60 Days In: Violent Fight in Women's Pod - Full Episode (S3, E4) | A&E

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(dramatic music) (upbeat music) - [Woman] I'm nervous because I have a huge fear about being bullied in jail, I don't want that young-minded high school girl to come back out in me where I let people control my emotions. - I got one coming back! - [Man] I was the only white person that I seen, I definitely feel out of place. - [Woman] So, you know why you're here? - Yeah, I'm here for some bull[beep]. I'm gonna struggle with taking orders from Corrections Officers. You don't be talking down to me like I'm one of your kids, which I ain't. - What the [beep] is wrong with you? - [Woman] Iesha, she just kept antagonizing Lyric. (women yelling) (mysterious music) Iesha was just carrying on this conversation about Lyric sarcastically. [Iesha] (yelling curses) - You guys, take it in, take it in. It's over with, it's over with, let's go. Let's go, let's go. Don't make me repeat myself, let's go. - It's about respect, she keeps walkin' around [beep] disrespecting me. (mysterious music) - Fulton County is an indirect supervision jail. That means staff can't always be there when altercations begin. - [Jessica] No CO's even came in to de-escalate the situation, they just locked us all down, which gets everyone all fired up. - Initially, I just sat in there and I just observed everything because I just didn't wanna deal with the ruckus. - Basically I beat the hoe up, the hoe's [beep] mad, the bitch wanna come up here, everybody wanna be starting [beep], bitch, but you can't start none, hoe. And this is what I do, bitch, I wake up, I fight. - Our pod is full of immature women, it's crazy. Like, I feel like I'm too old to be fighting. This stuff should've been left, like, in middle school. - My husband Ruben spent almost 11 years in prison for a non-violent crime. I'm taking his advice about earning the trust of inmates who seem to run things. They'll provide the most valuable information, that's why I'm here. - Bitch be like pullin' my hair and punch me in my [beep] eye and [beep], but when I start punching on you, bitch, they wanna break it up, no, it don't work like that. A fight is a fight, bitch. You wanna fight, you gonna fight til me or you tap out, not when everybody else wanna jump in and tap out. [beep] that, I'm not done, so we gonna keep fighting. (upbeat music) (men talking) - I really think I am fitting in the pod. It's just a big culture shock, really, just going in here. So, but I'm adjusting well though, I think. (mysterious music) It kinda caught me off guard a little bit. I think it's really a red flag. I was just looking around like, dang, like, my heart dropped and I was just kinda like, oh, shoot. - [Correctional Officer] Let's go, sir. Sir, come on. Sir, let's go. Sir, come on. Me? Yes, you. Oh [beep]. - He was then pulled for an interview. They starting to see it now, but a lot of people didn't know that. Yeah, it was kinda a scary moment though. I think I did everything good, you know, I blend in good, I stay in my lane, and then, I knew I wasn't gonna have no issues with rumors, and then when it came, it just kinda hit me, I was like, dang, and I was like, man, I feel like my time's gonna start getting rough. (upbeat music) (mysterious music) - [Man] What's up, man? - I'm nervous because you don't get a choice in who your roommate is, you don't get a choice in who's in your pod. -[Jon] Oh, [beep]. My first impression of him is he's a tall white guy with tattoos all over the place, to include his face. I didn't let that be the judge of anything. I'm trying to make connections, yet keep my boundaries. You're undercover 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I need to be careful. So I just stuck to my story, I think I was pretty believable. (upbeat music) - It's not gonna be over with her. - Bitch, I wasn't talkin' about you, hoe. - Some people don't care about going on lockdown. I guess they wanted to fight again. If we gonna fight, we gonna fight. (knocking) - I'm about to go back down there, so, please, there's about to be another fight. - Putting us on lockdown only made things worse. You can feel the tension building with Lyric, and the girl comes back downstairs. And she's talking [beep] again. When I saw that, I was like, wow. - Being in my room, I heard two grown children downstairs arguing and a whole bunch of chaos. No police involvement. - It's just like a big dormitory of stupid-ass women that have made the dumbest mistakes, over and over and over again. (dramatic music) - [Inmate] One on one, one on one, one on one. Don't nobody touch anyone. (women yelling) - There were two fights and no officers to, you know, prevent all that from happening. I was scared, scared like what's gonna occur when I try to go to sleep tonight? Where am I gonna be? Who am I gonna be around? Fear of the unknown. - I don't know, they cage them up like animals so they act like animals, or are you animal first and then they cage them up because you are animals? - It is very disturbing because they're supposed to be here because they committed a crime and you're supposed to learn your lesson. The only thing that they're learning is violence. (dramatic music) - I took the cookies this morning, I crumbled them up in that oatmeal, man, it was good, dude. My strategy was what I've done so far, I just wanted to go in there, get to know everybody as quickly as possible, without putting myself out there to make myself vulnerable. I thought it was just, you know, from the first season on 60 Days In, everybody seemed like they kept to themselves, for the most part. This has been way more interactive. Hey, what happened? You left us, bro. There's a lot of gang members in here, so it's definitely nice to know who's the gang members. I respect everybody else in there, so just kind of keep with the guys that are not on any side, you know, 'cause I don't wanna try getting pulled into anything that they're doing. Man, that water was so hot this morning in that shower. It was, like, boiling water, man. I was like, if I had a Cup of Noodles right now, that thing'd be done. I'm definitely learning more and more along the lines of just how these guys work. - [Don] When you're confined in a little jail cell, even when you get out into the day room, with all the inmates, it can still feel claustrophobic. So when the CO's let us go to the rec room that one hour of rec time, it felt like freedom a little bit. - I guess we got rec time now, so can we go inside the gym and play ball? - I like the free time. - We barely get rec. - So I guess two times out of the week, somethin' like that. It depends on how we act, and it depends on how the officer feels. - There's minimal standards, they take the minimal to the minimal. The one hour of rec and the two meals, that's minimal. (dramatic music) (men yelling) [CO] Gentelmen, I need everyone to step on in. [CO] Gentelmen, I need everyone to step on in. -[CO] Let's go. (inmates chattering) - [Man] Man, [beep] power. - When the power went out, the officers weren't letting the guys get rec time, when I feel like some of the guys should be getting rec time at least five times out of the week. Let them go play basketball, let them go do something, man, they're stuck in here this whole time, they don't do nothing, all that frustration build up in you and it's gonna bust out, it's gonna lash out at you. - [Don] I felt neglected by some of the guards in there. - I've been waiting for hours, man! Come on, man. - I knew what I got myself into, but I didn't know how the CO's, how they run stuff in the jail. I would just let them keep rec every day. Now this time they got a lot of frustration going on inside, you know what I mean so, let them get their energy out. You want your freedom, you know what I mean? - Yo, yo, yeah, yeah, you see us, yeah. - My name is Matt, I'm forty years old. I'm about to go to jail for 60 days. I'm trying to improve a system that any one person in America could find themselves in at any time. You know, it's gonna be a stressful situation, but I think I'll be able to get through it. - Any nerves? - Nah, I'm good. There's been times when I was involved in risky behavior that could've landed me easily in county jail. I'm a rebel that has never been caught. - I wanna just go over your cover story and your identity, make sure you are clear on why you are in jail? - I run a stash, like a house to grow weed, marijuana, and was on the radar of the federal government. They came in, kicked the door, took me to jail. -[CO] Mmm kay. So, I feel like inmates are regular people. Anybody could be incarcerated at any time, you know? You make a mistake, a lapse in judgment. The reason I wanna go to jail is to help improve the system. I feel excited, you know, I'm ready to go. (upbeat music) (mysterious music) -[Matt] In my life, I've done a lot of stuff. There are times in my life when going to jail would not be totally out of the realm of possibility. Head down and see the nurse, just come to her there. - [Nurse] Turn and face me, turn your whole body. [CO] You're gonna move when we tell you to move. - Get your ass back here. - Sit down right here. - Everybody have a seat. Alright, listen up, listen up, man. You must take a shower because we have too many outbreaks, don't want nobody catching nothing. - I'm alright with the shower. There's some guys in there that probably should shower more often, I mean, the body odor in the place is unlike, a level that's beyond anything I've ever smelled. [CO] Marvin! - You got one! - I'm thinking, this [beep] is real, for sure. - [CO] 167, gentlemen. - And I'm about to be here for awhile, so get used to it real quick. I just took a deep breath, looked around, and I said, I'm here, let's [beep] do this. (upbeat music) - It's already hard being in jail. A rumor had come to me that I was a fed, somebody said that to me, and so, I was kinda, you know, on my toes a little bit. But then everybody's still talking to me. It definitely felt like a turning point, I was actually wanting to build some friendship with some of the inmates. I'm learning about gangs and things of that nature. Everywhere I go, people always talking about gangs. They wanna know who you with, who you rep. It's just the lifestyle here. - We do have gang involvement here inside the Fulton County Jail. - It's gang land. - You got, like, your neighborhood gangs, like little cliques. They might consist of GD Crypts and Bloods. Too Tall, he's kinda like the boss, you know? Everybody pretty much respects him, he just kinda runs things. This is not the gang to be played with, you don't mess with him. Too Tall rolls pretty deep, so, you know, if he don't like me, I know there's gonna be four or five other guys that don't like me, as well. So, yeah, I need him to like me. - [Man] I think Calvin should avoid using gang involvement as some sort of protection mechanism. Just don't get involved with the gangs. [Too Tall] I got cake to trade. (mysterious music) (laughing) - They didn't know me and they felt comfortable enough to just talk bad about me or try to tease and taunt me, they did it behind a door, but they yelled it loud enough for me to hear. - Good morning, ladies. [Women] Good morning. - [Mauri] My strategy was just to get along with everybody, so that's what I had been doing. But you have people in there that try to turn everybody against you. -[Mauri] I was a correctional officer for three years in a maximum security prison, I've seen a lot. If these girls turn against me, I know how bad that could be. I'm, like, really scared. (upbeat music) - Can't see without my glasses. What's up, fool? - My roommate has a very strong personality. He doesn't take the cues that I wanna be left alone very well. - [O'Neil] Look, I'm blowin' bubbles out of my peter! (laughing) Look camera, look! Damn, my meatballs didn't have no sauce on it or nothin'. Got these old plain old balls. - [Jon] If O'Neil and I were not roommates, things would be a lot easier. But since we're in such close quarters and there are such differences, I think everything's magnified. (flatulence) -[O'Neil] It's gonna be a long night for you. In the outside world, if somebody was irritating me or annoying me I would just go somewhere else and leave. In here I can't do that. Sometimes I just need quiet, that's important to me. And I don't have that here. (flatulence) (flatulence) (O'Neil laughs) [Jon] Mother [beep]. I'm starting to feel my patience slipping. (O'Neil laughs) (upbeat music) - [CO] Let's go gentelmen, let's go, let's go, let's go. -Gentelmen, if your pants are falling down, if your whites longer than your blues, well than tuck them in. We'll go back to one door and get that. Let's get in the gates, five, six, seven... one two... - It's a stuffy, a 10 by 10 room, with two people in here all day. You keep trying to make it go by fast, you know, you sleep, you eat, you do things like that. Being in a room 15, 16 hours a day is wearing me down. I'm hoping I can really use my social work skills to build this rapport with inmates so the inmates can trust me, so that I can try to help one person at a time. So, my goal coming in was to help people like Dasanique, because he reminds me of my students. So, for him to point out that I need to smile more, which I'm actually known to do too much of, it just showed me that jail can change you in such a short time. (upbeat music) - [Operator] Hello, this is a free call from. - [Jessica] Jessica. My husband is what keeps me strong. If I can't talk to my husband, it's probably gonna be a problem. - [Ruben] Hello? - [Jessica] Hey. - [Ruben] She's right here. - Oh, okay. - [Jessica] Well, I'll call you later, babe, I love you. - [Ruben] I love you, too. - [Jessica] Okay, bye. - [Ruben] Bye. - [Jessica] My husband was incarcerated for over 10 years. I need to do this so that I can fully understand what my husband went through while he was locked up. And just strengthen our communication and our marriage. (upbeat music) - Matt Kramer! Grab your stuff. (dramatic music) 515 and 508. 508, 515, and 508. - Who's in here, you guys know? I think I'm gonna keep to myself, learn the lay of the land, and then see who it's safe to interact with. - You ready to get in here yet? - You wanna switch to spades? - I think I'm a pretty good judge of character, so before I try to get some information that could possibly help some people out, whether it's the staff of the facility or it's the inmates, I'll just lay back and watch what's going on. (upbeat music) I'm a people person. It's gonna help me because I'm gonna be able to interact with people, but you never know. You never know who you're gonna meet, so it could also be a hindrance. [Matt] Yea, wasn't a thousand plants. [Inmate] A whole basement, we're talking about pretty close to a thousand. -[Matt] Really? Professional weed grower you put me in here with, so that was awesome. I'm not looking to get into an in-depth conversation about my pot business. I'm just gonna try to maintain my cover. -[Inmate] Right on. - It's just like, it's not people here that wanna do better, there's just people here trying to wiggle their way through the system just to get out. They don't have a desire to change. If they don't like me because of me trying to have a clean lifestyle, I'm not gonna pop no pill to satisfy them. I'm not gonna drink no hooch to satisfy them. It's horrible, it's like peer pressure in here. - The inmates here at this jail will definitely try to test you to see whether or not you're weak and can stand up to their pressure. I know my roommates don't like me. I knew it was gonna be bad, but I didn't know it was gonna be this bad, this fast. (men talking) -What you want to do? Trump, spades? - Now that I'm cool with people here, I feel safe. But you just never know, and there are definitely other people here that are attracting attention. -[Too Tall] You don't even tight no belt. - You can't be Blood. [Marcus] I'm not blood bro, I not... - From my understanding there's different gangs in here, you got the Bloods, you got the Crips. There's somebody claiming that they're a Blood, that nobody recognizes as a Blood. Yo, I'm mad too. [Marcus] I aint' gonna keep talking aight. I aint' gonna keep talking. Steppin' over that line that even I can relate with as a Marine, you know, if somebody's claiming the title of a Marine, and I'm there, and I check you, and you don't bounce back, you know, saying, you know, look I'm not a Marine, I apologize, whatever, I'm gonna check you as well. And, you know, just what's happened here. [Too Tall] Everybody's dogging you rather than me cause you ain't nothing on the street. [Marcus] [beep] you. [Too Tall] Get out on the street. [Marcus] [beep] you. - On the street holmes, on the street. [Marcus] [beep] you. - Too Tall, he cool, he not gonna mess with you if you don't mess with him, but, you know, if you cross that line, or if you try to claim you're some kind of a gang that you're not, then that's when it start. That's you man, that's you. (men yelling) I think to survive here, you have to fight. You have to fight and let them know, like, I will fight you, and I will get out there with you whether you win or lose, it's just a respect thing. Why don't you follow up on your stuff? -[Too Tall] Follow up on your stuff. That's what I'm talking about. -[Marcus] Who the [beep] are you? (dramatic music) [CO] Alright, open up on 690. (buzzing) - I didn't know how long I was gonna be there in that place, it's like a dungeon up there, you know? - [Man] Ah, man, being locked into that cell man, I've been going crazy man. [CO] Eight in tower six. - It's my go, it ain't right how they treat us in here, you know what I'm saying? - That [beep]s with your head, man, you know what I'm saying? You're in there for 20 hours, you can't come outside, you know what I'm saying? Like, no human should be locked down for 20 hours. - [Man] Mentally, man, I feel drained, man. I can't wait to get the heck out of here. I wanna get back out to society, I wanna get back out to the free world. Can't do nothing, man, you know what I'm saying? Like all they do is play cards, play spades, play chess. -[Inmate] Oh, oh, oh, okay The [beep] is the matter? So, hey... You a tough man? -[Dashaun] C'mon bro. You a tough man? -[Dashaun] C'mon bro. - I was winnin', I had more pieces. - I don't give a [beep]. - Alright, [beep] stop talking about it then. Okay, shut your [beep] mouth [beep]. - Alright, [beep] stop talking about it then, [beep]. - I'm talkin' about a game! When you're locked up for so long, little things make you snap. I got into it with Dashaun and he tried to play me, yeah, that was enough to make me go off. - You make me mad, I'm gonna make you angry and make one of y'all try to fight me, so I can fight back, you feel me? You turn my face red, I'm gonna turn your face purple. -[Dashaun] The [beep] is wrong with you [beep]? - Gotta tough you up, guess I gotta stop playing with you. - If you've got concerns about your safety or anything, just put your hands behind your neck, and lock your fingers, stand in front of a camera. - [Don] Jail's getting to me more than I thought it would. Stressed out, thinking about home, the other inmates talking crazy, being in this jail, man, it can make you snap. Yeah, I'm not gonna catch no charges in here 'cause of some kid. - When I see a fight, you know, I just think, oh, I'm up next. - In here, I'm by myself. If it's a problem, let's just solve it and move on. It's gonna be a long 60 days. - Man, I'm ready to go home. Yo, I was just standing there right in front of the camera like this, yo, wish they had more channels up in here, man, for real! - When you meet somebody that was in the Marine Corp, you're brothers, that's the way the Marine Corp is, always faithful. In Rob's mind, he did combat, he was in the Marine Corp, these guards are nobody. - [Man] I suggest you shut the [beep] up, man. - [Man] Or what? - Michele is stand offish like me, and she wasn't rowdy like the other inmates. - Jessica, I noticed her because she was low key, she wasn't messing with a lot of people, and there's nobody like that in there.
Channel: A&E
Views: 566,959
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a+e, the first 48, crime, true crime, crime investigation, solving crime, police, detectives, attorneys, police procedure, cold case, first 48, live PD, 60 days in, swat, swat team, narcotics, jail, prison, a and e, prison project, prison experiment, inmates, go to jail, locked up, indiana, clark county, life behind bars, watch 60 days in, 60 days in season 6, alabama, etowah county, 60 days, 60 days in jail, 60 days in prison
Id: pRLNhK36N18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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