60 Days In: Tony Finds a Shank - Full Episode (S6, E12) | A&E

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(dramatic music) - Since phase one, we've made a lot of drastic changes. We're sending in four more law enforcement professionals for 30 days to test these changes and see how we can further improve our facility. We put time and energy in selecting you individually. God help me make it 30 days or this sheriff's gonna kick my ass. We learned a lot from Tony here in phase one; so, I'd like to bring Tony back and make him a team leader to help urge the others to be a lot more successful. - I do see someone picking you out because you sitting back with your hands crossed, and you looking like you're an easy target. - Tony definitely underestimates me. I felt what he did was disrespectful. You know, I am more than capable of handling myself. - If he go longer than two weeks, steak on me, buddy. Steak on me. - [Inmate] I'm gon' beat yo ass, oh God. - [Heather] As a jail commander, I would be not just scared for the inmates, petrified for my staff. It's, it's scary. - [Tony] Walking into 400, a couple people remember me. Everything's coming back to me, it's like, get on your grind. - [Donovan] As a law enforcement officer, this is about the worst feeling I could have right now. They wanted me to try to sneak something into the jail. - [Donovan] Which was a four-inch-long handcuff key. - [Donovan] I'm thinking, what have I done? And now I'm worried about what's gonna happen next. (blues music) Yo. - [Producer] Wanna go out? - Yeah, yeah. (beep) yeah. - Yes, I do have something to show you. I get busy real quick so... - We have another shank, um... - Two days after I got here. This is no more than a piece of a eyeglass. Man, you pretty much, they made a piece for your thumb up top, lock the thumb in, and pretty much that's all I would use to stab somebody. If I get it in your neck, it'll be deadly. You know, I mean, it's rough. It's pretty rough. - Actually, it was just thrown in my lap, to be honest. My cellmate, Chad, told me. He was like, "Hey, this was my old cellmate's." So he bent down into my bunk, and reached up under there and I was like, I ain't even see it. He gave it to me, so I ain't have to you know, buy nothing, or trade out nothing for it. It just literally just fell in my hand. - It tells me that there's more shanks in the jail, and there's still a lot of work that needs to be done in here. And actually, we don't need this in the pod. Yeah, so I will give this to you, just to get it out of the pod, just be one less shank. I'm sure I'll be able to get another one. - [Tony] Okay, thank you. - Chad is my cellmate. He's my bookie, he wash my dishes. - Um... I mean, you know, people call it different stuff. A hoe, a do-boy. Do-boys get protection in exchange for services. - A do-boy is an inmate that will do anything. Wash my clothes, go get my coffee out the microwave, clean the cell up. You know, just doing anything that a person tell him to do. - That is common. And most white guys coming in is targeted. - With my status, yeah. That's how you handle business, you feel me? Talking all that police (beep). - Yeah. - [Chad] Man, (beep) that. - And I ain't playing, man. Chad is like in phase one, my old celly Justin. Got him! He don't really have much going on in jail. You know, he don't have a support system out there, so I pretty much gave him a job like I did with Justin. He pretty much do everything I ask him. And um, while I'm in here now to test the jail system, imma use that to my advantage. (birds cawing) - I'll chop your ass (beep), you stupid (beep). You don't give a (beep) about a charge. You don't give a (beep) about a people. (beep) as you doing it, and you (beep) got nohing! Be real, girl get real! - [Inmate] Why she do that? Who did that to you? I said that right there, who did that to you? Punk ass bitch, turn around. - [Inmate 2] Mine! - [Producer] How are you? How's it been going? - I'm good. It's been going. I don't know that I've slept yet. The unit just screams, I mean, just screams. (woman screaming) - [Heather] Anything and everything is happening in the unit. - [Officer] Unit five. - [Inmate] Run baby. - There's drugs all over the unit. There's contraband being passed to and from. There's, you know, sexual relations happening. - [Woman] Pull your pants up, girl! - I will be honest, I kinda thought maybe it was blown a little bit out of proportion with training. - What the (beep) is that. - But this is by far the worst female unit that you guys have ever been in. - [Inmate] You (beep) with fake (beep)! - So, I'm ready to see what I can learn, and what intel I can get. - I'm getting arrested and going to jail today. My name is Vanessa. I'm 32 years old. I'm a fire-fighter and EMT, and I have eight years' experience in corrections. Okay, we're ready to run. Work as a firefighter EMT is crazy 24, seven. It's just, it's go, go, go. You never know what it is until that tone hits, and you just go. I am an excellent special ops candidate because I was a CO for eight years in a county jail, and I got a good feel of the system inside and out. I'm not confrontational, but if you're bringing the confrontation to me, it's go-time. - [Producer] Wow. - I don't have anything. (laughs) Nothing. Obviously just going to jail, my anxiety levels are up. Now they're up 10-fold because they found the key on me, I'm in segregation by myself, and they guys that brung me to the jail facility are gone. Don't know? I told the officer that I found the key in the nurse's station, but he didn't believe it. And I'm thinking, now's the beatdown, or now's solitary, or you know, some troubles going on, and either way, I'm gonna be here a while. - [Producer] You can just pull over there on the other side of the car. All right, if you wanna just wait here for a minute. We have a situation we gotta deal with. Be right back. I just got off the phone with my producer, and she said that Donovan was down in intake, he was getting strip-searched, and they found a handcuff key on him in intake. We didn't know about it. We didn't ask him to do it, so, we don't know what to do next. matic music) I just got off the phone with my producer, and she said that Donovan was down in intake, and they found a handcuff key on him in intake. - [Producer] That's never happened before. - [Producer] And they put him in a seg cell by himself. We didn't know about it. We didn't ask him to do it, so, we don't know what to do next. - We did it. - [Producer] You did it. - I did it. - [Producer] You put him in the seg cell? - No, I gave him the handcuff key. - [Producer] Okay, why? - Well with all the bad things y'all found the first time, I wanted to see if we fixed some of them. - [Producer] Will this put any kind of suspicion on him with the staff? - No, not at all. None, whatsoever. You look at Donovan, he has nothing on him that says police. He looks like a meth cooker than he is anything. Long beard, long hair. Look like we got him out of the back woods of Kentucky and, best one to do it with. - [Producer] So wait, but what's gonna happen with him? - He goes right back in, regular unit like nothing ever happened. - I don't know what's going on, but after sitting in there, worrying to death and not being able to do anything, they took me out of seg, and they took me on a long walk up to the pod. - [Officer] One for unit four. - [Officer] Go ahead. - [On radio] 10-4. - [Officer] Outside four. - Entering the pod is way different than it seems on TV. It's probably 10 times bigger, and this is much scarier. (inmate yelling) (knocking on door) - Cell 50, go up that set of stairs, right there. (inmate laughing) - They open the cell door. There's two bunks and a small space on the floor. There's already two gentlemen laying in the bunks. My spot was on the floor to the right. Not a good place to be. But to get through that, you just you go to some place that you're comfortable with like you would do on the street working undercover. So, I kind of settled in a little bit, - [Inmate] Go get that white. and decided, okay, it's time to get to work now. - [Producer] Good luck, Vanessa. - Thank you. - [Producer] See you in there. - [Horton] Vanessa, how are you? - I'm fine, how are you? - 30 days, half the time, looking for twice the job. I've noticed, gonna just throw it out there you seem to be a bit timid, a little bit reserved. But we want you to get your hands dirty. - A lot of people think I come off too calm, but I protect myself. You know, when it's time to get down and dirty, I'm ready. Life has gotten me to a point where it's no turning back, it's no tapping out, it's no giving up. - I am ready to do this. I'm just gonna hate what's gonna happen to my hair. No, I'm just (laughs). (dramatic music) - [Officer] Anything in your pockets? Anything in your bra? Anything other than that necessary? - No, I haven't been in many intake areas, but it was different from what I'm used to. - [Officer] What's your name? - Vanessa. Vanessa, what's your last name? - Knight. - [Officer] If I find anything on you, I'm gonna criminally charge you, just know that. - That's fine. Your officer serves me real well, sir. - [Officer] Alright, thank you. - Okay. - [Man] Unit four to unit seven. - [Vanessa] When the lady approached me, she was like, "Oh I gotta go strip-search you" or whatever. And I was like, "Okay, no problem." - I will get you a blanket in just a second. - But then, going into the holding cell, it was like, none of people have been strip-searched. - [Officer] All right, what was your last name? - [Vanessa] Two of them told me that they had drugs on them. - [Woman] I smoke weed every day, all day, 'cause I have chronic pain. - And I knew then, that the unit was gonna be hell. - You ready, girl? You ready to do this thing? - [Inmate] Where's everybody at? - [Officer] All in their cells. - [Officer] You, go down there. - [Inmate] Whoo! - Hey, come here. - When I walked into the unit with my stuff, I knew I was here for a reason, so it didn't really overwhelm me because I've seen this set-up before. - This Miss Cheryl. Miss Cheryl gonna take care of you now. - But at the same time, I feel like this is real. I couldn't believe how real it was, but this is a real situation. It's pretty bad. - I'm ready to go get it started. I'm gonna accomplish this mission and get home. My name's Mark. I'm from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I am 44 years old. I am a retired warrant sergeant out of Philadelphia. I was injured on a job years back, and I suffered a neck injury that forced me to retire. But I feel right now, today, before I go in that I am ready to go back into law enforcement, and I'm hoping when I come out, I still feel that way. If the sheriff is looking for special op participants, I am definitely the guy. I am very confident I can go in here, adapt to any situation, and execute whatever mission he sets forth. - [Producer] Give me that. Anything else in your pockets? - [Mark] That's it. I have some cash, but I'm gonna take that in with me. - Signals, my back is killing me. Now, that's a little tricky one for me, 'cause my back and neck always hurt. If there's anything, this will be that'll be my-- - Yeah. Right now, I feel a little more nervous than I thought I would, but-- - [Producer] Good luck. - Thanks, guys. - I think it'll all kind of go away. The adrenaline will take over. And then you know, I'm hoping there will be no issues, that I'll just go in and adapt like I would anywhere else. - [Horton] Good morning, Mark, how are you? - [Mark] Morning. - Doing good today? - I'm good, I'm ready to get in. - [Horton] Energized and excited. - As excited as I'll ever be. - Mark, I wanna be straight, I wanna be honest with you, okay? - Yes sir. This is gonna be tough. It's not gonna be easy. But we have big expectations. - If you want out of this, now's the time. It makes it a whole lot easier. - No, I'm good. - [Peek] Okay. - I'm always the underdog, and it's not a problem. I won't let y'alls down. - I look forward to that. Thank you, I believe that. Thank you, Mark. - [Peek] If you would, just step right back here to our cuff team, and they'll take it from here. - Anybody that doubts that I can be successful, I just tell them don't judge a book by its cover. You obviously don't know me, but when I set out to do something, I'm gonna do it at all costs. And when it's over, I just hope everyone looks at me differently and says: "You know what? I shouldn't have thought that. (people yelling) (intense music)usic) - [Mark] When you're in there, everything's so loud. (inmate yelling and cursing) - [Mark] Everything's amplified. The slamming of doors. (door slams) (chains jingle) It is insanely loud. (inmate yelling and cursing) - Do y'all understand me? Do y'all understand me? - Step right around there. Remove everything besides your socks and your underwear. Take the underwear. - [Mark] Take it off? - [Officer] Yes please. Squat and cough. (coughing) - My uniform's on now, I got my mat. I'm ready to go to my pod. Holy (beep) I'm really doing this? - [Inmate] Let me see that booty, baby! - [Mark] As soon as the door opened up to unit four, it's hectic. People kinda just mulling around. All eyes are on me now. A million things are running through my mind. I'm gonna get bumrushed with this story. Is it gonna hold up, are they gonna believe me? Is this just not gonna work? I have to wait at the counter to find what cell I'll go to. Before I can even turn to look at the guard at the counter, I have people coming up to me. - Where you from? - Where you from? (unintelligible) Are you holding? What did you get in? Are you holding? (unintelligible) And I know he means narcotics. That's what they're hoping anyone from the outside can bring in. - What cell he in? - [Officer] 423. - Come on. - Seems like everybody, their focus is trying to get high. (inmate laughing) - I feel like you know where the dope is, period. - Damn! - And as soon as I told him no, I didn't bring any, I didn't get anything in, it was it. I was forgotten. But this must mean there's drugs literally everywhere, and I'm going to find them, and report them. (dramatic music) - At this point, Chad, he's definitely a do-boy. He do everything but make my bed and wash my drawers, and I can handle them too. - [Inmate] Hey, don't do that little brother like that. That's crazy. - I've only been in the pod for a couple days, but it's very clear to me that Chad is Tony's bitch. Anything Tony tells Chad to do, Chad does. - [Inmate] Damn Tony, you got him trained, don't you? You got him trained, right? - You would do what I tell you, too! - Tony's familiar with the jail system. Tony knows how the inside of the jail systems work. I think it was smart for him to take somebody like Chad and put him to work for him because that put Tony in a position of kind of, like, a power within the pod. But, just taking advantage of an individual like that, I wouldn't feel okay having somebody do that for me. Because being a law enforcement officer, standing up for the underdog, or standing up for the low man is what my job is to do. - [Inmate] Yo, yo, yo, yo. - [Imnate 2] Come on, man! - You want a crossword puzzle book? You want a crossword puzzle book? - Yeah, yeah. I see a crossword puzzle book on the CO's desk. I'm like, "I want that." I know I'm not gonna get it. - So I said, "Hey, Chad, I need this crossword puzzle book." Oh, you want that, cuz? Yeah I want that, man. - Coming in here, playing an inmate. You know, one of my main things was I wanted to test the jail in every opportunity that was presented, and I'm like, okay, here's another opportunity. (dramatic music) Chad is definitely an expert thief. He know how to, he can get what he want. He real smooth with what he do, too. Like, he official, official. He done that a time or two. (laughs) So, we get it, boom. We take it in the room. We good, good. (dramatic music) (dramatic music)tic mus) - I already knew what it was. They looking at the cameras. - In the facility, there are several cameras mounted within every pod. And while Tony has Chad go back there getting the items, I believe there other COs, from another other area, are watching the cameras. - I'm like, damn man, I know he gone, he gone. - If you get caught stealing something from the CO desk, there's no outside charges. You do a week to two weeks in the hole. - Yeah, I do. I feel bad for Chad because, yeah, I don't think it was fair. Chad was definitely being taken advantage of. He was definitely the pawn in that game, and he got caught doing what Tony asked him to do. - [Woman] Come and go around him. Come on, I need everybody in a circle. - He in the hole, yeah, 'cause of something that I asked him to do. But, I mean, this is jail. He a grown man. He can make his own decisions. Did I take it a step too far? No, no, I don't feel like there's no boundaries. There's no (gasps) there shouldn't be a (gasps) in nothing I do. So, X all that out. If you feel that way, I'm sorry for you. Turn the channel. I can get it in. - My plan with Chad getting the crossword puzzle book, it failed. But better him than me, because I'm in here for a reason. The first time I was here, the first phase, like I was concerned about mainly just myself. You know, what I could do, what I'm gonna do. But this time, I got the added responsibility of being the team leader, and I don't take that lightly. So, it's important for me to check on people, make sure they're good. And if I can be any help to anyone to succeed, you know, I want to do that, and more. - Donovan, for him to be an older white guy, he's playing it really good. You see, you can't expect Donovan to come in like me. I'm younger and I'm black, so I can fit in, and you know, I can move better. Him, he's more sit-back, reserved, sit with the older folks. I mean, just, with him, his straight forwardness. You know, how he handle himself around you know, this chaotic situation and this environment. - Some (beep) they got me wrapped up in, straight (beep), I know it. - I like the way he, how he do, how he move. I like that. But Mark, let's talk about Mark. Mark seemed extremely nervous. Like he's sitting. I see him when he come down, he just like, he's a recovering addict or something. Yeah, you're nervous as crap. Yeah, it's literally all over your face. I pushed up on him like, "Hey, you straight?" - He was like, "Oh yeah, yeah, I'm good." I was like, "You need anything? "You know, I got it. "I can move a little something, some food or whatever." He was like, "Oh nah, I'm good" this and that. I was like, "Alright, cool." And I just kept going. - My first interaction with Tony, he came and sat next to me. His first impression towards me, is an overconfident, cocky person, and that's a bully usually. I mean if that's something he does, then whoever chose him as a leader made a poor decision. But, I'm gonna push through. I know I'm gonna do a good job for Sheriff. I know I'm gonna find things, and Tony or nobody else is gonna stop me. (dramatic music) - [Inmate] I don't even know what the (beep) is going on. - [Inmate 2] A'ight - My first night, I'm in the cell by myself. So at first, I'm thinking, okay, this is good. This is a chance for me to calm down, finetune my story if I need to. And just try to get a good night's sleep, but because of my injury, I have some back and neck pain. And there was no comfortable position. Everything started hurting. So, I figured, okay, this is gonna be an adjustment period. My body will adjust overnight, the next day it'll be fine. - [Inmate] Back up bro. - He said-- - Back up, back up bro, don't talk to me bro. Back up before I pound your ass. - You know, it wasn't 'til about, I think it was about five in the morning, I got a new cellmate. - Mark. - [Inmate] Huh? - [Mark] Mark. - [Tony] Mark-- - [Mark] What's up, Tony, how are you? - [Tony] Nice to met you. - [Mark] My new cellmate Tony, is a white guy, probably dealing with drugs and arrests his whole life. - You know, jailhouse tattoos, kinda just doesn't care anymore. How long you here for? - Oh okay. - Getting pulled over by a cop and you're here. That's par for the course for someone like him. - And as soon as I met Tony, I realized, this is the perfect cellmate to have. - [Tony] What? - [Mark] I mean within hours, we were talking about finding something to get high. - It popped real quick. I said, this is perfect. I am going to use Tony to help my agenda. I'm gonna have him find the drugs. I'm gonna have him buy 'em. I'll pay him to go around and try to find something illegal, some narcotics for us, and then find out, hey, how'd you do it? - [Tony] Yeah man. - At this point, I know we're connected. I know we're good. - I'm feeling great about the mission. I feel that I am going to be able to be successful, and you know, prove Tony wrong. (inmates laughing loudly) - [Tony] Shut the (beep) up! - [Officer] Close your door! - Let's go! - [Inmate] Uh-uh. (negative response) - [Vanessa] It was probably about six o'clock, seven o'clock shift change. - Give me your paper. - And the CO on shift that night was a little older. - And I could tell she was overwhelmed by just the unit because this is a rowdy bunch. - [Inmate] What are you gonna do? - I feel like they don't have much training here. - 110%, the inmates run this place, without a doubt. That's not a question. - [Officer] All right, top level, get ready to eat! Let's get some spoons! Let's hurry this (beep) up, thank y'all. - Even the quote on quote good guards - [Inmate] Thank god. they are still not in any way in control of the unit, absolutely not. Eventually, we started coming out to eat dinner. - [Officer] Hi Miss Patience. - [Patience] Hi honey. - And I saw Vanessa immediately. I kinda didn't know what to do, like, I'm not supposed to sit by her. - At first, I was kinda like, is that you know, it took me a minute to, like, recognize her, and I didn't wanna say anything. So, after she started talking, I was like, okay, that is Heather. And I didn't really show, like, excitement or you know, do too much. It was just kinda like, okay she's here. We're both here now. So, we should be okay. (inmates chatting indistinctly) - [Inmate] Hey Boonie! - [Heather] Then all of a sudden, I hear some shouting. - But there's always shouting, so at first, I wasn't really alarmed because I'm like, my ears are already worn out from all the shouting that I'm hearing. (inmates yelling and banging) Then I kind of glance up and at the top of the stairs is Boonie, who I know is a lockdown inmate. So, she's not supposed to be out with everybody else when we're eating. I think the CO made a mistake. - [Woman] Boonie don't do it. - Hey yo, why'd you spray her? Why'd you spray her? - This is gonna go bad, and this is gonna go bad fast. (dramatic music) nus) (knocking) - [Inmate] Billy! - My cellmate Tony, his mission is to get high at this point. And I told him that I wanted to help. But now he said he knows a guy in there, you know, his buddy Billy, that can get this done today. - [Tony] How long we gonna be locked down this time? - I thought it was gonna take a few weeks, but this is it. (door lock beeps) - [Tony] Hell yeah. - All right. - [Billy] He'll give you the money now and I'll give you 3, I'll hook you up. - I'm feeling great about the mission. I feel that I am going to be able to be successful. - [Inmate] I'll see what I can do, all right? - But I have a serious problem. Pretty much since I laid on that bed Friday, my back's killing me. (beep) my head's like a constant migraine since, that hasn't subsided. I figured it'd be some adjustments, but my body's just not handling it. It really sucks. (ominus music) (inmates yelling) - [Inmate] Why'd you spray her? - The CO sprayed Boonie, and I was just like. - She really wasn't doing anything at that point. Yeah, she wasn't supposed to be out, but she wasn't a threat to that guard. - [Inmate] What did she do? - [Inmate] What did she do (beep)! - As a jail commander, with my experience in corrections, the second the CO sprayed Boonie, your first instinct is to get control of the area. So, when that was going on, almost instinctually I went to yell, lockdown. What was frightening is nobody was doing that. - [Inmate] What did she do? - [Inmate 2] She didn't do nothing. - [Inmate] Why'd she get (beep) sprayed! - Immediately, I knew this was bad, purely because of the numbers. And the lack of control that the COs have in there. I knew this was gonna be bad. - Get this (beep) off my face. Why you (beep) with me! (inmates yelling) - [Inmate] Hold it up! Hold it up! - Even as I'm still processing what's happening, the unit goes tilt. (inmates yelling) - [Inmate] Water makes it worse! - [Officer] Go to your cell and close your door. - I didn't know if these inmates would turn on her and attack her. She's outnumbered 100 to one here. - (beep) wrong with you, girl? Walk and (beep) up off of me. - You know, riot mentality. - [Inmate] Why did you do that? - And the exchange between the CO and Boonie is still happening. (indiscriminate yelling) (dramatic music) - [Tony] I see Mark coming out of the pod, and I don't know what it is, but it's not good. I'm concerned about this dude. This place is ran by the inmates, like, you can't put it any other way. - The inmates have no consequence for their action, so their first response for many of them is a violent and aggressive response, (inmates yelling) because they're gonna be right back to their same routine the very next day. - [Heather] One of the trustees came up to me. She kind of looks almost like a sorority girl. I was telling her my cover story; everything was going fine. Betsy came to the cell door window. (dramatic music)
Channel: A&E
Views: 2,402,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a+e, the first 48, crime, true crime, crime investigation, solving crime, police, detectives, attorneys, police procedure, cold case, first 48, live PD, 60 days in, swat, swat team, narcotics, jail, prison, a and e, prison project, prison experiment, inmates, go to jail, locked up, alabama, etowah county, life behind bars, 60 days in season 6, watch 60 days in, 60 days, 60 days in jail, 60 days in prison, shank, Tony Finds a Shank
Id: OEG2Uam8pBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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