Passage to another world

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on this little trip we're here at this portal and no this is not a mine this is a cave what's interesting about this was in the 1860s about 1868 the united states congress commissioned lieutenant wheeler to do reconnaissance of southern and southeastern nevada he camped somewhere in this area because according to his records he was in near the cave the uh forgive me if i pronounce this round wrong the gauzy ute i'll put the name up told him a grand story of how this cave was home to a race of people who would take anybody prisoner who enters the cave and this land that they lived in was this beautiful grandiose world with lush fields and other things and one such story a native called anzap who was an elder of the tribe [Music] told him of two maids who entered the cave and were kidnapped are never seen again finally after many years they emerged and they told how they were taken into this beautiful world with lush fields flowers animals abundant food and they were well taken care of i find this story very interesting because i am collecting under world or yeah underground world stories and not the ones that everybody talks about ones that aren't recorded and the only time that this story ever appeared was in 1875. that was during his wheeler's lieutenant wheeler's preliminary report on the cave they did explore the cave excuse me i'm trying to get around this boulder yeah come on yes that was my filter that just fell there we go i'll tell you this it is really really chilly in here i'm not going to go back as far as they did because yeah because ah damn it filter keeps falling off so this is one of the galleries as you can tell the cave is not that big so since the filter doesn't want to stay on i'll just keep it off wow oh boy i get to go around this thing again yeah i'm trying to keep it easy because i didn't put them on my knee brace look at that that is so cool down we go but the reason why i'm not gonna go all the way is this is actually three thousand feet which doesn't bother me it's just supposedly it's really nasty in the sense of like the slimy slimy mud and i'm not very interested in crawling around in that look at that isn't that cool now just think being the first explorers to explore this cave what's also interesting is the natives are still very wary of this cave and many of them won't even enter it that's cool look at that so we got stalactites since the black mites starting to form see look at that it is really cool [Music] 1952. so there's a well that is neat okay that's a dead end dead end so see there's a stalagmite trying to form and there's the stalactite i wonder if there used to be a lot of stalactites and slag mites because of all the tourists that have been coming here especially when auto tourism started in 1820 or 1920 sorry i like what somebody did with that rock look at that that's kind of cool but good now well there's another one in 1939 oh here we go june 12 1928 that individual there somebody's trying to make it look like the french cave [Applause] over here that's one of those places that goes into and pinches out quick oh look at that oh isn't that cool i'm gonna remove that light there that is really cool yeah you can see where people have broken them off oh oh now it's starting to get slick and slimy and then hey it goes back like i said a couple thousand more feet this is about as far as i'm gonna go because i just don't want to deal with this i have to be out for another five days and i don't want to have to go through all my clothing but this kind of gives you a good idea what this place looks like really neat not to mention the story behind it is really interesting you can see i'm going down the grade the guy who put that up there had it been really tall where the grade was a lot higher when they did it and fit in the 50s because this valley that's a ton of springs what's neat is the springs are in caves themselves and that's why this cave is so wet is it's just the springs are just seeping in i love this gallery oh up there i don't know if you guys can see that but somebody has some graffiti up there oh that is that was one heck of a climb just to put some graffiti up there i hope you enjoyed this quick trip into nevada's underworld i really hope you enjoyed the story if you want me to tell you more of these stories let me know i know many underworld stories native underworld stories that i love to tell people this one's neat because there's a tangible place to explore so with that i hope this gets you excited to go explore if it does have fun most of all be safe [Music] true [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Desert Trails
Views: 3,649,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: desert, legends, travel, explore, underground, stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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