9 Cartoons That Got WAY TOO REAL!

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tonight's presentation although edited for YouTube contains imagery and subject matters some may find disturbing all our program is educational we still feel that viewer discretion is advised so I'm not gonna lie that last video is pretty depressing and I really needed to do something just perhaps a little less real and also those anti-vaxxers and Alex Jones fans really showed me the error of my ways in the comments section [Music] [Applause] so with that said why don't we talk about today's video animated program serve as an escape for many adults and kids alike whether that be through anime or more traditional American style animation because of this cartoons often focus on passive easy - that jazz entertainment often straying away from politics controversial themes and grim dark situations today will be just a bit different however as we talk about the time is when animation drops this facade of being just children's entertainment and steps into the realm of being gripping animation that sometimes just gets uncomfortably a bit too real and I'm here because well I mean look at my channel I pretty much do this for a living yeah sorry about that I just kind of wanted to put my own spin on it and do a much better job than those soulless corporate machines that WatchMojo no worries with that said sit back relax and prepare to be scared as we list nine times cartoons got way too real static shock sons of the fathers cartoons often feel like a place to escape the shitty reality of our world politics racism sexism it always felt like cartoons were worlds where things like that didn't matter or exist so whenever an issue like this pops up in a show it's always a sudden shock back into reality the static shock episode sons of the fathers does just that Virgil wonders why rich he never invites him over to his house they are best friends and partners after all it just doesn't make sense Ritchie eventually invites him over on a night that his father's out but things go south when he comes home early it gets very obvious very fast that Ritchie's dad Sean is racist he makes derogatory comments under his breath and eventually Virgil overhears him saying that he shouldn't have to deal with those people in his own home kids a bad influence all his kind are it's bad enough I got to deal with them all day long now one of them's in my house Ritchie lashes out his father and runs away leading him to end up getting kidnapped by the villain ebon Sean Virgil and Virgil's dad reluctantly team up to save Ritchie and in doing so leaves Sean to realize the error of his races ways and change it's nice that he ended up changing in the end but life isn't always tied up that nice and neatly with a bow it's rare that someone of an older age would change their views on people of different ethnicities that late in life it's sad and unfortunate but it's just the realistic truth sometimes all you can do was use every opportunity to teach others how wrong it is let the creators of static shock did in this episode many women expecting a superhero cartoon and got something more sometimes it's a good thing when a cartoon shocks you back into reality why Charlie Brown why from peanuts Charles Schulz is Charlie Brown has always had a real feel to it even if it had a dog that walked on two feet and adults who spoke nothing but gibberish we all remember the classics too a Charlie Brown Christmas Thanksgiving Halloween all of them it always ended with a nice warm message about family togetherness and faith how about cancer that's right the lovable cast of Charlie Brown come together to tell you about how much it sucks to have cancer and to be around people with cancer the episode begins with a new girl Janice getting sick at school and going to the hospital lioness and Charlie Brown optical visit her where she begins to explain that she has leukemia which is why she has been bruising she then proceeds to casually talk about the procedures involved with treating cancer Janice is getting chemotherapy and her hair is falling out which hits Linus and Charlie Brown pretty hard the music is very laid-back and mellow and the way the children talk is very blunt the episode proceeds by showing how the other kids generally react to the news Lucy thinks that's contagious milk you can catch leukemia from her and give it to me the kids bully her for being bald which puts Linus into a blind rage scene here after this it's learned that Janice has to go back to the hospital giving Linus the opportunity to see it from her sister's perspective they feel neglected because well everybody keeps giving Janice attention presence and goodwill while they have to abide by new rules due to a weakened immune system they express anger towards her but after a calm talk they understand the gravity of the situation you don't really mean that do you I guess not it's just that we feel a little left out lately Janice got sick the episode ends with Janice going into remission which allows her to go play on the swings again this episode was written by Charles Scholes and was made with the purpose of educating families and children about cancer and the types of ordeals that people go through a lot of what happens in this episode is based on actual research on what happens with family it's when something this awful happens this is why the sisters feel left out why Lucy is terrified of catching it and why the bully well always Bojack horseman this stop show if we wanted this could be a list comprised of nothing but Bojack horseman moments the show has created an entire foundation based on getting very real very fast the show has many goofy over the top moments and characters that are shattered as soon as reality begins to set in some examples of this being Princess Carolyne learning that she's infertile saralyn overdosing and Bojack attacking his mother at his mother's funeral the latter of which is an episode entitled innocently enough free churro where Bojack horseman spends a good 90% of the episode standing out a podium mocking his dead mother it's a great character study that is very morbid with scenes and jokes like this fine but you know it's fine and I would like to order a double Jack meal and I've kind of got somewhere to be so maybe less with the crown and more with the frying up and the Karl apologizes again and she offers me a free churro with my meal and as I'm leaving I think I just got a free churro because my mom died no one ever tells you when your mom dies you get a free churro yes morbid but with every up joke you learn a little bit more about his relationship with his mother he talks about stories that honestly never happened just because he wants something nice to say about this woman he explains some of the abuse that he went through some of which we've actually seen in past episodes and it's suddenly dawned on me I on a rock she never even picked up the little noise and snot factory so there I am being your mother which I know is giving you all sorts of mixed-up ideas about gender while your brain is still loose and stupid just to remember if you become a queer later in life this isn't my fault don't you sing those songs in your nightclub act called my daddy was my mommy while gazing longingly at a tangled string of pearls pearls are for ladies bow check then he lingers on her last words which was I see you Bojack proceeds to process the meaning of this and what it actually means for his relationship who's expecting some sort of last jab but instead got some sort of confirmation that his mother actually acknowledges him even if it's in a significant way he thinks that maybe in her lucid state of mind she saw her dead husband or perhaps she was trying to say something like I see you in in a very rude context but could not muster up the strength to properly convey that it turns out she was not saying I see you but I see you as in the letters since they were in a intensive care unit and the ICU word was written right behind him Bojack laments that his mom died and all he got out of it was a free churro my mother is dead and everything is worse now because now I know I will never have a mother who looks at me from across the room and says Bojack horseman I see now that's a little up and that's just one episode but the episode we're gonna talk about is one that kind of plays with the inner mind in a interesting way in a way that only could be described as getting a little bit too real for a car - in the season 5 episode the stop show Bojack horseman comes to his senses over the previous day where his painkiller addiction caused him to strangle his girlfriend and fellow cast member Gina with the video making its way around the internet the show's crusted into a PR nightmare and is ultimately canceled by the end the core of this episode actually focuses on Bojack horseman and his friendship with Diane which has been rocky at best this entire season after learning what he did to Gina and Gina explaining to him why exactly she wants absolutely nothing to do with him ever again but has to deal with him just because if she doesn't she loses her one shot at being an actress he begs Diane to write a scrutinizing article on him so it can own up to his terrible behavior in the eyes of his peers but she refuses she tells him that she can't be the one to hold him accountable and that no matter how much other people on his day and how miserable he is the only person who can truly change his behavior and hold him to true accountability is him and in the end that's that's on him he ultimately decides to go to rehab and finally face the music and hold himself to some sort of accountability Dayan agrees to drive him there and help him out Bojack asks her why Diane would help him and she replies it she hates him but in the end she's still her best friend and he needs her to get better while it appears that Bojack is changing for the better thanks to the help of this fantastic character Diane we all know deep down inside Bojack is kind of a shitty person he knows that and Diane knows that - and fully is willing to tell that to his face but that's not what this is about it's about doing your best to become just a little less shitty than you were the other day one of the most important lessons that this show teaches us is that everyone has flaws and everyone can be shitty even the shittiest person you know has some sort of upside to them and as friends it's kind of our job to try to bolster each other up and improve each other for the better moving forward I know what it's like to have terrible friends and I know what it's like to have my head up my own ass a few times Bojack is a show that is nothing but what the hell moments and strange hard-hitting messages that come out of nowhere from a distinctly cartoony situation so if you want to feel like give this one a shot rule the next item [Music] Brian and Stewie from Family Guy Family Guy gets a lot of flack for its use of cutaway gags and lo ever humor and for good reason it has become incredibly repetitive and over relying on these aspects for far too long that's why when it was announced that there would be a single location episode featuring only Brian and Stewie with zero cutaway gags fans were intrigued the 150th episode of the series simply titled Brian and Stewie is perhaps the most unique episode of the entire show there's no intro no background music good evening America here's a little episode entitled Stewie and Brian well actually it's called Brian and Stewie really shouldn't be person before animal like Turner & hooch I don't think that movie is a good example of anything I mean he'll the feeling you get while watching this is almost like the feeling you get when having a very serious conversation with a longtime friend in a choir room if that does not sound like Family Guy then you would be wrong at least for this episode the episode starts we follow Brian Stewie as they visit his safety deposit box at the Quahog Bank unfortunately the door closes for the end of the workday leaving them trapped for the whole weekend until Monday of course this is still Family Guy and much like that serious conversation with your friend there are of course some gross now and politically incorrect humor before it gets into the heart of the episode afterwards they drink some scotch that Brian had kept away in a safety deposit box causing them to become drunk and verbally attack each other and after some arguing Stewie dares Brian to shoot him with a revolver he kept in the box you go Brian you want to kill me you leave with this it goes out prematurely causing the two to hide under the table and it's at this point Stewie realizes that Brian hates guns which raises a question why would he own one and why would he keep it in safety deposit box in a bank Brian then admits that the gun is meant to be an option for him to commit suicide I keep it in case I ever want to commit suicide okay Wow oh my god use your serious the Scotch was meant to be his last drink the two share a heartfelt moment and admit that they love each other I like you a lot you could say I really like you I mean you know nothing like a hey let's you know let's have an Underpants party or whatever grown up to do when they're in love but I mean I mean I love you as one loves another person who one simply cannot do without I I love you too Stewie the next morning the door opens and Brian carries a sleeping Stewie out in silence despite some of the less than ad friendly contents this episode is incredibly somber and powerful leaving behind almost everything that makes it Family Guy it gets to the deaths of these characters who are usually only seen as pawns for the use of comedy it's a reminder that there are deaths to everyone and some might be going through something much darker than you may have assumed sometimes the strongest people in your life the ones that are seemingly happy are the people you need to check up on the most this episode is a depressing reminder of that so with that role the next item [Music] [Music] game of tones you jarama sometimes we don't get the chance to say what needs to be said time runs out and we miss our moment of opportunity Futurama is game of tones encompasses that feeling despite being part of the later episodes this one packs as much heart and emotion as some of the earlier episodes like Jurassic Park [Music] using summer [Music] earth is being approached by a mysterious alien ship that continuously belts out an ominous tone that causes structural damage to the planet with its arrival only two weeks away the world becomes desperate for any way to stop it it falls to fry to fix it as he remembers hearing the tone once before on the very night he was cryogenically frozen the professor puts fry into a deep sleep so he can relive that day in his dreams in order to find the source of the tone however he becomes increasingly distracted by spending time with his family especially his mother knowing that he'll never see her again he becomes desperate to tell her all the things he's been meaning to say even though it's just a dream version of her I need more time with my mom but it's not even her she's just part of your dream that's as close as I'm gonna get eventually the others entered the dream - hurry fry long as they're running out of time he's revealed that the tone belongs to a nibblonian ship and they were just searching for the car the accident left behind on that night after fry helps them find their car they offer him a reward try you once more done my people a great service on my I shall find a way to repay him thanks but no one can give me what I really want later that night he dreams of his mother again only this time he's been transported into her dream it happened after I got frozen how can I be dreaming it in such detail because this isn't your dream it's your mother's dream well what I told you we would reward you make it count my friend he's finally able to tell her all the things he's wanted soon they embrace as the episode ends it can be hard to leave things unsaid maybe you went your separate ways maybe they passed away either way it hurts sometimes the only way to get what you want to say out is in your dreams but you never know if they're dreaming of you - Daria boxing Daria all right let's be real here after I made my last video I learned that I'm not really the only person who has to either deal with autism or someone who has it it turns out a lot of you guys either know someone or has autism considering the fact that I'm still getting tweets about how I totally did a badass thing by calling out Autism Speaks and HF a hope for autism so when I talk about an episode like this I want you guys to understand that I come here as someone who has autism not someone trying to condemn it because anyone who's seen Daria knows that she has some antisocial issues which becomes the central conflict of many episodes that said I actually like that about the character I think that's a very endearing trait and humanizes are a lot more than other shows at the time but that said when I go into boxing Daria with the best intentions in mind Daria was a show from the MTV's Golden Age of animation and is known for their fair share of episodes that attempt to cover realistic situations while adding a cartoony over really satirize twist to them boxing Daria is a bit different in this respect because it just takes a realistic situation and just animates it with very few jokes making their way into the script now I don't need to say this but considering that 50% of marriages end in divorce I'm pretty sure a lot of you are about to be able to relate the episode starts with Daria finding a box and it begins to bring back some troublesome memories so in response Daria presses her parents for answers and of course gets the usual I'm too busy I can't talk about this and I have no idea what you're talking about but please just throw that thing away the episode begins to pick up as I get pieces of information here and there about what unpleasantness this box actually brought up it turns out when Daria was awkward she was just as socially awkward as she was now go figure it was so bad that her parents had to go to weekly parent-teacher conferences where the teachers would complain about how she's not interacting with kids her age and doesn't like them and they're worried that her social development might be just a bit off by extension this caused further strife in their family unit keep in mind that it's not as though the relationship was hunky-dory till Daria came along it just arias problems which require a lot more attention from the parental unit only serve to stress what underlying issues even further this culminates in a scene where Daria is in a room and she's hearing loud aggressive yelling from the other room the yelling is actually pretty uncomfortable to listen to especially from a voyeuristic perspective as a viewer in response to not being able to sleep due to her parents quite literally screaming at each other in the other room Daria climbs into this large box and reads an attempt to black out distress meanwhile her dad takes literal bags and leaves I don't know about you guys but as a autistic kid who had school teachers calling my parents all the time about the I do and also had parents who are divorcing and screaming at each other just like this I'm not gonna lie this said a quart of me and got really uncomfortable really fast Daria has always been a cynical individual who is perfectly content with calling out problems when she sees it but never having the motivation to do anything about it so when she presses her mom on the issue and gets no answers she assumes that it's just them lying an attempt to pretend nothing is wrong even though something is clearly wrong however once Daria sister reminds her parents what exactly Daria was referring to they have a quick family powwow where it is learned that yes they had a fight things have been boiling over for a while the fight did not happen after that parent-teacher meeting because of Daria but because it was just kind of the straw that broke the camel's back this makes Daria realized that she may not be the easiest person to live with a verb eccentric nature despite her good intentions her Lakha convictions leads to confusion like this Daria then admits that she's kind of a pain in the ass sometimes and apologizes for being a difficult person to live with and that she's happy that she's had parents as great as that so yeah that was also the final episode of Daria which was about neglect abuse and failing relationships pretty dark that's said to wrap this up this kind of hits home for me because I distinctly remember my parents got divorced unbeknownst to them they yelled at each other to room across the hall which kept a young creepy ECR awake at night I remember bags being piled up and I distinctly remember the separation process being absolutely terrifying as a kid so all I can say is please if you have kids be careful what you say around them because everything you do and say has a very profound impact that waves beyond the childhood Bart gets enough Simpsons earlier episodes of The Simpsons had a much larger focus on emotional episodes than purely comedic ones like today episodes like Bart sells his soul and lisas substitute showed off its emotional range on for some deep and intimate moments kicking off the second season the episode Bart gets an F set the foundation for these types of episodes in this episode Bart's consistent test failures begin to catch up with him and the school psychiatrist recommends to Homer and Marge that he repeat the fourth grade with a newfound determination Bart vows to pass the next test so he can continue on to the fifth grade with his friends to everyone's surprise he actually doesn't even skipping a snow day in order to continue studying it becomes incredibly clear that Bart has trouble paying attention even when alone in his studies it's quite possible that he suffers from ADHD or another form of learning disorder which would be the root of his problems even praise to God for help in a very desperate and sincere way when it comes time to take the test Bart is the last one to finish and ask him is crabapple to grade it immediately she treats it as a normal test casually remark and on all the answers he got wrong and giving him a fifty nine out of a hundred one point away from passing Bart has an emotional breakdown and begins sobbing much to her surprise no matter how hard he tried even with all the effort he put in he still failed she tries to console him but he continues berating himself over the obvious answers he missed when he mentions various historical facts miss crabapple is impressed and realized that he truly has been studying she decides to ultimately give him another point allowing him to pass while it's a happy ending since it wouldn't really fit the status quo to end all such a depressing note it's still a rather real and hard to swallow lesson sometimes despite your best efforts you will fail it's a part of life that's simply unavoidable it doesn't reflect who you are inside it's just something that everybody goes through but even if you fail at one thing you're still good at other Bart failed at the questions on the test but still learned a lot from his studies it also just goes to show that standardized tests in America are not a one-size-fits-all model and need to be updated perhaps they have since this episode aired I don't know I'm a grown-ass man helga on the couch from hey Arnold the show's had somewhat of a chill and laid-back vibe hey Arnold just knew how to maintain this cool city atmosphere that lends itself to some emotionally hard hitting episodes like that time when mr. Quinn gave up his infant daughter during the Vietnam War and don't even get us started on the pigeon man one of the more complicated characters in the series is Helga Pataki she's a character portrayed as not only a bully but also a comedic foil she happens to be head over heels in love with Arnold we learned that it takes a special breed of abuse to make someone this obsessed with a single person the episode begins with Helga pushing some kids down getting in trouble and then being forced to attend therapy this is not because she's being punished for being well terrible oh because miss bliss these school therapists things that something's up at home when Helga goes home her obviously drunk mom and aggressive father drill it into her that she is not to blab about anything throughout this episode the father verbally abuses Helga and the mother is shown to just not care she fails to pack a school lunch correctly which forces he'll get a trade shaving cream for an actual school lunch Helga eventually talks at length about her insecurities that come from having a sister that is adored by her family a father that constantly puts her down and a mother that's not even lucid enough to hold a coherent conversation in preschool her parents made her walk alone a dog attacked her once and the only person who seemed to even care about her was Arnold but of course when others took notice of her interest in him they bullied her so in order to maintain control she became a bully herself you know if anyone was raised like Helga they'd probably go down the same path and that's why this episode is so powerful because it's realistic [Music] a grete code the dream ends all right kinda late roof bomb on you guys I only recently became an adult that's right despite the fact I've been being paid to do this for over five years now I only recently turned 21 and because of this I have a full-time job on top of YouTube bills and responsibilities beyond schoolwork and chores I'm not gonna lie I found myself getting a lot more depressed and annoyed more often than usually but I do all these stressful things because I mean that's life life can be shitty work could be terrible and backwards while relationships can be a nightmare to navigate a curse the code takes a mirror to this reality and reminds us that yeah everyone has to deal with the same thing I really don't know what else to say but I'm happy to know that I'm not alone out there and that no matter how shitty things get there's at least one person in this world who can relate to me with all that said you may know why this show has struck a special chord of me individually it's essentially a comedy directed at 20-somethings who work at an office job like yours truly that said why don't we talk about the actual episode throughout the first season we get this idea that the main character Rhett Zuko can escape this fact of life through traditional marriage so she starts yoga to lose weight in an attempt to and I quote here get cute get hitched and quit this awful job as the show goes on she becomes more infatuated with this idea and more obsessive she interacts a forecast of friends at least until Rhett Zuko meets the character known as risque who will henceforth now be known as the space cadet both characters feel like they need one another none of them are presented in any real bad light just like in real life both have faults that make this relationship incompatible and it's painful to see as both cling to one another even though they are miserable together I'm sure that at least one of you is either unfortunate enough to be in this situation or know someone who has one of those toxic relationships these toxic relationship stems from something known as infatuation and it's what this episode covers in great detail and is why it gets a little too real see this infatuation with needing someone to be happy leaves us several characters having disturbing emotional breakdowns kind of like this one when I count to ten he'll be a happy girlfriend when I count to ten we'll be a happy girlfriend can you count to 10 I'll be a happy girlfriend home to 10 I'll be a happy girlfriend to 10 I'll be a happy girlfriend seriously I wish I could give her a hug after seeing that mainly because I may or may not have been in the very same type of situation in a public restroom before recently the second one involves a character known as Haida a minor character who started off with some minor interest in ret Seco near the beginning of the season but finds his advances refuted this isn't necessarily due to any fault of his own but because he lacked a spine to outright state his intentions this comes down to a scene where he realizes that it's actually way too late for him this heart-wrenching moment is actually depicted beautifully as Haida and fennec ode this other hilarious looking dog thing have this heart-to-heart conversation where again it's explicitly stated that rheticus taken his initial facade of being cool with it breaks down as he admits that he has some hostility towards a dude he wants to punch him out that's forward to a little bit later and we get this ah damn it all could I'd be more pathetic the drink he saw was the space cadets favorite drink and something that Rhett Zico gives him quite frequently throughout the last couple of episodes again I've been in this guy's shoes we all have been in this guy's shoes it sucks to feel rejected even if the person rejecting you didn't necessarily even realize they did it just kind of a fact of human nature and it sucks and sometimes like to show depicts it's a bit harder to get over then one may think the episode ends of frets accoding to space cadet after seeing that he's not really a bad person but it's just not right for her given the choice to be yourself or be a girl or boyfriend she chose the emotionally healthy one both go home alone and sad let's go visits HIDA in a hospital which leads to this clip it's just I know you weight better than that guy ever could five years now right so I wanted to say but the truth is I don't know you let's go I know is the idealized one in my head know where I'm going with this I do but if you don't say it for real I can't give you an answer now in the Christmas special it actually continues right from this thing and I actually do recommend watching the Christmas special on Netflix after this but I do have one last message I like to leave you guys with we as people are generally scared nervous and absolutely terrified to express ourselves in a vulnerable state because of this it's easy to say hey I deserve to be happy and I don't deserve to be stuck in this miserable position we rarely however express ourselves in a manner that gets our true feelings across in a emotionally healthy manner because there's this whole emotional blindness that goes on so here's what I have to say to you guys if you're sad alone and in the state the best you can do is pick yourself back up and put yourself out there again the more you get hurt the more it becomes easier and the more you're likely to find that special someone it's usually not gonna be the first one or the second one but hey I mean there has to be at least someone out there who gives a about you so yeah my older brother if you're listening to this that's my advice to you I love you dude and I want you to know I miss you terribly [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: That Creepy Reading
Views: 1,174,649
Rating: 4.8339095 out of 5
Keywords: That, Creepy, Reading, top 10, top 5, top 15, 9 Cartoons That Got WAY TOO REAL!, Bojack Horseman, Netflix, Aggretsuko, BlameItOnJorge, Saddest Moments in Kids Shows, Cosmodore, Saberspark, Helga on the Couch, The Dream Ends, Sons of Fathers, Static Shock, Rebel Taxi, Disturbing Animated films, Disturbing cartoons, Brian and Stewie, ThatCreepyReading, Why, Why charlie brown why, Game of Tones, Futurama, Family Guy, Kids Shows
Id: pxUpdJ7BXnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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