DIY tie points on feather ends

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hello my friends let me show you how you tie feathers on two types of lanyards or fastening onto decoration or regalia and I'll show you the traditional way and how you can modify it the end of the feather needs to have a tie point and to do that the traditional way is to make a cut and a loop and depending on how you want the loop to be facing and a lot of times it would determine how the feather is to be used whether it's going to be standing up or just hanging but standing up it may need to stand in a certain direction and it may need to be able to flex and the way the tie point is put on candid to determine that now the way that I like to do this is I want to put the feather on its edge and I come up about an inch and a quarter and take a knife now traditionally this would be a piece of chard or plant that was chipped and it would be very sharp actually it would be sharper than the steel or it could be okay once you get that cut it's kind of like a how pens were made and what you will do then is bend the quill up back onto itself there like this and you see how it makes a loop right in there okay now once you have that you need to fasten it now the traditional way is to take a piece of sinew and I have here some backstrap sinew and you need to take a piece of it and I like to pull off what would be considered a thread okay no you take that and you need to wet it traditionally it was placed in the mouth once it's wet make your fold and then start wrapping it if one it's not enough that could use some more so you take another piece and with the sinew it's long fibers you can pull it apart like this and that is even too thick you can always build it up okay now we need to wet this one now the sinew is the material that attaches the muscle to the bones and when it's dry it gets hard and what you usually do is put it in your mouth and chew on it and that will soften it up the real nice advantage of the sinew is when it dries it forms like its own adhesive and it sticks real hard and right there that is a real neat loop now as you're doing this wrap you can take the down the fluff feathers and you can wrap the tip of the quills of those down onto this like I did here with those real small feathers and that will hold them on okay as that dries that will finish just like that it'll be real hard and tight it's like has its own adhesive this is what was used to hold arrowheads on the shafts of arrows it also held the feathers onto the shafts and the nock on the end of the arrow it would be supported so that Eero chef when split with the sinew it was also used as sewing threads very tough stuff really nice to work with if you don't like chewing on it or putting it in your mouth you could just soak it in warm water it's also expensive if you want to buy it so they make an artificial send you which you can use it's inferior to this but there are ways to make it work perfectly fine and I'll show you that method too okay so to do that again here this is a goose feather has a large quill it'll make it easy to show demonstrate so here we're going to go about an inch and a quarter and cut it in trim the feather the quill trimming the quill and you will bend it and you can see here I'm gonna bid here's where the start of the cut is I'm gonna Bend this up over you see I'm coming up about a quarter inch over and when because I trimmed it that way it adds almost zero volume that you could see to that okay now the artificial sinew comes like this in a spool you can get smaller spools you're going to need a length of about a foot long and again the way the sinew is manufactured it's like a wax compound it's sticking this together they have it kind of like the same color as a natural sin you can see right here and this is made up of a bunch of fibers and you can pull them apart and I don't like to work with it real fat or real thick I like a smaller thread maybe like that so I'll pull this off and this will give me a thread it's real tough it must be like a nylon okay then we're going to wrap this similar to the way we do the natural that's what I like to pinch it so it won't slip get it wrapped same method bring it all the way up over the quill we're joints okay it's a little bit sticky now to make this lock in tight lock together what you need to do is take some superglue and when you're working with this make sure you have glasses on this one is sort of gelled a little so it's a little thicker have glasses on if this gets in your eye you'll have a few problems a friend of mine broke a tube trying to open it up and he splash water in his eyes for about 15 minutes then went to the emergency and they pulled out little crystals so you don't want to have to go through that so I use the superglue this is industrial I use it when I make my kayaks and then I don't have the patience to wait for it to dry so I buy this insta set and give it a mist and that will cure that right away so that pilot you can see close up here it has the whole these edges here it wasn't held down so we could trim that off okay that gives you that your hole for your tie point now that normally would be tied with sinew traditional way but you could use whatever sewing thread I like to put leather straps leather lace in and then I can hang with that and I use this stuff it's a cord hemp it's a hemp cord and use that as tie point if you don't want to play with the superglue what you can do is take an extra long piece I have this one about 1820 inches long I've seen you make a loop on the end okay now put that loop in here make your fold notice I'm leaving the loop out and start the winding come all the way up across the tip that you cut make a neat wrap come back down towards the loop take that end feed it in there into the loop now the other tag end of that loop I'm going to pull that you see it feeding in and then I pull it through and that pulled that pulled the end up here and it made a Naughton okay that one is tied and no superglue so quick method safer for your eyes well I hope this was informative thanks for watching my friends bye bye
Channel: Donald Porta
Views: 71,914
Rating: 4.9341745 out of 5
Keywords: porta, donald porta, fearhers, feather crafts, indian head dress, indian regalia, native american regalia, native american dress, feather tie point, tying feathers, smudge, smudging, smudge fan, feather fan, how to make a feather headress, diy regalia, feather display, feather headress, coup stick, leather craft, indian crafts
Id: bNUez8qcTbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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