6 Kitchen Gadgets That'll BLOW YOUR MIND. Maybe.

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hello we all sorted food and welcome to fridge can we have another gadget review coming up to you right now are they any good you decide normal lap metal is hot and it's odd so is it to do like one egg two eggs it's like a less good frying pan this is a muffin maker an awesome breakfast sandwich burger muffin maker machine that does it all in one this could be good and our egg it's sort of holding together five minutes it comes up then we scooch the egg bit round that up I mean I find a bigger muffin with a big big muffin that could have worked the muffins crispy the eggs cooked the ham was already cooked and the cheese is melted you can't argue that it tastes exactly as you'd expect do we need it is it solving a problem hello to you you decide no matter a light came on Biden but it's called an ultra beer it looks like a wand and it seems to cut out my microphone sometime other than that I have no idea the craft beer gadget that gives you the best beer possible it gives it a sonic fizz and it tastes like drop [Music] do that [Music] I'm gonna do that again and I don't know if I should by going to anyway [Music] I think that's quite cool but it's up to you useless or not you decide you decide magic number three Oh No it says slot dog on it just see miss something to do with hot dogs oh no okay do I get a hot dog and press down on it to kind of create this crisscross shape that you would usually just do with a knife on a hot dog slot dog doesn't just make your hot dog look amazing it also helps it cook quicker and even taste better by creating crispy caramelized edge squares which grab hold of the condiments so you can enjoy them and not web that's basically what I just said [Music] it's pretty kick [Music] these two actually look and smell great one does actually look quite good good double do play sorry I had to I have to okay we've got our bun we've got our double sided hot dog I don't know if I'm doing this properly Chicago style no ketchup in Chicago definite kogo now British I quite like it useless or not you decide you decide the object none of all think I know what this is when you have a baby boy and you're changing it snappy you need to have something to cover the penis so that it doesn't we on you and I think that's what this is oh oh it's an extending one for the Luther [Music] it's like it so I can upside-down eggcup with a plunger on it this is an egg cracker it cooperates a quick spring mechanism and is great fun for the whole family it's cracked it but it's not okay that actually works I think rap it works but does it really solve a problem useless or not you decide you decide number five the hanging fruit basket or an onion bus kill or something surely or if you deep frying in a pan spray in yeah not only is it a steam basket it's also perfect for fryers or boiling water and doubled up as a colander does it go in before I pour the pasta in there okay we're going before it reduces your pan size significantly okay and supposedly she dispenser I really like it apart from the fact that it means a bit useless or not you decide [Music] okay so that's a suction thing is that for sucking up an egg and then if you suck up an egg I don't know the yolk will go in there this is the pluck PP silicon egg separator it's simple it might look like a light bulb but that's because someone had a bright idea if I was going to separate an egg I just do that and separate it so is it to just transport a yolk or is it gonna separate itself I'll try the yoke aha you can't deny that it does its job again for the amount of time and I know I'm not your average IQ it took me to work out what that was for I could have separated it with just these two but it did its job and it's done it pretty well so useless or not you decide thank you for watching I'll catch it okay please remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section and if you liked the video give it a like click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our faces [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,821,851
Rating: 4.8095722 out of 5
Keywords: kitchen gadgets, best kitchen gadgets, gadgets review, funny kitchen gadgets, kitchen gadget challenge, kitchen gadgets sortedfood, unbelievable kitchen gadgets, kitchen gadgets put to the test, kitchen gadgets 2017, kitchen gadgets amazon, gadgets you must have, kitchen gadgets testing, gadgets, life hacks, review, cool gadgets, amazing inventions, cool inventions, 5 amazing inventions you need to see, sorted food gadgets, 6 kitchen gadgets, sorted food kitchen gadgets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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