60 Days In: Squat And Cough - Full Episode (S6, E6) | A&E

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(suspenseful music) (dramatic music) - Going in, my strategy is to let everyone know that I'm not to be played with. While we in here, I run this. - I ordered probably more commissary than I should have. Bones and Dalton come up to me, and they're like, "Hey, man, you're probably gonna get robbed." I wanted to think that maybe they had my best interest in mind, but you just can't trust anybody in jail. (dramatic music) - That whole incident with Chief Peek and Bullet, those guys really disrespected me, from a human being perspective. - This is real life. So, quit doing all this stupid (beep) that you're doing, I don't need that. - I feel like I'm on my own, so I'm gonna take a step back and do my time. It was Mother's Day, emotions are already super high, and then Ms. Williams shows up. (aerosol hissing) (inmate screaming) - [Radio] ...go unit five. (banging) - What is she banging on? - We can't scream for help, you are the help. (banging) (dramatic music) (intense music) (dramatic music) - Leave it, right there. Stop the ball! - Yeah, you are. - No, I'm not! It is too early for all that. (suspenseful music) (dramatic music) (suspenseful music) - Nobody is awake. - How are you doing? - I'm not okay. - [Producer] What happened? - I'm not okay. We're being psychologically and emotionally abused in this facility. We have a guard that works here that has a sick mind, and likes to use her position of authority for official oppression against us, and it is too crowded in this facility for this kind of (beep) to be going on. (suspenseful music) - [Producer] What happened? (sobbing) - I have never seen a cop or a corrections officer violate somebody like we were violated. And I've been a police officer for six years, and I have never witnessed official oppression. This is a big deal in America, and this is really the first time that I'm truly seeing it. And now I don't know how I'm gonna be able to move forward and do my job. (sobbing) (dramatic music) (suspenseful music) - [Tony] Since I've been in here, people know not to mess with me. It's not a matter of because I'm big or I'm intimidating, but that is a factor, don't get me wrong. However, I can fit in pretty good. (laughs) (laughing) I've been hanging out with this guy named Justin. (laughing) - I don't know if I seen him, he went around and asked for somebody's food, or it was something he did and I was like, "Dang, man, (beep) like that..." Stuff like that bothers me because, I mean, he seemed like a pretty cool guy. - I got a DUI on my 21st birthday. I'm young, I don't know what to do, I'm scared to death. It's straight heartbreaking, I have a family. This place ain't for me. Luckily, my friend Tony, he's not a drug addict, you know? We've got families to feed, let's get out of here. - Justin's a family man, I'm a family man, I can relate to him 100%, he loves his kids. We just clicked, we really did, we just clicked. - Yes. (Tony laughs) - Justin, go get your (beep) and come on. - [Tony] I wanted Justin in my cell for his protection. I mean, let's just be honest, he's white and he's small, and he's up top, all the blacks are up top. Mostly all the whites are at the bottom. He's extremely vulnerable. So, I'm gonna look out for him, I'm gonna feed him, I'm gonna look out for him, take him under my wing like a little like big brother type deal. (suspenseful music) - [Officer] Make sure you close your doors behind you! (dramatic music) - [Jennifer] When we just woke up and there was no Ashley, I was shocked. - If Ashley tapped out, I feel like she would regret it. - I feel like you all put a lot of faith in me and that I have failed you. So, I'm stressed about struggling with whether or not I want to continue with this program, because continuing with this may cost me my mental health. And if I stay here any longer, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to continue to do my job as a police officer. But at the same time, I cannot stand by and watch 118 women be officially oppressed by somebody who's taken an oath to be in a position of authority over them. (suspenseful music) - I don't want to let her win, so I'm not going home. I'm gonna stay here. I feel like I am one of the only people that can really protect these girls at this point, to make sure that this never, ever, ever happens to any woman in custody at Etowah County ever again. (suspenseful music) (dramatic music) - [Officer] Get behind the doors now, lockdown. - Let's go, lockdown. - Let's go. - Wednesday morning I woke up, and then right after that you see this SOD team, SOD team come in, raiding people's rooms. (officers shouting) - I just wanted to get back in my cell, I just didn't want to get into any trouble, I didn't want to get busted. I could care less what was going on out there. - [Officer] Move over here, men. (beep) - 6:30 in the morning, they pulled all of us out. - I think it was a random shakedown. It was a scary situation, because unfortunately, I don't know what my roommates have in the cell. (dramatic music) - Yeah, I need a hold. - I got it, just... - It might mnot be amnything.. - Office paper. - What is it? - Just appears to be court papers. - There's something in it. - There was something in it. - There was something in it. - There was something in it. - This'll do it. - After that, one by one they called us all in the room. - [Officer] Take off your shirt, your pants and your boxers. - They made us take off all of our clothes and do the whole like, squat and cough, which surprised me because I didn't have to do that at booking. - [Officer] Take your boxers off, squat and cough. Take your pants and boxers. - It's embarrassing, for sure. It makes you feel like less than a man. - [Officer] Squat and cough. (Alex coughs) - [Officer] Shirt and boxers, pants. - One by one, they called us all in the room, they made us take off all of our clothes. - [Officer] Take your boxers off, squat and cough. - [Officer] Squat down. - I need the pants and the boxers real quick. - [Alex] Yes. - [Officer] Squat and cough. (Alex coughs) - Like, what could I have done? I couldn't resist the strip search, or then I'm just gonna get placed in isolation. It sucks when you feel like you have no power. (Alex coughs) - [Officer] Go ahead and put your boxers back on, buddy. - To me, it did take me back to junior high when I got picked on a good bit. I've worked pretty hard to get over a lot of those issues, but now they're coming back. - [Officer] We're gonna do this to your roommates, and we'll be done. (dramatic music) (suspenseful music) (dramatic music) - There are demons in this place. There are demons in Etowah County. - [Kori] That's horrible. - [Jennifer] Right. In my dream, I mean, I didn't see anything, but this is feeling the penetration of something, you know, in your sleep. (laughs) I know it sounds so crazy, but it's the truth. - Yeah, that's all it is. (woman yells) (laughing) - There are so many demonic presences in this place. - What the (beep)? (beep) (beep) - On your left, bitch! You know I'm a bad ho! - Violence. (trays clattering) (beep) Addiction. Depression. Hopelessness. - [Officer] Back to your cells. - And so... I'm not shook, I'm not wondering, I'm not negotiating with the enemy. There is absolutely major spiritual work here going on. And I'm gonna win. (dramatic music) (suspenseful music) (men chattering) - That's a roach. - That is a roach. (dramatic music) (suspenseful music) - [Tony] I've been trying to act as a mentor to Justin. I definitely think he's a great guy, but however, with Donyell, my other cellmate, I am still struggling. Hey. Come on! - [Tony] Donyell, he don't like to take baths. That's a major problem for Justin and I. He's charged with like, criminal trespassing or something like that. So most of the time, when people are charged with that, they're probably homeless. In that type of world, people don't shower every day. People don't take care of themselves. - All right bro, I'm gonna tell you straight up. - [Tony] I'm telling you what, I'm telling you what. - "I took a shower already." This and that, well, it don't matter if you take a shower, and then put the same stinking clothes on. You still stink, bruh. It's just a matter of time before that get right back on you. I don't do this stinky (beep). I'm clean. - [Tony] I ain't trying, no disrespect, bro. We're trying, we don't want none of that. - It does. - Ugh. (dramatic music) - I'm in my cell, I'm finally getting some sleep, but it's the middle of the night, and I hear the door open and in pops Ms. Williams. - [Ashley] I'll do it. - Okay, thank you. Excuse me? (laughs) What? "Would you like to be trustee?" I said, "Sure." I think the reason she did that was because I am articulating excellent complaints against her. I believe her response to that is to just treat me like I'm honey. - That doesn't matter. - There I am, trustee, handpicked by my arch nemesis herself. Weird. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, right? Sure, Ms. Williams. I'd love to trustee for you tonight. - Am I the first participant to ever be a trustee? (dramatic music) - The job, getting a job, you're being trusted. - We get to be a help, but we get to be out passed, you know, take showers with just the group of trustees instead of everybody. We get to just sit and watch TV a little bit longer than everybody else. - Last call for trays! - It's a lot of work, like, you got a lot to do, but what else do you have to do with your time? (energetic hiphop music) - [Ashley] I was ready to serve trays, serve ice. Sweep and mop, clean, and wipe off tables. - I was just happy to be physically moving. - Only 10 more. - And in terms of completing my mission, I can observe the officers a lot better, who have become my targets. (dramatic music) (suspenseful music) - [Oficer] Lunch. - Hallelujah. - [Officer] There you go. - Y'all lock those doors. - Before going into jail, I did research, you know? Watched some shows, watched some movies, but nothing can prepare you for physically, mentally, emotionally, just all of that that comes with being in jail. - I was really excited to see Shanese when she first came in there because it was like, okay, I have an ally. - And I try to be very encouraging. - But now she's just continuously stirring the pot. - And she only talks about herself and her food. - [Shanese] Yesterday I was like, is it gonna? (groans) No. - I'm gonna go. - No. - She's irritating me. - Shanese is... Not doing well. - I just, I have a hard time with grown people whining. I can't take it. - This isn't the place for that. - I'm on edge right now, and I feel it. (laughs) (suspenseful music) I never start something not to finish it. But it's getting to be a lot. It just keeps getting more and more crowded in this place. (dramatic music) (train bell ringing) (suspenseful music) (dramatic music) - So, I decided to get this haircut today. I was hoping it would help me fit in, but I probably shouldn't have done that. - I know this guy cut my hair a little shorter than I wanted to, so I definitely have a cop haircut right now, but I am not a cop. After that, I was in my cell taking a nap. (suspenseful music) - Yeah. - [Officer] Six. - I didn't know anything about moving. He was like, I was like, "Where am I going?" He said, "Six," and I thought for a second I was about to switch and go to a different unit or something. He's like, "Oh, 406." I'm moving? - [Inmate] Good luck, man. - [Alex] Why am I moving? - [Officer] I don't know. (dramatic music) - There's confusion at first, because you don't know exactly why you're getting moved. - [Alex] I have no clue, dude. I don't know, but it's out of my control. When I get in, my two cellmates I'm cellmates with, their names are Dalton and Bones. These are actually the same guys that were the first ones to warn me that I was gonna be a target for getting robbed. - [Alex] No one's giving me, I'm literally confused. - I knew that moving in with them was gonna add a whole new element. Well, first of all, I was gonna have to tell the whole story all over again in detail. Second of all, they're like, known hustlers and stuff, and so I know I was gonna have to get involved in all that. So, there's a panic that sets in, because I know as soon as I get in there, they were gonna shut the doors and questions were gonna start coming. - Before you get in the cell... - You got a felony or a misdemeanor? - What's your charge? All right, you know what I was gonna say? - You still gotta get indicted. - Yeah. Bones is one of those people, he'll talk, and he'll talk, and he'll talk, so once he asked me about the story, he's asking me all these questions, like, "This is what you need to do. "What do you mean you don't have a court date yet?" And I'm talking Bones has like, a pen and paper, is asking me questions. He was getting suspicious because I don't talk the talk. I don't really walk the walk. This haircut damn sure didn't help. - I think I sold it a little bit better to them than I did the first time that I told it in the pod. Do I think they bought it? No. - [Bones] Yeah. (dramatic music) - [Shanese] Wednesday was crowded in this pod. Thursday was crowded in this pod. Yesterday was crowded in this pod, whew. - [Josie] Is Tiffany in there, no? - No, I don't know where she's at. - [Josie] I'm Josie. - Hi Josie, I'm Shanese. - [Josie] Shanese, nice to meet you. - You as well. (dramatic music) - [Producer] So, you gave the signal. - Mm-hmm. - [Producer] Is there an emergency? - To me, there is. (dramatic music) I definitely see everybody's breaking down. Everybody's on edge, I'm on edge. I have never in my life seen this. - [Producer] So you know that the emergency signal is for emergencies. - Mm-hmm. - [Producer] Is that an emergency? (dramatic music) - I don't, I think there could be. - [Producer] Do you want out? - I don't want out now, no. I don't, I don't want out now. I'm committed, so committed that my mom just ordered me some stuff from Alabama Packaging, so I'll have, it won't be here for a couple weeks. - [Producer] Um, so, what are you sitting here for? - So I, the energy is very off. I just, I feel on edge because I know something's getting ready to happen. I feel it coming. I feel it coming. - [Producer] Is that an emergency? - No, but you know-- - [Producer] Okay so, just to be clear, the emergency signal is for serious emergencies only. - Okay. - [Producer] Okay, let's get you back. - Okay. - [Producer] Or I'm gonna have to ask her to wait. (dramatic music) (train bell ringing) (suspenseful music) - It's the best problem. - Oh my god! That is a roach. - [Ashley] Well, he's dead. I ain't afraid of no bugs. I have been a trustee for a couple days, and of all people to name me trustee, it was Ms. Williams, my arch nemesis. I was not expecting that, but I feel like it helps with my cover story a little bit, which is good because if word gets out that I am a police officer, I will probably be in the hospital. - We went up to a particular cell of an inmate who has mental health problems, who has been neglected. Her toilet's not been functioning for what appears to be weeks. - [Inmate] That (beep) is disgusting! - There was feces concave over the top of the toilet bowl. - Also urine, and ripped up books and papers stuffed down. I believe there was also a towel and some clothes as well. - Ew, ew! - I somehow have assumed leadership position to tackle this room. No, don't touch it. Get another trash bag, and we're gonna reach in there with that bag. I am directing them. All right girls, we've got this. Ms. Lee, go downstairs, get some trash bags. Amber, standby and do this. - This is well above my pay grade. I quit, this is well above my pay grade. - Hold that bag open. - That was fun for me in a weird way. At this point, I feel like I've gotten closer to some of the trustees, and the officers, and as far as my cover goes, I'm floating right along in the middle, and not drawing attention to myself. (knocking) Who's that? Andrea, what's up? - I have no idea. - [Ashley] Did you put in request? - [Ashley] I did nothing. They came and woke me up and told me. What? - What am I in here for? Theft. - No baby, I stole from the government. (suspenseful music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - [Automated Message] All phone calls are subject to monitoring and recording. - [Alex's Mom] Hello? - Hello, what are you doing? - [Alex's Mom] Just getting back from the bank. - I'm so pissed off right now. - [Alex's Mom] Why? - Because when I'm taking a nap, when the CO comes in and tells me to grab my stuff. He tells me I'm moving two cells over. - [Alex] But it sucks that the people that I'm in with, they're like, they're just like, sketchy. They're always trying to make a play. They're always trying to sell something. - [Alex] I'm so pissed off. - The whole thing's seeming more and more pointless, like I just don't get it. It just seems stupid, like I just want to go home. My new cellmates, Dalton and Bones, they are definitely participants in the drug issue that goes on in the jail. - They smoke clone, which is tobacco sprayed with God knows what chemicals on it, and it makes me feel a little bit nervous. (alarm buzzes) - [Officer] Lock it down! - Because there's always a risk of a cop coming in, and I don't want to be facing a felony for somebody else's drugs. - I'm weighing up my options. Smoking the clone could definitely be good for my mission, but I think establishing that kind of relationship where you're smoking drugs together, that's obviously not allowed. It kind of takes away some of the barriers. - Oh yeah? - So I said, when in Rome, and I smoked the joint with him. (suspenseful music) I'm sorry, Mom. (inmate singing) - People were telling stories in my old cell about, "Oh, that'll make you eat people's faces off and, you know, go crazy." None of that happened. I didn't get a taste for human flesh. I just kind of, was just buzzing. (suspenseful music) - [alex] Yeah, I'm buzzing. I wanted to kind of get that establishment with them, like, "Yeah, he's cool. "He's not a snitch, he's not gonna rat on us." And now that I smoked it, I think I have the opportunity to kinda get in with them, and kinda that whole drug using crowd. You don't want to be a square. You gotta smoke drugs if you got 'em, you know? Smoke 'em if you got 'em. - Yeah! (beep) Did it burn you? - Yeah. Well like, I was right at the end and I sucked it and it went in my mouth. (laughing) (suspenseful music) (inmates chattering) - I feel like Justin now, he's starting to get more confidence being around me, I feel. I feel like he's coming out of his shell, like now he's a little more confident, you know, got his chest out a little more, but Justin and Donyell is becoming a major problem. - This room stinks, bro. Dude, I mean, his sheet is like, all that, brother, that ain't ever been washed. I can't be living like Pig Pen, brother. That (beep) nasty. - I ain't used to it, bro. Donyell, did you wash that yesterday? - [Justin] No, (beep) you, dude. For real, you smell like a (beep) and I know a solid week, and yesterday you said Monday was the day, so today is the day. - [Justin] Get the (beep) up, go get in the (beep) shower. - So, we're in the cell, three of us. Prior to that, Justin was like, "Hey man, I'm tired of Donyell not wanting to shower." This and that. (Donyell laughs) Your sheets are crusty brown, bro. (laughing) - [Justin] I really will think about beating his ass. That's to the point I'm at. I've asked you too many times nicely. - [Justin] Do it, bro, do it! (dramatic music) - [Justin] Do it, bro, do it! (dramatic music) - I mean, trust me, I'm all for a fight, a straight fight, hey, do what you need to do. - [Justin] Bitch. - [Donyell] What did I tell you? - Justin caught him, hit him maybe three times, and Donyell hit him in the back of the head real good. Justin pushed Donyell back on the toilet, right hand fell in the toilet, and I think Justin hit the side of his face. - Keep going. - Get off of me, bro. - Well, let's keep going. - No. - All right, that's enough, that's enough. That's enough, that's enough, that's enough. That's enough. - [Justin] Dude, wash your ass, bro. - So at that point, Donyell, he won. You good? - No, I'm pretty mad. - [Justin] No. - All right, stand up then, shakes hands. - (beep) no. - [Tony] Tap 'em up, real (beep). Everybody sleeping, none of that sleeping. (beep) Y'all sleep, everything's good. - Yeah, 100%. - Tony just stood there. He jumped up on his bunk. - It's broke, there's no doubt in my mind it's broke. - I can't say much other than I wish he would've intervened and like, broke it up or been like, "No, bro, you're gonna bathe." - I don't like any of this. - See, just because, it's like this. If my brother get in a fight in jail, if it's a one on one fight, I'm not jumping in. I'm not one of those guys that say, oh, I'm gonna fight regardless. No, I'm not. - No, he's the other one. - I know, it was the other dude. (laughing) - No, that's the (beep) guy that said it. (laughing) - I feel betrayed, you know? Like, I feel like he's not there to help me no more. - I don't, I mean, maybe he did. Maybe if he did, I mean, I'm not. (suspenseful music) Hey, but listen, I am looking out for Justin. However, I don't want to be there. I'm not your daddy. - Bro, come on, man. Justin started the fight, as far as I'm concerned. And the winner win, the loser lose. (suspenseful music) - You know what's happening? - After the fight, we were talking upstairs, and I was talking to a guy, one of the guys that was in it, Tony. (dramatic music) - He's here. - Speaking of the Devil. Speaking of the A1, you was outta 443? - I think the first time I seen him was late last week, maybe Friday or Saturday last week. Tall, big guy, nobody really messes around with him and stuff like that. Everybody fears Tony, but I'm not worried about Tony at all. - He's given me the (beep) like he's making me think he is a participant. I don't know why. I don't know why. I'll figure it out though. (dramatic music) - Dennis definitely following me around. He watched what I'd do, how I'd move. - Tony's definitely a participant, and anything that Tony has been doing, I think I can do better. (laughs) - Every day I have to hear from Shanese. - We know that there's issues in the jail. I'm tired of hearing about it. (laughing) - [Alex] I don't fit in. - [Alex] It's more than I feel like I can handle. (dramatic music) (inmates shouting) - [Tony] This environment is extremely dangerous. I know for a fact there's a lot of weapons in here. (dramatic music) A (beep) just got stabbed, I ain't lying! (screaming) (dramatic music)
Channel: A&E
Views: 354,723
Rating: 4.8659911 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a+e, the first 48, crime, true crime, crime investigation, solving crime, police, detectives, attorneys, police procedure, cold case, first 48, live PD, 60 days in, swat, swat team, narcotics, jail, prison, 60 Days In: Squat And Cough, Squat and Cough, Squat & Cough, 60 Days In Full Episode, Season 6 Episode 6, Season 6, Episode 6, S6 E6, full episode, life behind bars, 60 days in jail, 60 Days In full episode, 60 days in a&e
Id: bm3qlDtfumA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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