60 mins of MOST CRINGE tiktok I reacted to (CRINGE ASMR)

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she looks like a Japanese girl yeah of course they involved guys last time I saw them they had only this part what is this type type to make your face like this now they have this pop-up what is this fight for this part you can't move it like if you move like this or this it doesn't change what is this part four though uh to cover the uneven skin maybe pores or something but you have filters already a lot of girls and some guys as well in Asia they like wearing lens that change their eyes not only eyes colors okay and also the shade to make the what is this circle thing the black area what is that Baker what you think about this [Music] um eyebrows disappear just like always I sound so rude actually sometimes I feel guilty when I sound so rude I know that when I film video if my reaction is always like actually if I'm outside or if I'm somewhere I'll be like I've don't want my reaction to be that flat at the same time I don't want to offend people so I just want to be honest [Music] she looks much older after removing the makeup makeup and food helps her a lot to change foreign [Music] for a long time I used to put on masks as well you know but I got lazy as well [Music] it's changed a lot already a lot of you guys said that why Asians always want pale color why Asians always want to look like a ghost maybe it's from my perspective but I feel like by the way I'm wearing Itachi T-shirts because every time people ask I feel like with this tone it makes her more healthy she looks healthier I just don't understand why people put on their arm wait let me check my arm and my face same color right actually this side is much paler oh yeah because of the lighting I look pal [Music] oh she looks much smaller I mean skinny in the face that this 12 years old girl versus this major girl but this is a this is a little bit too pal for me you know Halloween makeup from an ounce to a 12 years old school girl can you expect this this is for real crazy Asian makeup transformation this is what we call not click baiting and this is what we need to learn ah gosh [Music] I asked this question before right girls usually shave their eyebrows because they can make a better shape or a different shape but I just don't want to say why they don't keep their original eyebrows and work on the original shape it would be cool as well actually they don't have eyebrows because I know some people don't have eyebrows right I have to worry guys I have these are my real eyebrows not the best but no I'm getting the front seat uh no I caught shotgun in the house and have my hand on the door before you oh yeah Dad Chris let your brother sit in the front seat I don't care if you call it shotgun or not get in the back seat oh bro this is ridiculous why does he get the front seat I never get the front seat because I said so very relatable you know older brother or sister you need to take care of your younger sibling that's the moment that you're no longer your parents favorite child oh wait I was never one this one [Music] you don't know frustration if you've never had to fight over the bathroom with your sibling what makes it worse is say y'all fighting over who gets to take the first shower [Music] eat eat everything in the house you know sometimes I don't even get two bowls of cereal out of the whole box it happens with cereal and ice cream too have a bowl this morning be piled all the way up here like it's a mountain you ever see a silver and just walk you're right you're all right I just realized that one of the reasons why I'm skinny it's because of my older brother every time when I go to the toilet when I come back food is gone foreign [Music] that's not even true okay siblings don't even ask they're like give to me I remember my sister she's so funny now every time when I buy McDonald's she's like I'm kind of shying to ask my brother to give me McDonald's but I really want it and she always finds excuse to come to me do you know how to solve this math like what plans do you have she's like standing at the door waiting until I ask do you want some and she's like just a little and every time I eat just a little she eats everything serious when people still watch television right now why did you look at him he's gonna cry I used to cry for attention because I was the younger one as well [Music] because you know that you're not your parents favorite child anymore your parents don't care about you okay even if you starve to death they don't care but they care about the younger one so you need to force the younger one to say that he or she is hungry so you get the food relatable wait I'm the young one I'm actually the younger one why am I crying here we have a grandma doing skincare um suddenly after the makeup her skin is so smooth it's just a filter wait this so here her eyes are like this big boom eye color changed nowadays a lot of Asians love wearing contact lens even grandma do that sometimes nope the eyes are like three times bigger that's that's very normal in Asia you know if I remember correctly in Asia the first thing you need to learn when you do makeup is to do eye makeup because the eyes is like the window of the Soul this is the most important part for ages oh yeah this is what I really want to learn actually I sorry for keep stopping because if you do makeup I really want to learn how to make your nose stand out even more she just did a good job she looks like 20 years younger already that is a good job very good job a lot of which ladies in China they are like this but assuming that if they remove makeup they would look like this next one hey this one another happy aunt her skin is actually not so bad a lot of people keep saying Asians have Perfect Skin no I'm sorry I have dimples as well some Asians have like wrinkles pimples even when you're old so I like your facial expression though oh it's working foreign we'll finish this video together all right she looks kind of cute though um this one you guys may not know like I said eye makeup is a big thing for Asians the sticker is like your double eyelid sticker so it makes your eyes actually so much bigger and we do a lot of things like they put glow wait do you guys put the same maybe it's just me not knowing anything foreign [Music] [Music] to explain everything so it's like yeah this is what you will definitely not see in real life because they apply a lot of filters and in real life they probably look nothing similar but that is okay I mean guys love yourself okay what am I talking about oh looks like my eyes a little bit [Music] you she would really surprise me if she changed so much at the end because she looks like my aunt my aunt is like 50 years old [Music] wait what if what if she's just 20 something years old and that was how she looked without makeup she looks like my nephew actually not my aunt my nephew [Music] yeah my nephew my cousin actually my cousin she's my cousin I also want to say one thing this is what we call filter makeup it's like you do a lot of things you put a lot of makeup it's not for real life it's for filtered in real life they don't really put like that don't think like they will stop all the paper toilet paper inside the nose to make it taller in real life they probably probably do the same as well I don't know really I I haven't lived in China for long okay of course there's fake teeth for more views right actually I can tell that even without the fake teeth she looks like her foundation is good you know wow pretty wise suddenly I know it right um no uh why here your face looks so good like it's just so smooth and also so natural just why here you put on the filter make your face like triangle like literally like a v-shape I know that the Beauty Center in Asia yes we want smaller face but if you use filter to change it's just unnatural as hell but just beautiful I can tell that she's beautiful in real life now even if I roast people I need to like praise them a little bit it's just like giving people a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of poop okay we're about to witness how this witchcraft changed her I always say that makeup is way too comp actually don't worry okay I'm completely fine with makeup every time I need to make a disclaimer because you know what a lot of audience I don't speak English right when they say they don't understand anything I say like I say oh they're so beautiful oh you should be more confident they don't understand when I say witchcraft they're like how can you call makeup witchcraft oh my God cancel you they're always like this I'm like Jesus Christ watch the whole video okay yeah she's she's kind of sweets before the makeup I just hope that she won't use strong filter afterwards you know she looks so young for you before her makeup she looks actually older a little bit no now she looks like super young that's impressive as well okay she's changing a little bit she looks her Cheeks is gone right okay she's good she's good her eyes is just like 20 times bigger than here I mean here she or she already has all of the eyes makeup right and it's I think a little bit bigger no actually her eyes serve real quick but here with the filter you know half of the filter it's just 20 times bigger and also her face a little bit more V because of the filter but it's still natural this is rare because usually all of this makeup transformation the makeup has to turn to like maximize okay sweet okay I have watched her already so no matter what she would do in this video I won't be surprised I'm only surprised that she did not wash her clothes at the beginning because she always started doing laundry at the beginning huh the heck is that says bro oh so I don't know what is here it's like some kind of poop and this is cigarette I mean you did surprise me a little bit more oh it works fine um no um no this is no just no don't put anything like this okay they are corruption it's not healthy for your skin okay it can lead to huge health problems don't do that okay it's crazy wow the heart effect oh it's better without the heart effect though but I really like her she's very creative all the time who would have come up with a secret and also trying to destroy your face with the oxidized service of all of these Metals right husband they say that after my makeup I look like some celebrity okay and then husband said I don't know why so toxic husband said like you you're like ghost and you think you're like a celebrity or something like this okay so it's about to prove that he's wrong um bro what is wrong with this friend okay I feel like today we're not gonna judge the makeup all the filters but we're gonna just why the heck you put that thing I don't even know what the what is the name of that thing for the toilet like you clean the toilet with that thing and you clean your face like that instead of grosses I cannot my God it seems to do a good job at cleaning your face though right she looks so angry huh what is she doing right now oh I was like you look so angry while doing makeup and then you know why she started any pepper to make her lips more right and bigger this is why we always say people don't care about their health when it comes to Beauty I feel like she will have a strong very very crazy transformation at the end oh your face shape change from Circle to a triangle and the wick and the crown but it's good I like it you know I think that she's just um she's very good at doing makeup yeah we appreciate that of course but bro you but one thing I want to say bro you have put on makeup to make yourself look like an uncle that's not only makeup take a look of the filter when he's moving like that you know everything is like distorted here your future game is too strong okay same with makeup okay this video is like you know girls version is like um with and without makeup and this is like a reverse you know they put on makeup to make themselves look like a potato and after that they remove the makeup which means that they are actually kind of cute at the beginning liar oh they have Lego [Music] okay this is what I want to say actually without makeup it looks kind of good already yeah this power game why people make themselves like that pal really I think a healthy skin color is better okay concealer powder literally now it doesn't look natural like speed um maybe it's only me but I think that he looks better guilted before makeup because I don't like that like two tones you know and it's too obvious okay uncle doing this washing hair I thought someone turned himself [Music] it's like tell me guys where can I get this this thing spray on your body and your body will become so bad literally can change your ways like this thing he looks so young already I can still see his beard he's not turning himself to a hot tea girl right I think that sorry sorry I thought that he's gonna turn him down like a girl because like some guys can look cute and beautiful I have to do makeup to look like a girl you know I think this is natural [Music] what is this effect but trust issue it gets worse now I can't even trust guys what is worth trusting in this world [Music] nice hairstyle bro [Music] but this looks kind of natural it looks not bad but wait okay one thing I really don't understand why people especially Asians they love pudding I'm an Asian I mean we love putting something to make ourselves so pale so pale skin so pale here and everywhere but the thing is that I know that there's one saying in Asia it's like a when you're white enough it can cover all the Uglies something like this but Asian skin color is good as well this is a little bit too unnatural for me that's why I mean you can do more pal but just maybe more natural much cuter yeah [Music] she's from China this dude who was filming literally said that open it with your mouth thank you sure oh my God [Music] I feel painful already bye mukbang should be like we watch people eating something tasty and we feel hungry it might if my point is like this but I don't want to watch people eating something that doesn't look like edible at all and some people when they want attentions they do something that I think they don't really want it but just they feel like it's cool because no one has ever done that and this good and one thing really important I have to say um I'm just doing reaction to this video it doesn't mean that I hate them or what okay I'm just saying what I feel and I'm trying to be kind okay I'm kind I'm not gonna be aggressive and other weird stuff no I don't want to watch this girl anymore I don't want I don't want to watch people [Music] okay this one should be Veronica one is pretty popular on YouTube which is that doesn't sound so good yes uh this one it's so young okay this one this one uh yeah I I don't understand why people eat live ultimates I don't think they taste extra better but just like anyways I I don't understand I would never understand I know that in Korea a lot of people eat live octopus and people serve you plate with live octopus on top and then you put some very hot sauce on top of the octopus but anyways this is the culture from a different country so I'm not going to judge so much I'm just telling what I think okay [Music] I like sweet she's literally risking her life to do that because you know that it's very dangerous to eat live afterwards because they're this thing testicle no tentacle you know what is this we stick to your throat and you suffocate thank you God I think it's better to kill the lots of us immediately instead of cutting the legs up or leaving him alive she'll say she's enjoying them so this video helped my girlfriend think she's a Korean from Tropic monster Theory I miss just killed his Q as well both of them are really cute every friend have to say that Korean pop right now in Asia is the leading culture so no matter the fashion music anything people are obsessed with that okay like no matter where you go in Asia people are obsessed so yeah some Asians can take it a little bit too far [Music] [Applause] well yeah in Asia we don't really have the term career board you know it's more like a Korean fan or something but I have to justify this okay like I don't know I have to make a disclaimer before I don't know if this is a trolling video or some kind of live show but this is the fact what is happening even in Asia not only like you think it's only happening in United States in America no it's everywhere Korea boom is a person overly obsessed with Korean culture [Music] first of all if you want to learn Korean if you want to just follow some Korean fashion science or something it doesn't make your career don't worry okay if people call your career but they're just stupid and second is the only thing I don't like about karibu is that they denounce their own culture like they literally stamp on their culture to praise the other culture this is what I think you know like like that desires to be reborn as a Korean I'm not sure if they desire to be reborn as a Korean but it's more like they think they're already a Korean you know foreign yes even though I know that this is not a live show this is just a video you know making fun of caribou but it's happening all the time even my friends from Hong Kong when they meet me they call me obla as well they use anions as well I mean they are studying in Korea now technically they're they're still not Korean but they think they are a problem [Music] if I hear about once more in this video I'm so worried that I will just break my monitor by the way guys don't call me over anymore okay just don't call me up I'm not that against of this world but it's just annoying to keep hearing that you know come grandpa is that is something ends with power anyways this is something that I don't understand as well okay I have the English name because I was born under British background okay so like that time teacher forced everyone all the kids to choose an English name so my official name is Ryan my English name that's why I have an English name but my name is kin my first name kin and also Ryan okay but I like Japanese culture but I won't make myself a Japanese name when you make yourself a Korean name and you know when people name themselves in Korean they literally just take the Korean Idol names and use them this is what I don't understand this boyfriend trying to remove girlfriend's makeup probably is the last video sounds so worth then I feel guilty I should go to hell this thing they pull from the nose what is this a lot of people keep complaining Asians have so small nose right while some people can even stuff this toilet paper or something two toilet paper into the nose wait where it connects to eyes [Music] this is what we got true love you know boyfriend removing girlfriend's makeup and before and after it's a little bit too dramatic he didn't even change a little bit he's not like that is he's just like bro I got used to it something like this [Music] and the last event and by the way if you notice my the stages of my mentality it's changing as well from the beginning [Music] what to now seen this before like this and again when I make this type of video sometimes I can sound not so polite but everything is just joking okay don't take it seriously if I offend anyone I will really apologize just comment down below yeah this thing and it looks so painful when they remove this there's actually some left over in her nose take a look what is this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] actually she was putting this on so she can put on another wig so she put a wig over her first wig back you guys always say like oh Asians want to be about we can see a healthy tone this time it's pretty good for it still looks healthy on her face her eye makeup is so beautiful [Music] I forgot how she looked like before already actually [Music] what's wrong with her face or expression when she do makeup why she always make this face like this you can still tell it's her can you you can yeah can you I can I can I can steal her it's a proof about me so we care for each other everything we own we always share because siblings siblings siblings seriously what kind of trend is that tell me guys that links this is my sister this is my brother we are siblings and we care for each other everything we own we always share because we are siblings and we have the same siblings siblings siblings siblings this is my sister okay um I'm done with this video let's end it here guys so I hope you enjoyed the video just kidding okay let's watch something else please stop it I'm not even touching you you literally are you're coming this close for my face but I'm not touching you so you can't do anything I don't care if you do it one more time I'm smacking you right across the face I'm not touching you you can't do anything that's it I warned you for the last time where's your brother I'm tired of his [ __ ] over there playing for it my face really hurt are you kidding me did you hate your brother yeah but what else was I supposed to do he was literally annoying me poking me in the face no I wasn't I wasn't even touching you that's it's acting it's like so funny you know you're grounded but I didn't even do anything you hate your brother one more word and you're crying for two weeks fine whatever I'm sorry you're grounded [Music] funny not not funny [Music] thanks for sibling at 2AM to see if they are awake my sister I always do this to my sister I'm asking like are you awake can you cook me some instant noodle or something my sister is a good Chef by the way foreign yeah sure I don't care mommy said get your damn [ __ ] lazy ass up so we can go [ __ ] I am so hungry um foreign okay guys I just want to remind you one thing if you have a sibling you know that food in the fridge is not yours anymore just a plane actually takes everything from the fridge I actually do that a lot okay and you know what after being questioned by my older brother I always say like I probably little sister took it or like younger brother took it she looks so much younger this is a pro right let's check that's advertisement this is without filter you see that super unnatural because so pal and then here is not bad at all [Music] it's too obvious this is really um Asian this thing I can't really justify I don't understand it as well guys I'm just like you guys take a look here super pal and then here it's like not that bad here it's a little bit like when I was young I watched this horror and then there were like some ghosts some very pale that corpse and they have the same color and then here I honestly like this much better because this looks so healthy and here as well you see two tongue two-tone everywhere [Music] okay I like the fact that they all use the same Photoshop for their eyes what kind of filter is that I want to try though foreign [Music] why they all do the same makeup though this kind of makeup is super trendy in China That's why everyone made the same makeup okay but but it's only for like streamers or like on the creators like them more makeup artists like them so it's not like in Asia all the girls look like that no okay not all good looking Asians have done plastic surgery not all good looking Asians use Photoshop like crazy please just don't get yourself affected because of the videos like that I'm trying to convince myself at least [Music] next one let's see if I'm watching here [Music] I realize that all of them were wearing contact lens eyebrows is gone oh it's red [Music] not only you wear contact lens but you need to like add filter to your contact lens why do you wear contact lens you just use filter your color your eye color you can change it to any color you want or any shape like star shape or even like chicken nugget shape nice car though [Music] oh my grandma nice outfit though every time when I watch a grandma doing makeup I'm nervous a little bit okay hear me out okay I'm so scared that at the end it will look like so different that every time when I look at girls they just remind me of grandmas and I feel like what if actually they are Grandmas but they they learn these techniques and just turn themselves to look like that I'm just joking by the way don't be serious okay and of course everyone before doing the makeup transformation they have to make their teeth look like that it's like a trend for them it's the end already right oh she still looks like a grandma I appreciate that she still looks like a grandma but more like a tidy and a fancy one Ah that's that's very good I like it and she looks much more confident and also I like her happy face I'm pretty sure that her sister or her besties in the background like those two they hate her so much because she probably only apply the filter on her face without applying for them as well you know oh wait they're doing makeup as well just like her oh wait oh that looks like my my facial expression yeah I'm just like is it gonna be good by the way I keep looking at you guys because I'm so I want to have this surprise like oh looking at you looking at her oh she's fine and looking at you and look bad at her she's like another person she's just changed completely I'm waiting for that moment you know oh not bad this is good this is a very normal one very good it looks like my Aunt I really have relative looking like this they look the same except the teeth of course oh she looks better already oh she forgot to show us you know how she changed from mono Adelaide to double eyelid she just keep that part you're not honest sis not bad not bad does it mean that my relative could look like this don't let them watch this video please I'm still waiting for one you know I'm waiting for that one I can roast to the max but of course I'm not gonna go all the way in okay while she's doing the makeup I'm gonna talk to you guys even though when I say that I'm gonna roast them I don't roast their look I don't roast their face because I think that appearance is something that you don't get to choose you know I don't want people to feel bad because they look like this it's more like I'm roasting their makeup style or the things that they're doing like nonsense thing you know picking up the cigarette to draw on your face or the filter this is what I'm gonna roast instead this one is natural oh um we have something to say but there's not much different damn it cannot roast but you can see that her face is super pale and her neck is super dark this thing I don't understand you know either you make the same tone like face and neck or you do the makeup for your neck as well all of this makeup artists they're so happy at the beginning oh the eyes wow this is not called makeup my sis this is called surgical makeup it's close to surgery already but I like it it looks very good both I mean before and after okay don't get me wrong and at the end I can't even judge your makeup do you know why you put the light too strong you turn it like too strong and that is Overexposed can't see even the detail or you put too much filter how can we refill your makeup this is a reverse one she's gonna remove her makeup from the beginning okay at the beginning she looks like um 20 years old young lady after removing makeup she looks like my aunt who would have expected that it's gonna be this long how you start that in you have so small nose how can you stuff like this long paper Okay sticker no surprise okay both are beautiful you know okay there's some drama going on but you don't understand because they're speaking Chinese probably like here is already better while her eyes so bling bling I forgot how she looked like before oh like her ass was planting already now here is better okay what is this butterfly filter these butterflies I cannot you look at Princess okay yeah okay A friend of my mom it's just not actually a friend of my mom okay she just looks like my mom's age she'd still look like a friend of my mom but more clean and also like a makeup version yeah [Music] who would have expected that he did this I thought it's like a transition you know and then after that you're gonna have your makeup done but you're just washing your face why do you do that then cringing [Music] this okay he looks cuter but at the same time kind of [Music] oh now it's better when his neck is covered is better let's watch some Idols without makeup okay um but before I watch this I want you guys to know that um no Idols are humans as well they can look tired sometimes it doesn't mean that they're not killed okay for me they are killed with or without makeup so namjoon the same what do you mean bro you look the same you look the same they're so unfair okay Jin foreign [Music] [Music] okay at least we can see something this time it's got some pimples but that's completely normal come on if you're an idol you don't even have time to sleep and your schedule is like so messed up because maybe at midnight you're still working but it's still quite good you know okay j-hope what what is this video this video is written BTS without Photoshop and makeup acne texture spots where's acne bro okay Jimmy oh we can see some spots at least but it's not even bad this is called good skin actually but just some sports something Perfection which everyone has oh wait take him I want to see I knew it I I have expected that all right I knew that he would look the same so wait oh at least here we can see something which is nothing okay Jungkook this is clickbait video really oh here we can see some skin problems I know that some items suffered from skin problems for a period when they were so stressed out in that period so guys in general don't do a lot of makeup but some people they look so different with and without this eye makeup and by the way guys a lot of people ask if I have eye makeup you know even in real life they come to me oh you have makeup on your eye but no so I just want to say that some Asians they have this thing naturally like this kind of like eyeshadow thing and this is completely natural okay weird fan oh this one this one foreign okay wait wait how it's hot already exactly she's not eating them alive it would be so gross I think they're not entrepreneur they're toxic no it grows you know not tasty okay okay at least she's honest she said that it's not very tasty it tastes like medicine hell no what the heck at least they're not moving around if you're moving around I don't even watch it [Music] so after eating the spider she said it doesn't taste something weird that's the comment I expect something like crispy foreign [Music] she says tasty she says tasty Adventures and let's just start eating them alive oh this one everything wrong with muffin just like what I'm thinking we're gonna check that out together what am I supposed to say no no it kind of reminds me of in hentai's Wing why do I know that wait what is hentai I don't know in my life oh spicier diamond she has a big mouth I have no friends as well don't worry wait that's it where is it okay this one is gonna be very quick um I feel like I used to love eating until I watched all these mukbangs um probably I need to watch 10 hours of people eating KFC or McDonald's in order to feel like I want to eat again and all these insects all these bugs worms they're still in my mind gosh who suggested this video by the way who huh Korean fried noodle okay yeah I want to say one thing like I like Korean fashion a lot like I think that they they really know how to dress it well but I have to say that I don't like Korean food at all I like Korean barbecue only the rest I don't like or Korean instant noodle is okay as well but Korean food like um all these your favorite topoki and everything I don't like just I don't understand why some people when they are obsessed with one culture they force themselves to love everything with that culture I don't know if it's just Korean culture or Asian culture in general but people love filming themselves talking about everything like even me I make YouTube videos but I cannot feel myself talking like oh I just ate these ate that in front of the camera next one you know next one is gonna be the one that we usually watch you know about Western girls being career boss breakfast it sounds like a Wattpad story ready and what is this I just noticed activate Windows like you don't even pay for the license by the way I mean I should read it right about though totally accurate pronunciation that means fine it's not really a problem this one I feel like I've seen her already right I kind of forgot already a few moments later what is this what are we even watching need to drink some water to calm myself I don't even know what is happening there literally someone just added her laugh all the time [Music] that is okay already like she's cute okay she's cute after all she tried and also this looks like a some kind of Saved video that you would never Post online but she decided to post it on Tumblr or somewhere I don't know but I remember this trend in Asia that's how everyone was doing that literally everyone and of course when they do that they all think that they're killed I'm not saying that they're not killed okay but like as I said I'm not a big fan of ego and this ego song is just haunting me for many years maybe that's why I never have female friends after that damn it this song ruined so many people's childhood for some of mine a little bit this is a contest for the best idea I remember we watched this video already but it's been a long time so let's watch this video again this is a contest for best ego [Music] oh my god oh it's really hard to you know hold everything if I'm not filming right now I probably burst a laughing but I don't want to sound like so impolite you know I always say that this is normal this is normal this is what I keep telling myself [Music] I mean she's cute I mean she doesn't need to do anything to be cute she's already cute but as an Asian I did not know that people really find ego being killed like literally in the audience area they were like she's so cute it's so cute oh my God everyone was like oh I melted already my heart damn it you have to you're a thief because you stole my heart like everyone's reaction was like this I'm always like wait what people like that that is why when I was doing live streaming this a lot of people telling me to do ego I mean if you guys still need like one million dollar I would consider doing that I feel like I lost one million all right I should learn how to do it damn this end is funny though goodbye I hope you guys hope you guys die from this video oh it's really hard to handle not gonna lie the video quality reminds me of like 2010 [Music] this is a website sorry obviously someone tried to recreate the weapons no I cannot you know ah what is it [Music] usually when we watch makeup transformation they just show them makeup and she show her shampoo like hair washing process I appreciate that sis you even show your lunch process skincare why she's so happy after eating from this we what we're learning guys you should feed your girl all the time otherwise they will be mad feed me as well I get mad when I'm hungry [Music] see how painful it is at the beginning I want to ask is that painful when you pull that out but then I think it should be really painful when you put that in right how the hell you put that in sis I can't even put my finger inside my nose sometimes you know I have small nose or do I don't know I want to say she has so beautiful teeth because it's like so wide and beautiful and then she turn off the filter take a look here [Music] okay let's give her a chance see when should we move her makeup how she look like [Music] putting on makeup actually [Music] where did they get everything like this you know I want to try as well we would watch her already know she's so happy eating and washing her hair same background but she's so happy that I don't want to skip her [Music] it's the same makeup from last time okay [Music] thank you and something in your nose yeah definitely how can you miss that part right oh something on your nose as well so red [Music] I just praises [Music] you know what I start to think this is actually actual type that you can get from grocery store and this is toilet paper don't tell me I'm right okay I feel like everyone has this it should be something common but I've never seen [Music] foreign [Music] makeup it's a very painful process for these people I think [Music] foreign like my mom never locked the door my siblings as well and they never close the door as well they just you know I'm like playing my phone hugging my pillows and blankets getting ready to stay on the bed for two centuries without getting off from the bat they just never close the door and I have to climb the whole Everest to close the door that I'm about to leave these girls are picking me up right now um I might be home at three in the morning but I don't know you know what I think I'm sleeping over their house but I'll see you tomorrow all right I'll see you tomorrow I'm gonna leave the door unlocked just in case you come home your stupid sleep over tonight I totally forgot hey go get in the car you know meet you out there in like five minutes hey yo dad since you're bringing him to his friend's house can I just go along I need to go to my friend's house for a project that's due tomorrow so can I go oh wait wait you're trying to go out in your curfew is at eight o'clock it's 7 30 right now you you must be out of your mind if I'm letting you out of the house that's true that's true they give all the love to the smallest sibling and then the biggest one they just don't care because like they literally treat them like you're not my child anymore so they don't care right so you can do whatever you want but in the middle one they're like in between I care but I don't really care so it's like I limit you but you're still my son so he's like that I'm the middle one by the way foreign [Music] [Laughter] my older brother my older brother never uses the toilet when I'm not inside the toilet every time when I take a bath he needs the toilet I just every time and I asked him like why are you used to toilet every time I take the shower and he's like why you always take the shower when I need a toilet this is their logic okay finally something different [Music] they're doing makeup is certainly a girl hit her ass and then she bro you would not want to know what is within you it's like if you do makeup fast enough the owner of the apartment would love me huh I'm gonna fix the shades of stories there now this is what I can justify [Music] I can I can't try my best to be like to be serious I just want to clear the misunderstanding of Asian girls doing [ __ ] like it's not that easy that I expected so far it's so normal like concealing Foundation everything is just normal except the fact that she turned her skin smoother to maximum level that doesn't look like skin anymore so this is yes this is what I want to watch fake notes she's gonna teach you how you do this nose but without plastic surgery so yeah we need to watch that I kind of need that probably okay primer are not primer it's glue foreign [Music] there's no pores on it and it just looks like wax you know I don't know how to react to this for you [Music] look so different but still cute right Jackson actually Jackson looks always looks nice you know um without makeup and with some beard he looks so many and so mature I think that this look is good and with makeup it looks so fresh and like a like a baby [Music] wait I'm watching boy version why says you wait it's not exist reverse makeup this is boy guys [Music] I'm kind of scared already they are makeup artists okay but where's your eyebrow [Music] wait I just want to say is that normal that when you do eye makeup and when you remove that your eyebrow is gone because like I don't have makeup on my eyes and my eye was still here [Music] you won't rub rub and then your beard is gonna grow right So This Is the End who would have expected this is a pro I thought it's a six translation even more serious how can I look at people the same way that I looked at them before okay um I think really I've had enough already I don't know how to trust people anymore
Channel: kinryyy
Views: 61,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok cringe, tiktok cringe compilation, tik tok, fail videos, tik tok video, tiktok cringe comp, cringe compilation, kinryyy, kin ryan, socksreact, charlotte dobre, sssniperwolf, korean react, youtubers react, teens react, funny, hilarious, cringe, koreaboos, korea, oli london, jimin, bts, makeup, makeup fails, before and after, with and without, reacting to, reaction, asian makeup, korean makeup, crazy asian makeup transformation, transformation, glow up, oli london reaction
Id: c7CG62TIx0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 32sec (3632 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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