6 Reasons Why your Shih Tzu Won't Eat Food!

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it can be very stressful for us when our Shih Tzu leaves their food bowl untouched so what exactly is happening with them why are they refusing to eat well there could be more than one reason let's take a look at them one of the most common reasons dogs don't eat their food is illness we don't like eating anything when we are sick right our Shih Tzus are the same they don't eat for a day or two when they are sick and have a virus and then they usually get fine however if your shiitsu is also vomiting and has diarrhea then please consult your vet and have them checked another reason could be worms worms are a big issue in dogs and often lead to health issues making them too reluctant to eat they may get worms from other infected pets fleas drinking infected water bowls or getting in contact with worm larvae if this is the case visit your vet as soon as possible to get a quick solution reason number three Dental issues Dental issues are pretty common among all dogs problems like tooth decay loose tooth and infection can cause pain while eating to avoid this create and follow a dental care routine for your Shih Tzu brush their teeth at least three times a week and give them dental treats every now and then reason number four expired food if your furry friend seems happy and healthy but still refusing to eat then there is a chance something might be wrong with the food chances are the food has expired or the manufacturer has changed the recipe in a recent batch try getting a new pack of the same food and see if your Shih Tzu eats that [Music] Lifestyle Changes like shifting to a new house can affect your dog's diet they may even refuse to eat their food if they don't see their owner or their furry friend in fact even a slight change in feeding routine can affect their diet number six they might be bored with their food we would hate the dish if we eat it every day no matter how tasty it is and so does our shih tzus so try to make their meal interesting by adding some healthy toppings like apples or bananas you can even try to cook a special meal for them at home once a week these are the primary reasons dogs stop eating but if you are still concerned don't hesitate to seek professional help I hope this video was helpful make sure to like this video And subscribe to our channel for more Shih Tzu care videos see ya
Channel: Shih Tzu Care
Views: 62,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shih tzu not eating, shih tzu puppy not eating food, shih tzu not eating food, why is my shih tzu not eating
Id: tLppUNkC7FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 53sec (173 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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