6 *Beginner-Friendly* Air Fryer recipes that are SO YUMMY! Must make!

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whether you've had an air fryer for quite some time or if maybe you got one for Christmas and you've never used it and you're a little scared I've got six recipes today that are a must try in your air fryer they are beginner friendly they are not hard at all and they are all delicious hey y'all I'm Mandy and this is Mandy in the making when I first got my air fryer the only thing I used it for was chicken nuggets and french fries that were frozen I didn't quite grasp what an air fryer is it's basically a mini convection oven so it Cooks things in less time and it's constantly moving that air around in there once I started trusting my air fryer to actually cook food like raw food and cook it completely it opened up a whole new world of possibilities one thing we have not made in the air fryer yet are turkey burgers so we're going to try some turkey burgers in the air fryer today we're going to add a little bit of red onion to our turkey burgers so let me is that bad I don't think it's bad we're about to find out let me I mean CH chice I'm going to chice this up I was going to say chop and then I was going to say Dice and here we are we're going to chice it new word I'm claiming it trademarked I think this is probably going to be enough but we want to really finally dice it or chice it excuse me get it right Mandy if you've never made turkey burgers before or cooked with ground turkey you just have to keep in mind it does not have a bunch of flavor on its own you do need to add seasonings and other flavor components or else it'll be quite Bland and that's pretty much all we have to do now we just mix everything together while we mix everything together I am going to turn why is this shaking it must be sitting on the cord hold please yep there we go we're back we're going to oh we're going to preheat to 400 we need one lound of ground turkey let go okay sorry I'm going to be using some gloves to mix this because y let's throw in our diced ched Red Onion we need a/ thir a cup of some type of sauce so I'm using this barbecue sauce you could use chili sauce any type of barbecue sauce will be fine we need a four a cup of breadcrumbs this is the Italian style because that's just what I have on hand and you can just do plain breadcrumbs not panko though I'm going to be using this everything but the Lo is that how you say that I'm going to be using this seasoning you could use some seasoned salt about a half a teaspoon and I'm going to throw in about a half a teaspoon of garlic powder now we just need to mix this together so okay before we form Our Patties this has preheated it is good to go I'm going to Spritz it with some oil so it won't stick so you could definitely get four patties out of this but since there's just three of us I'm going to form three these things are awful they're so big they're hard to work with I have some latex gloves but I don't know where they're at so there's that this is this is fun friends this is real [Music] [Music] fun I'll be back I spared you but there we go we have three of them they're going into the air fryer these are going to cook at 400 for about 10 minutes you can flip them half the way through but you don't have to okay this just finished we need to check ooh now those are pretty we need to check and make sure they're done so you want to make sure they're at 165° that first one I didn't flatten out enough so it is not done but the other two are so I'm going to remove them out I'm going to flatten this a little bit and stick it back in okay the other one is going here in the a fryer but I'm going to go ahead and fix these two sandwiches since they're ready while they're still good and hot I'm going to throw some kobby jack cheese on top I went in there to our garden and pulled off some of this I think this is Breen which is very similar to Roma and we're going to add some tomato on top too because why not and I've got Mayo on the bottom and mustard on the [Music] top and that my friends is lunch what did you say to when you came in here for a turkey burer what' you say I said you don't even have to ask if it's done right cuz my baby's going to cook it all the way all the way and then some we we got sick off of undercooked turkey burgers a very long time ago so never again my [Music] friends oh wow oh yeah M while you chew I'm going show the fun action that we're watching across the street today I'm their manager I'm managing all that you're managing it all yeah from in here you're just calling the shots great seasonings on that though good still very impressed with the air fryer I know the air fryer has been really just a blessing but yeah just great seasonings in there it's not Bland turkey is one of those things where you just have to overseason it you know to really get some good flavor but it's very juicy okay good um yeah and you can tell it's cooked all the way through oh yeah I don't play we ain't playing all right so we've got the burger we've got some sweet potato fries and we had a few Pringles left so that's good and I don't remember did I say sweet potato chips or did I say sweet potato fries they're obviously chips I asked Stephen he said I don't know what you call them he was too busy eating he didn't care they don't matter to me I cook mine it needs to be at least 165° I make sure mine's like 175 just for that extra little something extra another recipe I really should call these beginner friendly air fryer recipes because I've chosen some really easy ones for this video if you've been around for a while you know our favorite way to make green beans is on the stove top with some bacon a little brown sugar however sometimes I'm in a hurry and one of the easier ways to make green beans is in the air fryer you can still use canned green beans they're going to come out they're going to look kind of wrinkly and not very pretty but you can do it but preferably you will use Frozen whole green beans or fresh green beans if within season you definitely could do fresh first things first we need to preheat our air [Music] fryer honey I normally get the cheese Shredder out of here and she's very aware of that okay the great thing about using the frozen green beans is you don't have to Tha them so you just pour them into a bowl and you're just going to toss them with a little olive oil and Seasonings you could just do salt and pepper you don't have to do a lot of olive oil maybe a teaspoon or two I probably did around a teaspoon I mean two teaspoons and then you could just salt and pepper it I'm going to be using this we haven't used this very much but a sweet subscriber sent it to us it's called the it's incredible seasoning and I always forget about having it but we're going to use this one today our air fryer is ready to go so let's head over there and spray the bottom with a little bit of oil just so nothing sticks dump these in oh you hear that Sizzle get them in an even layer and these are going in at 400 for about 10 minutes okay it's been about 5 minutes we are going to take these green beans out and toss them and after we toss them we'll just stick them back in for the 5 minutes and because I'm extra these last couple of minutes I'm going to toss our green beans in some grated Parmesan cheese this is totally optional you don't have to do this but I'm going to throw it in there and just toss them around just for these last 2 minutes all right our green beans are done look how crispy they are they look so good as to not confuse everyone I just plated this up separately so that you don't wonder what in the world we're eating you'll see that on Friday what in the world are we eating we're going to eat these green beans good give me a bite usually we make green beans we get them out of the can we put them in there and we cook them for a long time in sugar and bacon bacon fat mhm but this is a little different just a fresher healthier way to do green beans it's really really really good for you know all things considered how they're cooked yeah um you get more of the green bean flavor itself probably more more truest green bean flavor but then the seasonings around it are really good as well great salty um got some of that pepper in there and then the garlic flavor that's in there it's really good mhm now I'm going to be starting on some Mexican corn on maob this is very simple we've never had corn on the cob in the air fryer so I'm excited to try it because I heard great things about it and special bonus like super special bonus I have a sue Chef who said I want to make this and I'll be on camera I'm prepared he's prepared okay the first thing we're going to do is preheat our air fryer so you're going to go over here to preheat and 400 is fine 5 minutes is fine go ahead and hit the star button yep okay so our basket has been heated up now CO's got our corn and he's just going to spray it with some oil first before we put it in there okay that's good these are going to go in at 400 for 14 minutes and we will kind of turn them at the halfway point okay so he's just going to turn these over good and they're going to go in for seven more minutes while our air fryer corn is still going we're going to kind of combine some things for the butter that's going to go over top so we need 3 tbsp of butter I like having a su Chef we need this garlic couple of teaspoons of garlic so just pour that in there here's a spoon there we go did it come out there we go we need about a teaspoon of lemon zest not lemon zest lime zest and so he's going to do that for us okay and we also need about a tablespoon of lime juice so he's going to cut this in half and I'm going to grab the juicer and he will add some lime juice into here and this is going to go in the microwave for like 30 seconds or so we just want to get everything melted obviously and we want our um garlic to be nice and fragrant this needs to be washed it does a good job though okay I wish y'all could smell this oh our Corn's done perfection you want a little bit of char on there look at that yes Cole is just going to brush our butter on all over it okay and Cole does not like cilantro so we're just going to put a little cilantro on mine and Steven's but this is going to be so good with our meatloaf tonight oh my word one last thing we're going to do to just give it a little more Smokey flavor is put the seafood seasoning on there it's got some Paprika in there it's got all kinds of good stuff so we're just going to sprinkle this on top wow man that's amazing air fryer corn what you think man yeah oh man the lime oh that's definitely coming through then you've got the garlic and the butter in there a little bit of the spices the Smokey flavor but wow the lime and butter with the corn and great e okay well I'm excited gosh it looks it smells so good in here y'all best corn on the cob I've ever had hands down okay it is lunch time now and for a quick and easy lunch I'm gonna be making little mini pizzas in the air fryer so your toppings are totally personal so I'm doing the mini pepperonis since these are mini pizzas and we're just going to do a little bit of this sausage as well maybe maybe half of this pound of sausage I'm going to go ahead and brown that up on the stove I'm going to be using this pizza crust if you can't find pizza crust and I think I've heard too that have many Pizza crusts Now by pillsberry I'm not sure but if you can't find that you could always just roll out biscuit dough it may just take a little bit longer to cook and let's just see how many many pizzas we can get out of this one crust we're just going to make these a little extra large okay we're going to go with six very uneven pizzas this is how you know Mandy's been here when things are a little wonky this ain't Food Network this is Mandy in the kitchen making a mess okay so I'm cooking up this Sal it was mild sausage that's all my grocery store had so I did add just a little bit of Italian seasoning and I also added some black pepper just to give it a little more flavor honestly I wanted hot sausage for today but they didn't have anything but mild that's what I had to go with this is almost done cooking and then I'm just going to drain it and we will assemble our pizzas okay so we have cooked our sausage now let's go in with some marinara sauce if you have pizza sauce that works too I didn't have any we're going to go with a larger one first which is probably going to be hard to maneuver now that I think about it yeah so I'm doing the trial and error for you this may be an epic fail on these larger ones let's add some sausage and a few of our mini pepperonis these are so cute you could definitely just use regular pepperoni but I just saw these at the grocery store and I was like well these are many pizzas so why not if you can get your hands on this mozzarella cheese I highly recommend it it does melt a whole lot easier test subject number one is complete now to pick this thing up and get it in the air fryer first we're going to spray the bottom of our air fryer with our oil again I grabbed my spurtle I figure that's going to help me transfer this pretty easily I hope we're about to find out aren't we oh this could be epic failure no that's not going to work we're just going to we're going to go really quickly y'all this is so bad don't do as I do should I just cut it in half that's what I'm going to do what I got to do there we go we did it it ain't pretty but that's okay so this is a learning curve oh you don't you're not even seeing it I'm sorry let me show it to you this is a learning curve for sure I'm going to recommend that maybe you put it in here first and then top them it just makes it easier to transfer let's put this in the air fryer okay we're going to go temperature 400 let's try 4 minutes and check on [Music] it I have nothing in my hands nothing [Music] ma'am our timer just went off oh my stars can y'all see that that looks like a huge hit let me take them out we're going to put them on this wire rack over here while I do the rest of them oh my gosh that looks so good I may do just a little bit longer on the next one I feel like I mean it feels pretty done we're going to let them cool for a minute and I'm going to test it before I put another batch in because I just want to make sure that the dough is completely done on the inside I have a taste tester that's about to arrive in just a second I'm letting these cool the rest of the way they smells so good let's see if we can see the bottom of them they look like they're done my main squeeze right there oh look at them oh man look at one of them is mine and one of them is yours just a heads up I'm going to make more but just one yeah just one for now okay which one can I have you can have that one we got to make sure that the crust is done enough so it's it's a little soft it is a little soft little soft but it's not like supposed to be super hard I don't think so that is really really really good the crust is done it's not doughy it's not super hard like I'm looking in here right now it's not doughy it's not Dy at all it is cooked yeah it's not super hard crust like a normal Pizza would be what sauce is that Ros rails man oh d drop this 10c rule Steven no you didn't how you going to say 10 seconds it's 5 seconds is it the 3 second rule 5 5 second rule or is it 10c rule like he says with me you just never know come in here tomorrow morning look what's on the floor Steven he does not do gosh you can't do nothing with me no you can't all right I'm going to go make the rest of them Steven just had a really great idea we're going to put the crust in there for about a minute and then we're going to open it up and put all the toppings on and see if that will help it firm up on the bottom a little bit more okay now that our pizza crusts have been in for about a minute it makes a little more manageable and you can remove them and top them and then put them back in it's going back in at 400 for 4 minutes you could definitely just reach into the air fryer base with them still in the air fryer but you've got to do that very very carefully so that you don't burn yourself on the side of the air fryer your air fryer is very hot so you don't want to possibly burn yourself so the safer option and the recommended option would be to remove it like I've done now top it and then place it back in there Moment of Truth first of all they smell Divine they look Divine let's see if the bottoms are just a little more done this time ooh mhm where mine do you hear Steven in there where's mine it's a little crispier a it permed it up little bit there oh boy oh gosh oh it's hot was hard to believe CU you just made a really good pizza in that thing in the air fryer my gosh I know who would have th it who have th it okay y'all I've got all of our spices out I'm going to start with some cayenne pepper you could always leave this out if you were not into you know the hot stuff but I'm going to use about a half a tablespoon of cayenne we're going to do a tablespoon of paprika which is pretty much all I have left I need to write that on the grocery list just there we go I need a tablespoon of chili powder 2 tbspoon of garlic [Music] powder a half a tablespoon of black pepper or you could always use some more if you really like yours [Music] peppery now we need 2 tbspoon of salt 34 a cup of brown [Music] sugar and then last lastly we're going to add in about a tablespoon of garlic salt and the recipe says that you could also add in a teaspoon of cinnamon I I have not done that that just sounds weird to me you'll have to let me know if you have done that before so it does have a good bit of the spices in there but it has a lot of brown sugar to help calm it down so it's not just hot it's like sweet and spicy we really love these okay so I've got my wings here I did Pat them dry I'm going to take about half of my spices and pour it into a large Ziploc bag all right now I'm going to it says to spray them with olive oil but I used this last time and it was just fine okay I'm going to put about half of them in here and we're going to coat them really well and I need to go ahead and preheat my air fryer to 400 I need to let it like warm up for 5 minutes [Music] [Music] okay so this just finished preheating I'm going to take it out and I'm going to spray it with our non-stick spray our vegetable oil and let's put our wings [Music] in okay so this is going to go at 400 for 16 minutes but I am going to flip them over half the way through okay so it's been about half the time I wish y'all could smell these I'm going to turn them over okay now they're going back in for the rest of the time okay these are done yes and I'm just going to put them on a plate and tint the plate with some aluminum pool so that they stay warm while I do the second [Music] patch wait he was about to eat and I was like grabbing my camera as fast as I could I didn't want to wait I love the spices you must have some sugar in there yeah it's got brown sugar in there yeah I can taste the brown sugar just a little hint of that sweetness yeah with that spice so it cuts the spice just a little bit yes and the charring is actually really nice yeah I feel like without the charring you wouldn't get as much of the flavor yeah so I I love how these turn out I'm just amazed that these came out of an air fryer all right so this is a winner huh oh yeah one of the easiest recipes in the air fryer and one of the best ways to make brussel sprouts is to do this particular recipe so you're just going to take your brussel sprouts and cut them in half cutting the ends off you can toss them in either vegetable oil or olive oil you just need about a tablespoon or two of that to toss them in just make sure they all get coated and then you're going to add in ranch seasoning mix as well as some grated parmesan cheese for the ranch maybe a tablespoon or two just depending on how many brussel sprouts you have and the same for the parmesan cheese toss that all together once everything is good and coated add just a little bit of salt and pepper and toss it again there is no need to preheat your air fryer this time and because they're coated so well in the oil you don't really have to spray the bottom either so just put them in your air fryer basket try to get them in an even layer if possible and you're going to cook these at 350 for about 12 minutes you do want to toss them at about halfway through but these turn out so good they are super crispy and some of the edges get really Brown which is honestly the best part to me but I hope you enjoy this simple brussels sprouts recipe so tell me in the comments below what is your favorite way to use your air fryer what was the very first thing you tried in your air fryer other than chicken nuggets and french fries like me and if you have a favorite air fryer recipe you can always share that in the comments so go even if you're not leaving a comment go check out the comments and see what others are saying if you haven't done so already I would really love for you to subscribe to the channel it's free to do so and that just allows YouTube to know hey I want to see the content that Mandy is putting out and it will always refresh in your subscription feed so you don't miss a video thank you so much for being here bye y'all
Channel: Mandy in the Making
Views: 223,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandyinthemaking, easy recipes, beginner recipes, cooking video, how to cook, cooking channel, taste test, air fryer recipes, air fryer, cosori air fryer, easy air fryer recipes, best air fryer recipes, air fryer recipe, air fryer turkey burgers, air fryer green beans, air fryer brussels sprouts, air fryer chicken wings, air fryer mini pizzas, air fryer mexican corn on the cob, how to use an air fryer, air fryer recipes for beginners
Id: PS0aWIAtg8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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