firing the the rifle and it was extremely overgassed i did videotape some of the gas and some of the range footage and so let's take a look this is gonna be the best grip of the day if i don't [ __ ] up holy [ __ ] all right guys so as you saw in the video it was ejecting pretty crappy uh you're one two o'clock and sometimes even hitting the injection port and falling right next to me and i'm hoping it is an over gashing ish gassing issue it seems like it and to fix that i did purchase a jp enterprise adjustable gas block it is the jp gs5b adjustable gas block and hopefully that rectifies the how the system's running now i did this because i know there's going to be people wanting to purchase the brownells barrel and i purposely did this just to see how this was going to function with a standard gas block because someone can honestly make the mistake and just get a standard gas block and overall i am pretty impressed with the barrel now i only fired 86 rounds out of the 120 140 rounds that i had and i didn't complete all of them because i just got tired of how the system was operating and i was pretty happy with it i was firing the hornady black ammo the 105 motel hollow points and i was pretty impressed because the day was windy it's just windy as hell and the range that i go go to it's kind of in a valley and when the wind comes down it just blasts through the range and it just kind of crappy situation sometimes when you're trying to zero or do anything at all honestly but i was using 100 yard range and i ended up with a 0.719 inch group with a standard deviation of 22 and an average velocity of 26 11. now the velocities were pretty depressing to begin with it was at the high 2500s and my last six rounds i was able to get it over 26 2600 so 26 11. in my experience that's kind of what happens your first i don't know 100 120 are kind of slow and once you kind of reach that 200 round mark you're gonna know what your barrel is going to be doing because it's you know it's broken in and i decided about it too i plan on reloading uh for this and pushing it to its limits i really want to see what this thing can do now for reloading as of right now i have the 95 grain sierra tipped match kings gonna see how those do and i also have the 103 eod x's and this is in their hunter precision load i can't find those anywhere out here so um i'm going to be reloading those and seeing what kind of velocities we can get out of them i also have the 100 grain sierra tip match kings along with some 105 burgers and those are going to be on the way so stay tuned for the videos i'm going to be doing some reloading videos some reloading live videos and hopefully you guys will like it so that's about it for this video guys if you did like it you did find that it was helpful you learned something um like share subscribe it uh subscribe to the channel i'm also going to be starting a instagram called maxed out tactics and i'm also going to probably start a patreon and so uh stay tuned for that this is just a passion of mine i love fire i love reloading me beating the military i grew a passion for it again if you like the video like it share it and subscribe appreciate you all watching and i will catch you guys on the next one later guys here's boys
Views: 5,094
Rating: 4.7119999 out of 5
Keywords: 6mm arc, 6mm arc reloading, hornady, brownells, faxxon, advancedriflecartridge, 6mm arc magazine
Id: xQQg2Efb2Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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