"62nd Native American Art Fair" Heard Museum, Phoenix Arizona 2020

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well here we are in line not very well organized here what a lot of people there's a lot of people here just be quite a while to find a place to even party back so far give you some idea of the crowd god bless enjoy from the herd new thing meet you today so come again thank you each and every one of you I hope you guys have a well of course again $40 Jones thank you as we get ready for the first performance group at one o'clock we'll come over to the drop this is the other spring single sender we'll have them sing some songs that be sick the whole first half of the first then there's the parts they start the second from joy and it's nearing that second [Music] [Music] then like they're like waste they're elastic so they stretch up okay everyone it looks good look a box appears I know baby son oh I was bald [Music] enjoy yeah who knows see so important and then I here's one of many many things in here amount of vendors beautiful Hey this is one originally these are all original again okay how are you you know what earnest hunan is parked at today in here no sir you don't sign walking through by can't find out Nikita oh that's one of the girls who sawmill final drive are you from are you from Paige you know hey Mike's truck break in and go get his stuff so Joey Joey down are found something they already are you like David John's I believe his name as I record it the Museum of northern Arizona okay on YouTube is out really well the video yeah oh yeah I'm wrong I'm the one who did the video of him up there Joe so well on YouTube that's me now you all the hope himself in everything come back and take a picture later camera you know what earnest money is in here by any chance first in the qualifying are useful we're a bunch of my videos not blushing thanks but Douglas you make all this yourself here yep it did [Music] [Music] [Applause] Davee your but here we go Gary's new see if I can get my back down the sunlight get this all in here Gary and as you know Gary goes way back in my videos from ten years ago for my very first Kachina cartwheel and we'll be back again this year I've only ever missed one year in ten years and that's because I had a big electrical project going on a reservation its Salt River yeah I know and because I'm sure people were saying where's the Martian and that's the earnest home everybody calls me folks hey Gary god bless and enjoy and I'll come back and take a couple of pictures with it enjoy enjoy the show all right Regina's yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] something different for a Native American art show do it beautiful dear [Music] don't let us see the back of your clicker well thank you god bless and this would be on YouTube by the way folks are v47 blogs I'm famous when Native Americans [Music] have any passenger between presidency you girls make all this smoke enjoy
Channel: rd47blog
Views: 6,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ToWLEEj9q2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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