Male Shih tzu vs Female Shih tzu - Which one is Best ?

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are you considering getting a shih tzu but don't know whether to get a male or a female doesn't matter we've rounded up all we know from our experience scientific reports and dog owner conversations about the differences between male and female Shih Tzus so let's get started number one temperament differences owners observe that female Shih Tzus can be more independent and may show a slightly more reserved or less openly affectionate demeanor compared to m again this can vary and many factors including individual personalities and upbringings play a significant role male Shih Tzus are sometimes described as more affectionate and people oriented they may seek more attention and enjoy physical closeness however this is not a universal rule as individual differences among dogs are significant number two size and appearance what the size differences between male and and female Shih Tzus are generally minimal the nuances and appearance can affect the choice for potential pet owners male shitzus may have a slightly more robust build while females might present a more delicate appearance both males and females share the breed's distinctive appearance but there are some differences to note males are generally slightly larger weighing between 9 to 16 lbs and females usually slightly smaller ranging from 8 to 15 15b number three training differences training a shih tzu can be a different experience depending on whether you have a male or female males might show more eagerness in training sessions but require constant reinforcement while females May learn quickly but display a more stubborn streak males might be more eager to engage in training sessions but may require consistency to master commands females May pick up new commands more quickly but might also be more stubborn or selective in following them number four dominance difference owners have reported that male Shih Tzus May exhibit slightly more dominant Behavior compared to females this could manifest as a greater inclination to assert themselves or mark their territory however it's crucial to note that these differences are not absolute and individual variations exist within the breed male dogs in general may have a more pronounced territorial Instinct unneutered males in particular May engage in marking Behavior where they lift their leg to urinate in various spots to mark their territory this behavior is driven by hormonal factors and a natural instinct to establish and communicate territorial boundaries number five grooming difference both male and female Shih Tzus have a long dense coat that requires Reg regular grooming to keep it in good condition the Shih Tzu's coat is known for its luxurious and flowing appearance regular grooming includes brushing bathing and trimming to prevent matting tangling and to maintain the overall health and appearance of the coat the frequency of grooming can depend on the individual dog its activity level and the specific coat texture number six cost of Shih Tzu puppies male versus female when we compare prices on the market we can conclude that female Shih Tzu puppies tend to cost more than male puppies the lowest price for female Shih Tzus is around $1,300 while males cost slightly less around $1,100 many factors like age gender color bloodline location AKC recognition Etc affect the final price that's why the most expensive female shih tzus in the states go for around4 $4,000 while males sell for $3,000 number seven are female dogs more loyal than males one long-standing myth about dogs is that female dogs are more loyal than males this tale has come down through generations of dog breeders and dog lovers but experts at walking pets say both genders have the same potential for loyalty it depends more on their training and treatment from their owners number eight which one is good with children some people choose a female dog over a male dog if they have children because it is often thought that female dogs are naturally more gentle with and protective of young ones their protective maternal instincts mean they will come to look upon your young kids as oversized pups making them a great choice for families number nine heat Cycles female Shih Tzus will go through heat Cycles if they are not spayed this involves a period of fertility during which they may exhibit certain behaviors and attract male dogs spaying your female Shih Tzu can prevent heat cycles and unwanted pregnancies number 10 lifespan some studies suggest that females might live slightly longer than males with an average lifespan raging from 10 to 16 years males might have a slightly shorter lifespan although good care and genetics can influence the greatly choosing a male or female Shih Tzu can be a highly personal decision reflecting your lifestyle preferences and the environment you can provide if you're drawn to a more playful engaging companion a male might be a good fit if you prefer a more independent and sensitive pet a female could be the choice for you
Channel: Animal Guide
Views: 9,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shih tzu, shih tzu dog, shih tzu puppies, male shih tzu, female shih tzu, shih tzu difference, shih tzu puppy
Id: 2wUk0OowrsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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