6+ Sim Family Home! || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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hi guys it's almost here so welcome to another speed build so today i am building another family home and this time it's a large suburban style family house for a family of five six or more sims i decorated it for five but i know the thumbnail says six because there is an extra bedroom that could easily fit one or two more sims so technically there could be seven sims in this house but i i don't know i wasn't really sure the direction i wanted to go with that extra bedroom so it's kind of like a guest bedroom but i think one of the sims might have just left the home and they're off at college or i think another good story to go along with that room would be that they have like a niece or a nephew that doesn't have the best home life that comes and stays here sometimes and so there's a room for him i mean it's decorated with a double bed and it's very simply decorated kind of like a guest room would be um so i think there's a lot of different possibilities i also thought that maybe the mom might have a surprise baby on the way and she doesn't know it yet and then they could turn it into a nursery so i don't know i don't know if i like that story because i definitely think that the parents of this house are a lot older they're a lot more like established in their careers and money-wise in their home like this is their forever home i mean maybe they'll move once they retire and all the kids are out of the house but their family is very much established and they don't plan on having any more kids that's i don't know that's kind of why i like the idea of a surprise baby coming along but i was also thinking that i liked the idea that the mom is really noticing that her kids are getting older and they don't need her as much anymore because they do have two teenagers they still have a child that still very much needs her but now that the kids are getting older and maybe even one moved out that she's noticing that she's gonna have to find something else to take up her time because maybe she's a stay-at-home mom i don't know i feel like she has some sort of work that she does but she's primarily been like a home keeper but she's really trying to figure out what she's going to do so you could definitely use that extra room to turn into like an arts and crafts room or maybe like an art studio if she gets into painting or something like that i thought that was kind of like a fun idea so i feel like this house could really like grow with the family and it just really inspired me i think it just it's such a cute home and i'm hoping you guys are going to like it as much as i do but anyways over here on the left side of the build you can see i'm creating a garage and i really like how i did the driveway coming in to like the garage off to the side so the garage doors aren't actually facing the street i think this kind of looks fancy somehow even though i definitely didn't want this home to be fancy it's definitely like upper middle class suburban home but i didn't want it to feel like a fancy home i still wanted it to feel like a regular family lives here you know they definitely have money but they're not like wealthy necessarily and so it's kind of what i was going for but i really liked the garage over there and i decorated the interior of it with a um well there's like a regular garage area with like a broken down car and some garage and like cl like camping clutter and things like that but then on the other half of it i made a garage band which i thought was so cool and it definitely suited like the personality to one of the teenagers that i decorated the house for and i think it just looks so good so i'm excited for you guys to see it but here i'm just working on the landscaping trying to figure out how i wanted to connect these pathways i decided just to do some terrain paint of this like more dirt path so it looks like sims have been walking over it over and over and the grass is just a little bit dead there and there's more dirt and then i also painted the grass to be a darker green color which i thought was nice and kind of made it look a little bit richer and so um just like a pretty color so that's what i ended up doing and the windows i'm using a combination of the moschino stuff windows with some that came from snowy escape i thought they looked really nice together and then i believe the back door came from seasons and then the front door i think is discovery university if i'm remembering correctly so i'm actually pretty happy that i used so many different packs for like the windows and doors because sometimes i tend to use like only base game or i'll use primarily just one set and whenever i combine a bunch of different ones i'm always pretty happy with it and again i'm using white i realize that i always use white for the windows and doors i mean not every time but most of the time especially the window sometimes i'll give like the front door or something a different color but i always go for white and i was building a suburban home for my cc channel today and i did the same thing so i'm going to have to like consciously use other colors but i feel like they just look best in white let me know if you guys agree do you like i don't know brown windows or blue windows or another color or do you prefer like the white windows i feel like it's just so much easier especially when you go on to the interior just to have white because then you can use any wallpaper color any floor color and it gives you a lot more like freedom because not all of the windows have white on the inside because some of the base game windows they'll have a color on the exterior but then the interior of the window is just like a white color so not all of them are like that and sometimes you don't want like a brown window on the inside let me know if you guys agree but something i've noticed about my building and decorating and then here i did fence in the back of the yard and i decided to leave this part that leads to the garage open and not fenced in so it kind of defeats the purpose of having a fenced-in yard so i'm not really sure if some of you guys will like that but i didn't like the way it looked when i fenced it in so i just decided to leave it alone but i still have a gate leading to the garage area and over on that side of the build is where i put a greenhouse and just some like landscaping and stuff and then here i'm working on the landscaping for the back of the build and i added the swimming pool over here by this uh greenery area i put some lounge chairs and once i placed the lounge chairs i really got more of like a feeling of what i wanted this home to feel like and since they have like the flamingos on it i was like okay this is gonna be more of like a fun family home and i don't know it just gave it a lot more personality and it definitely set off the color scheme to be primarily blue and so you'll see here there's a blue dining table there's a blue floatie there's a blue barbecuer um it's i think i toned it down once i went to the interior but definitely this backyard area is very blue but i don't know sometimes i just get kind of like hooked on a color and i use it throughout an entire build i'm surprised i actually didn't make the exterior blue with the brick but i don't know i like that the house is green and it's decorated blue i feel like so often i'll tend to just decorate with the same color throughout the build that i like make the exterior and that's definitely what i'm doing on my cc channel at the build i'm currently working on but it looks good in my opinion so hopefully you guys will like it too if you guys are interested my cc channel is called similacy with cc and i just reached 20 000 subscribers over there so really um that's really awesome i really appreciate it and i'm so happy that so many of you guys are liking that channel because i'm really enjoying it and it's definitely a nice like change of pace from building with all max's items on this channel i mean every once in a while i'll do showcases recently i did a showcase of a collaboration by harry and felix sander they recently came out with a new set called uh the basic set and it's amazing it's like an ikea inspired set so if you guys haven't seen it i created an apartment using those items i highly recommend that you guys check it out i also used um items from their other collaborations but they're very talented and so i like doing showcases over here but on my cc channel it's just cc builds and no voiceovers too i know some of you guys missed the voiceovers but i really just don't have time to do any more voiceovers it does make me sad sometimes but it's nice just to have a different style of video to work on and not the pressure of trying to find time to work on voiceovers um any more than i have to do for this channel so hopefully you guys can understand but anyways over here i do have the greenhouse and i'm adding some grass around uh the different like edges of the fence and the buildings and i think it looks so good i feel like it just i don't know make something like feel more grounded somehow let me know if you guys agree but i feel like it just makes it look better in a way um but here i'm moving on to the interior working out the floor plan and the floor plan was a little bit challenging i think it makes sense in the end but i was really not sure about it once i was like working on it i was like the kitchen's a weird shape and i wasn't really sure how like the living room was going to be placed and i don't know the dining room i think made sense and the office space made sense but what i end up doing is actually removing this wall over here that i have separating the space by the back door and then i just make that area the living room and i think that made a lot more sense and i think it looks good once i start decorating it but i was really not very confident when i was figuring out this floor plan but um yeah i ended up really liking it over here i do have two bedrooms so i have the parents master bedroom with an ensuite bathroom and then i have that extra bedroom that i decorated it to be more like it's kind of like a guest room but i don't know i like the idea that they just had a teenager move out of their home and go to college and then they have two teenagers and a child still at home but maybe they have another one on the way i don't know or maybe they have like a niece and nephew that comes over sometimes let me know if you guys have any ideas for that but i think all of those are good ideas and i don't know it gives the home more possibilities in my mind anyways um yeah here i'm picking out the flooring for like the bathrooms and the rest of the house i decided to use the same tile in all of the bathrooms and the kitchen i tend to do this but every once in a while i don't but i feel like it just makes the home feel more cohesive in real life i probably wouldn't choose this because each into a individual space i'd want it to be like a little bit more unique but in the sims since you're like floating above the house and you see all of the flooring at the same time it just looks way too busy to me when they're all different i mean every once in a while i think i like it better depending on like the home of course but i don't know usually for homes like this i just like it to all be pretty much the same but here i'm working on the living room so i'm bringing in some of that blue with the color of the wallpaper and then these chairs as well i really like these chairs they came from cottage living but they look so like comfortable and like just a regular chair that you would see in somebody's home just like a regular lounge chair and then i wanted to bring a little bit more like color and decoration into the living room so i actually used the pillows that came from the um backyard notes the um the latest kit that was the backyard campers kit is that what it's called i'm forgetting the name of it but i'm sure you guys know which one i'm talking about it came with this really cute pillow decoration for the floor unfortunately but thankfully i do have the tool mod so i can rotate it and i highly recommend the tool mod if you guys are a pc player i know console players can't have mods or cc which is very unfortunate but if you are a pc player the tool mod is like a building necessity for me it was created by twisted mexican i always have it linked in the description box of every video so definitely check it out um if you guys are interested but yeah so what i can do is use the tool mod to rotate the pillows to make them look like they're actually at a regular angle for sitting on the couch then i can raise them up and slide them over i do have a tutorial about placing windows on apartments and this is essentially the same process so if you guys have seen that tutorial it works a lot um a lot similar with like the gravity pull feature and everything and then raising things up and down but i think it looks really good i also scaled them down just slightly which is another great feature about the tool mod is you can make a lot more like micro adjustments when you're scaling objects up or down because if you're using the nine or zero key or sorry the bracket the bracket keys to scale objects they do in like larger increments and sometimes objects are just not a very realistic size or at least the size that you want them to be so with the tool mod you can be a little bit more like specific and do little increments like tiny little adjustments to make things fit much better but over here is going to be the dining room so i used these chairs again they came from the my wedding stories game pack and i just love them they're probably my new favorite chair in game and the color of them is a bit more of like a seafoam color i don't know i feel like it's more on the side of blue that it is green but it's definitely on the green side too it's not like a pure blue but i liked it i thought it looked really pretty in here and it added a bit more color to like the dining room because other than that it would have been very like white and beige but um yeah i thought it just looked so cute so i was really happy with the way uh that looked and then over here i'm decorating the entryway just adding some entryway clutter some sports clutter i definitely wanted one of the teenagers to be very much into like sports and like school activities like that so i decorated their room to be like a sports themed room but i was kind of leaning more on the side of them being a cheerleader because with the new expansion pack coming up we are going to have the possibility of our teenagers being cheerleaders and so um i wanted that but we don't really have anything in the game currently to kind of show that personality so i just did a sports theme but you could easily change that if you decide you wanted to have a cheerleader in your home and you decide to download this build and then over here is going to be the kitchen i decided to use these base game cabinets in this more orangey wood tone and i thought this looked nice oh yeah here i found some kids art by tsr408 and um yeah i use the tool mod again to make it look like this artwork is hanging on the refrigerator i thought that was super cute especially since there's still like a child age sim in the house and their artwork um would be so cute just to have displayed on the refrigerator unfortunately this isn't very easy to achieve without the tool mod but if you are a console player you can remove the um wall behind like a refrigerator and then use the zero and nine key to write to raise objects up or down and so hopefully you can place it in a good location and then you can scale it using the bracket keys to get it like a better size so you can do that with other pieces of artwork and different things in the game if you guys wanted to do the same effect and then there's also the little sticky notes that came from parenthood and those don't snap to a wall so you don't have to remove the wall behind it if you want to place it um so good to know if you just wanted to place a couple of decorations and you want it didn't want to deal with the hassle of like removing a wall or for instance if you're in an apartment and you can't remove the wall behind something the sticky notes are a great option for adding extra decoration if you don't have the tool mod and then here on the island i did add some like fruit and then i'm just adding some like clutter and stuff around the kitchen trying to make it feel fully decorated but also um useful so i left one of the counter spaces completely empty and i think technically the objects on the island aren't sitting on that corner piece i mean they might block it somehow but hopefully it doesn't but if not there is the one counter over by the sink that should be completely functional hopefully um but yeah over here i used these side storage decorations i'm not really sure what to call them they're not technically functioning items they look like they should just be bookcases or something or some sort of storage but i really like placing them in family areas with some like school related or kid related items around them and i just imagine there should be like little cubbies that your sim children can keep their homework in or you know just school related items and just like miscellaneous clutter that you might have around the house like pins and pencils and papers and just extra like crafting supplies or something so i think they're really cute and then over here by the side door i have a laundry room and then this is the downstairs bathroom and yeah it's a very simple bathroom but i do get a stand-up shower a toilet and sink in here so it is technically a full bathroom and then there's another bathroom upstairs and then there's the parents ensuite bathroom so this home does have three bathrooms which should be plenty for the number of sims that you could have living here but maybe if you really need another one you could squeeze in one somewhere maybe in the other bedroom down here i mean i don't know i feel like that would be kind of crowded but yeah over here i'm going to decorate the garage space so like i mentioned i create a garage band which is something i have wanted to do and i think i might have done it at one point but it wasn't as good as this because i don't really remember it so if it's not really that rememberable to me then maybe it wasn't that good i don't know have i done it before maybe i'm just creating like a false memory but here i create one and it looks really good i hope you guys will like it because i've been very very excited to share it with you guys here i'm just hanging some curtains i decided to use these ones that came from i think my first pet stuff if i'm remembering correctly but either way i use them in this blue color and i thought it kind of tied in some of the interior colors into the garage which i thought was a nice way to add color in here because otherwise i feel like it would have looked a little bit more like drab i mean i do add the band area which is super fun and adds a lot of personality but i like that i included the blue but over here on this half of the garage i'm creating just like the regular garage area with like the broken down car i think this family probably goes camping a lot so i put some camping supplies over here and just different decorations for gardening there's also a woodworking table and some like pipes and various decorations that i thought would look nice in here and then here i'm just hanging up some garden hoses around and yeah i don't know i feel like it really feels like a regular garage i mean the only functioning area over here is the woodworking table and it should be completely functioning i'm not sure if that like car will block your sims at all but that's definitely something i should play test before uploading it to the gallery so hopefully i remember to do so so anyways over here is going to be the garage band area and i decided to use this tv um sort of like projection thing that we got from the um backyard campers kit and i know it's a tv but i wanted to pretend that it was like a backdrop that these kids had created for their garage band i wish there was some with some like patterns or something that made sense for this particular style of garage band because i definitely want them to be more into like i don't know like grunge music or rock music or something along those lines but the plain sheet i thought was perfect and it has little cute decorations and stuff around it it really feels like a child has made it or a teen in this case and so i thought that was pretty fun and i think it just looks so cute and i also ended up placing uh one of the dj stations in there just to add another sort of musical instrument activity for the sims to do and then over here is going to be the home office which is like a computer a fish tank i definitely think one of the parents is really into fish because there's like three fish tanks throughout this entire build there's two of the small ones i think i know one for sure yeah there's two i think and then there's this larger one in here but the room is very small so you could easily like turn it into a bathroom if you really felt like you needed another one but i like that it was the home office but um anyways here i'm just adding some beds around trying to like really visualize like where everyone's going to go and what their personalities are going to be like and also trying to decide what i'm going to do with this extra room down here so i put a double bed in here and i very simply decorated it i imagine that they're currently using it as a guest room but they do have a team that just went off to college so that teen has took all of their things with them and so they don't have anything left in their room i don't know let me know what kind of story you guys like for that room or what the room should be used for but i definitely think there's a lot of different possibilities if you guys have a different family or a larger family that you imagine living here and then over here is going to be the parents bedroom so for the parents bedroom i just wanted to decorate it very similar to the rest of the home i added a bit more of that blue color with these curtains and there's this leafy pattern on them which i thought was really nice and i'm using this bed that came from eco lifestyle and yeah i just thought it looked really cozy in here i like the pillows and stuff on it i think it's a nice bed and then just a large rug and then i quickly decorate their ensuite bathroom with a shower and tub combo a sink and a toilet it's a very simple bathroom but i think it i mean it gets the job done it's a nice bathroom but it's nothing overly interesting or fancy but i don't really have the space to get too creative with that room just because it is so small and then here at the top of the staircase i wanted to create a little bit of like an open space with it so i had to adjust some of the roof pieces so they didn't cut into the home because if they do cut into the home they will make the staircase disappear or sometimes if they're not over the staircase then they'll just like stick through the rooms for some reason and then you have to change the wall trim it's kind of a pain but i think it's worth it especially in this case i think it was worth it um to get it to work so yeah i really like the way that looked and then here i'm decorating the kids bathroom so this is the bathroom that all of the children share it's a large bathroom i'm actually really happy that i was able to create such a large bathroom because i never really know what to do with them i mean especially this one it was such an odd shape but i somehow feel like it's more realistic and feels like a regular family's bathroom there's like extra room for clutter and storage and different decorations and i think that like the unique shape of it somehow i don't know feels more realistic in my opinion so let me know if you guys agree and then i also add the toy tub over here next to the shower i really like the idea of children sims keeping toys in the bathroom for them to play with and that one is not a functioning toy chest i wish it was i'm not really sure why they decided to make it just purely decorative but i do think um it looks cute nonetheless and i do like it and you can see all the toys coming out of it which is pretty cute um and then here i'm just like changing the height of some of the windows they all weren't at the same height so i wanted to fix that but over here is going to be the kids room so i decided to make this room very green and i chose this because of the lunch pail that i put in the kitchen i chose the dinosaur lunch pail and so i decided to make this a green colored dinosaur room and we have so many different dinosaur related decorations in the game a lot of them are orange or some sort of like more orangey color scheme and so i tend to actually go with that color scheme when creating dinosaur themed rooms but the lunch pail is green and so that's why i decided to do that i also gave this kid the activity board for the scouts and so they have that activity in here they also have the activity table that just came with the my little campers kid that's the name of it not outdoor campers i've been struggling with that the whole voice over um but anyways i really like that one because it's so cute and it looks like it was made out of cardboard and then over here on top of the dresser i used this school project that's a volcano science project and i thought that looked really cute and i always tend to use the volcano kids projects when doing dinosaur rooms because i feel like the volcanoes go hand in hand with a dinosaur theme and then i'm also using this pillow and i just size it up it's the only room that i place a pillow on the bed so you guys can delete it if you don't like it it might actually like clip through the sims head while they're sleeping but i just felt like placing it and then there wasn't really good swatches to use in the other room so i just decided not to use it i wish that that pillow would have came with some like plain solid swatches it would have made it a lot easier to use um but anyways over here is going to be the first teenager room that i'm decorating so this is going to be for the kid that has the garage band and basically i tried to use lots of blacks and skulls and things that looked a little bit more like edgy and grungy and a little bit more like i guess like they're into rock music and basically i don't know i couldn't decide if they're into grunge music or rock music let me know if you guys have an opinion on this but yeah i just used posters and different decorations that i thought suited this sims personality we do have a really nice music poster decoration that's like a collage of different posters that came from parenthood but it's more boy band looking so i didn't use that one but i think i managed to find things from other packs and other sets and stuff that um work with this personality definitely some of the stuff that came in the werewolves pack actually work really nicely i was going to use this wall decoration over here but i decided that i didn't like that it was like a werewolf holding up the jukebox and not like a regular sim and it just felt too on the nose with like the werewolf thing so i didn't want this sim to be a werewolf so i got rid of it and used this wall decoration instead i felt like this definitely suited the sims personality and then yeah i just put some bookcases over here in different clutter i really cluttered up this room actually quite a bit especially on top of the dressers and the dressers are from parenthood and i put two of them next to each other to look like a long dresser and i think that actually looked really nice and i also gave this sim a radio over here a little tv and a console so they can play some video games and stuff in their room they have a chair that they could sit on but they might be able to sit on their bed and play um and actually maybe they'll be able to sit other places i'm not really sure how that's going to work with the sims 4 high school years because if you guys noticed in like the trailer they're actually sitting on the ground like crisscross applesauce or on the floor and so i'm not sure if they're going to be able to do other interactions like play video games like that that would be really cool if they can i think they'll be so adorable um but yeah here i'm just adding some extra clutter pieces and decorations this room is like super cluttered but i don't know i had fun with it and i really enjoyed showing the sims personality and so let me know if you guys agree and if you guys like it if you guys do have a favorite between the teenagers or even like the child sim let me know but um yeah anyways over here is going to be the last teen room and this one is going to be the preppy teens room so this teen is very into sports and really i think everything that makes them like win an achievement so they want good grades they want uh to be the best in sports or any sort of extracurricular activities maybe they're even like on like the student council or something like i feel like this kid's kind of an overachiever and probably kind of obnoxious i feel like and i imagine that the sim and their sibling probably don't get along that great because they are so different i don't know maybe they'll find some way to like bond or something to bond over i mean i'm sure they get along sometimes because they are family and they are related so i'm sure they're similar in some way but i mean teenagers tend to fight with each other when they're siblings i mean i know i did with my my sister we fought like pretty much from like the end of elementary school all the way through high school and then now we're really close but we were so close in age and so i feel like we just kind of like butted heads a lot because we weren't like so close in age that we had the same friends but i don't know i don't really know why that would have anything to do with it but i feel like it does but anyways now we're close enough in age that it's like we're the same age because we're both you know in our 30s so it doesn't really make a big of a difference when you're when you're older uh anyways here in the teens room i'm adding a desk space i felt like this was very necessary for this teen i also added this white outboard that came from discovery university because it has like the sports related um decorations on it and the calendar i also gave this sim the wall decoration for the trophies that i think came from kids room stuff i also put a punching bag in here and basically i just didn't know what else to put in here that would be sports related i'm not sure if it's functional i've placed the punching bags in very like crowded situations like this before and i've got them to work so this is definitely something else i'm going to try to remember to play test before uploading it to the gallery so hopefully i can get it to work if not i'll probably just leave it there as decoration um but here i'm just cluttering up around the computer desk trying to find different decorations to put um around the room and i don't know i felt like i kind of struggled a little bit trying to find clutter items just to completely fill up the desk with because i was really trying to find specifically like preppy sports related objects but i was trying to make them you know look like they belong to a teenager uh thankfully we do have this stack of school work that came from discovery university and we also have this nail polish decoration i think that kind of goes along with like the like preppy sort of uh personality that i wanted this sim to have and i think i found decorations that work in here but i felt like i was kind of like scrolling and scrolling and like really trying to find things and kind of struggling with it so hopefully with the new expansion pack we'll get um some more decorations that would be nice to use in teenagers rooms but i'm very inspired to decorate teens rooms since the announcement of the new expansion pack high school years so yeah anyways over here i did find some extra trophy decorations to use on this side table which i thought was pretty appropriate for the sims personality and then just a stereo and some like cds and stuff which made it feel more like a teenager's room and yeah that's it for the interior and then over here is going to be the greenhouse and it's the last spot that i decorate i'm just adding some planters in here and if your sims cannot plant in these planters because i'm going to upload them to the gallery empty then just pull them out of the greenhouse and then have your sim plant them and then place them back in and then after that the sims should be able to do all the interactions like take care of them you know water them fertilize them and harvest them it's only like planting where i've ever had an issue with them being indoors so let me know if that works for you guys or if um there's anything else i should know about that because i don't really play the game so everything that i know is from play testing but anyways before we get to the end of the video i wanted to mention something to you guys that my husband has started another youtube channel he started one a while back but never kept up with it but i'm super proud of him for trying another one we did some traveling at the beginning of the year and i never mentioned it to you guys so it feels a little bit weird mentioning it now but i didn't know it was going to come from it and if we were going to do it for like long term we ended up moving to las vegas but anyways his youtube channel is called world walking tours i will have it linked in the description box and he's doing walking tours of the different places that we visited and now that we're in las vegas he'll be doing walking tours here so i'm just really proud of him for trying something new and it's grown a little bit recently and i'm very excited to see what's going to come out of it so definitely check it out if you guys are interested in that sort of thing like i said i'll have it linked in the description box so anyways thank you guys so much for watching and please leave any comments or suggestions you have and i'll talk to you guys soon bye [Music] there's so many times before [Music] is [Music] [Music] true [Music] thank you [Music] finally home [Music] is [Music] is true [Music] is [Music] too long it is true [Music] true [Music] you leave it behind me [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 150,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: t24OLKlSXrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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