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check this out k2 is doing some pretty good looking for buckle boots like first feeling it's like they're pretty lightweight get something that resembles the booster strap really like a custom one like this that I each would put on my boots they can really tighten it good then there's this part has a bit of flex looks like it has something like it so I'm going to try this one k2 reckon 120 has a power light shell power light it probably means it has power but it's quite lightweight and I'll say let's try it this power light and 120 flex boot comfortable but of course you know it fits my feet they're a little bit wide a little bit weird I'm not happy with all ski boots but this boot that I'm liking is there rackin 120 felt really robust lightweight pretty sick then you also have they reckon 100 but if you start to see a bit hard I do feel like you get way better control with a bit firm if like ski boot and it also comes at 130 and whenever you're trying ski boots on make sure that you have some ski socks with you Full Tilt but I really like that on some of the boots I put on real buckles like these ones and on this one and what's cute about Fulton boots is like you know this is kind of stuff it's easy to get in easy to get out pretty smooth and gives quite even like shin pressure of the whole thing you can change the time to change the the distinctness of the boost this is my way at touring boots Ravel it's pretty pretty light pretty cool with the one of these walking modes but you have to also undo these ones to make it really flexed gets all the flexes in the tongue and then well pump up it starts moving good so here is one of my favorites kyboots right now it's what are its illowsky boot I bought and it changed my game I used to ski whatever stupid ski boots I don't know I just got it in the right fit and I'm very happy with and that's more important than anything that you really get something that fits for you 110 doing let's say no sputters with a super soft ski boot they make you feel like you're really bending this ski a bit too much which is not so cool but then also having a too stiff boot it's not so fun because then you feel like you're into concrete blocks I'm not tell Bella with this dude what's your name I'm Stefano Martina we're so comfortable in this kitchen i scale or freestyle you follow me most of your rather interest in freestyle skiing what ski boot have you here we have our dalbello tomorrow okay even more oh yeah so it's really yeah we are of course our Italian name on our Italian company so this is the best keywords that we have for a good level of free skier can I try it yeah sure this is a 98 last so you can feel yeah sure it's really easy because you have with this cover design mm-hmm to get into this thing 98 is borderline too skinny for me I like a narrow its have quite a wide foot this is definitely stiff enough for me to see you most people that follow me you know you probably don't ski quite as hard as me without flashing myself so maybe they need a softer flex boot can you finally show some yeah so if you if you need something software we have more o MX ok so it's a little bit wider as well one pan here okay is it exactly insane boot it's not really it's little bit wider as well so it fits you a little bit better if you have water feet we have the walk what option on these ski boots not only immoral but immoral AMEX and on the morrow ax experience so this one has a more traditional boot so I guess it's a little cheaper this one is it yeah it's cheaper as well yeah look at this this is cool this buckle can go today or you can go to they're pretty neat and this one like when I'm just flexing it here mmm it's alright it feels like the pressure on the shin is a bit too low concentrated on one point I guess it's this simpler system that I don't that works fine on my ski boots for this one I don't the other one felt nicer but definitely a softer flex so it's a bit more forgiving for you guys who are just starting out can you show me if you have one like a heavy duty free right boot is something that charges but wants to go touring as well yeah we have the loopholes family I mean here is a freeride touring boots so if you want a hike up we have a very lightweight for our ski boots but then when you have to ski has really performance ski boots so just to hike up we have to open the walk mode and we remove the tongue so it's really comfortable to hike up and is really quick we have 62 degrees moving forward and we're compared to other models maybe more comfortable to walk up don't know but a bit of a hassle to remove it it's not just a tick you have really a lot of movement then on your on your feet when you walk up you can feel it that it's really comfortable and can I try you guys 130 yeah we have the 130 is still on a 98 million millimeter last yeah okay let's try to walk now we don't have the tongue in the ski boot hardly attached this one even if we would do so that is really quite soft especially back which you know it moves really quite seamlessly yeah it is there we go so now you have a very high-performance skiing down yeah the difference is pretty huge between walk mode and now I could just keep pretty hard at this yeah and it quite comfortable I would go for the slightly wider one all right because I would get a bit of arm but you know it's not this boots fault it's my wife it's fault thank you very much for sharing del Valle thanks to you thank you hope you have a great season yeah
Channel: Stomp It Tutorials
Views: 107,298
Rating: 4.8603492 out of 5
Keywords: Fulltilt, Dalbello, Lange, k2, Recon 120, Il moro, rx120, ski boots
Id: xeqgZBJ2b6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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