If you love SHRIMP...this one's just for you.... 🦐🦐🦐 | #AtHome #WithMe | Marion's Kitchen

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[Music] foreign [Music] that really is the best part szechuan pepper spiked prawns with ginger and loads of spicy chilies this is one dish that packs a massive punch ah you guys are gonna love it okay so you guys know how much i love all things spicy so you can imagine how happy i am with this dish full of chilies full of szechuan peppercorns we're going to start with those peppercorns so with the szechuan peppercorns i like to get them whole and they have a kind of a slightly spicy but more numbing kind of sensation on your tongue so it's not just flavor it has a kind of citrusy high note to it but also a textural thing or a taste thing on your palette you could add a pinch make these with black peppercorns you won't get the same kind of wow factor but you know you have to make do what you've got sometimes anyway we've got the szechuan peppercorns and i'm going to put them into a dry frying pan and now you just want to keep these guys moving while they're on the heat and the whole idea here is that the heat will sort of release the aromas and essential oils in the sichuan peppercorns and give us a big flavor i really start to smell those peppercorns now now once i can kind of see whispers of smoke coming off that pan i know we're good to go so i'm just going to pop these into my mortar [Music] and you can use a coffee grinder or a spice grinder here as well but i'm just going to use my pestle to grind this to a fine powder okay so you're looking for this kind of very fine situation here and just put that into a bowl okay so just set that one aside for later the next thing is to marinate our prawns super simple i just want a little bit of soy sauce ah look at these beauties massive tiger prawns my favorite and then just a little dash of sesame oil give that a mix [Applause] these don't need long at all i'm just going to put them aside while i slice and dice the rest of my ingredients i want some ginger and i want that in really fine slices so i'm going to use a spoon first of all to take the skin off then thin slices first and then slice those into very thin little strips and the chilies of course so i'm using these large red dried chilies and then just cut any stem part if there's some attached off and cut these into little spicy pieces i'm not afraid of the heat so i'm going to leave the chili seeds in there if you wanted to make this a little milder you could use less chilies of course and you could also take those seeds out the other ingredient we need is some spring onion oh so many aromatics in this stir fry it really does pack a punch okay so with these spring onions i want to slice up the pale part because i want to fry that in the oil at the beginning release some of those spring onion flavors through the whole dish and then the green part i'll slice up and we'll add those at the end and that's mainly for a little bit of color and now for the stir fry sauce i want some soy sauce and then i've got some shaoxing chinese cooking wine here as well if you wanted to leave this alcohol free just replace it with a little bit of chicken stock and then to balance out that salty soy and also give a little bit of caramelization when that sauce hits the pan i'm going to add a little bit of sugar just mix that through now we're going to cook the prawns first cook i just want to get some really nice crispiness so i'm going to add a good amount of oil i want to cover the whole bottom of that pan so it really depends on the size of your pan how much oil you need to add and then we want to coat these prawns in a little bit of flour just to help crisp everything up wow i can just tap off any excess flour and get those prawns sizzling now don't overcrowd the pan you want each of these guys with plenty of space to do their thing so if you need to do it in batches that's totally okay and they just need a minute or so to get crispy and all deep dark golden ah and they're smelling amazing already now these don't have to be cooked all the way through at this point because they're going to go through a stir fry process as well so once i've got the colour and a little bit of that crispiness i'm going to pull them straight out put them on some paper towel [Music] so now we're going to get all fiery and sizzly time to do this stir frying part and into a clean pan put a little bit of oil and i've got some garlic you'll notice it's very roughly chopped and i often do that for stir-fry so that the garlic doesn't burn and now all those amazing beautiful aromatics and the chilies the ginger the spring onion [Music] after this combination stir frying smells so amazing and ingrow my prawns all golden and a little crispy and then you want to rain down all that szechuan peppercorn powder i like to do it over the prawns make sure they get a lot of pepper love give it a toss look at that color your magic now in with the stir-fry sauce what should happen is all the crispy coating on the outside of the prawn should basically soak up all of that liquid so that you've just got each prawn coated in its own beautiful salty umami peppery kind of thing now the spring onions this is smelling so amazing i wish you guys were here to smell it now i'm going to serve this up this is beautiful just with some steamed rice [Music] there you go guys one of the most aromatic flavorful stir-fries i think i've ever cooked for you you really have to try this one beautiful prawns simmered in a sweet tomatoey glossy sauce with just a little touch of egg this is my version of singapore style chili prawns singapore chili crab one of asia's most famous dishes and for good reason because this stuff is so tasty i mean whenever i'm in singapore i literally die eating it i just love it but i always find a prawn version is a little easier to handle at home so i'm going to do a prawn version today don't worry we still get the really awesome eggy tomatoey sauce so let's start off with that sauce and i'm going to use these red chilies and you just want a mild red chili i've got about a cup of roughly chopped chilies here and some garlic and then i want a couple of these red asian shallots you could also use french echelons too and some ginger as well just peel that with my teaspoon and then just grate that straight in now i just want to pulse these because i want a really fine chop rather than a paste just scrape that down so once you have this sort of texture that's what you're looking for now the sauce itself is super simple most of the magic is going to happen in the pan but to start off with what we want is a little bit of ketchup and some sugar and then this one here is an optional ingredient but i find it does give quite a good little umami salty kick to the sauce and that is fermented soybean paste i'm using a thai brand because i'm in thailand but the chinese version would obviously be more traditional if you can't get a hold of this and it is available in a lot of asian grocery stores but if not you could just use a little bit of miso paste as well and then some water let's give that a mix and then just one more thing to do before we get started in the wok and i just need to whisk one egg okay now time to bring everything together in the pan and i just want to wait for that wok to heat up okay now add some oil and then add in your chili mixture and now i need you guys to be really patient here i'm going to cook this down for at least 10 minutes so i'm going to lower the heat a little bit and i want everything to become beautifully soft and sweet and that's going to help with the finished flavor of our sauce a little bit of salt to help everything soften up okay so you see how glossy everything is and the shallots look translucent and i mean you know the best way to tell is actually just to try a little bit yum okay sweet shallots sweet garlic the chili has sort of softened down a little bit perfect now i want to add in my sauce just set that bubble away a couple of minutes just to infuse all those flavors [Music] together okay now prawns i have these beautiful large tiger prawns here whatever prawns or shrimp in your area are local and great good to use i am a heads and tail girl like anyone brought up in an asian household those are the bits and pieces that everyone loves to fight over now if you're gonna leave the heads off i would suggest replacing the water that we used in the sauce with some fish stock or chicken stock because these heads not only are something that we chew on at the end but they also add a lot of flavor to the sauce okay just mix those prawns around in there and put a lid on and then just let those cook for six or seven minutes or until you can see that the prawns are fully opaque and cooked through ah check out those beauties everything is smelling amazing okay so here is where i want to thicken up that sauce a little bit and i'm going to add some corn flour mix with a little bit of water ah and look at that magic that glossy sauce immediately ah just looks so good and now as with anything you want to try the sauce just to check for some seasoning so much flavor has developed it's just a small amount of time it's sweet tangy but that chili flavor as well mmm amazing i'm going to add a little bit more salt and finally some egg this is gonna thicken that sauce up make it all creamy and beautiful [Music] just make sure you mix that egg in while it's still not set so you kind of want a curdled eggy appearance through that sauce and that my friends is it ready to serve up now just lay those prawns out on your serving plate and then that beautiful sauce there should be lots of sauce here guys and just a final sprinkling of spring onion ah this smells so good and in the tradition of the singapore chili crab i think you've got to get in there with your hands on this one nothing like just licking that sauce off your fingers once you've finished that is such a magical sauce it's got that creaminess from the egg but then you've got this sweet tanginess and just that chili flavor and now my favorite part look if you're not a on head person look away now yes that really is the best part you got to crunch the tails as well garlicky juicy steamed prawns and some extra little tips and tricks for making this dinner party worthy this is my chinese steamed prawns so this dish always reminds me of like special occasions when i was little we used to go to this chinese restaurant that had the most amazing steamed prawns it always came out like a flourish of steam beautiful straight prawns with a really deep garlicky flavor i can just picture it now anyway so i love making this dish for my family and friends at home i hope you like it too a couple of little tricks here for making it look super special let's do the garlic sauce first though obviously a lot of garlic cloves here guys if you happen to have watched a lot of twilight think that you're a vampire you should stay away from this dish it is very garlicky and i just want to pulse this so i get a nice fine chop so that's the kind of thing we're looking for i don't want to paste here just a nice chop i'm going to cook the garlic a little bit i need some oil an error on the side of caution here guys keep the heat low because i want that garlic to kind of lose some of its edge but i don't want it to brown and i certainly don't want it to burn now i also want some spring onion here i want some of the white part first and that green part i'm going to save for decorating later and i want a really fine slice on these so i'm going to thin out that bowl this end and then finely slice that goes in with my garlic a little bit of salt here that's going to help to draw the moisture out of the garlic and get it nice and soft and sweet now just give these aromatics about a minute or so now i'm going to add in some extra flavorings i want some chinese shaoxing wine here this is an optional it will add a really beautiful flavor but if you want to keep this alcohol free just leave it out and now some soy sauce a touch of sugar this is going to bring out the sweetness in the garlic and the prawns just mix that through now let me just check this for seasoning this is going to be the only seasoning that happens on the prawn so i do want it a little on the salty side that's good salty the garlic is not raw so it's not really harsh it's nice and soft great just going to empty this out into a bowl and now drizzle in a little bit of sesame oil leaving that till the end here will mean we get a really bright sesame flavor and now for the prawns i have these really beautiful jumbo tiger prawns today they're so special now i've taken the heads off and we need to prep the bodies in a certain way so take some scissors cut through the back of that prawn and i want to take out that little gunky bit in the back here pull that out just run a knife through here i want to make sure i'm opening up the actual prawn meat inside but don't cut all the way through okay that's what we're looking for now take a bamboo skewer flip your prawn over go in from the bottom of the tail and the idea here is to straighten out that prawn as much as possible okay now open that prawn up a little bit and spoon in some of your garlic sauce [Music] and then pop that onto your plate now this is going to be your serving plate so pick one that's nice and pretty just keep going [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so if you own a chinese restaurant or your total food nerd you probably do have a massive big chinese steamer but i know not a lot of you will so let's get a little crafty about how we steam these prawns so first of all i've got a wok here you can use a wired pan as well and let's see how this plate fits in okay so we can see skewers are way too long so what we're going to do is just shorten them grab some scissors and sort of bend and cut all right now let's have a look yes that's going to fit nicely now to turn this into a steaming setup what you want to do is grab yourself some foil and make a little circular trivet here now pop that into your water it should be just starting to steam and then your plate rests on top that plate should be sitting just above the water put a lid on and these guys should only take about eight or ten minutes depending on how big they are you can tell they're cooked when the shells turn a beautiful pink and they're nice and opaque so while waiting for the prawns let's get a little bit fancy with our spring onion so take those green tops that we made earlier and cut through them and then make some really fine slits in each of those little slivers of spring onion and then pop that into some cold water and they will magically curl up okay the kitchen is officially smelling amazing let's take a look and check out how magical those prawns look oh that beautiful orange bright orange color so festive now carefully lift that plate out and then of course we've got our fancy curly spring onion and there you go guys whether you are making dinner to impress wanting to celebrate a special occasion or you just love garlic prawns this is the dish for you crispy savory pancakes stuffed full of beautiful prawns and charry spring onion and don't forget the spicy dipping sauce these are my korean style seafood pancakes so who says you can't have pancakes for dinner i certainly do not these pancakes are beautiful served with some steamed rice and some asian greens for a dinner or you can serve them like a canape style for a party so different options there but first off let's go with our spring onion because that's one of the main flavors for this dish and i just want a really good helping of spring onion here and what you want to do here is it really depends on the size of your spring onion but i want to thin them out a little bit if they're kind of bulby at the end just slice through those as well bulby is that a word i'm sure it's a word just thin strips is what we're after here okay now i just want to cut these into shorter lengths now there's no need to get into the tomato tomato argument kind of thing here but obviously these are also called scallions or green onions in the u.s so don't think of some kind of weird onion that you need to buy just different names for the same thing leave those there and let's do our batter next so i just need some plain flour this is such an easy batter it's amazing and then just in a separate bowl i'm going to whisk my wet ingredients first so i need three eggs and some water and just whisk that now i'm just gonna season my flour with a little bit of salt and then add in my egg mixture and just whisk that till it's smooth okay so this is the texture that you're looking for silky smooth kind of like a thick cake batter perfect and now we're gonna go in with our spring onion just mix those stems through okay so the batter can just sit there while i make our dipping sauce we're gonna make like a spicy spring onion soy based dipping sauce it's really delicious first of all we want to start with some korean chili paste this is gochujang very easy to find in a lot of supermarkets these days it's a fermented chili paste and it just has a really great kick of flavor and it's not too spicy either so a little spoonful of that and to that i want some soy sauce some vinegar sesame oil and a little dash of sugar just to balance out those flavors now mix that together until gachujang is dissolved and then finally just a little bit more spring onion for this uh one more little stem that we're gonna slice really fine so now for the prawns i've got these beautiful tiger prawns here they're about a medium size not too large but i do want to just slice them in half lengthways now this is going to one stretch our prawn meat a little further too it's going to give us a really cool little curly texture on our prawn for the finished dish and then because it's really important to make sure that you're getting the perfect amount of seasoning and layering of flavor whenever you're doing any kind of cooking i like to season my prawns themselves directly with a little bit of salt and you'll be amazed at how much of a difference just that little bit of seasoning makes okay so i'll leave those for later now to cook these you just need a little bit of oil and then these are quite sturdy thick pancakes it's not a delicate kind of crepe situation here this is like a meal pancake so i'm going to put half of my batter into the pan per pancake just sort of pile it into the middle to start with just get a little bit more make sure you get lots of spring onion in there and then push that out thin it out a little bit once you can start to see that color change just on the edge here and a few of those little bubbles now is the time to add the prawns and just drape those around creating a little bit of that curl now you just want to check on the bottom of that pancake from time to time i want it to be really nice and firm have a pretty dark golden color as well and a good non-stick pan is going to be your friend here because look at that just slides around really easily okay i think we've hit peak golden color here so don't be timid get right in there lift it up and cook there we go a little dramatic but very good now what you're waiting for here is for some of that really lovely little charriness to develop on the spring onions and the edges of those prawns a little bit longer okay so that's looking good again with that straight under and then over to your paper towel and flip and there you go i just like to let that drain for a little bit while i cook the other one [Music] okay look at these beauties just a beautiful little amount of that deep dark color there ah they look so good happy little pancakes now i just want to ease one of these onto my chopping board and i like to cut them into i guess sort of small pizza slices [Music] there you go guys korean style prawns bring on your pancakes spicy dipping sauce i'm so happy to be having a pancake as a meal [Music] delicious
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 219,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marions kitchen, marion's kitchen, marion grasby, marion grasby recipes, marion’s kitchen, marion kitchen, asian food recipes thailand, singapore chilli prawns, shrimp recipe chinese style, shrimp recipes, szechuan shrimp, szechuan shrimp stir fry, steamed garlic prawns, garlic prawns, garlic prawns chinese style, korean seafood pancakes, how to make korean seafood pancakes
Id: 61eBj67SuTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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