6 incredible facts you don't know about the JAS-39 Gripen E

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the j39 Gripen is a well-known Swedish fighter it entered service in the 9s in its first version the Gripen a and since then it has undergone several updates the most significant of which gave rise to the Gripen e the last and most modern of its lineage although it is a relatively famous aircraft many facts about the Gripen e are unknown to the majority of the public so today we will look at six incredible facts about the ginee one your RCS is extremely small RCS an acronym that stands for radar cross-section is basically the measurement of how reflective an object is to radar and this measurement is usually done in square meters a document leaked onto the internet a few years ago dated 2002 showed that the Gripen a the first version of the Gripen had a frontal RCS of just 0.1 squ met in a clean configuration that is without tanks and external weapons this is equivalent to the approximate RCS of a cruise missile as a comparison the S35 one of the threats that the Gripen would have to face in a possible conflict with Russia has an RCS estimated at 1 square meter in clean configuration which is 10 times greater than the RCs of the Gripen a it is important important to highlight that this value refers to version a and the reduction of the Gripen e radar signature in relation to its predecessors was a contractual obligation furthermore more than 20 years have passed between the date of publication of this document and the present day during which time radar signature reduction technology has progressed greatly therefore it can be safely said that the Gripen e RCS is less than 0.1 Square met in clean configuration with the Gripen configured for combat carrying external weapons and tanks this RCS value will increase but will still be below the vast majority of fourth generation Fighters current two the Gripen e electronic warfare system is so powerful that it was selected to equip the electronic warfare version of the Euro Fighter typhoon a few months ago Germany announced the choice of the same Gripen electronic warfare system to equip the version of the Euro Fighter typ tyon that will be specialized in electronic combat this is the orexis system which uses receivers and transmitters with state-of-the-art spherical coverage in gallium nitride semiconductors which guarantees incredibly high transmission power several times greater than Legacy systems of similar size this version of the typhoon should be used to locate and interfere with enemy Radars protecting Allied aircraft in attack and defense suppression missions similar to the the role that The ea8 Growler fulfills in the American Navy basically the Euro Fighter typhoon specialized in electronic combat will have a standard capability that the Gripen e already has from the factory this demonstrates the size of the focus in electronics Warfare that Saab gave to the Gripen e three War piece button Gripen e has a modern state-of-the-art cockpit which includes among other things a wide area display where key information is shown to the pilot in a clear and organized way to optimize the decision-making process however when looking at the Gripen e cockpit there is something that often goes unnoticed by most people this is the war piece selector button located on the right side of the pilot this button is almost always kept on the piece position which limits gripens capabilities such as engine power and other systems keeping the select in the piece position reportedly also masks the true frequencies of the grip and E radar and data link systems decreasing the chance of its real signals being detected and classified by Other Nation signals intelligence systems which could subsequently decrease efficiency of grip and E in real Combat situations when the selector is switched to war all capabilities are released to the maximum this includes the maximum power of electronic jamming systems maximum radar range maximum engine power and maximum maneuverability even allowing maneuvers of up to 12g for short periods of time this division of capabilities provided by the war piece button preserves the aircraft from excessive wear and tear in daily use and also masks its real Combat capabilities especially in Combined exercises with other nations which makes this simple button a very useful and creative solution four the Gripen e radar as Innovative technology modern electronically scanned Radars installed on fighter aircraft are mounted on fixed antennas as the scanning is done electronically which eliminates the need to move the antenna towards the area of Interest with this fixed antenna most current Fighters can detect targets located within a frontal Arc of up to 60° to each side meaning targets located outside this coverage will not be detected grip and ease Raven s05 radar has Innovative technology although it is also an electronically scanned radar its antenna was mounted on a repositionable structure which allows the radar to be smoothly moved on its own axis creating an unprecedented combination of mechanical scanning and electronic scanning this combination expands the coverage field for up to 100° on each side over the frontal Arc compared to 60° of coverage for traditional radars among the advantages of this technology are safer long range engagements as the Gripen e can launch its missiles and keep the target within sight while moving away this also reduces the possibility of Gripen e being surprised by a threat that could emerge from outside the coverage angle of a traditional radar five Gripen e will be immune to GPS interference in the current war in Ukraine Russian electronic interference capabilities have gained consider prominence several news reports suggest that Russian GPS Jammers are decreasing the effectiveness of NATO supplied equipment and weapons that rely on this navigation system thinking about overcoming this problem Saab is developing for the Gripen E1 special navigation system that does not rely on GPS signals this system will consist of two main components the first will be a database in Gripen itself where High Precision three-dimensional maps of the regions of interest will be inserted the second component of the system will be a highdef camera positioned at the bottom of the Gripen in this way while the Gripen flies in a region without GPS signals the camera installed in its lower fuselage compares the terrain Below in real time with the three-dimensional Maps inserted in its memory this allows for precise localization and does not emit any navigation signal detectable by signals intelligence systems with this Gripen e will know its exact location in real time even if the GPS navigation system is completely denied by the Russian Jammers six Gripen e is capable of super Cruise flying flying in a super Cruise regime means having the ability to fly at supersonic speeds without the use of a post combuster because After Burner greatly increases fuel consumption and most fighter jets need afterburner to fly at supersonic speed speeds supersonic flight often ends up being limited to certain very specific occasions and for very short periods of time the new more powerful engine gave the Gripen e the ability to fly above Mach 1.2 without the use of afterburner even in a combat configuration making it one of the few Fighters today capable of flying its super crews in a real Combat context this capability guarantees some advantages such as being able to expand the useful range of missiles and guided bombs due to launching at higher speeds these facts demonstrate the level of technology and commitment that Saab has put into grip ande with the exception of the stealth fuselage it has all the Technologies present in fifth generation Fighters and even some technologies that not even fifth generation Fighters have such as repositionable radar thank you for watching the video don't forget to like And subscribe to the channel and see you next time
Channel: Military Might
Views: 41,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gripen, grippen, gripen fighter, jas 39, gripen e, gripen c
Id: 13QsT1QEmXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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