60 Days In: Drama Erupts Over Mystery Surrounding New Inmate | A&E

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[Music] my baby's that young and i cannot imagine she obviously has no regard for human life i just i felt that baby's pain you know what i mean like i can't even it just makes me sick to think about it and now they're trying to come back and dog him and her but her boyfriend okay you let him do it when you kill it yeah right it shook me to my core and i'm like oh my gosh i have kids it aggravates you to death you're just gonna get your either your ass whooped or you're gonna get checked out of the pod there's no if ands or what's about it people frown upon that regardless you know neglect especially to a baby oh she's got to go absolutely absolutely absolutely they had all kinds of thoughts about what they're going to do to her and what other people do to people who hurt children she needs to be in segregate she needs to be by herself because that's not something around with i am furious we're not going to have that in here [Music] six months all this talking behind people's back and all this i don't do all this so i said look why don't you guys just let me go down and have a talk with her and let me just see what's going on all of a sudden she's like sitting down with this girl who's got child abuse charges and yeah that pissed me off absolutely honestly i've never seen ashley like this she's really wound up right now she's upset i'm actually really concerned for her right now she told me that she did not do anything to harm her baby and that she didn't believe that her husband did it she kept saying she was you know a christian they were born and raised in the church they don't do drugs that god would judge her hurt and that she didn't want to talk to anybody in the pod because her attorney had told her and advised her not to she said that um her husband was trying to give her baby cpr so she's here [Music] who knows what she said is true that's not what the paperwork said i don't even know i can't talk about the details it just the thing for her own safety she just needs to go ahead and check out i was sadly disappointed in ashland's behavior because it's not our job to bring real trouble to the pod and to me that was bringing real trouble to the pod i am stressed out like i feel like i could seriously seriously hurt someone right now i'm kind of shocked that ashley is the ringleader in this you're not the judge once the jury has convicted her well then you got something to say but i felt like i had no choice but to tell damaris that she's got to leave the pod immediately because it looked like they were going to physically harm her [Music] come here i understand you got it yeah you ain't got going to work don't talk about your case okay super weird i must have misheard that like i don't understand like they come in and apologize to her is this really happening super weird it changed so fast i mean everything was completely different and now everyone's like helping this girl it was like over the top one minute you want someone dead the next minute you're giving them fatty [Music] cakes and everybody's like no no she doesn't have to go and everybody started giving her clothes and it was like what just happened you
Channel: A&E
Views: 218,690
Rating: 4.8732033 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, drama, new inmate, 60 Days In drama, 60 Days In new inmate, 60 days in, prison, prison project, prison experiment, inmates, locked up, clark county, life behind bars, watch 60 days in, 60 Days In clips, 60 Days In series, 60 Days In episodes, 60days in season 6 clips, watch 60days in, watch 60 days in top moments, trouble, mystery, 60 days in season 2, 60 days in episode 11, watch 60 days in S2
Id: 8IVqhYTM6mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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