Managing Intoxication Arrests | Full Episode: Season 3 - Episode 6 | JAIL TV Show

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after arrest and before trial comes jail all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law in the street night in been tripping me in jail mying they got my head on the me out this jail me for the last 10 or so years uh I've been involved in training our staff uh I've been able to teach people searches and search techniques uh defensive tactics uh to make them more prepared so that any situation we encounter hopefully we'll do the right thing and get through there safely for everybody kill me now you don't deserve my name you ass mother so tell me what's going on with Ryan uh he was brought in my Sal Lake City PD for a year at the club into a sink and then he started fights with the bouncers and things like that so he's really agitated okay well it sounds like he's uh getting upset so we'll just have to be careful with this one all right where's hey Ramson turn around face the mat there you go relax here's your feet there you go perfect you've been drinking today yes I've been drinking hey fighting you why you fighting me relax right I am relaxed why aren you relaxed calm down you've been drinking today yes how much a lot okay you've been here before no can you calm down yes okay then calm down bud I am calm would you stop yelling yes hey yeah they just touched my balls I felt they touched my balls again it felt good I'm not going to lie I like all right thanks for serving America good job job America hey good job America okay we're going to be using this tether to te remove your yeah your jacket okay te me cuz I'm so aggressive tether me cuz I'm such a harm against America hey Ryan you need to relax I am relaxed am I fighting you am I punching you in the face make sure we adjust those yeah readjust it readjust it cuz I'm such a harm to humanity if you think I'm a arm if you think I'm in endangerment going to burn you're all going to burn you're doing great Ryan doing great cuz I didn't fight that hurt me mother hurt me Ryan I'm walking I'm walking backwards thanks Ryan yeah thanks thanks my brother's a cop hurting me I ain't hurting you you guys are hurting hurt yeah me the corner me bre right here Ryan okay lift up your foot okay Ryan listen up you're going to back up you're going to pull your arms through the cuff Port so you can remove These Cuffs from you okay so bend your knees pull your arms out all right walk inside but I want to leave I didn't do anything wrong hey Ryan all you need to do is sober up a little bit we'll get you out and tell and let you know exactly what's going on with you okay yeah I so keep doing exactly what you're doing and we'll get you out here in a little bit and uh get you booked in Crow yep Crowder hey Crow I know a lot of crowers should I just go sit down yeah that would be a good thing to do thanks Ryan as soon as he sobers up a little bit more he'll be ready to get out and go through the process uh he seems like just got a little bit too remous with the alcohol [Music] tonight I check on Ryan see how he's doing seems like he's calmed down a little bit Ryan you doing a little bit better we'll get you down to another cell and get you booked in okay all right thanks Ryan Ryan stand up please yeah stand up so the nurses can check you Ryan oh careful guy careful back just back up a little bit you're all right no other way other way other way come towards us you been drinking today yeah I fight for Freedom what do you fight for Freedom too me too I want to just be a safe citizen okay I don't try and hurt anyone looks like Ryan has cooperated with nurse checks and we'll be moving him down to a drunk tank here shortly another hour or two we'll get him through the booking process and we'll get him out of here as quick as we [Music] can [Music] I'm in charge of the reception floor and the booking counter so basically making sure that everybody's safe and searches and things like that when they come in some of the skills takes working down here I'd say the most foremost is uh being patient honestly that's huge in safety practices we just got a call about a female combative um they should be here any time now they want us to meet him in the sallyport what's her name Karen she she's just very very very drunk and very angry so she's not she we had we had a carer down the stairs to get her so what she charged with criminal mistreatment she hit a kid um she's been drinking as well she's way drunk no I don't I don't like to be don't push me you you know what I'm call I want my curse got a couple standard questions take these things off me that's not the answer are you diabetic no are you suicidal returned off and I'm totally drunk okay y already know that yeah that I know but that's not one of the questions take these things off my don't take my earrings all this stuff gets put in your property and you'll get it when you get released Peter well that's not nice that you threw my pearls take these off me I you just want my glasses we'll get them to you just relax we're taking you out of the C right now okay and do not mess with those pearls me the right hand first can I have my glasses please please okay listen let us do our job we're going to let you get your glasses on so you can see what's happening I'm not trying to stop you from seeing okay I didn't doing it's Sor on there just what do you mean they're smudged they're smudged look you can't even tell I know and you have my pearls don't mess with those spls please we're not they're going to go on your property go get them when you get released now we're going to have to take your glasses off cuz you can't have your glasses while you're in the cell especially since she's that suicidal okay so I'm just going to take them off the I mean I I need I need I need my I can't turn around and have it seat right here going give you a chance to sober up I need to ask a question when you first came in you said you were feeling suicidal do you do you really feel that way today I really just want to go home and sleep in my own bed I don't I I don't want to be left in like this kind of room so am I technically arrested or you are now in custody of the mul County Sheriff's Office okay and I have some concerns because you mentioned suicide I'm hoping you were just upset I'm going touch base with medical I want to go home I want to go home and we're going to work in that direction I'm going to look and find out where your property is at I'll get back with you let you know what's happening all right thank [Music] you what was Karen's charges uh she's here for mistreatment one assault three and harassment gotcha she's in ISO right now she was talking about she was going to hurt herself so she's now a suicide watch okay so just give your heads up thank you right here this wall listen up for your [Music] name so listen do you know why you're in an isolation cell cuz I'm crazy because your behavior was less than desirable okay okay so do you think that if you're allowed to come out of this sale that you can conduct yourself appropriately yes yes so you don't want hurt yourself then no okay here's your glasses thank you stand up we're ready when you stop stop moving when you come out of this room I want you to when you come stop moving listen to what I'm saying put your shoes on is there any so you hear what I'm saying cigarette no cigarettes you're going to get your picture taken but I'm the one that called the cops come to my house I got you so why am I being the arrested one with black fingerprint things on so look over here at the blue eyes right here keep your glasses on just looked on the computer found out that Karen actually is not going home tonight probably going to court tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon um and be arraigned by the judge which basically when she's formally told of her charges [Music] up I work at the intake area here in Sarasota County we get a different plethora of people that come through here a lot of agitated people sometimes a lot of times people are uh pretty calm and it's easy to deal with but for the most part it is a pretty stressful job you got to deal with a lot of different people and their attitudes and stuff like that why don't want to do that please have a seat no can I please have a seat sit down you stay seated you understand me you're going to Stop Standing Up you stop not listening just relax okay I've told you like seven times just relax they're going to take care of you my right this is jail sir I know but this is not the street okay when somebody in here tells you to sit down you need to have a seat when we tell you to do something you need to do it all right I have I done anything do we have an understanding I have't done anything wrong okay right now I have no idea what you're arrested for I know all right so you you need to sit there and relax all right all right he's got a warrant for us yeah he's got a warrant out of the so go figure resisting officer I've explained it to him like 15 times he just not understand English or is he no he he goes from being cooperative to belligerent to Cooperative to belligerent so I don't have a no wor yes you do sir it's right here resisting officer obstruction without violence that's what your warrant's for no I have I have it right here you have a $750 Bond okay sir step over here for me God I step over here what because I told you to what did we just not have this convers ation we just had this conversation right when somebody in here tells you something that you need to do you need to get up and do it correct all right so I'm asking you to stand up and step over here in front of this window light F okay you have one more opportunity to stand up I have to conduct a pat down on you so you can either stand up over under your own power and walk over here so I can do my job or I'll stand you up your by myself but I want to know why I got to stand up you know all right you want to play this way we're going to play this way all right stand up now you want to stand off step over here and face this window step over here and face the window how much you had to drink tonight man spread your feet a feel beers you know I don't have you sure cuz you're wreaking of alcohol I know but you know I'm free you obviously speak good English so I know you understand us why are you giving us such a hard time right now I'm not giving hard time you sure cuz I had to ask you 10 times to stand up I'm going have to be here he's had to ask you seven or eight times to sit down when you came in the facility we don't have any discretion you have to be arrested under your active warrant okay but I have done everything they asked me for all you can do at this point is just relax I don't have any warrant on me you know that I respect to you you know well you're not doing a very good job of it right now you're going to step right over that door says photo ID and fingerprint okay have a seat on that stool right there all right what size shoes you wear I don't know you don't know what size shoes you wear no I don't think so sir I highly doubt you're like this sober I haven't done anything wrong but I know my rights I don't have to do that sit down I know that's all right get down listen I'm done listen I'm done I'm done with you okay I'm done we've told you 15 times to do something and you don't want to do it I know that's not right cck uh which one face the wall lift your left leg back what is your problem I have no problem you sure I just say because why do we have to tell you to do something 15 times before you do it because I know cuz you're drunk I'm not drunk you've had way too much to drink all right you're going to sit in here and you're going to relax you understand I understand okay that's the first thing you've understood all night all right I'll change minute have a seat on that store back up now sit down when you're ready to address that warrant let us know all right he's making it so much harder than it has to be he's going to be in there for at least four or 5 hours hopefully we get to process here yeah he and we'll get to him I guess a little bit [Music] later we're going to go over and check on that guy in six see if we can get him processed okay hey how you doing you sober up a little bit hey I so you got your oranges on and everything you ready to uh get processed yes all right stand up go head here for me come on there you go I need both thumbs first right there just like that so how much you have to drink tonight man that's it you mean you were pretty drunk when you came in here you don't want to listen to anything I had to say you do understand that you do have a warrant right know that's what I'm asking for well earlier I tried to explain to you but you do though the judge has signed a warrant for your arrest it's for the obstruction charge unfortunately we don't have a choice but to arrest you when you have a warrant for you but coming in here and saying you don't have a warrant and and saying you know you can do whatever you want you didn't want to listen to anybody you end up getting holding self getting stuck in there I'm sorry about now and you have a seat in the day room second or third row for me all right good luck to you sir unfortunately when people come in here and they don't want to listen to what we have to tell them they ended up going to a holding cell and costing themselves four or 5 hours but now he'll uh finish getting proc and he'll be able to bond himself [Music] out I've been with the sheriff's office for a little over 10 years now when I first started most crimes involveed marijuana or alcohol since then I've seen this progress into more addictive drugs like methamphetamines you see the crimes get more serious as the drugs and alcohol increased and they're directly related all right what's the story with Daniel's arrest tonight you know I went to the house earlier tonight and a guy made an assault report and then the homeowner came over and said that uh he had also stolen her car so I show up the car sitting in the driveway and he's sitting at the dinner table and someone's like yeah he's in there eating mac and cheese sure enough I walk in he's reading his Bible just waiting for me did you know the person that you borrowed it from yeah okay but they didn't want you to take it I'm guessing at this point since you're here yeah so you took a car you returned it were you just waiting at the residence for the person to return were you sitting outside uh just waiting for the carop show why'd you take the car in the first place man I'm trying to get sober right now from drugs drugs and uh God's doing this for me now so so you wanted you wanted to come to jail today yes what drugs do you do on the outside I do meth how long you been doing that for uh I've been doing meth for like uh two years 3 years ever since I got out of the military it's a it's it's a horrible thing I more than anything else in the world so why not just turn yourself into like a treatment center or something cuz it's difficult to admit when you have a problem man yeah well you that's kind of what you're doing now and that this seems like a much harder way to do it well it's cuz I got what I wanted to know um we're also going to strip search him okay he since he knew he was coming to jail he got admitted to a history of drug use you don't have any drugs on you do drug on nothing we need to be concerned about okay sounds like you got a warrant out of cille too yeah for missing a court date you could have simply turned yourself in on that warrant oh man that would have saved you a lot of hassle that would have saved you the time served or something sent me out and I'd still be using drugs yeah you know I would have been in there for 3 days and I just would have wanted high when I got out you know sure we ready for him don't back that away so Daniel came in tonight after taking a vehicle from an owner without permission uh he committed the crime so he would get arrested knowing he would get arrested and hopes of getting help for his drug addictions he fed he's run out of options on treatment and was hoping that the courts would help him out with [Music] that right over here for a minute just kind of want to get a followup from you on uh you know why you're here and what are you're hoping for I'm uh actually I'm hoping to get into the treatment facility but I don't know this is just have you ever been in one before no so the hope is to talk to the judge talk to pre-trial services and say hey I've got a I've got a drug problem hopefully get help from there yeah that's what it's all about get myself clean I just hate to see in the situation because you go out there you commit a felony that you're going to have to you know take responsibility for and you know ultimately could wind up being on your record and that will follow you through the rest of your life um you know for you to come in here and say I've got a drug problem and go to that extreme to commit a crime to get help uh says something I just hope you follow through with it on that part but uh you're young Now's the Time to get a hold of it get control of it okay well best of luck to you and have a seat back on the red [Music] chairs [Music] and the doors open up and they leave me outside and they Hing my clothes and and the key to my ride now the Night hits my face and it brings me to life oh Lord now I'm out that jail tonight another night in my street another night in my hair now I'm kicking and tripping without the cops on my chair now my hands on the wheel and my fingers GRE tight I'm going to go home to my family tonight i' been thinking my home been thinking my I don't want to be alone I got to get me out just me [Music] out and the doors open up and they lead me outside I'm going to go home to my family [Music] [Applause] tonight
Channel: Jail
Views: 57,021
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Keywords: jail, jail tv show, jail full episodes, jail las vegas full episodes, jail documentary, jail tv series, jail tv show full episodes, real jails, jail tv series full episodes, jail house, jail tv show spike tv, jail tv show theme song, jail tv show las vegas, jail tv show resisting arrest, jail tv show drunk, american jail, prison, jail full episodes new, jail episodes, jail show, hour long jail episodes, jail compilation, jail suspects, jailhouse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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