Citation M2 Jet COLD and DARK Startup (Full Walkthrough)

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hey guys charlie from airplane academy here welcome back to another monday morning episode one of my very favorite types of videos is getting to see the cold and dark cockpit startup and so today we're going to get to film another one of those we've already done one in a tbm a few months ago but today i'm joined by my dad and he recently just got his typewriting and a citation m2 which i'm super proud of him and it's something we aviation is something we just really love getting to pursue together i feel really fortunate to get to do that as a father and son so we're going to cover the cold and dark startup i'm going to turn it over to him because i don't know what i'm talking about here but he just passed his typewriting so he knows a lot more than i do so hey let's hop in [Music] we've done our walk around outside now it's time to start the citation m2 we're gonna start on the right side here and make sure that all of the uh connections are correct and the mic switch is on for the headset instead of the oxygen mask come over here make sure all these are off or normal which they are flaps are in the flap zero or up position trims are all set the um you come up over this direction to the display this is a reversionary make sure they're in the norm mode come back down across here the gear handle is down temper select are a norm and the windshield anti-ice is all on off good thing because it's really hot outside we don't need any any eyes so ice protection are all in the off position the pressurization is an um source of both and also norm the cabin dump is in normal and guarded and the fuel boost is in the normal position fuel transfer is off all the electrical uh components are off the circuit breakers are all in power headset is over here in the right spot the mic select is in the headset oxygen is connected and um and i just ran this display just a little bit ago so you see a a green um a green light on there so that'll that's going to stay on for just a second so here we go with the battery coming on and uh prior to this we did the emergency battery emergency bus to check certain things and we're gonna go ahead and get started so we get get the ac going get these engines running so this is a generator start or i mean a battery starts so we want the generators in the on position these starter generators act as a starter to start the one engine and then act as a generator when it gets to 45 n2 which i'll show you in just a moment and helps the other engine start using the it is a generator this is the mfd of the garmin g3000 these are garmin touch controllers or gtc's this is the mfd multifunction and these are the primary function displays and there's two of them so we have plenty of avionics real estate here to work off of to get the airplane started so before before we start the engine cockpit items oxygen system is checked circuit breakers are in on both sides the avionics with uh circuit breakers on the right side the copilot side and the majority of the other control circuit breakers are actually on the pilot side and they are referenced by column and row in the checklist so it's easy to find something if the checklist calls for you to act on a circuit breaker generator switches are as required this is going to be a battery start which means we're going to need the engine generators to help start the emergency lights um we see we test them here and we're going to turn on the standby display which is this the emergency lights are actually we arm that so that it acts as lighting for passengers at the emergency exit and outside the airplane it shows the pathway out the emergency exit to find your way out into the wing and helps egress from the emergency exits so the other cockpit controls as required you can see down here we've got the parking brake on for start the rain door is closed this deflects rain off the windscreen on the outside rarely used in citations because it tends to get loose over time and creates a lot of noise so we we leave that leave that in in the uh stowed position control lock gust control lock is right here the emergency hand brake handle when the primary brakes go out we have an emergency brake that we can use here it's very sensitive and only used in an emergency and this is the emergency gear extension so instead of cranking it down or pumping it down in some airplanes this actually has a nitrogen bottle and it blows the gear down and it's in a two or three step process run by the checklist uh that you follow to get the gear down so it's good to know um that you have a reliable source of getting the gear down so now we see over here that other cockpit controls we just did that fuel quantity and balance we want to make sure that the airplane is not out of balance you can be up to 200 pounds out of balance and still be within limits and you can transfer fuel from one side to the other using the fuel transfer switch down here which is really a nice function so you can keep the airplane balanced the initialization page is down here we're going to go to that once we get the engine started and the cockpit voice recorder which we don't have we ignore that because we don't have it so before starting the engines parking brake is set the wheel chocks have been removed i just did that myself cabin door is closed we don't have any indication here that any of those doors are open the seats and seat belts and pedals they are adjusted engine instruments and messages everything here is in the green everything's here in the white everything's normal here air conditioner is off for the start so here's the starting sequence we're going to start the right engine which is the number one engine a correction the left engine which is the number one engine we'll start that one first okay so here we go the way this works is uh this is a fadec engine system so we are going to engage the starter on the left engine and when we do that we will introduce fuel by raising this and taking it to the flight idle at that point we will go up here and watch the n2 and the temperatures rise on the itt and the n1 and i'll describe that as they as they get started so for starters we're going to clear left we're clear there we're going to start this engine and press that we bring this up over the gate then we refer up here so here's n2 it's climbing see ignition light off we're going to get some heat there in the itt we want keep our hand on the throttle so that if it does overheat we can we can shut it off quickly and one is beginning to rotate and that is the fan that you see in the front of the jet engines that's the n1 fan and as you can see here we're going to have a nice cool start the itt is starting to come down we have fuel flow we have oil pressure uh good temperature there and the n1 is settling out at about 24. 24 so good engine start there and we come down here to make sure this relay has been turned off so now we're ready to uh start the right side so we're going to clear right there charlie you're right okay here we go we're going to engage the right starter as you can see the n2 is coming up quickly ignition is on the light off now you see the itt rising that's the fire in the can and the itt is beginning to level out here and the n1 fan speeds coming up should be about 24 and a half like number one um and we have a cool start and these two carrots here these two blue carrots are indications that the fedex which is a full authority digital electronic control of the engine has taken over the operation of the engine so at this point we can go put the ac on which is going to be nice aircraft systems temperature ac on there we go so now we come back and double check our messages tcas this is no take off because we have the parking brake on and the pedostatic system is cold over here prior to takeoff these are pre departure items that we we fix before we go and everything is is ready to go so we have had a good engine start and we're ready to go to our before taxi checklist we'll do our departure on our next flight and we'll show all of the initialization oh one more thing i wanted to show you is under the system test and so charlie if you look down here the gtc this is uh let me go to turn the speaker off i want to show you the systems how the systems attract what's going on so these are tests of the system that you must complete before each flight so a fire warning so for example it's in progress and uh it says engine fire here you got flashes here flashes here flashes over here it's in progress okay landing gear i'll turn that off i turned the speaker off so you would have heard the fire warning landing gear is done angle of attack that's the stick shaker that warns of an impeding of an impending stall and you can also see the angle of attack meter comes up into the red and you want to test that to make sure that it's monitoring your your pitch attitude windshield temp is to make sure that you can heat the the windshield we don't leave this on very long when it's this warm outside say we got our windshield air over temp and that's what intended to do that over speed there's some beeps if you go past the the speed of 263 knots indicated and at high altitude that's a vmo max operating uh mach number of 0.71 andy skid which is on the brakes and you see we get a fail here it's an amber message required it's a checklist item in the event of an emergency and he's good we'll turn that off the enunciators two four six seven eight nine make sure those are working you see uh the toss which is the train awareness then the tcas which is for uh for traffic one before that was terrain this is a tcas one for monitoring air traffic threats to the airplane and the radar altimeter that you'll see on the pfd of both pfds will go to 50 it'll count to 50 and that measures your height above the ground so radar altima that's so that's done and we can check initialization only thing left is to put under weight and fuel for the for the flight plan the flight plan gets loaded in here and then the takeoff data gets set before you take off to create the speeds at which you accelerate to to rotate and climb out at and we'll do that on the video when we show the departure we'll go through the v1 speeds and preparation for takeoff and the pre-takeoff briefing and how important that is when you're going to fly any airplane but certainly in the jet it's uh it's important to have those speeds down and operate accordingly so um charlotte we've got a nice cold airplane on the inside and a warmed up airplane on the outside and once again everyone welcome aboard this is a fantastic airplane i look forward to flying it for a long time have a great day everyone i love my checklist
Channel: Airplane Academy
Views: 28,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: citation m2, citation jet, cold and dark startup, private jet, cessna m2, cessna citation m2, pilot, aviation, general aviation, cessna, how to start a jet, starting a jet engine, pilots license, jet pilot, cockpit, jet cockpit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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