60 Days In: Top 4 Dirtiest Jail Moments | A&E

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so turn on the floor right there I felt like I had herpes of the olfactory system of some sort of people who've literally get infections and potentially [Music] [Music] we can flush it and it keeps backing up our you may still have drinking water they don't have a toilet they can flush they can't take a shower people sleep on top of each other it's freezing there's no water barely any food we can't have commissary we can't call our families or anything like that so it's really not great up here it's like a it's like the worst type of homeless shelter [Applause] it's an icebox [Music] much s clothes it's crazy they have heat they won't cut it on there you go it's unsanitary not supposed to drink ah suppose take care of us to give us water but because we're criminals and you're supposed to be innocent to a probably guilty but we being treated like guilty that's you oh damn my walls have blood and boogers my room I say he cleaned it up a little bit but I'm disgusted because I didn't even know about it and I was putting my hand on the wall and laying back and relax it Oh my roommates suspected that his previous roommate had AIDS as someone who works in public health I felt that it's a safe for me to be there and it should at least have the consciousness to clean the walls spray being in that environment I felt disgusted I can't risk my help so I'm gonna be in there with them cleaning it [Music] [Music] it was really nicely because I knew it came from a toilet when I see people walking through the toilet one outside Oh bacteria is real eat coli is real we was hitting the buzzer like it's flooding in here and they was like okay we can't help you right now is that they treat us like animals the inmates have to clean it up these offices here don't look like they keep their hands dirty [Music] this smells like sewage it's disgusting I'm just right here the blankets are still on the floor so I come into the mock okay thank you behind our doors it's coilette water blanket upstairs it's toilet water blankets and it's okay [Music] [Music] these are flip-flops there's no traction here people were slipping everywhere you know that's a major hazard so we were told hold on to the wall or hold each other [Music] how about get another trustee in here to clean this up so that we don't fall or hurt ourselves how about some bleach on this stuff so that nothing is airborne I mean it could potentially be some harm to someone how about they get the ce o--'s to come in and help us because they've been nowhere during this whole nightmare it's like they don't care like at all we went out to a particular cell of an inmate who has mental health problems who has been neglected her toilet has not been functioning for what appears to be weeks there was feces concave over the top of the toilet bowl also urine and ripped up books and papers stuffed down I believe there was also a towel and some clothes as well I somehow have assumed leadership position to tackle this room I'm directing them alright girls we've got this Miss Lee go downstairs get some trash bags amber stand by and do this that was fun for me in a weird way you
Channel: A&E
Views: 2,624,144
Rating: 4.9151611 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, 60 days in, prison project, prison experiment, inmates, jail, go to jail, locked up, alabama, life behind bars, 60 days in season 5, watch 60 days in, 60 Days In most intense shakedowns, 60 Days In Jail Moments, 60 Days In top 4 Dirtiest Jail Moments, sanitary moments, contaminated cell, David, 60 Days In clips, 60 Days In series, 60 Days In episodes, Top 4 Dirtiest Jail Moments, Pod Boss
Id: R5WP2bzX020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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