60 Minute Full Body Flexibility Routine (FOLLOW ALONG)

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[Music] what's up 48 warriors and welcome back to another video and another follow along today we've got the third version of the 16 minute full body follow along flexibility routine the first one we had an active more mobility related routine then got a pnf routine today it's kind of a bit more of a chilled out relaxed routine to go through this one is kind of a a christmas special so a very merry christmas to anyone who is watching at that time if you're not watching that time then uh a convivial tuesday in april to you too as always the the free downloadable version will be available in the description down below um but other than that let's get into this routine you're gonna want um a cushion some cushions some yoga blocks something to use as a bolster some padding it's just useful throughout various exercises as a way to modify them and make them comfortable for you so grab some cushions that one will definitely help you out other than that we're gonna need is some space and we can get going so we're gonna kick things off working head to toe as i said it's a relaxed routine so we're gonna start with a little bit of breathing some relaxed breathing so what we're looking for here is around a four to five second inhale and a four to five second and exhale and then we're gonna couple that with a little bit of neck stretching as well because often release some tension from the necks so we're gonna do some head nods simply find a comfortable seating position sit on the floor you can turn the chair on a sofa really doesn't matter you can even do the standing if you want we're simply going to inhale and you're going to look as high up to the sky as you can over four or five seconds and exhale tuck the chin try to get the chin on the chest so initially i want to keep like a relatively kind of quite good posture and the movement's just happening from the neck so we're going to do a few of these like this as i said four to five seconds inhale four or five seconds except so on this third or fourth one as we extend we're also gonna bring to extend through the spine so you're gonna feel yourself opening up a bit through the chest and you can do this gradually so as you do each rep you're going to try and extend a bit more i'll turn to the side so you can see it a little bit easier as i inhale i've been extending through i'm going to extend through the neck but i'm also going to extend through the spine and as i exhale i'm going to tuck the chin i'm also gonna start to round the back when we do this when i think about the neck leading so if i'm in this flex position as i breathe in the first thing it extends is my head then the rest of my body follows and vice versa as i tuck the head and the shoulders fully tanning title should have a few candy last one here for me you can shake that off a bit we're going to stay in that seated position we're now just going to do a nice stretch for the neck itself we're going to reach the left hand out to the side you're going to try and reach away pull the shoulder blade down and away from the ear we're going to tilt our head away towards the right hand side and you should feel now a stretch going down into the neck potentially into the bicep as well depending on the nerve grab the right hand place it on top we're not going to try and yank and pull initially just use it as as a dead weight as gravity and if you want to you can add a slight pull but the focus should really be on the the left arm trying to pull down and away so you feel that nice stretch from here we're just going to apply some pnf so you're going to try and press your head into the hand about 50 effort so we're going to inhale as we do this so inhale five four three two one exhale try to lean the neck over a little bit further you can play as well now with looking down a bit i'm looking up but usually looking down there let's see a better stretch do one more pnf so press that hand into the head into the hand five four three two one and relax lovely so now set that for that side shake it off exactly the same thing so we are right hand out to the side pull that shoulder down lean the head away hand on top apply a slight stretch take an inhale take an exhale i'm going to do that pnf so press the head into the hand five four three two and one relax breathe out go a little bit deeper now play with the direction of the head if you want to tilt it down a bit switch up a bit and do the same thing so inhale press the head into the hand five four three two one exhale it's gonna hold this for a few days all right shake it off we're now gonna pay attention to rotation of the spine so we're going to come and lie on the side i'm going to place on our right side we're going to tuck the legs up to about 90 degrees reach the right hand out in front of you and left hand goes over the top we're then going to reach as far forward as we can with left arm then as we inhale we're going to try and draw the biggest circle we can going all the way around the body as we exhale we're going to reverse that motion the key here is making sure these knees stay anchored on the ground we don't want them lifting up and rolling over because that defies the point of the drill start at 90 if they try to lift let's open them up a little bit make it a little bit easier for yourself if you're not feeling much of a stretch try to tuck up more into like a fetal position i'm gonna do five per side again with your breath so reach and rotate all the way around trying to keep the hand in contact with the floor all the way back around if you find any sticking points like where you get to a point and you're like your body sort of doesn't want to rotate through that position you can pause take a nice inhale fill the rib cage expand exhale and then continue on that's number three for me set five per side so the last one here i'm very simply going to swap over to your left hand side you can roll over for this one i'm just going to twist round so you can still see what i'm doing same thing going to reach that left hand out right hand on top reach as far as you can do then start to draw that circle as you inhale all the way around again if you find that sticking point breathe into it and then continue five on this side again it's nice and controlled and consistent again you can kind of play with this one as you want to like if you find that maybe you're getting a nice chest stretch in one position to spend a little bit more time there or if you find the one side feels a little bit more strict than the other just do a couple more breaths and a couple more rotations on that side so it's number four for me i'll do one more and then we're gonna move on all the way back round to the start we're now going to come up into a kneeling position and we're going to go forward into what would be kind of a child's pose but a little bit further forward we're going to take that right hand again i'm going to place the right hand through and underneath the left arm trying to get the shoulder down towards the ground and then in this position i'm going to think about trying to reach away with both hands i'm going to try and walk my top my left hand forward and i'm trying to reach my right hand further through so for a nice stretch over the back of the shoulder and also going into potentially the lower back as well from here we can do a little bit of pnf you can try and press the hand this right hand down into the ground five four three two one and then exhale and try and twist so the sternum goes down towards the ground so we're gonna get more rotation apply that again if you want to otherwise just going to sit here for another 10 seconds just breathing staying in a similar position now come back i'm gonna walk this left hand just out a little bit and i'm gonna try and twist the opposite way so i'm gonna go and bring this left arm into a stretch over the pec now again play with the angle of the hand generally the more overheads you go you're going to get a little bit more of the pec minor the wider you get a more pec major kind of try to feel out the angle of your chest where it feels good but essentially we're going to try and twist and turn that sternum towards and away from that hand using the right arm to assist again you can do some pnf here so you can press this left hand down into the ground almost contracting the pec five four three two one exhale try to sink down twist a little bit further feel that nice deep stretch over the pec i'm gonna walk both hands overhead and i'm going to walk them slightly to the right hand side i'm going to try and sit back and i'm going to try and push my torso to the left hand side and then begin to feel a lat stretch now over the left hand arm so actively walking the hands over pushing that left hand shoulder and feeling that lat stretch this almost going to sit in and we breathe for 30 seconds you should find that as you inhale you're going to feel the stretch kind of intensify a little bit as the ribcage expands as you exhale try to push it a little bit further over get a little bit deeper into it just another 10 seconds and i'm going to repeat that exact same sequence on the right hand side now so right hand stays forward left arm reaches underneath we get that rotation again we're going to reach both hands nice and far away from us so we get that twisting going we can now perform that pnf so i'm going to press my left hand down into the ground and hold five seconds five four three two one and exhale try and twist my stub down towards the ground again you can do another one if you want to otherwise just gonna hold this position for another just another five seconds or so and then gonna come up walk that right hand out to the side a little bit support yourself with the left arm trying to drop that shoulder down twist away feel that stretch over the pec nice deep stretch again pnf you want to press that hand down into the ground again about 50 effort feel the pet contract kind of pull the hand inwards exhale trying to get a little bit deeper it's another five seconds here beautiful now walk both hands overhead walk them out to the left-hand side and try and push that right shoulder outwards and feel the stretch down the side down the lat everyone's going to chill out here again nice deep breaths feeling the rib cage expand as you do this as you exhale try to push and open up a little bit further another five seconds or so lovely we're going to come now and forward just into a little bit of an upward dog have the opposite position what we've just been spending some time in and shuffle around if you want let's roll on from side side push nice and down with the shoulders well being active with the shoulders kind of arching actively pulling backwards now we're going to start transitioning to a little bit of lower body stuff because we spent a lot of time now on the upper body we're going to bridge that gap with some downward dog so hands in front you're going to press up into a downward dog position but we need to bend the knees slightly so we can focus on pushing and opening up the shoulders so i'm going to try and feel like i'm pulling my sternum down towards the ground extending through the shoulders feeling them really open up you can twist a little side side if you want to just hold this position and transition back to an upward dog so now 10 seconds here all right we're going to press up again into downward dog but this time we're going to keep the legs straight and not worry too much for the shoulders but then i'm going to just basically perform some calf raises in this position so you lift up onto the toes and lower down trying to get the tails down towards the ground feeling the stretch go deeper into the hamstrings and cuffed again just perform this as reps again we can come a little bit more into the shoulders and focus more on the cuffs lower down you ten of these nice slow control spending a couple of seconds in that bottom position really trying to feel the heels firmly planted on the ground as we get down to the bottom as well try to feel that you're gonna pull your belly button through and down over 10 in total i'm gonna take a step forward now with the right leg into kind of a lunge position so we're gonna bring ourselves actively now up into slime's position so lifting the chest up not kind of staying forward i'm going to feel a maximal sort of stretch over this hip flexor from here we're just going to do this for reps a little bit so i'm going to try and actively extend so i'm going to lean backwards use a little bit this front leg kind of to push away but i still want to keep the hips nice and low and then i'm just going to try and if i can do reach back and extend with the hands hold for a few seconds and come back so we're gonna do five of those per side again try to get a little bit deep for each type so main focus here is try to keep this glute engaged on the back leg reach back extend the hands if you can do if just trying to actively extend through the shoulders is enough we don't have to raise the hands overhead or just reaching the arms overhead not leaning back still will increase the stretch over the hip flexor so five of those in total so stand back reach up hold for a few seconds really squeeze that glute on the back leg come back down that's three squeeze that glute full this last on the fifth one is going to hold for 10 seconds reach up lean back focus on your breathing focus engage in that glute feel the stretch over that hip flexor two and one right right leg goes back left leg comes forward exactly the same thing so move around a bit find that decent hip flexor stretch and then we're gonna actively lift ourselves up into this one again start with just the leaning back of the torso if you want to start lift the hands overhead five reps ten seconds in the last rep so we're going to lift the hands up and reach back hold for a few seconds that glute on that back leg is a really important aspect that's kind of why we're doing this reach as we lift up obviously you get more of a stretch over the abs over the hip flexor but it helps us activate that posterior chain that's three two more and last one i'm going to hold for 10 seconds squeeze that glute two and one you can drop that back now into the paper child's pose again the opposite to that extension that we've just been doing shake it off a little bit and we're going to stand up into a pike position but i don't need to get into like your maximum pack straight we're just going to let the knees bend i'm going to chill out letting the torso rest on the thighs from here what i want you to do is try and extend the legs and then reach forward with the hands but as you reach forward with the hands you're gonna try and push the hips backwards so i'm almost like i'm going to fall over on my heels but i'm not going to quite that's going to help you use the hip flexor and the core to reach deeper we're going to do five of those and i'm going to spend 10 seconds in the final deep position so straighten the legs reach forward with the hands push the hips backwards hold for a few seconds bend the legs come back into kind of a moderate pike stretch so again reach lean back with the hips reach the hands forward two three back into a moderate pike stretch reach forward two more here try to lean back reach the hands forward overhead two three last one i'm gonna do three seconds then we're gonna try and hold and pull ourselves into a deeper pipe so push this back reach overhead lift the hands two three hands now come back in the cast try to give you a bit of assistance try to pull yourself into a bit more of an intense hamstring stretch just for about 10 seconds or so nothing particularly intense perfect then come now down into a kneeling position feet ideally plantar flex so on the top of the feet if that's not comfortable you're more than welcome to this one on your toes but just kind of works better with the feet plantar flexed we're then going to place hands behind us extending through the shoulders so we should feel a little bit of a stretch over the shoulders but we're going to focus now on the hips and to do so i'm going to try and engage my glutes and lift my hips up into this active position so i should now feel the stretch over my hip flexors and cords hold this for a few seconds and relax down i'm gonna do five of these hold for three or four seconds and i'm gonna relax the deeper positions push the hips up squeeze the glutes as hard as you can feel that stretch getting more intense and then come back down again good three or four second pause next rep lift the hips up last two push the hips up nice stretch over the hips and this last one two three four i think you're going to stay in this position i just want you to try and lean a little bit further back into this one so if you had hands on try to either walk the hands further backwards so we're going to shift over backwards or even come onto the elbows and so you feel a bit of a stretch again over the quads over the hip flexors just going to hold this position for about 15 seconds just keep holding support yourself trying to lift that chest up as well two one awesome i'm gonna come now into a tailor pose so stay seated and bring ourselves into the pose are a butterfly position so feet nicer together trying to pull the knees down towards the sides and lift ourselves up here so my hips are now hovering i'm just going to try and push my hips forward as i do so i'm going to try and think about pulling actively with my glutes so squeezing my knees down towards the ground i'm obviously still keeping my shoulders nice and down as well that's going to hover back five of these hold this position we're trying to push our hips as close to our feet as possible you know pulling those knees down and shift back squeeze those glutes really try to work them hard so five of these again hold a few three or four seconds at the top pulling those knees down last one squeeze try to pull those knees down towards the sides i'm going to come to a seat position now pull the feet as comfortable as you can in this tailor-posed position not too far not too far back and we're going to then try and fold forward and as we fold forward i'm going to press my elbows on the inside of my thighs so i'm sort of actively pulling my feet up pushing my elbows down and leaning as far forward as i can over with my torso i'm going to hold this position just for about 20 seconds keep those knees pushing down as well trying to get that chest further forward almost bring yourself forward try to actively pull those knees down as far forward as you can do five seconds and you come up out of it i'm just gonna bring ourselves into the center i'm gonna shake things off just for some hip swivels nothing too strenuous before we move into the next part of the routine so just 10 of these in total kind of shifting back and forth pausing if you want to but really just kind of loosening things up as we work a bit more into the hips so there's a couple more per side i'm going to finish on the right hand side space in this stay in this 1990 position so front leg 90 knee to 90 out at 19 knee to 90 90 90. we're going to lean forward so we're going to find a point of stretch not going to round to go forward and roll the hips try to feel like you're pulling the belly button over that thigh place the left hand on the right foot and then we're going to do some pnf so what i'm going to think about doing here is i'm going to try and push my foot in this direction so i'm going to try and push my foot actively into my hand and press that five four three two one and try and sink a little bit deeper with the chest over that knee so sternum over me we're gonna do that one more time so we're gonna press that foot into the hand five four three two one breathe out sink deeper i'm gonna stay in this bottom position now just for about another 10 seconds or so feel that stretch over the glute of this front leg if you want to if this feels comfortable you can shift this back into more of like a pigeon position but again the 1990 is perfectly fine if you struggle get into this position as well you can go back and elevate the hips so if you lift the hips up it will make this position easy to get into right come back we're going to twist ourselves over this back leg so using the hands of support behind us try to feel the sternum now facing over this back knee and then to make this one a little bit more intense we're going to try and lift ourselves more upright and think about pulling this knee down into the ground again we're just going to hold this around 20 seconds just keep the breathing nice and consistent we're we're kind of over halfway about two-thirds of the way down in terms of the exercises but as i said because it's been a relaxing routine we're going to finish off with some longer hold some more relaxed stuff uh at the end right hip swivel over to the left hand side exactly the same thing so rotate so sternum is facing over this left leg hinge forward to a point of stretch right hand on your left foot you can try and press that left foot towards the foot press it into the foot actively holding four three two one exhale try to sink deeper try to keep the chest up try to roll those hips maybe one more now so press that foot into the hand five four three two one exhale a little bit deeper i'm just gonna hold this position nice stretch over the glute again if you want to go to pigeon go to pigeon i'm just gonna breathe another 15 seconds and we can come up and twist that stand around to that back leg this time feel that knee pull down into the ground sternum goes towards that knee and lift yourselves up so you find a bit of a stretch so what this stretch might feel a little bit odd it's going to feel like it's inside the hip capsule itself it's all good let's keep breathing another five seconds here and then we're going to come up to this uh original kind of starting hipster position so seated the kind of a comfortable width it shouldn't feel like they're you're excessively having to pull them up i'm just going to turn slightly to the side so you can see a bit better so kind of suspicion grab the feet with the hands so we still got bent legs and then what we're going to try and do is going to try and understand this hip roll so we're going to go from what will be a flex back position and i'm going to imagine someone's going to pull my belly button through and i'm going to try and lift my chest i should feel the stretch go to kind of the inside of the thigh the abductors and try and feel like i'm sitting on my sitting bones as opposed to sitting on like the glutes in the lower back hold for a few seconds exhale kind of come back to that rounded position so inhale pull the belly button through lift the chest up use the hands to help you as well and exhale round again so five of these in total so step three inhale feel the stretch change try to roll the hips exhale back to that starting position gonna do one more look here so two more and now pull the belly button free try to roll the hips see fill and feel the hip change press back through last one let's just a few seconds from here keeping this same kind of active chest up position we're going to begin to let the legs slide outwards so we're going to go into what would be a pancake-like position i'm going to try and think at all times that we're keeping our stomach and our thighs nice and close so we're going to slide down to a point of like moderate stretch and if that means you just go straight with the legs and end up this position this is no good as i said we want those thighs nice and tucked to our stomach the entire time the stomach comes down with the thighs once you get to a point in which you feel that you can't get any more hold that position we're going to try and curl we're going to try and pull the heels back towards us i'm gonna hold that for five seconds before the hamstrings actively contract five four press the heels down into the ground three two one and then i want you to exhale try to push the feet out a bit further but keep the stomach coming down with the thighs we're going to get to a little bit further i'm going to do another one it's going to press the heels down to the ground feel the hamstrings contract five four three two one exhale try to slide them out a little bit before but make sure that you still maintain this sort of contact and not just losing with the hip and the stomach i'm gonna keep hands on the on the hair on the heels if you can do just gonna hold this end position for about 10 seconds or so and you can come back up we're now going to come to frog position so knees as wide as you want you can place feet together if you want to behind you but you know preferably feet go out but again kind of bases on comfort kind of shift backwards and we're going to shift forwards so nothing particularly strenuous about this one kind of moving in and out of that range of motion do ten of these try to really push and sink those hips backwards and as you come through feel the hips extend get a bit of a stretch over the hip like so i'm just gonna turn see a bit better so 10 of these so a few more all right so this is where we move into a little bit more of some relaxed some longer sort of holds going back through what we've already done a little bit more say dynamically a little bit shorter period so we're going to start off you get a wallet bolster or cushion i'm just going to use a yoga block in this instance and we're going to start with the right hand side so right down i'm going to lie down onto the yoga block on our right hand side similar to kind of that that rotating position that we started with hand comes to 90 degrees make sure you're lying on top of the shoulder and i'm going to place my hand on top and bring myself this is something called a sleeper stretch and bring myself into a point of stretch i'm going to feel a stretch going into the posterior shoulder capsule i'm not massively pushing down with the hand here i'm almost just letting kind of again similar to the next stretch like the the weight of my hand press down first and then as it feels a little more comfortable i might apply a little bit more pressure but essentially we're gonna sit here for a minute per side kind of just chill out let that rear delt just relax so during this one we're just gonna sit breathe and we're looking for this hand just to sink down gradually over time just keep pushing it down you can play a pnf here which doesn't tend to work as well in this position the pnf would be trying to press the hand up and you're working like very easily to begin with and building up the contraction but i just personally prefer just to sit and uh wait out the stretch putting another 10 15 seconds right you can then shake it off some rotations back and forth again this one is targeted to that posterior shoulder capsule i'm gonna do the other side to the left hand side i'm gonna flip over same thing lie on top of that left hand shoulder arm go straight out in front bends 90 degrees bring yourself into a point of stretch again begin by just placing hand on top letting gravity do its thing and gradually applying a bit more pressure over this minute keep that breathing constant try to feel that hand dropping over this period of time let's keep breathing not that you need any reminders do that one it's another 20 seconds here i think another five seconds all right you can shake things off again some rotations back and forth so my injured side is a little bit tighter you may find that you have one side tight in the other as well i want to do a bit of a thoracic rotation you can keep the yoga block if you want to this does work perfectly fine but i'm going to use a bolster it's a little bit more comfortable so i'm going to place the bolster um ideally well not ideally beginner version would be actually placing the bolster vertical and then we're going to lie back on it and let gravity do its thing drop us either side i personally first place the bolster horizontally and then just kind of placing it right around the shoulder blades letting the arms drape across and again still gravity doing its thing so really it's personal preference we're gonna do around a minute and a half here so you know you may want to swap halfway through see which one you prefer but get comfortable i place the hair the feet in the diamond position so have them fixed again let gravity do its thing kind of relax the legs relax the back hands you can place whatever width you feel comfortable you need to support underneath the head also do that apart from that we're going to focus on breathing as we breathe we'll inhale try to feel the ribcage expand so we breathe in through the diaphragm so belly first and then it goes up into the diaphra into the ribcage expanding and then exhale and you should feel yourself almost soften around the object this is one of my favorites it's just a it's a feel-good stretch kind of does a lot of the reverse of what we spend a lot of our time doing site computers sound so for whatever it is about halfway feel yourself getting heavier into this bolster this support sort of dropping around and letting gravity kind of pull your body either side right there's that for that stretcher that i could stay in that stretch for a lot longer i'm gonna call that one there well i'm gonna move on to a nice chilled out stretch for the hip so we're gonna come into what would be sort of like a seated position so we're going to cross the right leg over should we start with the right leg cross the left leg over right leg now comes over the top of the left leg so this will be the sitter stretch and then you're just going to try and hug this right leg now if you can't get into this position for whatever reason try to elevate the hips and place a yoga block underneath that'll help you get a little bit more over the top but otherwise we're just going to hug and then from here depending if you feel a stretch or not one option is trying to get the shoulder closer down towards the ground or you can go the other way where you try to pull this knee towards your opposite shoulder either always fine we're going to sit in this position again about 90 seconds per side it's a pretty chilled out one so you shouldn't be straining to get yourself into a point of stretch we're looking for a general stretch over the glute and over that posterior hip capsule and we're trying to sit here and chill out give yourself give yourself a hug it's been a hard year again similar to the other stretch we also kind of feel ourselves like soften into the knee so initially there'll be some resistance kind of pulling us out of the position i'm just looking for that to kind of dissipate just another 30 seconds so awesome there's that for the right side same thing right leg crosses left one comes over the top right shoulder drops down i'm going to give that left leg a hug and again you can go again you play out during that timing try to go right leg right shoulder deeper try to pull the opposite shoulder towards it either or i personally just like to sit here and give myself a hug during these relax stretches i'm going to try and not ramble too much and i'm kind of breaking that already but i would really encourage you just to focus on your breathing try to keep it nice controlled and and think about it think four or so seconds in maybe a short in hold and then five or six seconds a little bit longer on the exhale don't count it but just kind of feel that another 30 seconds nice nice nice right this one you might not gonna like me for we're gonna need here an object to support that back leg so i'm going to use i'm actually being harder to myself i'm going to use this uh nice comfortable looking pole here and place the knee we're going to start with the right leg yes so the right leg basically as close as feels comfortable do it left leg comes forward and come bring ourselves into a large position so the way we're going to adjust the intensity of this one because we're going to sit in this stretch for about 90 seconds is you know the closer the knee is to that base of support the more intense it's going to be this works well on a sofa if you have a chair if you have a wall just make sure as well that foot is padded and comfortable as well the knee is comfortable everything needs to be comfortable apart from the stretch i'm just going to come forward onto the hands and then we're just going to think about letting gravity pull this right hip down towards the ground so we're going to do sync ourselves probably more so if anything like i could do anything with this left arm it's going to be more into that right arm and just think about letting that hip drop down and feeling the stretch over this hip flexor this left leg can just kind of hang out to the side if you want to it can it can really do whatever feels comfortable again focus on breathing if you focus on that diaphragmatic breathing as well breathing into your belly you're really going to feel this in that hip flexor potentially up into sort of like the intercostals and stuff the obliques all over yourself deepen that hips dropping down that stretch is getting a little bit less over this period of time about 15 seconds left right come back shake things off a little bit we can place that left knee now right up against that wall it's really nice and supported right leg comes forward again hands on the floor in front of you that that left hip sink down almost twisting slightly a little bit so again weights mostly on that left arm left hip dropping down towards the ground and again just chill focus on breathing nice and deep breathing into the belly into the diaphragm i'm feeling that stretch float away about halfway remember these shouldn't be so intense that you can't just sit in them it's more important that we get into a semi comfortable position and focus on that you know that stretch feeling disappearing softening another 10 seconds all right again we're going to shake that off a bit i'm going to come into the final stretch now which is going to be an optional one so um you can either do a pike position so pipe position like this if you're a little bit tighter if you're a little bit more flexible if you want to work on pancake we're just gonna get a little bit wider with the legs but at a point in which it feels you know comfortable at the end of the day um and certainly if you're kind of hovering up here and you're kind of you're so not necessarily so tight but you feel restricted that this is not comfortable grab yourself some support something that you can you know comfortably support yourself with in your hands similar to how we were there in the hip flexor you can take a little bit of that load off and then focus on like softening and letting yourself drift down into this one we're going to finish up 90 seconds i'll do pancake and again comfortable width just i'm going to let myself hang with gravity don't breathe might come in a little bit with the feet actually you can go for a slight bend in the knees here as well if it feels a little bit more comfortable i asked you to rotate the pelvis a little bit more it feels uncomfortable give yourself a bit more support with the hands to to ease it off another 10 seconds or so and that is uh is basically the routine well done for making it this far i hope you enjoyed this particular routine it was kind of a mix mash of two different ones there was a little bit of some active stuff and moving around and then just sitting and chilling and trying to relax so if you did enjoy it please uh make sure you do let me know with a thumbs up it really helps support the channel right next to it as well is that subscribe button if you'll join the bodyweight warrior tribe don't miss out on any more future videos if you want to give me some feedback you can request something as well that you might want me to cover in a future video make sure you do so with a comment in the comment section down below other than that have a merry christmas and i'll catch the next one have a strong week and you
Channel: Tom Merrick
Views: 387,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full body flexibility workout, full body flexibility, full body flexibility stretches, full body flexibility routines, follow along flexibility, flexibility workout follow along, tom merrick flexibility follow along, tom merrick follow along, tom merrick full body flexibility, stretching routines, stretch follow along, passive flexibility
Id: to_USs3Ip6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 42sec (3282 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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