64 Core EPYC CPU – HOLY $H!T

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Using a CPU to render a game like Crysis is absolutely insane!

👍︎︎ 152 👤︎︎ u/Lord_Trollingham 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is what is scary to Intel. Epyc 1 was competitive. Rome... is a monster. Zen 2 is flat out superior to Core.

👍︎︎ 209 👤︎︎ u/Charcharo 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Fuck me.. did linus just ran crysis only on the cpu??

This is a worlds first.

👍︎︎ 276 👤︎︎ u/zer0_c0ol 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Looking at that comparison in specs, it's not even funny. I just kinda feel bad for Intel.. Then again, we got a decade of overpriced shitty quad cores because of Intel's illegal antitrust bs, so they can get rekt, honestly.

One thing I find very interesting is not just the northbridge on this chip (which is standard now), but also the southbridge. Imagine how awesome ITX builds could be if a chipset wasn't needed.

👍︎︎ 153 👤︎︎ u/N0tional 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I lost it when i saw the amount of time it took for Prime95 to spawn all those workers.

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/keller112 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2019 🗫︎ replies


Not on a GPU, running on the CPU with a translator. That's hilarious and he really undersold what happened.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/FewMail 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Someone in YT: EPYC to R15: You are already rendered.

When I saw the side by side comparison of ROME and platinum 8180, its just not fair. But, Intel deserved it. They shouldve saw it coming when naples launched.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/SkyOnePavillion 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

"Intel gets Piledriven by an Epyc Chip" should be the title

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/dbosspec 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

We are only seeing Zen 2, with Zen 4 (not typo) in design complete phase. If momentum persists, Intel need a lifeline.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/WilliamTheGamer 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
now the whole industry has been really excited about how AMD's third-gen rising processors have finally caught up to Intel in key consumer applications like gaming but in the background AMD has been quietly not just catching up to Intel but surpassing them by an incredible margin with their second generation of epic server processors and in my hands I have the epic Rome 77 42 a 64 Core 128 thread eight channel memory absolute ping monster of a CPU welcome to today's episode of holy Sh where we are gonna take this thing for a little test-drive guys the full review will come make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss that but today is going to be more about the stuff that AMD didn't want to see that's a processor because they knew we were gonna do like running speaking of fun this segue to our sponsor glass wire with glass wire you can see what's going in and out of your PC over it's never a connection so you can diagnose if there's any suspicious apps behaving badly so check it out and get 25% off using offer code linus at the link in the video description [Music] so while we get set up here I want to fill you guys in on some of what's special about AMD's epic Rome platform so as I mentioned before this is a 77 42 with 64 cores and 128 threads but contrary to what you might think if you're only CPU experience is with Intel processors even though it has 64 cores in it it's 225 watt TDP is not actually that much higher than Intel's top-of-the-line server chips which only have a mere it's hard to wrap my brain around saying it a mere 28 course on board and the unfairness of this comparison doesn't end at the core counts and the thermals at the top end AMD boasts nearly seven times the cache four times the maximum memory capacity two extra memory channels PCI Express Gen 4 which has double the speed of Gen 3 not to mention that they've got nearly three times as many lanes on board and they come in at 4,000 dollars less and that's just at the top end up and down the stack Intel's Xeon scalable processors are under attack from AMD epic Rome and it gets better than that so a little over 15 years ago AMD made a huge step forward in computer architecture by taking the memory controller off of the Northbridge that that second chipset that motherboards used to have on them and integrating it into the CPU now they've done themselves one further by taking nearly everything that still existed in whether you want to call it a chipset or an i/o hub or whatever else but that still existed on a separate chip on the motherboard and integrated it right into the CPU yes even all those PCI Express Lanes that is the secret sauce that makes epoch so modular and scalable and flexible it means that whether we're talking about a motherboard like this one that soup micro very kindly sent over to us along with the CPU for us to do this preliminary testing or whether you're talking about a fully integrated server that takes all those PCI Express lanes and wires them up directly to nvme drives all across the front of the thing instead of using you know splitters and switches and all that kind of nonsense AMD doesn't have to go head to head with Intel in terms of raw CPU performance that's not to say that they can't actually the cpu performance we're expecting you will be very good but it means that the solution is just capable of stuff that Intel flat-out cannot do right now so why don't we fire it up it's like mind blowing that we have 64 processing cores and the Northbridge effectively sitting under a single knock to a cooler getting all hot and bothered take off my sweater nice sweater right LC t store comm also this shirt so for lulz more than anything else we're gonna kick things off with Cinebench r15 a benchmark that everyone knows is sort of light for modern multi-core processors nevermind modern look at all those it's ridiculous it's so dumb and this is cool only to Nuala domains and if you're nerdy enough you'll know why that's really cool it is incredibly hard to do that with this many cores AMD has figured out a way even in their dual or multi socket configurations to dramatically reduce the number of Numa domains that are required for these massive core counts something that Intel actually lord it over them just last generation so no more anticipation let's do it and it's gone 8450 in Cinebench r15 on a single CPU it's not even running long to load up the to get hot the Fen didn't even spin up so obviously we're gonna need something a little heavier let's step up to Cinebench of our 20 which is based on a much more modern version of Max on cinema 4d this thing Rex r20 the way that high-end desktop Intel chips wreck r15 I like this just beat a 48 core configuration of dual Xeon platinum 81-68 so more perspective here each of those chips is within striking distance of the cost of a single seventy seven forty two and that's ignoring that it takes two of them to not even have the same performance not to mention all the memory channels and PCI Express Lanes and blah blah blah all that other stuff it's madness and things get a little bit more crazy here now the eagle-eyed among you probably noticed that we're only running four memory sticks in this motherboard right now the reason is that at least in our early testing we were having trouble getting unbuffered ECC memory to run in it we are also going to be significantly upgrading the memory capacity of our system here each of these is a 32 gigabyte dim so that'll be 256 gigs of ram so there it is 256 gigs around and this hardware is too new to have the readout for how many memory channels and what speed is running out and all that noise so I guess I'll have to fire up like HL the info yeah okay cool let's do that alright so we're running at 20 666 which happens to be the rated speed of our memory we've got our our TX 20 atti which is totally inappropriate everything here is looking pretty right all right let's try Cinebench our 20 again now to be clear I'm not expecting a huge difference in performance going from quad to 8 channel memory in this particular workload there are very few if any single user use cases where you're really going to get a benefit from that much memory bandwidth that's more for like actual legitimate server use and as expected our score is pretty darn similar if you got eight channels y'all might as well use them on the subject of single user workloads though here's one that can really benefit from extra CPU power let's go ahead and do the classic BMW blender render and see just how much of our CPU we can load up here Wow even blender which is traditionally a very multi-threaded workload cannot take advantage of all 128 of our threads maxing out at around 80 85 of them are so it's only using half of them it's blender Numa aware that's fine we have a solution to unlock this fully armed and operational battle station we're just gonna run two instances of the render at the same time and there it is so we are turbo Eng to just shy of 2.5 gigahertz we are seeing 100% usage of all 64 of our course 128 threads and I am willing to bet that this thing is kicking out some heat the fans not really ramping up ok these fins are getting pretty toasty is this fan gonna ramp up at some point I might not be on the right header super micro doesn't label their headers particularly clearly oh we could just try a different one oops so impressively it still managed to finish while running - blender instances simultaneously in a minute and 14 seconds apiece all right so now that we've got our fan figured out properly let's go ahead and have a look at what we can expect in terms of CPU temperatures under a very heavy load so my friends that is 128 instances of prime95 I've never seen anything quite like that and let's see what that does to our poor 7740 - I wonder if it detects this as a power virus every thread is only running at 93 94 percent so this isn't working and we think the CPU might be detecting prime95 as a so-called power virus because it's even throttling below its base speed so we're gonna go ahead and kill that alright so this is more like it now we're hitting every core for all it's worth we're actually managing to turbo a little above our base clock to 2.5 gigahertz and shockingly temperatures are not even just reasonable they're downright under control we're actually only at about 50 degrees on the CPU now that our fan turns up when there's people into the you think now that might seem on intuitive having 64 cores running at a mirror up to 52 degrees when you've got like an 8 core Intel processor like a 99 hundred K that'll easily run it you know 70 plus and it's only eight cores but in this case Epic's size and the lower frequency of its cores means that not only are the cores more spread out making it easier to transfer heat into the heatsink but because they're running at a lower frequency and a lower voltage it means they're running much more efficiently pushing for that last little bit of frequency requires a lot more power to be pumped through the chip and therefore a lot more waste heat that dual gooseberry render though but enough of all that it's time to answer the question you've all been waiting for can it run Crysis okay then 720p it is but we're gonna crank everything to very high very high is grayed out also motion blur sucks anytime now this takes any longer I'm gonna have a midlife crisis that is pretty slow wait a minute Anthony is this the CPU renderer version oh wow I'm surprised this is like running at all then yeah I had everything and it's actually semi playable on though okay well we try that then ah friggin figures I knew you were you had some crazy trick up your sleeve alright so I turned the in-game settings down to low and this is pretty darn impressive but the best is yet to come so in order to get this it's using a renderer called Swift shader in order to get it to even launch the game you have to change your CPU affinity to something other than all processors so it looks like eight eight processors total so we instead are going to allow it an entire Numa node now let's see how it runs this is crazy now to be clear no one at Google where they're developing the software expects anyone to game on CPUs as the graphics card anytime soon it's designed more as like a compatibility layer but it's working come on I want one kill yes all right so now that we're not being silly here it is 4k everything cranked to high it's actually kind of amazing how still kind of respectable this game looks all these years later I mean the AI is dumb as toast by modern standards and stuff but honestly Crysis didn't run well but that's in large part due to it just being really really old and not particularly well optimised let's run something a little more modern and see how that goes shall we I mean apex isn't exactly the most demanding game on the market but it's certainly popular yourself so let's go have a look at how things are here we are using a grand total of two percent of our CPU right now and we peaked about 12% in game meter bowing up to around three point okay nothing amazing 3.3 3.4 gigahertz but that's more than enough to run this game at 144 frames per second average we're actually locked to our refresh rate because I didn't bother to adjust it holy crap I think my team is bothering to respawn me here wow that that was a waste of effort appreciate you guys though okay so I don't have any of my stuff now though like I'm just naked at this point right wow they're like pinging stuff for me I wonder if they know who I am H to thank them thanks all right all right I'm coming I'm ready to contribute to the team yeah there's they're trying so hard to help me like I feel so bad for them right now 7 squads left so we're actually like doing respectably I think I'm not as much of a liability as Dennis oh no they pinged a thing we're going somewhere no no I don't want to go anywhere I liked this place this place seemed pretty good oh don't shoot there's like enemies all over the town run I got a kill they totally like set it up for me but whatever I want to win Brandon I am a competitive gamer hey there's nothing wrong with being supportive ok bras are supportive and they're very popular actually that's true Millennials are apparently killing bras okay there's only three squads left ladies and gentlemen nope they're picking me up again go team if they can kill that guy they may actually pick me up again let's see if I'm to Chico can take this guy out oh they might get them no way one of the final squads oh man how do I heal I don't know how to heal oh no hold for hold it and then drag your most yell echo and then that press for oh my goodness they go so fast I can't keep ah what where are we going okay I'm healing I'm healing they can't hear me but whatever it's chill please just hit him oh you got to be kidding me I think I just got hit in the head okay that's fine I will just heal more I'm just I'm a distraction I'm a distraction no no that one v3 right now oh I leveled up so that's it for now this thing renders it crunches games it slices it dices it's pretty freakin amazing and we've actually got a fair bit more content planned around AMD Zepa chrome processors for the future so make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss any of it and I think all that's left is to thank our sponsor are you concerned about a data breach causing your credit card info to fall into the wrong hands then check out today's sponsor privacy calm at privacy calm / - privacy calm is a free easy-to-use service that hides your credit card number you see it works by creating a virtual card that's locked to whatever merchant you're shopping at so even if that merchant gets hacked the bad guys won't be able to just use you from your card anywhere they please and if they try you'll get a push notification so that you're always in the loop and you can cancel that card immediately 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Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 4,178,713
Rating: 4.9326553 out of 5
Keywords: amd, epyc, server, cpu, 64 cores, 128 threads, threadripper, performance, workstation, benchmark, playaround, holy $H!T, speed, Intel, processor
Id: HuLsrr79-Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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