60 Days In: Zac's Jail Journey | A&E

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about two minutes away my job in the marine corps is a combat  engineer where the guys who go out and   find the roadside bombs my goal was to make it  back to the states and actually start the life   that i'd always dreamed of having i feel like he's going to be walking  and talking about the time you come home   my biggest concern is the amount of time  i'm gonna miss with my son and my wife   you can just tell that riker is the  light of his life and he enjoys every   single moment that he gets to spend with  him come here big man it's gonna be okay i promise i'm going to take your head down  so you'll be inside here now   we're gonna have you step in there  and take a shower we're gonna need   anything that's not all white put  your back needs a white screen point let me go ahead five racks out there bruh uh one of the first things i notice there are only  ten rooms that are supposed to hold four people   each so there's only supposed to be 40 and  there's at least 50 if not more guys in there   and people are basically stacked on top of each  other i mean it's it's definitely overcrowded my thinking at that time was not to appear  too hard like don't walk in with the swagger   and try to act like i'm top dog but at the  same time don't walk in me content either i've been basically taking what i learned  in the military as far as how to take care   of myself and how to get along with a  big group of guys and apply it to this roby comes over and says if there's anything  you ever need or give me a holler let me know and it felt like he was kind of you  know just accepting me into the pod it slips out and you call somebody a   that word in there will get you in a fight quicker  than anything else you're my boys all the time i need to be careful about how involved i get  and who i get involved with i gotta get used to there are several of the guys who tell me  that on the streets dilo is their dealer that's me losing all the way  around hey come down here the fact that d-lo is willing to make deals  in front of me just shows that i am definitely   being accepted into the world now and it feels  like i'm deeper in than i was when i got here people are asking me what do you have court for  and i said i don't know i said i'm here on a   warrant and they said that's weird i don't  understand why i would be going to court i just was told that one of our participants  zach had been called to court today   i mean i completely panicked  we've prepared in depth for this   and this is never something we prepared  for because it should have never happened once those come on they don't come on in the  holding cell i see the producers of the show   and the camera people standing there and  i can tell from the looks on their faces   they don't have a clue what's going on in zack's  case he has no local chargers he should never   be going to a local court right-hand side  shoulders on the wall it's too late i can't   call book in and say hey pull zach off the  list it's going to blow over the whole cover   of this project for the sheriff's office at  this point zach's just got to go to court this is an actual judge the judge isn't on this  project so you know he can't lie to a judge asked the ceo do you have any idea  what's going on according to him   i have a lawyer and i knew  there's no way i have an attorney   i'm literally freaking out inside the  second i get in front of the judge   i'm gonna have to tell the truth and at that point  the whole program is just gonna have to shut down i don't know what's going through  his head he can panic while he's in   court you're sitting in front of an actual  judge that's asking you why are you in court the guy who is supposed to be my lawyer is  coming back in and the guard is like hey sir   this is your client right here and the lawyer  looks at me and he goes you're not my client   my client's here for a dui charge and i  was like no sir i'm here for a warrant hold   all right so you're done i don't even need you  up there is an accident let's see how it goes oh   i guess we had the wrong name and so they take me  back down and put me back in there he's good to go hey what's up zach what they say bro they  said we got the wrong jack holland up here we figured out the problem there's there's  two zach holland they're actually looking for   a different zack with the same last name that  has a a criminal case inside their court now   huge coincidence apparently everything  went fine in court the judge didn't   ask him any questions we dodged a  big bullet here so i'm still here treating zach and isaiah like  normal inmates inmates get moved   periodically throughout this jail it  sucked because i just got into a room   i just established myself  in the hierarchy of the cell and now i'm getting moved and i'm gonna have  to go through this whole ordeal all over again compared to c-pod d-pod is definitely more sketchy in c-pod there was nobody that had drugs  in there d-pod i'm pretty sure has drugs   and since i was chosen as the  sheriff's eyes and ears inside the jail   i'm gonna have to try to watch and  see where the drugs are coming from i'm back in the day room and i'm not even on  a rack this time and i'm on the floor with a   little plastic bed stand right under the lights  it's basically like i just started all over last night one of the guys who has a rack moved  out i immediately stake my claim to that rack   i move all my stuff over put up pictures of  my wife and son on the wall next to my pillow   it makes it feel like that's my little world i am  getting concerned about the tensions in 3d section   so today we're activating the cert team we're  going in to remove five inmates from our facility right there facing that wall god there would be a piece of  paper folded up inside of the bag obviously there's some protein powder but  there's also granules that are different colors   possibility there may be a different substance  as well in there could be meth or cocaine   an officer located a suspicious powdery  substance that he believes possible drugs   i can't interfere even though this is zach's bunk   if it tests positive for drugs then  zac's going to have to answer for that when we came back in my stuff was gone through a  whole lot more than the guy on the bottom bunks they went through all of my  papers books took my pictures down   turned my rack over everything that could possibly  hold anything they went through every part of it guys in all the rooms everywhere have stuff hung  on the wall and have drawn on the walls and all   this other stuff and then they chose to take a  picture of my wife and my son down i couldn't   understand why they would do that it's not  something that i'm happy about they take them away   looking being able to look at the picture  of my wife and my son every night i mean   i kiss my wife and son every  night before i go to bed can i get how do i get my picture  of my wife and my son back most of the guys started helping  me look for the pictures started   going through stuff trying to find them they put them underneath my mat and an  envelope inside of another envelope these   guys have family at home that they miss and they  understand what it means to be able to look at   reminders of your family we test the  suspicious powder that we found in zach's bunk   turns out that the powder substance wasn't  a drug so zach's in the clear on this one i walked back to my room today and i smell  something that smells a little bit like alcohol   and a little bit like rotten fruit sorry  what's that smell good yeah don't smell it apparently one of my roommates herb knew  the recipe to make some jailhouse hooch   all right guys up know your bumps i'm kind  of faced with a dilemma because if you're   bunkies with people you watch out  for each other it's just natural i'm definitely scared all four of us kind of standing  there looking at each other like hmm   if this gets caught are we all going to  get sent to the hole who sleeps back here boots out his room is this guys who's in 3.3 all of us are standing there knowing  that if we don't turn in earp we're all   going to go down for it if erp doesn't turn  himself in we're all going to go down for it wanna give everybody i only have a few days left in jail and there's  something i really want to take care of before   i get out of here you know one of the inmates  is hiding a cell phone in the pod and i want   to be able to find it everybody in the pot  knows that there's a cell phone in the pod   and they know it's in daffron's room i've been  trying to figure out exactly where the cell   phone is being hidden without appearing  to try to figure it out they had to hurt i'm laying forever my rack and it's already  locked down the lights are already turned   out for the night and one of the guards comes in  why not the guard's looking for it for cell phone   the guards have been looking for it for several  months now and haven't been able to find it   so they've obviously got a  pretty good hiding spot for it hey all of a sudden i hear a scuffle they're definitely fighting in the room i don't  know if the guard is being jumped by all four guys   going to back up the guard entered my mind  but i am definitely outnumbered in the pod   it would be suicide for me  i could beat that all day oh i pulled it out of the toilet it is in my nature to try to protect people  and try to keep people from getting hurt   but in my current position i have no way to do  anything about it i only have a few days left in   here so for my own safety no matter what happens  in the pod i just can't make it my business when they first called my name said  bed and baggage it's definitely   a long awaited moment and it's  something that i've been anticipating i'm definitely going to miss  brian because i don't want to   lose the opportunity to be a  positive influence on his life hopefully at some point in the future maybe he  can reach out to me or i can reach out to him   you ready how you feel finally here  well done it's a good day hello hey baby hi how are you doing i'm good i don't ever want him to hear the  words hey your daddy's out of jail that's never gonna happen   again right now he is so adorable and he's  wearing stripes and like white and gray stripes   i can't wait to see you baby give riker hugs  and kisses for me all right i love you baby you
Channel: A&E
Views: 490,476
Rating: 4.9174314 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, 60 days in, prison, prison project, prison experiment, inmates, go to jail, locked up, alabama, etowah county, life behind bars, watch 60 days in, 60 days, 60 days in jail, 60 days in prison, compilation, 60 days in compilation, 60 Days In shows, 60 days in clips, 60 days in series, Zac Jail Journey, jail journey, zac, 60 days in zac, compilation clips, zac 60 days in, zac jail, jail program
Id: gno4bxQjnsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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