Summer CROCKPOT dinners that are simple and AMAZING!

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wow this is insanely good this is how you know it's good that's right you need to make it it's hard to believe that this came out of a crock pot I know it's not officially summer yet but it's hot outside and if you're in the South it's hot and it's humid which is a horrible combination which means I really don't want to be heating up my kitchen with the oven and the stove to make dinner today I'm going to be sharing with you some great crock pot meals that are great for this summer and it won't heat up your kitchen the good thing about crock pot is you put it in you forget about it and then dinner is ready hey y'all I'm Mandy and this is Mandy in the making for our first summer crock pot meal we are having buffalo chicken sliders I am stoked about this one I love anything buffalo chicken and I love how easy this recipe is you could definitely cook this low and slow but it's already in the afternoon I'm just gonna go ahead and pop it in the crock pot on high and it'll be ready in just a couple of hours because we don't need the entire recipe I'm cutting it in half today like I normally do and I'm just going to be using two chicken breasts I did slice one of them up a little bit just because it was super thick [Music] I'm struggling with it okay can you just thank you sorry we had to have a little chat let's add in a little minced garlic just kind of sprinkle that over the chicken the recipe calls for a cup of this this Red Hot Buffalo sauce I'm gonna be using about a half a cup the recipe calls for a an entire Ranch pack so I'm going to use about a half which will be about a tablespoon and a half of this and we're gonna use about a half a tablespoon of brown sugar now it says just to toss it around just to make sure it all gets coated I love that we didn't even have to put all of this in a bowl I mean you definitely could but you don't even have to so I've never had great luck with the times that they tell me to cook in a recipe the times that they tell me to cook chicken breasts because they dry out so this says hi for four hours I won't need that my crock pot Cooks a little fast so high for two to three hours I'm gonna come in here at the two hour mark and just check on them and see if they're done because I don't want them to dry out this particular one only has these options so I'm gonna go with the four hours on high it is currently 303 so we'll come in here around five o'clock and check on it okay it has been two hours these are perfectly cooked they're not dried out I just checked them so let's shred this up so I'm just going to use this little mix and chop tool that I have to shred the chicken well I'm going to attempt to there we go and then we're also going to add in two tablespoons well I guess we'll add in one tablespoon of butter since I'm doing half of the recipe and just we'll let that melt and then I'm going to make up a little bit of coleslaw to go on our sliders with this okay our butter has melted I made up just a little bit of coleslaw I used the coleslaw mix from the grocery store and I just added a little mayo a little relish and some salt and pepper just something really easy to go on our sliders I'm going to add just the smallest bit of ranch on top let's put the lids on the lids the tops and those look yummy we got some maters maters from our garden sure right out there look at that one that's one of them cat head maters it's a cat head this is some buffalo chicken sliders it is a little juicy mmm man there is something about Buffalo sauce yes with coleslaw yes I know there's a little bit of ranch on there too amazing combination ranch dressing yeah there's Ranch on there too so is this like cracked out cracked out no no buffalo chicken that would be cream cheese ranch bacon cheese no thank you little Lou as soon as you said cheers she went meow if you follow me on Instagram then you saw I tried Milo's Peach sweet tea the other day and I was not a huge fan I went by Zaxby's and got a peach tea because I was craving peach tea so this is how you know it's good that's right don't do that I can't help it don't do it I don't know there's something about the skin no I just don't love it like if it won't tear through immediately no I have to just pull it off y'all can you even take me seriously right now no you cannot no stop whatever stop it today I am making two different things in the crock pot at the same time one is for lunch one is for dinner but first we're gonna get lunch in the crock pot and today we are having having the southern coming out on me today we are having Asian glazed chicken thighs in the crock pot I am going to make rice to go along with it you can make it on a stovetop or in an instant pot or a rice cooker but that's going to be lunch today let's get started I am using bone-in but skinless well it came with the skin I took the skin off bone-in skinless chicken thighs I've got four of them here I'm gonna season the tops with salt and pepper and then these are going to go in a skillet here in just a second and some olive oil and then I'll season the other side so this will go side down we are just going to sear these before sticking them in the crock pot so let's go over to the stove I am currently heating this Skillet to about medium heat I'm going to add a little bit of olive oil to the pan and then these will go in for two to three minutes on this side and then we'll flip them while that is starting to sear on the stovetop I'm going to mix together the ingredients that it's going to go over it it does say that you can just pour it right into the crock pot like we did with the Buffalo sliders and just toss it around however I'm using Ginger paste instead of grated Ginger and it's a little bit harder to get it to spread around if it's not pre-mixed so I'm going to mix everything in a bowl before I pour it in first we're going to start with four to five cloves of minced garlic pretty much the rest of this container I have another container waiting to go now if you've never used Ginger paste I love it because it's just so much easier than having to search for ginger at the grocery store and Grate it and do all the things but before you use it squeeze it up really good kind of mix it around in there and I'm just going to squeeze it said one inch of grated Ginger I'm guessing that means one inch of the ginger grated so I'm just going to do a squeeze I don't know maybe a teaspoon a little over we need a fourth a cup of ketchup which is this entire sorry this entire little measurement is a fourth a cup it's the cutest little measuring cup ever we need two tablespoons of low sodium soy sauce one tablespoon of sriracha and three tablespoons of honey and then I'm just gonna stir this together and set it to the side I need to go flip the chicken on the stove oh I forgot to season the other side y'all didn't remind me I'm gonna blame that one on y'all okay now we can flip them and we're going to let these hang out for another three minutes or so and then we'll move to the crock pot okay so I know searing this chicken means that you have to heat up the kitchen a little bit but if you're doing it in the morning earlier in the day it's gonna be a lot better than In the Heat of the day and it's only for a couple of minutes that you have the stove top on so that's good I'm using my small crock pot today because I don't really need a huge crock pot we're going to pour our sauce right over and now here's where I don't love this recipe it says add some water I read through everything and it does not tell you how much water so I'm just going to add maybe a fourth a cup of water just reusing this little measuring cup because I don't want to water it down too much I think a fourth a cup is going to be great so that's what we're going with I read the whole article I tried to figure it out I couldn't figure it out I don't know how much some water is I'm going to move this around just to make sure everything gets under it too this is going to cook on high for about four hours or you could do low for eight hours the good thing is it's chicken thighs so they're not going to dry out now that we've got our chicken thighs going for lunch I'm going to get started on dinner and I'm pretty excited about this one this is a slow cooker Mexican street corn chowder that sounds so good and if you have fresh corn it's going to be even better I'm going to be using frozen corn today because of the Corn at my grocery store doesn't quite look great yet so if you want to store this one for a little bit later in the summer when corn is plentiful and you can use fresh corn right off of the ear even better also I'm representing today I've got all my homes hot dogs t-shirt if you're from the upstate of South Carolina specifically the Spartanburg area tell me Below have you eaten at homes and if you haven't why haven't you eaten at homes Holmes has the best hot dogs their chili is the best their hot dogs are the best and the people there are the sweetest ever funny story Robin the lady that is always at the cash register she recognized us one day she had seen us come in before but then we came in and she said I found you on YouTube so now she watches a lot of my videos a couple of them there watch our videos and it's just so sweet but I got a t-shirt not too long ago I went in and purchased it just because I love homes so much and I thought I would give them a little shout out I'm getting my blender ready right now because we're going to blend some of this y'all don't let this recipe scare you there's a couple of steps but when you see all the ingredients together the ingredients that I showed you just a second ago is just what's I'm using now there's more ingredients including bacon later so it's going to be a good one we're gonna puree a Chipotle in Adobo I just have one pepper maybe a third of the Corn that I have here maybe not even that much and we're gonna add in about three-fourths a cup or so of chicken broth let's put the lid on lock it in place let me plug it up you know what that's yeah my corn is still a little on the Frozen side that but it's okay it worked I'm worried about that for a second all right we just have a little bit of chopping to do it says to use a small yellow onion I've got this half of an onion here and I may not even use the entire thing just because we are halfing the recipe so I'm going to chop this it says chop not Dice and then it says to use a small red pepper chopped the recipe calls for a teaspoon of dried oregano I have fresh growing in my little herb garden outside so I'm just gonna chop up just a little bit of this fresh oregano that I just pulled if I was using dried I would use about a half a teaspoon for the amount that I'm doing and then lastly we need one Russet potato I'm going to peel this and chop it okay I'm going with my larger crock pot obviously I don't need it but I only have two crock pots and the other one's being used so I put this liner in there let's add all of our ingredients so we're going to add the remaining corn in here I had about two cups of corn so this is really only going to make enough for me and Steven tonight which is fine we're the only ones that are going to be here I've got onion and bell pepper going in my potatoes I'm going to do about a teaspoon of garlic I'm going to use about one teaspoon of this ancho chili powder it smells so good about a teaspoon of cumin you would also throw in your dried oregano I'm going to throw in my fresh oregano and then this just says to taste so I'm just going to do a little bit of salt and then the rest of our chicken broth is going to go in and now our pureed corn and chipotle pepper mixture the original recipe which is double this says it makes 10 servings I don't know how in the world you get 10 servings out of all this we are going to add more stuff to it later but I mean I don't even see how you would get five servings out of this half of the amount but whatever okay this is going to go on low for eight hours since we're going to have this for dinner if you wanted to you could do it on high for four I'll see y'all back here a little bit later you look while you're getting serious over there I am serious this was good oh man it smells delicious it does it smells really good wow mmm this is this is Thigh it is a thigh it's got a bone in there except just a heads up I like a bone in there wow that is good is it yeah oh wow that flavor and that sauce it's very different it's like kind of a sweet Savory yep too yeah it's got all kinds of great stuff all right so this crock pot dinner is dinner and I'm gonna dig in and see what I think but oh and this is fresh parsley from our little herb garden I put on the top you need to make it it's hard to believe that this came out of a crock pot wow sweet spicy yeah lots of flavor that five I know I love cooking with thighs they're just the best yes there's just so much flavor that chicken flavor it just falls apart look y'all I mean it's just falling right off it's so good well y'all gotta make this one and we'll see you back for dinner tonight did you have something to say you save No cameras please it has been a day but the good news is it is dinner time and I don't have to cook I am going to add a couple of things into the Mexican corn street corn chowder now and let it cook for another 30 minutes or so and then we'll eat it's 5 30 now first of all we're gonna add in some heavy cream we need since I'm having this we're just gonna do a half a cup heavy cream is so expensive I feel like it keeps getting more and more expensive I don't know I saw a big thing of heavy cream it was almost eight dollars what in the world half a cup of this and now we need a tablespoon and a half of flour and this is just all-purpose flour let's whisk that together now we're going to pour this into the slow cooker let me move this over hopefully it's not going to fog y'all up oh my God pour this in I'm just going to stir it in and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to crank this to high just to help it do its thing I guess this is just to help it thicken and I've got three pieces of bacon I cooked my bacon earlier I cooked up the rest of the bacon that we had on hand and it just says to crumble the bacon so I'm just going to tear it up and add this in boom my fingers are greasy the recipe says you could use feta cheese or Katia cheese I did not find any Cartier am I saying that right cheese at my grocery store so we're gonna have to go with feta and we just need about a half a cup of this but I'm going to crumble up the bigger pieces and we're just going to stir that in as well okay we're going to let this hang out for another 30 minutes and then it will be time to I was going to say plate it up but I guess Bowl it up it'll be time to eat so I'm getting some toppings ready we'll have some sour cream too but I had some green onion I thought that would be good have some lime and then these came from our garden there's so many out there so many out there but I thought this would be good too some sliced jalapeno on top so this is the first time we've picked any jalapeno though I'm pretty proud don't they look beautiful let's serve dinner it's got cream cheese in a hundred dollars no it doesn't oh you owe me a hundred dollars Jack Legg what'd you tell me it looks like a bunch of gobbledygoop well this is not gobbledygoop I mean that's what it looks do you want me to tell you what it's called I don't know let me taste it first okay surprise okay man that is really good is it yeah what is this Bean what is this it is Mexican street corn chowder wow that's amazing I'm so glad you love it pop the lime there spiciness of the jalapeno yeah crunch of the Corn the sweetness of the Corn in there but what's this is there cheese in there what kind of cheese is it um it's feta cheese yeah this is insanely good is this a favorite I'm gonna tell you right now this is gonna be way on up there okay this is like probably an all-time thing really I mean because like I love the spiciness of it I love all of the Tex-Mex spices that are in there the Chipotle the chili yeah and they could tone it down they don't have to put no fresh jalapeño he hiccuped from the jalapeno yeah I got a little something it is oh my perfect name for that Mexican street corn chowder yes it really is if you wanted it to be vegetarian you totally could you could do vegetable broth instead of the chicken broth and then you didn't you don't have to do the bacon but you know you know we love the bacon yeah not skimp on the bacon come on man is this a go backer you better go back thank you I might have to a couple times maybe maybe just one y'all you gotta make this one [Music]
Channel: Mandy in the Making
Views: 219,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandyinthemaking, crockpot recipes, whats for dinner, slow cooker recipes, summer recipes, slow cooker, easy dinner ideas, cook with me, easy crock pot meals, slow cooker dinners
Id: 43q8zayzgrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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