6 Unbelievable Body Modifications

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hey kids we've got a bunch of cool ways you can repel against your parents let's talk about that good mythical morning you know in the good old days all you had to do is get a tattoo or like get your ears pierced to just make your parents go crazy but it's 2013 people the options for rebellion are just through the roof at this point and we're gonna go through some extreme body modifications and this might get gross but it will also be fascinating so listen this is it you can take this it's fine hi if I can look at these pictures so can you okay here we go subdermal implants you may have heard of these this is like a 3d tattoo without ink but with silicone shoving something under your skin that makes it look like you've shoved something under your skin well my nose is actually a subdermal implant love people don't know this well that explains a lot it seems like it would be sure to look like him though yeah that's good just kidding that's not true now these skulls I mean you can tell where they they entered in up here on his wrist and then they ended up down there on the top of his hands in this Captain America I think that's just a star I don't there's Captain America I mean no I think that is Captain America Oh mm-hmm it's just like Iron Man you know Tony Stark has to that keeps him alive that star keeps Captain America alive okay subdermal implant yeah I don't know about that I don't know if I'm gonna do that these are mushy they're silicone they're made out of silicone but they're not the same as like a breast implant there's a sturdier there well I wouldn't know about either okay have you heard of corneal tattooing I have now eye tattoos this is what somebody actually gets the cornea the white part of your eyeball tattooed I mean permanently this is not like you can get a contact to make your eyes change color but this is somebody who says you know what I want a blue eye well if you go ahead man oh no no I want my whole eye to be blue are you sure yeah man there's no turning back now I'm here actually there is I mean I don't have to do it yeah man but I really wanted the conversation goes yeah the thing about the contact is you know if you go to your parents and you're like look at this crazy contact they're not gonna be that upset right look at this crazy new eyeball that I'm gonna have forever they're gonna be kind of up so you can reverse that right no call me blue ah mission accomplished okay there's always ways to take things further hmm including with this with the eyeball so that let's not just tattoo our eyeball let's put something implanted in dorival so a subdermal thing but on the eye extra ocular implant this thing actually goes under the cornea and is like made out of a metal alloy of some kind and this one here we're looking at is a heart what you know that's kind of cute I kind of like it it just looks like someone cut up a little heart-shaped piece of paper like a post-it note and stuck it to the eyeball all I gotta say is when I get like a piece of dust in my eye I'll sit there for three hours like tearing up and like there's something in my can you see it you know and I'm and it's like I can't think I can't go about my day I'm like let's seriously do I got an eyelash in there you know like it's freaking out this person wants got a nice in there so he gets nuts about it this part now you know I don't get an extra ocular imposing to put a piece of metal permanently into their eyeball and you know what good for them yeah but it looks great I that you have but here's the thing you have to think about kids because yes this is a good idea if you want to appall your parents but everybody all the time we're gonna get sued it's gonna be like hey man something in your eyes hey man there's a heart floating in your eyeball yeah man it's on purpose is it just me or is zero eyeball I mean you know what I'm saying sure an eyeball floating in your eyeball okay here's another one which I think goes more in cute realm okay ear pointing hmm this is when they make you look like Spock or an elf they they cut a portion of the top of your ear and then they resew it together suture it back together so you get a point and I will say that if your parents are elves this will not seem like a rebellion this this will seem like oh he's accepting it he's finally accepting it which is which is good so we're turning the tables yeah right so that one's not a rebellious thing permanent Halloween costume that's how I look at that one and you can always grow you can always put your hair of your ears like you might have pointer news for all I know never seen them I do corset piercing anyone now this is the one that I'm really considering personally because it looks so I mean it's very attractive and slimming yeah yes I went when you're on the beach now this second picture this is a guy cuz I thought this is more of a girl thing I always think of women in ages past wearing corsets but not you always think of women with corsets I always get that when I think of course it's I think of them in ages past I'm not gonna I'm not gonna commit to an age because I don't remember it from the Victorian era Victorian era yeah though this is a dude with one it's very feminine I mean but it's I'm told it's also dangerous because the way it pulls on your skin it's uh it's not sustained this looks like an infection waiting to happen or an infection in progress I mean I don't I'm always concerned about getting piercings snagged on things piercings I don't have if let me rephrase that if I had piercings I would always be concerned about getting them snagged on things I'm always thinking about women with courses and I'm always thinking about getting my piercing snagged piercings that I don't have on those corsets I'm not gonna use the word crazy this is the most intriguing one that I have seen bagel face no it's called bagel head well it's called forehead injections so now this this cute little dame here as happy as she is must not realize that she has a bagel implanted into her forehead and a lot of people are you smiling and might think that there is an actual bagel in there but to your disappointment I will say that this is a temporary saline injection that causes the forehead to swell up like a bagel no well it swells up in a bubble and then someone takes their thumb and pushes in the middle and makes it into it oh that makes it cool how long do you have to press on it I don't know I'm not a bagel head technician not that long I mean there's videos we're showing one right now but it's a it's saline it's a saline solution and so it swells up and then eventually it dissipates so out of everything that we have surveyed today this is actually the one that you could do you know it probably would give you brain damage or something but you don't know in the in the end you you know you could go back to normal you saw come on be like mom dad I got stung in the forehead by a bee with a bagel shape stinger okay so just so those of you out there who thought we were being serious when we seemed that we were encouraging rebellion uh hopefully it's obvious that we don't actually want you to get this but listen if you do please send us pictures well as a parent I think it's it's key to say to your kids Oh get whatever you want we don't care do this with your head and then they won't do anything they're right they won't then you got down can't make it seem like rebellion you'd be like sure you want to get the corset thing get it and see how it feels and I be like I'll do the I got the saline drip right here kids line up put my thumb right in the middle of your forehead okay seriously though as a parent let's wrap up with this because as a parent if your oldest daughter Lily came to you and she said dad I really feel strongly about getting my cornea tattooed would you be like all right when you're 18 you can do that or would you be like hey let's look at some Google Images I would say both here's what I would say you know what let's go meet a person who actually has one of these tattoos hmm and we would go on a field go on a field trip and I would this is perfect and I would say and first of all if there's like a really level-headed one cool one oh you got a screen them right you've got to go to like a bad part of a prison I get one with a bad which and he was scary and unemployed and then I would be like hey and spend some time with my daughter no but I mean I would be this that's a big risk and then you know and then after that she'd be like I don't know I'm not doing that that's how you get your kids tonight you don't tell them they can't do it say all right that's a great idea let's go meet somebody who's had that happen I just think you tell him to do it it's that simple okay well see how that goes you know what time it is you like pictures because we make pictures on Instagram the red link Instagram what why why are you not following it I don't understand it doesn't make sense to me I cannot reconcile like minute job you following waffle Wednesday worry bothers me link secretly tries to eat red I mean seriously you know there's lots of things going on over there at the Instagram that people should be checking out because it's quick nothing smells bad no I'll just make sure to keep talking my deodorant stopped working the other day you know hey come on I mean you know when you do my job when I brush it up against shoulders that tends to want to open but just keep going what I saying was I think I'm immune to my deodorant which happen Oh what do you want what are you doing man nothing nothing I was just sharpening my tooth right there it's fine just one more time just give them give them give them your thoughts are you trying to eat me it's fine man fine yeah and you want those loved ones to live knowing that the reason that you're alive is because you ate your best for him and why are we talk about you eating me because I would volunteer quickly for that but I'm the one who's less picky
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 16,399,507
Rating: 4.587606 out of 5
Keywords: body modifications, bagel head, pointy ears, subdermal implants, back corset, extreme, Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, body modifications gone wrong, body modification teeth, tattoo, piercings, body modification, body mod, body mods, body modification elf ears, elf ears, elf ear modification
Id: c4UAnw9rduE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2013
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