6 Signs You’re Dealing With a Toxic Person

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[Music] six warning signs you're dealing with someone toxic we'd all like to believe the best of people unfortunately that can get us in trouble sometimes toxic people do exist and chances are we've met one or two sometimes they might not realize they're causing harm to others on other occasions they're fully aware of the power they hold over other people and actively intend to do harm fortunately there are warning signs you can look for to see if the person you're dealing with is a toxic person before we tell you about these important warning signs make sure you click the subscribe button and turn on notifications to be the first to watch our videos now pay close attention to all these warning signs of toxic people as this information could be exactly what you need in your life right now [Music] number one toxic people play the victim most of us are guilty of throwing a pity party for ourselves every once in a while things happen and sometimes we just want to feel sad about it but sooner or later we snap out of it focus on finding solutions and look on the bright side of life other people are in a constant state of pity party have you met them you probably know or have known a person who thought the world was out to get them people who struggle with the victim mentality don't think they have power over their lives and they blame other people and circumstances for how unhappy they are they also avoid responsibility like the plague imagine that you're walking down the street and you see a man take a tumble you rush to help him stand up and you notice that luckily he just has a small scrape on his knee he thanks you and asks you if you can drive him to the pharmacy so you take him to the pharmacy he then asks you to help him with another chore and then another this is an example of how playing the victim can give someone the power to control another person they prey on your feelings of empathy and goodwill to see how much money time and energy they can take from you have you ever been in a situation where you believed someone owed you an apology but by the end of the conversation you ended up apologizing instead that is a classic victim attitude in which they flip the situation ask yourself these questions do you try to uplift someone while all they can do is put themselves down do you try to offer constructive criticism but the person acts defensively do you get blamed for someone else's problems if the answer is yes you might be dealing with someone with a victim mentality number two emotional abuse emotional abuse can be one of the most painful forms of violence and a killer of self-esteem it creates scars that can last longer than physical ones and it's difficult to spot it can leave you with depression confusion a lack of motivation self-blame and low self-esteem you might be a victim of emotional abuse or abusing someone you love without meaning to emotional abuse can be verbal yelling belittling criticism and accusing it can also be subtle intimidation manipulation and the silent treatment ask yourself these questions to spot if you're in an emotionally abusive situation do you find yourself walking on eggshells around someone [Music] does it seem as if this person treats you like a child does this person routinely ridicule and disregard your opinions thoughts and feelings does this person make you feel responsible for all the problems in your relationship if you answered yes you might be the victim of emotional abuse if possible you need to distance yourself from this person [Music] number three pathological liars no one is perfect when it comes to lying we might tell small lies or lie by omission pathological liars take lying to the extreme a pathological liar is someone who constantly tells lies usually in an effort to protect their image they are masters of manipulation and can lie straight to your face they tend to be impulsive people with a need to impress their lies might not always have a purpose and sometimes they might lie to you just because they can dealing with the pathological liar can leave you feeling confused betrayed and paranoid it might even make you question your sanity sometimes pathological lying can be a symptom of more serious problems like borderline personality disorder narcissistic personality disorder and depression these disorders require professional medical help and can be dangerous when left unaddressed do you know a pathological liar ask yourself these questions have you caught someone lying several times does someone constantly lie to you about small and mundane things has someone that lied to you expressed zero remorse number four toxic people seek to control some toxic people can be master manipulators and they are clever about hiding their true intentions controlling people might want to know where you are and who you are with they might be vocal about it or try to control you in more subtle ways in extreme cases if the person is a narcissist or sociopath they might be completely incapable of feeling remorse and recognizing their bad behavior they might have learned such behavior through an unconscious drive called the repetition compulsion it is a psychological drive to repeat and enact the same traumatic events that you experienced as a child to a certain extent the repetition compulsion explains why if one or both of your parents were controlling you you'll try to enforce control over your partner or children ask yourself the following questions to see if you are dealing with a controlling person does someone need to know where you are at all times does someone micromanage your work does someone pull you away from your loved ones to keep you all to themselves [Music] number five people who don't respect boundaries imagine that you draw a line on the floor and ask a person not to cross it however instead of respecting your wishes they cross your boundary just to see if they can to test you or to actually cause you harm to properly function as civil members of society some boundaries seem to be obvious to most of us respecting someone's personal space private property and right to free speech but certain people project their vulnerabilities and insecurities onto another person in the form of anger and bullying they are incapable of respecting boundaries they can't process their own toxicity so they deal with it by putting it onto someone else a perfect example of this is bullies bullies want to push your buttons until you break they want to step into your personal space destroy your private property and break your will they need to make someone feel small so they can feel big bullying happens in all sorts of environments not just school it could be happening in your home or office check to see if you are dealing with a bully does someone constantly play with your weaknesses to pinpoint them does someone continue to cross your boundaries after you have asked them not to does someone intimidate you by entering your personal space is someone gossiping about you or humiliating you number six negative people everyone can feel negative sometimes picture that you are heading into a work meeting feeling happy and confident with yourself then you see a negative coworker walk in the whole team might have been feeling happy and optimistic at the start of the meeting but one negative co-worker has the power to bring the whole team down if left unchecked as the proverb goes a rotten apple spoils the barrel and that can clearly be seen when it comes to negativity before you know it the whole barrel is infected some people wish to share their negativity with the world and it can spread like wildfire are you dealing with a negative person check with these questions does your mood drop after interacting with a particular person does someone walk into the room and you immediately feel put out is there someone that can only speak of bad news or negative stories is there someone who complains nonstop while watching this video did you recognize yourself as a toxic person test yourself with the following questions do you secretly wish that something bad would happen to someone do you enjoy sharing your tragic stories with others do you have a tendency to be jealous or possessive if you answered yes there are things you can do try attending counseling to change your behaviors and be a positive influence in the world if you think you've been dealing with a toxic person you can try to do the following things maintain positive boundaries be assertive about your needs and values disengage from people who make you feel bad about yourself speak to a counselor we all deserve to live in peace and happiness if you find yourself in one of these situations we hope you can take the necessary steps to reach for a more positive situation you know any other warning signs to look out for share this video with someone you think might be at risk of toxicity and share your thoughts in the comments section and please don't forget to click subscribe to always be in the know with brightside you
Views: 2,081,561
Rating: 4.8270574 out of 5
Keywords: toxic relationships, dangerous relationships, relationship conflicts, emotional abuse, pathological liars, negative people, bad friendships, family relationships, social relationships, Toxic people
Id: LjnMG7P9-zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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