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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/epicurean_phallus 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Yoooo, love your channel! Keep doing your thing bro

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bennisboy 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] it was really bad you can run this work I got a question on avalanche gear for the freestyle skier so a backpack that's not so bulky maybe this one solves the problem looks pretty small a knife we've talked to the guys we'll see how it is in ours is a single air bag there's a dual air bags so there's half as much plumbing so this is our new float 2.0 system there what we've done is we've made the whole system more efficient we've put in at the shrink our cylinder by about 30% so now that's a lot smaller and lighter so cool and we've also decreased the weight of our air bags by 20% now whole system fit up inside the air bag compartment so we don't have any anymore plumbing or cylinders in the main compartment so you won't be much yeah yeah it actually feels really nice on the back and see if you can you know you can be more athletically good I like this open your grab hold smooth though that's right hey can I try woman yeah see it's a free so friendly I don't know but it is quite good the first impression I'm Lucia streets are friendly for the wallet is it well yes from the candy band they are they smaller than this one bazinga let's say it feels like a normal backpack with a bit of extra support from the topic this pretty good action until it's also heavier dystrophy cell phone that you mean after train service what I'm overriding pretty cool you want to jump off country and do the talk to Topanga yeah totally free salable I hope that answers your question man I've been skiing using competent all my life and now it seems like they made a full body protection suit and I think they could be pretty good for general skier who likes doing a taco on Ralph so let's salmon in layers Tom tell about this one two three four five six seven eight if you needed me I don't know astigmatism course for something like compared to normal that you feel the rotation a bit more consistent flight but I must say I feel a bit like a knight just mean at long stick to the horses I'll be there so much you could and let's ask the guy on this place if I would take a crash into the ribs and the rail recipe yeah do you think I will not fix my wrist I think I said it's a matter of be done out there in fact you will have this matter how hard you will hit the smaller the taupe so I don't know think you have pain but I think you have spoken up on the computer that that's quite good let's imagine this is a rail here so if we like the wipers like definitely more comfortable with than a standard back protector but for myself I almost never taco a rail you know completely over so I think it would go for a normal one but it feels quite safe in the beginning maybe this is a good idea and it can make you quite a lot warmer and if you find with that I probably recommend it to you begin the ski is out there and going to keep your wrists a little safer so if you still want to look like a G on the slope but we're moreno we've got something for you the princes your Heather's all different colors there let's what G leg okay with a helmet and goggles maybe I look like a G maybe there's not this way up there but it's all form fog up to goggle they got more G looking stuff there's coal for this thing and this one called technical collection but unfortunately it's not marina it looks wicked oh he's not familiar with coal they make pretty sick headwear with someone like me doesn't back cool the cooler kid and then the kids is like as cool as a mule in London about it or the bunch this how to make me looking wicked yeah as the moon boot for everyone I doubt the ski timeless fashion looks like blank has made some like jacket the NanoRacks for the trendy skier that's for you who want to look like Hannah Carlo I want to feel like you're laying on the sofa when you're on the mountain I'm not sure what I feel about this one it's not for me [Music] what a hack would have known make sweet-looking jacket that will probably fit quite a few of you new school riders out there check this blue one out shell jacket with style fancy tech material don't know what one but looks pretty dope yes to have it a new fancy colors it is very nice but we must play and come back is always the right choice for glove feeling on new hamster club is soft mulch that's the gloves right there's obviously only one glove to me and it has the full line we use these for last decade maybe as rad I only need to buy one new glove at the three seasons they're like a hundred bucks maybe more but it's totally worth it keeps your three drawers and they never break so how's my favorite glove of the show upon a new stick lovable second favorite so far on the harbor glove from Armada he looks a bit similar with that sweet male friend oh if you can't find the history club out there comes the harbor one another nice lovely gloves laughter dude and it's blue as I said earlier black so it's better but it's pretty sweet this is my favorite love design so far I had too much to drink my whatever that means Scott holes almost time to bound breakable and now they're also coming to one sex toy and people not bad and they're with my favorite pole in the whole world suited a nice grab top a really skinny grip so like I have lots of space to get them grabbed him there it also comes in a freeride version that I don't own yet myself and just with all the other brands they don't sponsor me I just like the products after using them just when snow blades are about to die out sled dog comes along let's check out how this work I don't know about this man this is our last video from East oh no I think I would go back to making videos about how to do different tricks on D however let me know if there's any particular products you want me to check out and perhaps actually make a review on this has just been preview so far let me know in comments below
Channel: Stomp It Tutorials
Views: 223,717
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: bca avalanch bag, hestra 2018, coal headwear 2018, armada gloves, planks cloathing, moon boots, 20 cool new ski products
Id: yh04UeNwmpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2017
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