6.5 Grendel - 135gr Berger Classic Hunter

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all right folks welcome back it is time for our next six-and-a-half Grendel video the last couple videos we've been screwing around with our new facts and barrel but today it's time to get down to it it's time to test some bullets and the bullet for today is the hundred and thirty-five Greenberger classic hunter a little bit heavy for the Grendel right kind of on the heavy side but back during our fax and Barrel test videos I shot a five shot group of these guys with some video vory in 140 and it was the best group was shot it was a six seventy two with four bullets in one hole and then one just out a little bit so that really piqued my interest and I'm looking forward to seeing how these guys shoot with some other powders and what sort of velocity we might be able to expect out of them so like I said they are a hunting bullet but I think these are really you know these are intended for the higher velocity cartridges like 6.5 Creedmoor which we shot this bullet in Creedmoor in the last video so from searching around a little bit it looks like the burger bullets like these have a you know minimum expansion velocity or a minimum effective velocity around 1,800 feet per second so I think we're gonna be lucky to get up around 2400 with our 18-inch Faxon barrel so that only gives us 600 feet per second of effective velocity but that should be good for a couple hundred yards which is enough for me here you know hunting in the woods in Kentucky you're not gonna chuck them out at antelope at 600 yards but it might be a good short range hunting option here for the Grindle I don't know they are a bit expensive cheapest I found them was at match a shooter supplies at like 42 bucks a box up to like Midway had them for 51 bucks a box so very expensive bullets but hopefully they'll shoot well now I have no load data for these things none at all so I'm kind of making it up as I go here and the powders I want to shoot today the first is accurate 25 20 pretty good velocity powder for the Grendel but we're generally limited by how much we can cram into the cartridge now accurate has got load data for this powder in 6.5 Grindle but they only go up to 123 Green bullets so what I did I can't say it's exactly smart probably but I took all of their other data that they've got for this powder from 85 grain bullets up to 123 grain bullets I plotted them on a chart you know we loves us some charts around here and tried to look at where the trend line was going for max charge out at 135 grains it looks at like right about 28 grains of powder now this might get us in big trouble powders certainly don't behave in a linear fashion like this but it gives us something to start with so that's what I want to go for a max charge 28 grains and we'll just keep an eye on pressure signs as we go the second powder I want to try is a new powder to me I just picked it up the other day it's Alliant power Pro varmint I've never tried this powder ever but I went ahead and picked up a can because Sierra bullets just released their 6.5 Grindle load data a couple weeks back I'll have a link down in the description if you want to go check it out and this was kind of their high velocity powder that they tested they tested it in all bullet weights and it was max velocity in all of them the problem is that these PowerPro like 2000 and more varmint 300 MP that they're not on any of the burn rate charts so I'm not even sure where the heck this thing Falls I've heard it's near the old reload or 12:00 but I don't know for sure but we're gonna try it today and you might say that's a little cruel to take Sierra's new data and there get a get a powder recommendation off of their data and then shoot a competitor's bullets well next up is gonna be the 130 grain game King it's also shown some pretty good accuracy in our initial barrel test so I'm really looking forward to that guy and it's coming up next so I don't feel too bad but I did the same thing with Sierra's data with power probe varmint I put it on a chart and it also landed this rider about that 28 grain mark when we look at a trend line going out to 135 so we're gonna shoot the exact same max charge with power Pro varmint 28.0 grains now like I mentioned we shot five of these already in this gun and I've only got one box and I used 50 of them in Creedmoor I've already used 55 of them here in Grindle so we've only got 45 of them left so what I want to do is I want to take 20 shots with accurate 25 20 and we'll shoot 26 and a half 27 27 and a half and 28 the half grain increments are a little bit big for what I like to normally do but when I'm working with no load data this gives this opportunity to try and hit a little wider range so that'll give us a grain and a half of range starting at 26 and a half going up to 28 with powerpro varmint I want to take 25 shots and we'll shoot from twenty six point zero up to twenty eight point zero the brass were using is Hornady this is the the kind of new batch of brass we've been working from in the last couple videos and these guys are now once fired so once fired Hornady brass that i've tumbled and cleaned up and it's looking all shiny and pretty for primers I want to use the CCI 450s and did I mention overall length for an overall length let's let's just stick with two point two six zero so that's the plan for today so let's get started let's get some brass resized alright so I'm using my Forster fulling sizing die and here with this chamber yeah now that I've got this new faction barrel with the titer chamber or at least we found out in the last couple videos that the chamber in this gun is much tighter than the Saturn barrels I've been used to with the horn of the headspace comparator I'm seeing one point two one four sometimes at one point two one five it's kind of a long one point two one four you see the little see a little extra half half a thousands there it's a one point two one five I see a lot and then yeah one point two one four five let's try to set up our seating die to bump these guys down to one point two one three that should be enough sizing for for good function I hope right now I've got the die screwed down until it touches the shell holder and it's pretty tight like you might be able to see the the the you know the current of the press would lit a little bit so it's down making good contact but it's not screwed in nearly as far as we can go if we have to it went a little bit too far seeing a one point two one two here yeah but you know what that's just fine so that's that's our sizing guy set up that was easy so let me get these guys run through actually I'll tell you what let's see how much they're stretching all right this guy before sizing is one point five zero eight and after sizing 1.5 1/2 so stretching for thousands there let's check the next one one point five zero seven or one point five zero eight and after is one point five one one so that this is still fine I'll check them all here once we finish sizing but one point five two zero is our maximum overall length or our maximum brass length so probably still won't need to trim all right so sizing is done I'm getting the Lube wiped off these guys and the next step is going to be to deburr and chamfer the case mouth and then after that we'll be ready for some primers alright now I'm just getting these guys primed here with this Frankfort Arsenal hand priming tool and I'm still trying to get used to I'll tell you what after years of using our CBSA and priming tools the the different organ on exterior man are really screwing with me but I've been trying to trying to stick with it and get used to it it does seem to be a nice tool but it's just different sometimes it's hard to get used to different but yeah kind of feels like cutting with the left-handed scissors you know so I was afraid this 28 grain charge of 25 20 would just have ridiculous case fill and it would be way over compressed like you know super compressed but it's not the powder level is just you know a little bit down below the shoulder I probably won't be able to show it to you because it's so far down in there but I think we're gonna have enough room to get a bullet in there without getting absurd with the compression I'll tell you what I'm gonna have to get some more actor 25 20 I'm still got enough left for this video and a little bit more a little bit more work in 223 but I want to need another can sooner than later and it sucks my local shops don't really carry many accurate powders to begin with and I've never seen him have 25 20 this can actually I had ordered and paid the hazmat fee so I either need to do that again or I need to make a trip to the big city and hope I can find some in stock alright so that's it here I've got my 20 rounds I've accurate 25 20 weighed out so let's let's start seating some bullets okay out with the sizing die in with the seating die I am using my Forster ultra micrometer seating dye and what was our overall length two point two six zero now during yesterday's 6.5 Creedmoor video with this bullet I did find quite a bit of variation in overall length due to me plant irregularities with this bullet but I found excellent consistency when we measured overall length to the ogive so that's what we'll do here I'll get it basically set at two point two six zero to the tip and then we'll see what sort of consistency we're seeing at the ogive yet to the tip we're seeing like here's our max length two point two six six which should still fit okay in the magazine and the shortest of two point two five nine so 7 thousandths of variation to the tip so let's measure to the ogive one point six five four one point six five five or five six six five five six five five and six five five so once again see quite a bit of variation to the tip but down at the ogive where it matters they're right on the money alright so with our heaviest charge here let's let's measure and see if our overall length grew any one point six five five and one point six five six are the exact same numbers we saw in that first group admit one point six five five so good I don't feel any powder moving around and one point six five six so I don't feel any powder moving around so I'm pretty sure this is a completely full case but it's pretty lightly compressed we didn't like our the seeding stem and our bullet seeding die didn't leave any major marks on the bullets or anything goofy like that and our overall length didn't even grow so yeah good to go so I think that's pretty much it I'm going to weigh out the the power probe varmint charges and get those bullets seated if anything exciting comes up I'll let you know but otherwise I'll just see on the range all right folks it is camouflage coveralls weather out here but that's not going to keep us off the range today we've got a target at a hundred yards and we're gonna shoot our 135 burger classic hunters I just got done shooting this same bullet in yesterday's video which was a 6.5 Creedmoor video the bullet shot awesome so I'm really hoping it's gonna do the same here in the Grendel so my gun does have the 18-inch Faxon match series heavy fluted barrel yesterday's video I was shooting a 12 power scope today this is a 24 power vortex Viper PST so I'm gonna feel like I've got supervision today so let's get started I'll be shooting with the suppressor and with the magneto speed Qurna graph the entire time I better clean the clean the snow off the magneto speed so let's get started now I'm really hoping that the snow doesn't accumulate in the lens on my target camera so if the if the targets are looking fuzzy that's what happened but here we go twenty six point five grains of accurate 25 20 is first I'm thinking we shouldn't have any problems with barrel heat or suppressor heat all right I like that start all right no pressure signs on the brass but at 2087 feet per second we shouldn't expect any so we're moving on 27.0 grains of 25 20 and now the sun's coming out okay brass is still looking great velocity is still nice and low you know that's what you like to see when you're making up your own load data so moving on 27.5 grains [Music] okay last up with accurate 25 20 is 28.0 grains it doesn't look like we're going to get there as far as velocity like these velocities are pretty low but like I think I mentioned it to bench well so far the brass looks perfect so we've got we've still got some case capacity left to move up if we want to my camera's gotten too dark hadnĂ­t there we go let's try that so last up 28.0 grains all right outstanding group 23 36 feet per second with a 3.7 feet per second standard deviation so as we reach that full case as standard deviations tightening up oh yeah definitely want to try and push this guy a little bit farther with 25 20 no doubt about it we'll have a little closer look once we get back to the bench but at least out here with the muddy and snow covered cases I'm not seeing the least bit of any pressure sign so that's a good thing all right time to move on to power Pro varmint alright I tell you what let's do a little scope adjustment here these are three quarter-inch dots we're shooting that today just just for your information so let's go right three-quarters of a minute yeah and let's go up a minute half that should put us right on top of the dot I think so moving on to power probe our Matt 26.0 grains is first hopefully we don't blow her face off let's find out let's chase down that first piece of brass velocity nice and low mm 66 feet per second no pressure signs to speak of on the brass so looking good that's very similar velocity to what we saw with accurate 2520 see if it'll group alright so it looks like it is going to group mm 72 feet per second with an 11 point one feet per second standard deviation that is extremely close that's about 15 feet per second slower than accurate 25 20 very similar standard deviation number so next up 26.5 grains all right nice group 21 14 feet per second 6.6 feet per second standard deviation it's all good brother all right still no pressure signs to speak of so we're moving on 27.0 grains is next so I just realized that I'm a big fat idiot I forgot that we only shot four groups with accurate 2520 so in reality powerpro varmint is giving us more velocity per grain than accurate 25 20 so like 27 grains which was our last group we got 21 64 with PowerPro varmint and we got 21 37 with accurate 25 20 at the same charge weight so about 25 feet per second slower with accurate 25 20 interesting so nope no pressure signs at all on the brass so we're moving right along next up 27.5 grains [Music] all right so we've got not so much as a hint of a pressure sign on the brass it looks perfect so moving right along last up 28.0 grains of powerpro varmint this powder is making an excellent first impression all right last velocity 2261 with a 10.1 feet per second standard deviation we didn't set the world on fire with velocity but that's completely okay and we double-checked the pressure signs here on this last load I'm not seeing a darn thing on this brass it looks outstanding so I tell you what my freaking fingers are just about frozen they're covered in crap from picking up brass and wiping fouling off a brass so let's get inside let's warm up let's regain feeling and let's talk all this crap out because I think we've got a truly exceptional bullet on our hands all right first things first let's have a look at the brass which is going to be a quick look because there's not a whole lot to show you here let's look at the maximum charge of accurate 25 20 if I can get one out of there or a couple of them out of there still a little bit dirty but case heads look outstanding nice round primers not even an ejector mark to be seen so doesn't seem to be any sort of pressure problems whatsoever okay here's our max charge are 28 grain charge of power Pro varmint same sort of deal nice round primers no ejector marks no rims getting chewed up just everything looking absolutely perfect here so far with these two powders actually now that I look closer that right hand piece does have a little circular mark on it but I'm pretty sure it's from the previous firing none of its shiny at all so I think it's from the previous firing so looking good all right folks I'm pretty excited about this accuracy for one thing our new barrel our new Faxon barrel got the job done right I don't care how good the bullet is if the barrel is complete garbage then it's not going to shoot so this made this builds my confidence in our facts and barrel but man this is a good bullet this is a really good shooting bullet you know our worst group here so yeah so let's start with accurate 25 20 our worst group here 0.78 to which we seem to have caught a you know a bit of a transition here right we were kind of low and then the group after was a little bit higher so I think that group was just kind of caught in between in a transitional phase and I mean honestly after the last video where we talked about the barrel whip of the fax and barrel I thought we might see a whole lot more of that but you know we really didn't like you know there there was a pretty minor shift and then down here with Power Pro varmint you know from Lois charge the highest there was a general upward trend in impact but nothing crazy like nothing drastic so I was afraid the barrel was just gonna be you know whipping groups all over the place and at least with this bullet didn't seem to be the case so both both bullets were good as far as accuracy went but I think we'd have to say the power Pro varmint was definitely the better shooter in general here like the last group opened up to a 723 but a lot of these other groups are really excellent our best group of the day at a 451 we had a 573 a 607 and a 670 that that's just good shootin I'm pretty excited to try more things with this power Pro varmint looking at our brass I mean I think we can push it farther and I want to find out just how far we can push it we were at 22 61 was our highest velocity so I'm gonna be ordering more of these bullets and I mean honestly these same two powders will probably get tested again you know let's push them farther let's see how much actor or you know how much velocity we can get out of this 18 inch barrel we might pull out some of the big velocity powders for Grendel CFE 223 lever evolution maybe but at least at this point neither one of these powders has given us a reason to abandon it right they're both shooting pretty darn accurate velocities are starting to get interesting and we haven't seen any pressure signs so let's just let's keep on trucking so I was also pleased in general with the with the standard deviation numbers we had a couple crappy ones like there was a 19.8 was our worst by far and then we had a 12 and a couple around the 10 mark but still for you know four ball powders it doesn't seem bad doesn't seem bad at all - it's just all good man it is absolutely all good we found an awesome bullet we tried out a pretty new and so far awesome looking powder we didn't blow our face off even though we made up the load data out of thin air so very successful little video here I haven't really put a game plan together here for Grendel from this point forward I mean I know I want to keep to continue testing with the 135 burger but I've got several several other interesting bullets on hand that I want to get to and I'm not sure which one's gonna be next but now that we've got the barrel figured out and we're kind of you know we've successfully made it through our first little bullet test I want to keep them rolling I want to keep testing stuff I want to track down some good stuff for this gun and keep the Grindle videos rolling so I think that's where we'll leave it if you'd like to help support my channel you can come to patreon.com/scishow ting I really appreciate all of you guys who support me over there it means a ton you can also check out my affiliate links down in the description and yeah thanks for all the support I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 37,873
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Id: ugg90NzUkIk
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Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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