60 Days In: Ryan's Jail Journey | A&E

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my name is ryan i'm 27 years old and i'm from  kentucky i joined the u.s army specifically   the army reserves at 19 as active duty  got good training learned a lot about uh   being a medic overall i'm a very logical rational  systematic person i'm always thinking about uh   things that most people couldn't wrap their  mind around even if they tried to i'm feeling   um there's a little bit of an anticipation mostly  for what i don't know yet there are people weaker   than me mentally and physically who've made  it and i will i'll prevail as well it'll be   interesting to see how much of myself truly  changes rather than the image that i'm putting on any of the typical rules of society um none of  those exist in there they're all gone and you   live by the new rules and those are the rules that  i have no idea about and i'm gonna have to learn uh is they questioned me rapidly like who's this  where's that where's this other thing i've   kind of been there so prove to me i was just  like having to fire off a bunch of stuff   he's intelligent but he's awful awful so using the military friend here  and you got all these degrees   but you don't make enough money to where  you don't have to steal from the banks uh i'm worried about ryan blowing this cover  once inmates suspect you as a plant it's   almost impossible to shake that suspicion  they're gonna be watching you all the time i'm not getting a lot of intel and then garza  comes along and says hey do you want a room   and it changes everything   and he was like yeah we just wanted you to kind  of move up you seem like a very smart calm guy and   you know that's kind of what we want and i was  like this is a good opportunity yes i'll be up typically inmates wouldn't invite  a first time inmate into their cell   i don't think ryan should trust scarza   ryan definitely needs to watch us back i mean  i don't even think i can do this for one second i don't think so come on bro my overall  experience with my bunk mates was that they are uh   the most seemingly stable people in  the entire pod and i kind of lucked out   but there are also troublemakers  the more conflict driven people i'm a medic in the army but i've never  seen a broken hand that bad in my life   i saw the knuckle was literally  missing and it was here and i tell him you need to go to a hospital  but if you don't want to and you don't   want to go to the guards and you don't want  anything to be known i can do what i can do and he says let's go he started trying to reset his  hand and it was pretty grimy   but the knuckle was way back here  and i helped to guide that in it's set man it won't move did he really just do it's one thing to have inmates respect you but  if you earn that respect by doing them a favor   it's only a matter of time  before they ask for another they're telling me basically everything now i   could tell the sheriff everything  he needs to fix the jail already   that's awfully confident of you that you think  you have everything figured out it's not hard i know the nurse calls the  way they run their med calls does it take three months to smuggle a drug in small things like that i've literally just absorbed it all the sheriff  and captain maples probably know this place better   than any of the rest of us um i tend to disagree  the sheriff doesn't actually see anything unless   he watches film and then he doesn't even get  the proper context i do who are you loyal to   i'm loyal to anybody who's loyal to me  period hey you lazy kids get the [ __ ] here   court's in session i believe the the  terminology they use is kangaroo court   anyone higher up can accuse someone to  put it simply it's a tribunal of criminals   there's a guy named mingus in the pod  he's quiet he seems like a good guy but   he bummed way too much of an e-cig thinking  that he was just going to get away with it hey you guys screwed up farther  so you can get a better win you gotta come here because this has been way more than 20. so you gotta go to quarterback what 3d log damn come here he was stumbling and the  stumble that he had was not like his   legs were hurting it was a head injury  style uh stumble what happened come on   it was an assault it was atrocious that was  vicious it shouldn't have happened everybody go   to your sign sale now to your bump be in your  boat the kangaroo court thing was eye-opening   in a lot of ways because it reinforced  the fact that the inmates run this they were effective i like the cert  team they're very good at their jobs   anyone looks in the direction  to see what's going on face away   they put them in check they're like look away or  you will regret it turn your head and look the   other way it's not your dog and pony show they  mean business and i knew that when they take   daphron out it's going to change everything  he's one of the heavy hitters in the pod what were the inmates telling you about smuggling  drugs into jail um i don't want to give too   much because i know you guys have cameras i just  don't know how much you're actually going to show   there's all sorts of clothes we  cleaned out the problem isn't before   i got one of my cell phones i mean so you could  just call it a ride get set get it all set up yeah   there's a room that's accessed outside i'm kind  of at a conflict here i know that you guys have a   job to do but i also kind of have an honor code  myself who are you loyal to bunkies come first   ryan's acting like an inmate even with the film  crew it concerns me that he's going rogue on us   and he's siding with the inmates over the program  i'm starting to worry a little bit for your safety   to be honest with you i know you're in a room with  uh garza yeah i don't want you to think that you   know garza is your your friend i can also gauge  things fairly well for myself i don't feel like   it's my um my liberty my liberty to actually  just start talking spilling everything if   you got to keep in mind you're still in here on a  program yeah but um i do still have an honor code what's this honor code so  there's a code that kind of uh   permeates into my known friendships i have  to keep some people close while i am here that's fine when you're in there but we feel  like when you come here they're pulling out   inmates that are real inmates yeah so  they're getting the m8 yeah of what   really didn't happen i'm kind of getting a  vibe that you're getting a little bit too   inmatey maybe you're not thinking about the  program as much as as we would like for you to   you're not an inmate okay you're a person all  right that's not an inmate ryan's always acted   overconfident but what he doesn't get is getting  too close to inmates could backfire on him   if then makes her out he's a plan he could be  in serious danger because you know i'm seeing   stuff that i feel like you maybe something behind  you you feel like you're close to these inmates   and they're actually scheming behind you you  know if i feel like your safety's in jeopardy   i will pull you out they told me be an inmate  and now they're like don't be an inmate all right   yeah all right you can't get all the good  information in jail by sitting around and   watching i'm a field agent in here that's  who i am i'm not just some bird watcher the sheriff i think he just wants to throw me  out i think he thinks i'm getting too comfortable   after captain maples talked to ryan  i wanted to get him out of d-pod   get him away from garza and the inmates that he's  too close to and get refocused on the program   when i was moved to seedpot that was a  reality check i don't want to risk playing   the game getting involved in the real systems  that they have that could land me in jail   in reality now i'm having to say as  little as possible and observe everything   d-pod you could tell that there were a lot of uh  thugs you know gangsters and uh when you walk into   you know c-pod it's not like that and there  are so many other people and they're all   always right up on you so it's way more  of a community but way more overbearing hey man it stinks like it's a turd on the  floor right there i feel like i had herpes of   the olfactory system of some sort i don't know  what the that is i've never seen that before a guy named jeremy is complaining of pain   he had described having blood come out  in his stool and throwing up blood ryan   he said that he'd been a medic so he's used  to be a medic why don't you see what's wrong all i'm a medic in the army and they teach  you you know some rudimentary stuff   with the living creatures and fecal matter  in the water it was a very real possibility   that any of us or all of us could have  gotten something that could make us sick he starts pointing to the lower  right quadrant of his stomach there's only one real organ  there besides you know intestine   and it's the appendix hey you got appendicitis man he most likely has appendicitis  he has rebounded dear doctor   huh your doctor i'm a medic  in the army it doesn't matter   if i'm a janitor if someone's throwing up blood  get him out of here you can die from appendicitis   to know that i could literally be watching a  guy's precious moments wasting away it angered   me it made me want to actually just uh throw in  the towel and start hitting one of the guards give it about 20 more minutes  and it should be helping oh they were just like oh just give him a pill  inmates are not people of these guards these cos   to know that i was technically lumped into  the category of being less than a human being   it hit me wrong i'm gonna die here i have an unprecedented type of  store i have the only trade store   it's probably the best money my grant's the most  sure thing the more you actually act like you're   a player the more you're respected and then i also  have currency as a result ron's putting himself in   a very dangerous place right now if somebody owes  him a debt and he doesn't collect on that debt   all the other inmates in that section are going to  look him as weak and he's going to become a target   running a store it's a good way to meet  new people and gain a lot of influence   and having a little bit extra  influence is never a bad thing   to the blood just start bouncing your head off the  door until they come here they pulled justin into   a cell and i could just see justin waiting  there for jojo to come in and kick his ass   i felt sorry for the guy he was being picked on  just so somebody could experience some power and   that's not a reason to treat somebody like  they are nothing i've been sparing you i   really want to slaughter you i really just  want to put my hands on you you acting like   i know that i'm supposed  to stay in my own lane but   it's really hard to just sit and watch  this i really really sympathize with justin so i give justin three e-cigs and a honey bun and  uh he gave it to jojo who was angry at the moment   but it was still enough to get him out of debt ricky's someone who needs to be on all of  his medication because when he doesn't he   gets progressively worse i didn't praise  the tv but you pray for god and send your   prayer so do you prefer for the tv to  talk to you yeah you get used to it and then he gets to this point  where he's very suspicious of me and he's genuinely whacked out when they called my name it  was like a sigh of relief   and i just started grabbing my stuff and  all the vultures started swarming what do   you have to give me i call this just  like all this stuff started happening even ricky asked me for commissary at the end of the day i really feel  sorry for people like ricky because   he shouldn't be in a place like  this it's only making him worse as i was walking out i really felt for a  lot of these guys i'm about to experience   freedom and all i can think of is how some of  these guys may they may never get out of here you
Channel: A&E
Views: 172,249
Rating: 4.9002304 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, 60 days in, prison, prison project, prison experiment, inmates, jail, go to jail, locked up, alabama, etowah county, life behind bars, watch 60 days in, 60 days, 60 days in jail, 60 days in prison, 60 days in compilation, 60 Days In shows, 60 days in clips, 60 days in series, Ryan Jail Journey, jail journey, Ryan, 60 days in Ryan, compilation clips, Ryan 60 days in, Ryan jail, jail program
Id: 011uZBG2COY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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