130gr Sierra GameChanger in 6.5 Creedmoor

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all right folks it's time for our next 6.5 Creedmoor video and today we're gonna look at the six point five millimeter version of the Sierra game changer this is a new huntin bullet from Sierra this is a hundred and thirty grains the box does say tipped game king so that might be the more reasonable thing to call it but they're marketing these as the game changer we've already tried out the 30 caliber version of this bullet we shot some into ballistics gel and they expanded really nicely so we're gonna try them out here today in 6.5 Creedmoor and I'm gonna shoot some into gel to see if they perform like the 30 caliber version did the powder for today is one I've been one to try for quite some time in the Creedmoor reloader 16 we've had good success with reloader 17 but reloader 16 supposed to be pretty similar I think you get a little bit better velocities with reloader 16 but more importantly it has better temperature stability yeah thinking they put on their exceptional temperature stability TZ technology how can you go wrong with TZ technology for low data we're gonna go straight off of this Sierra load data for there is a hundred and thirty grain tipped match King I don't have any on hand to compare with but here's a lineup of what I do have to compare it with the 130 grain Sierra game King is on the left it's one of the hollow-point game Kings and we've had some pretty good accuracy out of that bullet then you've got the Sierra game kick game changer I've got the 130 grain burger otm tactical and then 142 grain sierra matchking so hopefully that gives you a better idea of what this bullet looks like I think it's quite a bit different from the tipped match King the ballistic coefficient numbers on this bullet are not quite as good as they are with the tipped match King now the good news for us is the 130 grain game King the little short hollow-point and the 130 grain tipped match King both show a max charge of 44 point four grains with reloader 16 and I went over to the Alliant website to look at their load data and with their hundred and thirty grain bullets the max charges were in the forty four to forty four point five grain range so everything seems to be lining up I think I think we're going to go up to forty four point zero today well back off those max charges that we're seeing just a little bit and what we'll do is four tenths of a grain increments puts us starting at 42.4 this is my first experience with reloader 16 so don't want to push it too hard so back to the comparison of this bullet to others another thing I found interesting was the 130 grain tipped match King has got a one in eight twist warning like you know requires a one in eight twist 130 grand game King and this 130 grain game-changer don't have any 1 in 8 twist warning so that's just a little bit more evidence even though I don't have one here to directly compare to that I think the shape of this bullet is quite a bit different than the than the tipped match King so we're just shooting 1 powder today because we're shooting 2 guns I've got my Thompson Center compass bolt-action rifle and we've also got the ar-10 with the ballistic advantage barrel so we're going to shoot 25 rounds in each gun now for brass I'm going to be using different brass for the two guns a viewer named Richard has sent me a hundred pieces of this small primer Peterson brass this looks like really nice brass he's already done some prep work to this stuff he did mech turn them to a uniform 15,000th and he D bird to flash holes so I don't get to show you that part but I think what I want to do is shoot these in the Thompson Center compass and we'll shoot the Starline brass that we've been shooting pretty much all along here on my channel since we got into the Creedmoor will continue to shoot that in the ar-10 one thing about this Peterson brass if I line them up here for you you'll hopefully be able to see that it has got a under sized flash hole and right on their site they say it's an undersized flash hole measuring 60 thousandths which will require you to use an undersized decapping pin so luckily he sent these to me fully prepped and ready to go and they arrived in perfect condition another thing I should mention about Peterson brass is they come in a nice little ammo box yeah you won't be able to see it but this says Peterson match grade brass really nice kind of your standard 50 round ammo box with foam in the top and all of that stuff so that's pretty cool these came in perfect condition they're already you know sized and ready to go they fit in my gun so I'm gonna go ahead and load them like they are but before we get to the point where I need to resize these I've got to figure out a solution on the decapping pin front I either need to order another universal kaping died perhaps or I don't know what I'll do yet we'll save that discussion for later but be aware of that if you're getting Peterson brass you're gonna need to accommodate that under sized flash hold the price on this stuff is it's kind of in the middle because Lapua is a dollar apiece or maybe just a little bit over then you go down Starline brass is sixty to sixty-five cents and Hornady is fifty to sixty cents these kind of laying in the middle if you buy them by the 50 they are $36 for 50 so 72 cents apiece and if you buy a big pack of 500 you can get them down to 61 cents so it's just barely more expensive than Starline but I've been extremely happy with Starline so we'll just we'll see how it goes we'll shoot it here for a while and see if there's anything to like or dislike about Petersen brass it sold over at graphs so graphs comm graph and Suns another one of our excellent retailers in the reloading world that's where you get your Petersen brass so is that it we're ready to go we're not ready to go we're shooting CCI 41 primers did I mention that hopefully I did I've actually already got this fifty pieces of brass 25 pieces of the Peterson primed and ready to go and 25 pieces of the star line overall length with this bullet the maximum overall length in my gun in my Thompson center compass was two point nine five nine inches sierra recommends two point eight one zero with the tipped match king so if we assume it's the same here with the tip game king then that would mean about a hundred and fifty thousands of jump but luckily with the Thompson Center compass we've got an extremely large magazine where we can shoot stuff long and still feed it so I want to shoot these really long let's go for two point nine five zero the bullet seating depth as far as you know the amount of bearing surface touching the neck of the of the brass look just fine at that length they still fit in the magazine so yeah let's try that two point nine five zero which with my Hornady bullet comparator comes out to two point three four five inches so that's the plan for the compass in the ar-10 the max overall length was right at two point nine inches so for that guy we're using Magpul magazines which two point eight one zero is about as long as we can fit in those anyway so that's what we'll go with for the ar-10 that'll give us about ninety thousand sub jump so that'll let us look at this bullet bow with very little jump and also well 90-thousand says in a ton so whatever yeah that's what we're going with does that cover it I think that covers it alright folks I'm gonna start measuring out some powder okay so I've weighed out my first few charges and I thought this might be a good opportunity to show you the case capacity differences I'm seeing between Starline and Peterson on the left here is a brand new piece of Peterson that we'll be firing today this is actually our starting charge of 42.4 grains you can see I'm already right up to the neck so once I get up to my 44 grain max charge it's going to be pretty compressed but with the Petersons we are shooting the the very long overall length with the Thompson Center compass so no big deal there the next piece here is a piece of fired Peterson brass it hasn't even been resized and that's where the same charge comes to with it so a little bit more room but when we compare it over here this is a piece of Starline brass that we're going to shoot today that guy is down below the shoulder a little bit or down into the shoulder a little bit you know below the neck so it seems this Peterson brass is a little bit thicker than the Star Line with just a little bit less case capacity so definitely not gonna be like interchangeable load data between these cases I wouldn't think okay so I'm not expecting much drama here with bullets seating I am using a set of Hornady custom gray dies with the micro just seating stem thingy here and we've got a seating stem that fits this bullet pretty well so it's just a matter of dialing it in so I'm starting with the Peterson brass which should be our longer overall length that didn't touch yet let me screw it down here just a little okay let's see what that gets us so my target is two point three four five with the Hornady bullet comparator and we're at about two point four five nine so about a hundred and fifteen thousand right there is enough there's 110 thousandths of adjustment see if that gets us close okay two point three five three pretty darn close let me see it another one here also two point three five three so let's go ahead and move down eight and we'll go 9 so that should put us right where we need to be two point three four four so that's one thousandth of an inch too short two point three four four and two point three four four good deal which should give us about a two point nine five zero inch measurement to the tip of the bullet two point nine four six two point nine four eight and two point nine four six so pretty darn close yeah these guys sure are long all the way out there at two point nine five zero so hopefully they'll shoot now one thing when we were doing this bullet in thirty caliber we did find that the bullet base two bullet tip length did vary quite a bit on these so it wasn't unusual force to see a good bit of variation in overall length when measured to the tip I think we almost salt ten thousandth of spread but very consistent cartridge-based ogive measurements yep two point three four four so I'm gonna go ahead and skip to the fifth row which is our max charge these are extremely compressed charges like the bullet won't even sit all the way down in the neck because the powder level is just right there so let's seat a couple of these guys and get a feel for how much our overall length is going to stretch a little bit of crunchiness there wow it doesn't look like it's going to be much two point three four five is the cartridge based ogive on this first guy so this reloader 16 seems to be compressing pretty well let's do another one of these guys and get another measurement yeah this guy's either two point three four six or if you jiggle it a little bit sometimes you can get along two point three four five jiggle it the wrong way that time yeah so two point three four six so if compressing the charge is only stretching us out by mm I'm not going to worry about it at all so I'm gonna go ahead and seat all of these on the same seating die setting which will make life a little bit easier no doubt about it so that's it folks not much more to talk about with the reloading process so let's go ahead and just get out on the range okay folks we've got a target at a hundred yards the dots down there are one inch in diameter the first gun here is my Thompson sitter compass with the vortex Diamondback tactical 24 power scope on it we've got our Boyd stock we're shooting off of a front rest and a rear bag and it's time to see if these hundred thirty grand game changers will shoot very long overall length here for the Thompson Center compass at two point nine five zero but they fit in the magazine just fine that first one fed just fine so we're going to magazine feed them let's see if they'll shoot a group so our first shot here with the peterson brass i don't see any major signs of pressure a little bit of primer cratering already so yeah we'll have to see if that gets worse as we go along let's see if they'll group okay that's good start we're already right at about twenty eight hundred feet per second our first two shots have been twenty eight oh nine and twenty seven seventy-six I should have made note of what the velocities were on the load data with the other bullets I don't know we'll just see how it goes all right I like that start that's not bad at all 2795 with a 13 point zero standard deviation that's not the worst thing in the world so let's clear the coronagraph I am using my magneto speed chronograph today when I hang it off of my suppressor like this it really doesn't affect things very much so that's how we normally do things around here all right next up 42.8 grains [Music] okay we're up to 28 21 and our standard deviation tightened up a little bit to 8.5 that's good to see our brass still looks the same so we're moving forward 43 point 2 grains is next all right that's another nice standard deviation number and halfway decent group these aren't the best groups we've ever shot with this gun but they're not all that far off like these are looking pretty good yeah they're not too bad and brass is still lookin fine velocity after 2850 looks like we should be topping out right around 2,900 feet per second if we can make it there but so far other than a little primer cratering nothing surprising on the brass so we're moving on 43.6 okay so far so good with the brass here in the compass we're up to 28 79 the brass is still lookin fine another single digit standard deviation that's a good thing so last up forty 4.0 okay so our first piece of brass here still got the primer cratering but now we've added in a little bit of an ejector mark just a smidgen nothing I'm too freaked out about velocity on that first shot twenty eight ninety four okay so maybe just the tiniest little bit of a difficult bolt left here on this last on this last load as well definitely getting an ejector mark maybe just a little bit of a stiffer bolt lift so I think we probably went about as far as we'd want to go but we did make it to twenty nine hundred feet per second I am extremely happy to see these standard deviation numbers since this is really my first experience with three loader sixteen looks like they're doing good four out of five being under ten is pretty consistent velocity so hopefully this carries over to our Starline brass in our AR ten so let me get switched out here okay folks same brain same setup but this is our era of precision AR ten or m5e one I think they call it it has a ballistic advantage barrel so let's make our way back to the same loads we are going to magazine feed them our overall length is changing quite a bit right now we're down to two point eight one zero so these are a hundred and forty thousand shorter than the rounds we shot from the compass let's see if they'll group [Music] and I just had a double fire that's not good I've been having a little bit of problems here with this trigger I've had a couple situations where it wouldn't reset like the gun cycle just fine it loaded the new round but the trigger didn't get reset and now I get a double I don't even remember which trigger I've got in this guy yeah I think this is the CMC - pound-for-pound earlier when I was sighting in the gun and I was having the problem I just worked the trigger a few times and it stopped so I think it might be getting gunked up on me anything else weird happens I'll go and clean up lube up the trigger a little bit all right let's fire these last two yeah the trigger didn't reset thought it loaded the round the issue might be gas I don't know okay so the four readings we've got on the chronograph we're about thirty feet per second slower than we award with the compass 2766 we've got a two point zero feet per second standard deviation that's good that's really good so as much as I hate to make this a gas block adjustment video I think that's what it's gonna be I think I'm over gassed maybe too much bolt velocity and crap or whatever is going a little bit too fast for the trigger one thing I did get I got the parts to start using my JP silent captured spring in AR 10 that's what I should have done before this video but I'm an idiot okay so I've got the gas system turned way down now so we might have some failures to feed here I don't know we'll see [Music] yep the trigger reset that time all right no feeding problems bolt locked back yeah I had the gas turned way too high that's what was going on okay so that's not a terrible group velocity up to 27 97 8.3 feet per second standard deviation these are this is all good stuff okay so I had to take a little bit of a break I needed another double-a battery for my audio recorder thingy and I needed to pick up some brass and there's one piece of brass that just doesn't want to be found I've been looking for like 15 minutes I give up so moving right along forty three point two grains okay I had a failure to fire there but the breast that ejected that time only went like right here beside me so I might need to open up that gas just a little bit yep working on an empty chamber there so let me crank all the gas just a little okay let's try that [Music] forty three point six [Music] [Music] so this ar10 is still pretty new to us we don't have all that many rounds through it but so far it's been impressive and it's continuing to impress here that is not bad shooting for a platformer like this all right last up 44.0 grains alright folks that's not a half-bad target really impressive standard deviations today with three loader 16 really good stuff so let's get back to the bench all right guys I put a couple of these through some ballistic gel and they certainly did expand and expand it very nicely it looks like these guys lost quite a bit of weight though the velocity on these shots was about twenty eight hundred and fifty feet per second the gel was about ten feet away I used the synthetic gel from clear ballistics and I got some footage of it but it's garbage the gel had already been used before so we couldn't really look at the wound channels and it was just a bit of a fiasco all around but I mainly just wanted to see how they expand or if they expanded okay and these guys certainly freaking expanded like crazy I got about 26 to 28 inches of penetration I've got two 16 inch blocks so these work toward the end of the second block so lots of penetration and looks like they left a decent amount of shrapnel behind let's find out exactly how much here's our scale first one is holy crap eighty-seven point two grains this guy lost forty-three grains so let's look at the other one here 67 point five so that one lost almost half of its weight I'm a little bit surprised by this but because when we tested the 30 caliber here the 165 grain 30 caliber game-changers they expanded nicely and held most of their weight let's see these were 165 let's see what they weigh that one's 129 point 7 and that one's 134 point seven so I guess they lost around 30 grains so certainly nothing like the last bullet we tested the 140 grain spear gold dot that kept pretty much all of its weight but this is a bonded bullet so I don't know that it's a fair comparison but the price on these is pretty much exactly the same in the six point five millimeter offering and if you look at the 30 caliber options the gold dots are a good bit cheaper than the GameChanger so different bullet construction not necessarily a fair comparison but these were better at holding their weight and they were more accurate the groups in our six point five millimeter video with those we're just a little bit better than we saw today with the GameChanger don't know a lot of people prefer this you know they like a bullet that sends a little bit of shrapnel and does a bunch of damage inside of the animal so if that's what you like these might just be about perfect for you so we're going to be testing these in the 6.5 Grendel as well and you know our velocities are gonna be a good bit slower over in that cartridge so maybe maybe they'll hold together a little bit better at you know three or four hundred feet per second less velocity but still expand pretty well at those numbers I don't know we'll see that'll be the next video with this bullet and we'll just have to wait and see alright I think that's enough playing around with these let's have a really quick look at the brass I lost that one piece of brass and I never have been able to find it I need to go back out and go for another search I think it was the second shot of my double fire I think that double fire sent that second piece of brass off into orbit somewhere so first is the the Peterson brass from the Thompson Center compass these guys look and pretty good I think our 44 grain load though was pretty hot you can see I've oriented it to it's at the top of each one of these a little bit of an ejector swipe on each of them and we got a little bit of primer cratering throughout the whole charge weight range but here at the top charge did kind of get a little bit more pronounced so it doesn't look like we're going to be able to push this any farther and to be honest we don't really have the case capacity left to do it anyway here are a few from the max charge with a are 10 these guys got pretty dirty actually let's just look at this one in particular because right there at the top did get just a little bit of a burr raised up just a touch now the Jaypee high-pressure bolt that we run in the ar-10 doesn't give us much of any primer cratering so that's just a that's a good thing but I don't like to see that ejector burr so I think we picked our max charge just about right okay let's have a look at some groups the top row is with our Thompson Center compass that's this is pretty mediocre performance for the compass you know three of our groups were over an inch our best was the first one at 0.7 9 0 inches so maybe we'd have you know a little bit better luck with a different powder but then again you know maybe the bullets just don't shoot as well as I'd like I don't know it'll take more testing to figure out which ones going on here but this is you know certainly decent performance I could confidently hit-the hit-the huntin woods with this sort of accuracy no problem for my needs and kind of the same story the bottom row with the ar-10 our best group was the first 10.7 six six-inch that was our best group of the day so these standard deviation numbers are pretty darn good and I was really happy to see that you know with this being the first time I've tried reloader 16 I also used it in the hundred forty grain spear gold dot video and it was the same story in that video lots of really great standard deviation numbers so so far I'm pretty happy with reloader 16 the velocities our max velocity was 2903 we didn't have any direct load data for this bullet but the Sierra data for the other 130 grain bullets shows the max charge being 2,900 feet per second so the velocities look just about where they should be so I think that you know that pretty much covers it just kind of okay performance not quite as much weight retention as I would have liked on the gel test and not quite as much accuracy as I would have liked to have seen just kind of okay in both in both categories if you ride 130 greenseer GameChanger let me know how it's doing in your gun down in the comments so I think I'm out of stuff to talk about so this is where we wrap it up I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 107,039
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Id: VjsZB9BNPa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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