#60 2010 Cessna Citation Mustang For Sale - Quick Flight to Henderson

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hey we're back with you with another video on a 2010 citation mustang that we have for sale we're going to take it on a quick flight over to henderson take you along for the ride [Music] okay push the start button bring the right engine power lever out of the cut off and i'm watching get n1 or n2 light off fuel flow oil pressure n1 okay let's get started then we bring the operating engine up i just put like a finger width between it for a cross generator start okay so left engine start power lever up across the gate into oil pressure we get n1 much faster on that second engine okay that start cycle is getting complete it's a good start my oxygen start working off some of these avionics is going to take care of a bunch of those so here we have some uh payload information empty weight of the airplane a couple of people on board no passengers i believe we don't really have any cargo i think the fuel to bring that into the the length available so our takeoff weight to 83.50 and that'll be important for us when we're getting our uh i appreciate that speeds so we have our clearance and so i'm going to go to the flight plan and uh kilo into the ramp this is the non nx ig 1000. so i know what we're going to do first is our departure procedure so procedure key select the departure it's the zoom 3 i'll select the zoom three off of three zero and it's mison mcdmison that looks good and we load that that automatically populates all the all the fixes associated with that we go down to the last spot and i go back to my flights we got cleared as filed after bison we're doing the nintendo one so here i'll enter in a h n d is the airport i'll hit the procedure key and we'll select the arrival go to the nintendo one and bison is the first fix on that so that joins them up load that now what i always do is kind of scroll out on these things there's our runway heading off three zero to fifteen hundred then a left turn having 180 is the zoom and that's expect radar vectors to cahill which i believe is here you go to zoom [Music] most of those fixes up to mison you got the mison arrival the nintendo arrival and the henderson so that all makes sense again this is non-nxi so you can see the redraw rate on the screens a lot a lot slower okay next is uh back to my clearance and uh 3 000 i've got in the altitude selector because it's climbed via 4705s in the transponder i got one two five three five and the standby and i've got tower and number one we're on number two uh departure procedures are fairly straightforward uh in the airplane and on both of these there are nav so we can fly them in the nav mode and it'll hit all the all the points for us uh using gps which is really nice um you got to monitor it you got to make sure all the fixes are correct you know often their speeds to comply with on some of these departures and arrivals and so while it's simple you also have to put the time in to familiarize yourself with these procedures because they expect you to stay right on top of them [Music] there's a 200 knot speed limit so it's another thing you got to think about in chat okay power's coming up oh looks good so far take off d10 they're green everything looks green to me airspeed's alive 70 knots cross check positive rate you're 700 feet our minimum altitude for autopilot that comes on and filch and tower vote uh we're up with archer 94 sierra bravo's out of 1 200 could be going to one eight zero there it is four sierra bravo's passing 1700 for three thousand nine four sure about this look at the point trigger contact climb maintain seven thousand climb and maintain seven thousand eight zero bravo now the twenty two ten to seven one thousand six hundred one thousand six hundred thousand questions one thing to notice this happens frequently is uh autopilot started to level off at three and i dialed a higher altitude so it went out of pilch and climbing on an airspeed and one essentially kind of got confused there so i need to go back to filter mode select 170 knots so now we've turned on the 180 again it's a heading leg and you can see on here it's kind of a heading to nowhere vectors on course that's what we're going to expect bravo come down here on the a hill direct 25 22 200 descending via then back to nav mode 25 22 okay so we're climbing out of uh we're almost leveling at 270 which is going to be our final altitude at this uh on this short trip from long beach to henderson and i've done a lot of videos on the mustang it's an airplane we deal with a lot we uh we train in them we uh we acquire them for customers we sell them we do maintenance got a lot of maintenance experience with these airplanes now and uh cessna came out with this airplane in the early 2000s i think they certified and started delivering in 2006 and built close to 500 over the years stopped producing them i think in 2016. and you know i don't know if anybody knows exactly why except the people that actually made the decision but the m2 came out and uh they were kind of competing i think mostly the mustangs with used ones and they just didn't see the future in the volume and they can bring the cj-1 plus back as the m2 and they put the focus on that one so they discontinued the mustang but it's a great airplane i don't think you can point to the discontinuation of manufacturing because it wasn't a good airplane and to this day i've said it many times in these videos and i think it's the best value you can get in the market not exactly sure why the prices are where they are i would think they'd be a little bit higher but it's just done really well in the market the market's good right now across the board as i've also said many times and there's only like six or seven mustangs for the entire world on controller.com and so very limited supply and the prices are you know they're up but they're not they're not way off the charts and it's just all around for from our perspective it's a very simple straightforward uh airplane to fly if you're transitioning into your first jet it's in my opinion there's no better airplane to transition into simple g1000 avionics fedex motors goes to 41 000 feet respectable cruise speed really easy on the fuel burn and the very forgiving airplane to fly and to really learn high performance high altitude jet flying in so for that reason you know we think the mustang's a great airplane and when you factor in the cost of operating it too it's really low and i think it rivals if not you know beats some of the turbo props in terms of annual maintenance costs so we really like mustangs i really personally like mustangs a lot i think they're just great airplanes great airplane to uh to get 2-4-0 for 94-0 bravo um [Music] i believe is solid and consistent with cessna uh like i said it goes to 41 000 feet you're not going to get 340 knots out of it 41 but you know 330 on 80 gallons of fuel per hour both engines and uh you know a thousand miles you're gonna have an 8 000 close to an 8 000 foot cabin at that altitude and uh it's not you know it's not typical jet performance i mean it's a jedi it's not what people would consider fast but it does really well and for the the missions that this class airplane uh makes on a routine basis the slower speed is not gonna equate to huge savings in minutes on a typical three to five hundred nautical mile strip that these airplanes fly so you know people might kind of give this airplane a hard time about how slow it is or how it doesn't it's not that fast but if you equate that the minute saved over a 400 knot airplane on a 300 nautical mile strip it's minimal so uh you know the performance on the airplane in my opinion does it serves the market well that it that you know that it's in this airplane is a 2010 serial number 283. uh it's got a little over 4 000 hours on it the engines were overhauled at 3500 hours so that makes it uh you know 500 hours on the engines fully funded power advantage plus engine programs in really good condition i mean this interior is original and it's in great condition the paint and the boots are in really good condition and so you know if i walked into this airplane didn't know how much time i was on i wouldn't i wouldn't assume it has 4 000 hours which uh you know for the typical owner flown airplane this airplane's 12 years old so if it had uh you know 150 hours a year it'd be close to 2 000 hours and so uh a little more time than we normally see on mustangs but i don't see any real indication of it in terms of condition was on a really good maintenance history no damage good logs so it's a really really nice airplane does not have the nxi upgrade but easily done and it's the same everybody pays the same price for uh nxi i think you know 65 to 70 000 for nxi upgrade depending on which which options you get and uh so you know real real good uh airplane and there aren't many available we have not priced this airplane yet so at the time we made the video so you'll have to check it out on controller email us at sales at ocraviation.com we'll we'll have a spec sheet ready by the time the video hits we'll be able to get pricing information to you we're not doing this on purpose it's just we haven't priced it yet so normally in all our ads and all of our airplanes we try to put prices on everything so you don't have to call us for for pricing okay we're going to start descending into henderson hope you enjoyed the video on this airplane and if you have any other questions about it you can contact sales ocraviation.com give me a call leave a comment we'll get you a spec sheet on it and uh we'll be doing some more videos on mustangs maintenance training uh some things we see with people that are transitioning to these airplanes that that are unique to the mustang and we'll we'll try to you know do almost a series of videos on this airplane so anyway thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Flying with Rich
Views: 36,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cessna Citation Mustang, For Sale, Citation For Sale, Cessna for sale, Private Jet, Business Jet, Citation Mustang, Citation Mustang Flight, category: jet, cessna citation mustang (aircraft model), business jet, cessna citation mustang, cessna citation mustang landing, cessna citation mustang cockpit, business jets 2021, OCR Aviation, Pilot, Cessna, King Air, Aviation, Cirrus, FlyingDoodles, PremierOneDriver, FlightChops, Jets, Phenom, Phenom 300, cessna citation mustang takeoff
Id: E5-MLwHU58s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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