SAAB J 35 Draken "The Kite/Dragon" | Swedish Supersonic Fighter Interceptor With A Futuristic Design

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the dragon 35 developed by a team of visionary engineers and Aviation experts represents a paradigm shift in Aerial Technology this advanced fighter combines Sleek aerodynamics Superior maneuverability and advanced avionics establishing it as a formidable presence in the skies when information concerning the successful accomplishment of the world's first supersonic flight reach Sweden during late 1947 a small team in Saab engineering department suddenly was given incentive to approach a proposed new fighter project from the somewhat different perspective with confirmation in hand that supersonic flight was possible SOB small but extraordinarily capable design Bureau intended that whatever aircraft they produce to accommodate their country's defensive needs from the 1950s onward it would become an early beneficiary of the x1's unique technological Triumph Sweden's indigenous aircraft industry was barely a decade old in 1947. Saab was founded on the 2nd of April 1937 to develop and manufacture combat aircraft under the threat of a new world war in reality the 1940 assault to the Oslo Airport from the Nazis 163rd Vermont inventory division coupled with the fact that President Franklin D Roosevelt embargoed U.S warplane shipments to Sweden the very next day suddenly awaken the small European nation to to the fact that its stance of armed neutrality was no guarantee of isolation in a world Awash with war the Oslo Airport lesson did not go unheeded and the Royal Swedish Air Force met in its air staff buildings all fell hellev again generating plans for an indigenous aircraft industry never again Sweden would be dependent upon external sources for its combat Hardware by the end of World War II the flig Vapin working with its privately controlled manufacturer Saab had designed built and produced The Versatile j-21 fighter in attack aircraft while modestly successful in its multifaceted role the j-21 was quickly out modded by the designs generated by other Western bureaus acutely aware of this Saab proffered and had accepted by the flig Vapin a more advanced fighter program that quickly evolved into Hardware in the form of the j-29 TuneIn the j-29 which took to the air for the first time on September 1st 1948 proved a worthy successor to the rather crude j-21 eventually no less than 661 of these rotund but highly effective aircraft entered the flig Vapin inventory serving operationally during the 1950s and into the early years of the 1960s the TuneIn was in turn followed by an even more successful Saab Fighter the a32 Lanson which some 452 were built the Lansing saw nearly two decades of fleegwap in service before slowly being phased out and though modestly underpowered nevertheless was a competitive aircraft when flown one-on-one with its 1950 contemporaries over the years since circumstances forced it Saab in the central Swedish Backwater of Link shopping had nurtured by 1949 a fighter design team Second To None Lars breezing the team manager and a noted aerodynamicist in his own right was the prime mover behind the forthcoming Lanson project Eric Bratt just 33 years old in 1949 was the principal designer and consequently the man charged with the configuration studies that would accommodate Sweden future fighter needs planning commenced during 1949 on the aircraft that would supersede the j-29 and later the a32 their requirement as set forth by the air staff included the ability of the aircraft to intercept transonic enemy bombers in response to this the initial flieg Bop and advanced fighter requirement called for a maximum speed of Mach 1.4 to 1.5 later in 1956 this was increased to Mach 1.7 to 1.8 specifically the fighter was able to climb to an altitude at subsonic speed to an altitude of 32 800 feet in t seconds High supersonic speeds higher rates of climb and very high maximum altitude capabilities all intertwined with the demanding specification defining combat maneuverability these performance requirements were in turn coupled with an Armament complement that would include guided missiles rockets and a cannon in concert with these weapons a radar and Associated Fire Control System would be developed permitting Target get contact and assistance without accurate ground guidance missile firing also will be possible without the use of the aircraft's optical Gun Sight added to these requirements was a need for an exceptional range performance to ensure an ability to change bases of operation without difficulty upon short notice additionally good Airfield performance was stated to include the ability to operate from runways only 6560 feet long and 42 feet and eight inches wide thus making the aircraft capable of operation from virtually any Street section of conventional Highway as it were there were over 400 sections of Swedish Highway that met this specification and areas with highways under construction almost always consulted the flig vampin before formulating firm plans complementing all of these was a requirement that the aircraft's various onboard systems be robust and easily accessed for servicing and parts replacement by a small number of unskilled Personnel working under adverse weather conditions and while bearing bulky clothing and gloves finally the aircraft also was required to be designed and constructed that Not only was it a sound economical proposition well suited to its operational role but also that it leave the largest possible Assurance of development potential rat's design team soon came up with a number of innovative design studies several labeled as project R1200 reflected the design team's inability to settle upon either a swept Wing or delta wing configuration by 1951 Project R 1200 had grown into the project R 1250 which as it turned out finally would have employed a distinctive double Delta configuration that was destined to become the Saab draken's unmistakable trademark though saab's design team was Progressive in its fighter design philosophy it soon found that in-country technological resources capable of supporting the research effort required for the project were sadly lacking at the time Sweden only had one supersonic wind tunnel in operation and this could accommodate only models of the newer fighter in the scale of 1 to 50. because of this the company with government support undertook a massive buildup of aerodynamic research capability Saab this consummated the construction of its own wind tunnel for transonic testing and complemented this with further testing in U.S tunnels prior to the intense research effort questions concerning the aircraft design remained these including the aforementioned indecision concerning swept vs Delta Wings if a delta wing were chosen for instance questions arose as to whether it should be a high or low aspect ratio the question concerning swept vs Delta Wings quickly was resolved by the initial studies which had called for the exploration of a swept Wing configuration in short order it was determined that in consideration of all other parameters placed upon in the design the swept Wings aerodynamic drag at high Mach numbers was too high and its configuration requirements dictated that the fuselage have insufficient volume for equipment Fuel and Armament the delta wing on the other hand showed great promise for following initial tunnel tests the pure Delta was soon ruled out however as it suffered from center of gravity and center of pressure anomalies that were difficult to alleviate a derivative however often referred to as the double Delta proved much more flexible continuing tunnel work rapidly solidified the team's initial impressions of the double Delta configuration and by 1949 it had been concluded that the proposed advanced fighter should have a double delta wing with a very small aspect ratio because of the many uncertainties surrounding what undeniably was a radical design SOB under pressure from the flig Vapin air staff members and others of a more conservative event elected to make their Hardware work out in the wind tunnel and into the sky preliminary scale model work had been conducted with hand-launch paper models this was followed by an extensive series of u-controlled models built to various scales and in various configurations the control system for the model was simple consisting of a piano wire from a stick outside the circular flight path passing through a post in the center initial flight test trials using these models prove discouraging still convinced that the basic design concept was viable the Saab engineering team and a small company flight test pilot Department staff embarked on the development of a more elaborate model aircraft Series this time the models were built from six millimeter thick aluminum sheets and the engines were modified to be more reliable additionally internal fuel capacity was increased to permit flight times up to two minutes with the pilot now flying the aircraft from the center position control was considerably improved and success was realized almost immediately the flight path radius was some 62.3 feet and a single Revolution usually took about 5 Seconds the only difficulty noted by pilots was the dizziness experienced in following the aircraft in a circle for almost two minutes work with the ucontrol models provided significant insight into the double deltos rather conventional flight characteristics and quickly convinced the pilots and SOB engineers at their initial paper-generated conclusions were accurate once the model data had confirmed the basic double Delta concept Saab during the 1950s under the full auspice of the flig vulpin elected to proceed with a full-scale flight test article this one-off aircraft eventually designated Saab 210 was designed and built in little less than 18 months on January 21st 1952 the Saab 210 took over the air for the first time flying from 10 to 4's Airfield and Link shopping with company test pilot banked our olav at the controls the Saab 210 was initially known as the dragon but later was re-nick named the little draken to differentiate from the full-fledged fighter to follow as a test bed it provided not only ideal but long-lived and quite versatile information pre-construction design considerations permitted the center of gravity to be changed during flight by transmitting liquid between two tanks placed one in the front and one on the rear of the aircraft the air intake configuration though not quite by Design also proved changeable and in fact was reconfigured on several occasions it was discovered for instance that the aircraft's longitudinal stability was distributed by vortices created by the air intake lips at the high angles of attack after considerable work a definitive intake configuration was evolved this eventually finding its way into the design of a full-fledged fighter and remaining unchanged throughout the latter's production history flight test work explored such nuances as pitch control ground effect and Wing Buffett powered by a single Armstrong Sicily Adder turbojet engine the Saab 210 was not particularly fast and was in fact somewhat underpowered flig vault in approval was a full-scale markup during May 1952 approved prototype Hardware design work initiation on what was now being called the Saab 35 draken fighter it should be mentioned at this point that not all research associated with the new fighter program had been undertaken with the sob210 considerable laboratory activity had in fact been going on throughout the testbed's extensive flight test program a 30-foot diameter Ferris wheel rig for instance was used to test the forthcoming dragon's fuel system under simulated flight conditions at Saab small climactic chamber structural tests on major components and structural specimens were conducted at temperature extremes as great as 70 degrees Celsius and altitudes as high as 98 425 feet flow studies were carried out in water tanks additionally saab's sophisticated in-house computers and the government-owned best computer in Stockholm were used for extensive mathematical calculations politically the new dragon found sufficient support both from government and Military authorities and Swedish citizens it was already apparent that the program was to require a multi-million Kroner expenditure it no longer was simply a major aircraft procurement project by 1955 it had become an important philosophical step in National policy and as with all such Swedish programs it was pursued with extraordinary thoroughness from start to finish with prototype design now well underway the first tooling drawings were released during October 1952 following the finalization of the type specification during January 1953 Production Tool designs started during March and some five months later during August the first production orders calling for the fabrication of four prototypes three for test flights and one for fatigue testing and three series test aircraft officially were given along with another order for a complete no section for a two-seat conversion trainer eventually it was estimated that some 25 000 tools 300 assembly Jigs and 3500 sub-assembly jigs would be required for the dragon production following rollout during the late summer of 1955 the Prototype Dragon was ground tested and prepared for its initial flight this event took place on October 25th 1955. the other two flight test articles followed in short order and quickly were added to the flight test Department inventory it should be mentioned at this point that the first three dragons officially were designated Saab 35s and only given Constructors names and that they did not have fleekvop and designations or serials also these first three aircraft were powered by imported Rolls-Royce rb146 Avon turbojet engines initial production aircraft would differ in being powered by swedish-built Avon derivatives designated rm-6b and equipped with swedish-built SFA model 65 afterburners flight tests work with the prototypes progressed smoothly throughout the following 24 months the first supersonic flight which was accomplished utilizing the Prototype aircraft took place without using an afterburner on January 26 1956. two months later this same aircraft became the first of its type to go Supersonic in a climb the number three prototype was by this time assigned to the flig Vapin who was a customary with the Swedish aircraft programs following initial preliminary flight tests it was flown to lulia Sweden and there utilized for winter testing in the coldest and most inhospitable spot in the country the word of the existence of the new Swedish fighter had been circulating throughout the various military Aviation communities around the world it was not until a year after the prototype's first flight that the aircraft was unveiled publicly for the first time production of the Saab 35s at saab's link chopping plant interestingly enough was initiated some 100 feet below the Earth's surface in a special production facility built to provide protection from enemy attack raw materials were trucked down in a lengthy spiraling ramp and once the resulting small components in some assemblies were completed they slowly progressed upwards to the main production line saab's production operations remained partially subsurface to this very day the First Flight of the first aircraft in the initial pre-production Dragon batch by now referred to as the j-35a series took place on February 15 1958 at link shopping with with company pilot Carl Eric fernberg at the controls utilizing the Fourth Dragon off the line 35001 after further flight testing fernberg later would report the Saab 35 is easy to fly and is even easier to land than its predecessor the Saab 32 Lansing the 35 has a normal stalling speed of only 130 miles per hour but has been flown at 118 to 124 miles per hour during tested altitude it cannot be stalled under normal flying conditions and has a good control response down to very low speeds the Saab 35 has previously been stated to have low speed characteristics permitting operations from relatively small airfields it can now be disclosed that using a breaking parachute in normal braking the aircraft required less than 2 100 feet of runway for landing in fact during a recent demonstration of its Landing characteristics a Saab 35 was landed using only some 1500 feet of Runway without overheating the brakes using f after murder the takeoff run is no problem whatsoever production of the initial series was fully underway by mid-1959 the first 20 aircraft were not considered up to full production standard however due to mid-production fit and components changes these had stabilized in all following samples were consistent one other change however should be noted as a swedish-built saf model 65 afterburner found out the first 62 aircraft was updated to the Model 66 from the aircraft 63 onward the Saab 35 draken is a fighter aircraft whose design anticipates what would be later known as Blended Wing body the fuselage has a circular section and the inboard portion of the wing is a large cord surface which extended almost to the engine intakes it was possible to dispense with a tail plane resulting in a clean simple overall design the Leading Edge of the inner Wing was swept back 80 degrees for high speed performance in the outer Wing 60 degrees for good performance at low speeds successive models introduced various improvements to the cockpit fittings such as revised canopy and new avionics for export customers the dragon was outfitted with ferranti-built air Pass 2 Fire Control radar which was affected for acquiring various air-to-air to air-to-surface targets along with a ground mapping mode working in conjunction with the aircraft's navigation systems typically two separate radio units would be installed along with the high-speed data link and two navigation systems the draken was also fitted with the three axis autopilot the fuselage of the Dragon consisted of two sections front and rear joined by bolts the forward section which was integral with the intake ducts and neighboring Wing structure accommodates the Fire Control radar cockpit nose undercarriage integral fuel tanks and various systems the rear portion which was manufactured as a single piece alongside the rest of the inner Wing contain the engine and the afterburner bag type fuel tanks Armament main landing gear and other systems the flight control surfaces consisted of a Rudder along with an inboard and outboard elevons the outer sections being fitted with mass balance weights each surface was operated a tandem hydraulic jack which was connected to a separate circuit propulsion was provided by a single Svenska flig motor rm6b-c turbojet engine a license-built model of the Rolls-Royce Avon 200 or 300 engine the principal Armament was carried externally up to four aim-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles were carried on hardpoints beneath the wings and fuselage alternative payloads including a variety of bomb and Rockets along with Provisions for installation of a pair of 30 millimeter cannons located within each of the inboard Wing panels in place of the Cannons additional fuel tanks could be fitted in the same space for aerial reconnaissance missions a variety of camera ponds could be carried underneath the fuselage the draken can boast not only being radical but a new design thus making it a very Advanced one by the first Decades of the Cold War it was among the first fighters in incorporating an onboard radar in the earlier version of the datalink system whose enhanced version was incorporated in the j37 vigen and the Jazz 39 Griffin indeed the dragon Incorporated The stril-60 Ground Control Network that enabled draken Pilots of firing guidance through the onboard instruments being the system and also capable to resist electronic jamming aside the fact of being the first European supersonic jet fighter the dragon was the first fighter to have s tool capacities and it was an aircraft that gathered valuable intelligence by producing photographic material of many new Soviet aircraft during the 70s and 80s it also had a superior service ceiling in comparison with other fighters of its times being a very resilient and long endurance fighter many Pilots of the Dragons stated that it was able to take on much newer designs due to a lack of knowledge regarding the then historically unproven design of the j-35's tail is double delta wing configuration the plane encountered problems at the start of its service life the unstable design of the double delta wing made it difficult to land early versions of the j-35 as they had to be manually stabilized during Landing the design also allowed the plane to enter a super stall which can be described as an uncontrollable stall affecting aircraft with specific Wing configurations when experiencing high alpha numbers due to this j-35 Pilots were trained to prevent super stalls and this training led to the development of the Cobra maneuver the Cobra is performed by entering into a controlled super stall State gaining High Alpha Speed and then quickly negating the angle of attack to counter the stall this forces the airframe to act as an air brake for a few seconds which rapidly reduces the speed the Swedish Air Force is the first Air Force to have discovered and developed the Cobra maneuver the Swedish named it Court parad meaning short Perry initially it was used during training to teach Pilots how to counter super stalls however it also saw secondary use as a combat maneuver which would cause pursuing enemy fighters to overshoot allowing the pilot to repost the dragon's military life lasted 45 years from its service debut in Sweden in 1960 to its final retirement in Austria in 2005. in military service the dragon was everything it intended to be easy to maintain and Spartan conditions away from fixed spaces quick to refuel and rearm between missions and possessing great development potential also thanks to its swedish-built version of the British design Rolls-Royce Avon engine paired with a fully Swedish developed afterburner section the dragon had the blistering speed so essential to the Interceptor Mission a sob press release from October 25th 1955 reads it is in the natural run of things that this Advanced aircraft construction has been the result of multi-faceted teamwork with large groups of Aviation Engineers with different specializations working together the advanced aircraft construction that is the Saab 35 draken later became the backbone for Sweden's air defenses for many years more than 500 draken aircraft of different versions have served in the Swedish Air Force between 1960 and 1998. the dragon was also exported to Denmark Finland and Austria in the U.S too the dragon is still flying six of the former Danish draken aircraft are being used by test pilots at the national test pilot school in Mojave California when production of the Dragon began it was the world's first series produced fighter with a double Delta wing and Sweden's first aircraft with the capability of flying at twice the speed of sound the dragon was originally developed as a high altitude fighter but as the threat situation changed it was increasingly used at lower altitudes the draken was produced in fighter versions j-35a j-35b j-35d and j-35f surveillance version s35e in training version sk35c the final version the j-35j was modified from the j35f the 51 draken delivered to Denmark were primarily used as attack and surveillance aircraft and varied considerably from other versions a total of 612 draken were built 12 of which were under license in Finland despite being retired from combat Duty the Saab j-35 draken remains a renowned and well-respected aircraft in the aviation Community its unique design advanced technology and significant contributions to aviation history guarantee that will always be honored as one of the remarkable finer planes of error foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] what happened [Music] this is the weather they want I will now brief you on how the test with the landing equipment will be made the aircraft intercepts the Glide path at this point the Glide path slopes at a three degree angle down to one mile where the angle decreases and the flying speed is reduced foreign equipment will be ready the dragon is the latest aircraft in the Royal Swedish Air Force and it's different it can fly in all weather in Rain fog Cloud night and day draken is the modern definition and the modern answer to the problem all-weather fight Saab has built the draken and the air force test center is now cutting out tactical test flying of this aircraft there'll be no other flying during this test flight griefing concluded there will be no engine test this afternoon can anyone take a test with a pressure suit I can a pressure suit is a necessity to the fighter pilot without it he cannot stand great altitude or acceleration a modern aircraft makes great demands on a pilot's physical condition the pilot must be equipped to meet these demands the best flight surgeons are continually researching for Ways and Means to meet these great physical demands the pilots are tested not once but many times pressure acceleration and blood circulation tests to find the maximum physical limits which must never be exceeded Rock and one tree is coming into land clear to land test center radio listening and gear down an all-weather fighter means flight operations in all weather but to reach that performance there must first be many difficult tests tests which must prove the ability of the Dragon a parachute as everybody knows is used to save lives but it also helps technicians to reduce braking distances okay are you satisfied now no this instrument is not so good it should be moved Pilots do not only test maneuverability the instruments are the aircraft's mechanical brain and to save time the test center uses other types specifically the Lansing and the flying Bell the drakens instruments are installed in the Lansing for air tests [Music] oh the radar is the draken's eye it leads the pilot to the Target the flying battle acts as the target while in the Lansing the attacking pilot works with the instruments of the Dragon [Music] next phase the dragon is near incompletion tune to the sighting equipment the Pilot's electronic brain the intention is to reach the Target make the attack and disappear there is no room for mistakes contact good Echo the strobe's okay steady radar locking picture good damn I lost him break no there he is again wait okay you are thank you here we have it yes there it is here we have 20 seconds I know what it is now now wait a second here it is let's have a look about that [Music] they talk and do one start two five [Applause] Dragon 2-1 Target okay you're talking too well hi Anthony Janet George the dragon is versatile and built for high altitude operations acceleration rate and angle of climb are three important factors in air defense in vertical speeds greater than the horizontal speeds of 15 years ago the modern fighter zooms towards its Target air defense today is built not only on the flying squadrons from radio stations on the ground the pilot receives instructions vectoring him into a position where his own Raider takes over and completes the mission control talking to one course drop into one seabird contact steer one six zero foreign [Music] [Music] distance now a hundred miles talking to accelerating zooming one seven five forty six above zooming he said towards new altitudes closer to the edges of space so close that we can see the curvature of the Earth [Music] contact [Music] foreign this time the Raider site works 20. 15. 10 [Music] 7 Roger shortly before Christmas in 2005 the mighty Sab 37 vegan was withdrawn from the Swedish Air Force operational service with the retirement of the vegan the aviation has lost a remarkable aircraft Freedom went into service permitting encrypted data communication between four Fighters This enabled one fighter to paint an Airborne enemy with guidance radar for the sky flash missiles of the other three fighters in a group while they had their search and guidance radar switched off this system was operational 10 years before any other countries the displays in the original cockpit were all of the traditional analog or mechanical type with the exception of an Electronics heads-up display which Sab has claimed makes the vegan easier to fly especially at low altitudes during air-to-ground strike missions between 1989 and 1992 the ap12 display system was subject to a substantial upgrade in 1999 a new LCD system derived from the Sab jas-39 grippin which replaced the crt-based ap12 system again flight tests with the Swedish Air Force the vegan had a maximum weapons load capacity of 7000 kilos which could be distributed across nine hardpoints these included one Centerline pylon two on the fuselage four below the wings and two located behind the wing landing gear the one utilized in the center was specifically designed to carry an external fuel tank and was typically utilized for that purpose the outboard Wing pylons were primarily intended for air-to-air missiles due to their lighter weight compared to the other attachment points the pylon situated behind the landing gear were not initially used until the ja-37d modification which Incorporated DOL countermeasure dispensers on those pylons ground crew members would input the Munitions configuration into the aircraft's Central Computer using a load selector panel this system automatically selected the appropriate values for Fire Control fuel consumption and other calculations based on the specific munitions in July 1971 the first production aj-37 vigan was delivered to the Swedish Air Force in October 1973 scaraborg Wing was reportedly close to achieving full operational effectiveness by May 1974 the Swedish Air Force had two operational squadrons using the vegan along with a third Squadron in the final process of achieving that status by 1974 the safety and reliabilities of the Wiggins were reportedly above expectations despite the overall complexity and relative newness of the aircraft in practice one of the most significant a two-seat operational conversion trainer introduced in 1972 the sf-37 and Overland reconnaissance model introduced in 1977 and the sh-37 a mar-timer reconnaissance version introduced in 1975. the vegan was designed to be simple to maintain even by conscripted flight line mechanics with limited Technical Training a single vegan could be maintained by a team of five conscripts under the supervision of a single chief mechanic standard turnaround including refueling and rearming took less than 10 minutes to perform while an engine replacement took four hours over the long term the vegan required 22 man-hours pre-flight hour of Maintenance work at the depot level and nine man hours pre-flight hour at the front line by the mid-1980s Swedish vegan fighter pilots using the predictable patterns of Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird routine flights over the Baltic Sea had managed to achieve radar lock-on with radar on the SR-71 on numerous occasions despite heavy jamming from the SR-71 Target illumination was maintained by feeding Target location from ground-based Radars to the fire control computer in the vigen the most common sight for the lock-on to occur was the thin stretch of international airspace between Oland and gotland that the SR-71 used on the return flight the big end is the only aircraft to get an acknowledged radar lock on the SR-71 by 1980 up to 149 ja-37 Wiggins were projected to be built and the line to be closed within the decade is a Swedish Aerospace industry changed Focus to the impending Sab jas-39 grippin the Wiggins eventual replacement over time advances in Computing such as the microprocessor had enabled greater flexibility than the physical configuration of the vegan so further development of the vegan platform was not viewed as cost-effective in 1990 production of the Wiggins ceased in the final aircraft was delivered this aircraft stands as a remarkable Testament to Swedish engineering and Innovation developed during the Cold War era it served as Sweden's Premier multi-role fighter designed to meet stringent operational requirements and adapt to various Mission roles with its Advanced avionics including the world's first Airborne computer to use integrated circuits the vegan showcased Cutting Edge technology for its time the integration of digital flight control system and radar systems demonstrated Sapp's commitment to pushing the boundaries of aircraft Automation and sensor capabilities unique design feature such as the reinforced landing gear and folding vertical stabilizer allowed for operation from short runways and storage and limited spaces enhancing its strategic and tactical flexibility the extensive weapon load capacity provided versatility in combat scenarios enabling the vegan to carry a diverse array of Munitions including later variants and contributions to subsequent aircraft designs such as the Gripen cementits Legacy is a groundbreaking and influential aircraft in the history of Aviation the Saab Griffin jas-39 is considered to be one of the world's best lightweight multi-role combat aircraft it's also one of the most unique not because of its state-of-the-art design but because it's a warplane built in the relatively small and neutral nation of Sweden [Music] Sweden is a proud country that has historically maintained its neutrality as Nations around it engaged in all-out Warfare but the swedes have learned that a policy of neutrality must be maintained through strength in times of war the slightest sign of weakness or lack of resolve could result in the loss of cherished freedoms despite many challenges the swedes have worked hard to establish an aircraft industry that is second to none because of Sweden's limited resources Saab has been given a virtual monopoly on the manufacture of airplanes but rather than take their situation for granted Saab has built aircraft that are highly regarded for their quality and their ability to take on just about any opponent the unique nature of Swedish industry led to Saab making one of the best automobiles in the world but where most automobile companies Test new technologies through racing sarf also draws on its long experience with aircraft development when World War II was coming to an end Saab managers realized that orders for military aircraft would dwindle they face the prospect of laying off a skilled Workforce and losing the industrial Readiness desired by the Swedish government making high quality automobiles seemed like The Logical Next Step Saab used the same machine presses for the type 92 car that they used in making components for aircraft such as the B-17 saab's original design which took to the air in 1940 the twin engine B18 guarded Sweden's coastlines well into the 1950s the j-21's unique design led to the world's first ejection seat the jet powered j-29 called The Flying barrel for obvious reasons evolved into the Sleek draken the powerful vegan and the cutting-edge Griffin the grippin is Sweden's first multi-role fighter aircraft a plane so Advanced it could hardly have been imagined by Swedish aircraft Pioneers at the turn of the century Sweden's aircraft industry was founded in 1914. it enjoyed the interest and support of the king the first aircraft built in Sweden were foreign designs these included models by farman and Albatross soon Swedish companies were also making and exporting their own designs one problem faced by Swedish aircraft manufacturers was the need to import engines this obstacle to success grew worse with the onset of World War One another problem was the Swedish army which like other military establishments around the world felt that the aircraft was a novelty that should be relegated to reconnaissance missions but like the others the swedes saw the airplane's Mission evolved during World War One from reconnaissance to dogfighting and bombing after World War One the Swedish government short-sightedly canceled aircraft orders from Private Industry but reconnaissance aircraft trainers and Fighters were turned out by the military in numbers sufficient to keep a proud tradition alive Germany's Ernst tankel designed float planes built in Sweden by a company he earned Germany was circumventing the Versailles treaty which prohibited the manufacture of warplanes junkers also opened an aircraft plant in Sweden many of these aircraft were allegedly sent to Germany but no records exist to prove it in 1925 with great public support the Swedish Parliament voted to establish an Air Force formed out of the country's Army and Navy Aviation units the year that followed had its share of successes the first parachute jump in 1926 was taken by a pilot who was bailing out of an aircraft that had gone out of control efforts to build efficient swedish-designed aircraft were hampered by a lack of resources and competent engineers over the next few years even experienced Pilots had their hands full flying unreliable designs the Swedish Air Force did not lack for volunteers but unfortunately for these would-be Pilots there was a shortage of enthusiasm on the part of the offices who'd been transferred from the Army and Navy to head newly formed Air Force units with conflict building around the globe the Air Force continued to gain support [Music] in 1935 the defense committee recommended that the Air Force be enlarged in 1936 the Swedish Parliament voted to create an Air Force Academy For the First Time Pilots were trained based on their desire and fitness to fly rather than been taken from other services the private aircraft companies had no experience building all metal aircraft and they still had to compete with military facilities for construction orders in 1936 the Swedish Air Board secured a license to build the fuckwolf FW steal its trainer it was designated the sk12 by the Swedish Air Force foreign [Music] 1937 the arms maker bofors formed the Saab aircraft Corporation this was done that the government's request it was intended that Saab worked cooperatively with another Swedish Aircraft company asja a number of Air Force responsibilities have been taken away from the Navy such as close air support of the commercial Fleet and beating back Invasion forces heading towards Sweden across the Baltic Sea but Sweden's military had concentrated on acquiring bombers this meant there was a shortage of fighters in the Swedish Air Force as Germany began its conquest of Europe in the late 1930s Sweden turned to the American aircraft maker seversky its founder Alexander seversky had traveled to Sweden in 1939 and demonstrated his p-35 the Forerunner to the legendary P-47 the p-35 was the first single-seat all-metal Pursuit plane to go into service with the American Army Air corps it had retractable landing gear and an enclosed cockpit the Swedish Air Force ordered 120 of them but only 60 were delivered an embargo blocked export of the rest a mostly unsung hero in Sweden's effort to protect itself from the war growing around its borders was the ffvs j-22 the j-22's chief designer Beau Lundberg began work on the project in 1940 after returning from America Lundberg had been overseeing the manufacture of the vaulty p-48 Vanguard for the Swedish Air Force but because of the wartime embargo the vanguards were never delivered [Music] built outside the overburdened Saab organization by a large number of subcontractors the basic structure of the fuselage was welded stainless steel covered by load-bearing wooden panels the engine was a Swedish copy of the Pratt and Whitney double wasp radial engine generating 1100 horsepower it flew for the first time in September 1942. oops Two fighter versions were produced the j-22a had two eight millimeter and two 13 millimeter cannons the j-22b had four 13 millimeter cannons [Music] deliveries to fighter Wings began in October 1943 an aircraft in Swedish service had to be rugged because the Air Force did not rely on established airfields which they believed could be too easily bombed and put out of commission and since the swedes didn't have many aircraft it could not afford to leave them to vulnerable attack the shortage of aircraft also led the swedes to develop techniques which allowed them to make the most of their limited resources Crews were trained to repair refuel and re-arm an aircraft in as little time as possible when One Pilot returned another was ready to fly in his place his aircraft was made ready while he sat in the cockpit [Music] the j-22's retractable landing gear was unusual it was placed well forward and equipped with a mechanism that enabled the wheel doors to close when the gear was down this reduced drag on takeoff and prevented dirt from collecting in the wheel wells during taxiing takeoff and Landing it was even designed with a retractable ski undercarriage but this was never produced in quantity because of improved snow removal equipment [Music] the performance of the j22 compared favorably with fighters of other nations despite its limited power the j-22 could out climb the North American P-51 at altitudes below 5000 meters a total of 198 j-22s were manufactured all but 18 of these were completed before a metal workers strike stopped production in February 1945 the Swedish Air Force completed the rest [Music] a legacy of the Swedish government's bias towards bombers and reconnaissance aircraft is the junkers ju-86 which flew in Sweden as the B3 this twin-engine bomber was built in Sweden through a license agreement reached with junkers in 1938 but Swedish officials knew that it was slow and would be no match for the modern Fighters it was the last medium bomber in the Swedish inventory the government stopped production in 1940 but by that time Russia had invaded Finland and Germany had captured Norway Sweden saw its strategic position as critical but fortunately in 1937 asja and Saab had begun working under government contract to build their first all-swedish design the B-17 a single-engined aircraft the Prototype first flew as a reconnaissance aircraft in 1940 but following that company officials proposed that it be built as a light bomber and dive bomber as a dive bomber the b-17s required stronger wings so the landing gear was not retracted into the wing but folded back under it the struts were covered with an aerodynamic fairing which also acted as an air brake it was also designed to operate from primitive areas this continued the long-standing policy of maintaining aircraft away from population centers self-sufficient Air Force communities were established in forests and other remote areas again aircraft Readiness was only a few minutes away the B-17 was a multi-rone aircraft but reconnaissance was still one of its most important missions the reconnaissance version entered service in 1942 thank you a typical Mission started with a conference between the pilot and his Commander an objective that included Land and Sea coordinates was plotted ground Crews removed the brush that camouflaged the aircraft's position the reconnaissance version was known as the s17 its camera was placed in the fuselage accessible through the cockpit top speed on the reconnaissance mission was close to 200 kilometers an hour altitude was 10 000 meters [Music] with the mission completed no time was lost in delivering the film to the mobile lab [Music] it was located nearby Central to other camouflaged airfields [Music] specially trained technicians in the mobile Labs did not have to improvise they had all that they needed to process and develop the film intelligence information provided by the recently completed mission was transmitted to headquarters without delay [Music] although they lived much of their life Outdoors Grand Crews did not lack for many of the Comforts of Home wholesome food was plentiful the saying that an army marches on its stomach could easily have applied to the Swedish Air Force Crews at their remote airfields bad sense of sensiticus made the system work but the Simplicity of Air Force military operations in outlying areas belied the lethal nature of the work being done the dive bomber version of the v17 carried 680 kilos of bombs he was armed with two machine guns in its wings and one movable machine gun at the Weir of the cockpit oh [Music] dive bombing techniques and their effects on Pilots had been studied in Sweden since 1934. it was reported that almost every dive resulted in a blackout the pilot lost his eyesight but could hear the engine running the increase in engine noise told the pilot that it was time to pull back gently on the stick until his eyesight returned to reduce the physical strain on the pilot and make the dive bomber less vulnerable to anti-aircraft fire Saab Engineers developed a bomb site that allowed shallow dive angles and an automatic bomb of Separation during pullout the bomb site was a mechanical computer and one of the first of its kind in the world this produced a dramatic increase in Swedish bomber efficiency in late 1938 to enhance pilot efficiency the Swedish Air Force issued an order of 35 North American na-16s for an advanced training aircraft known in Sweden as the sk14 it was constructed under license first by asja and later by Saab North American constructed two aircraft as patterns for Swedish manufacture the sk14 was originally powered by a 455 horsepower right Whirlwind engine 136 sk14s were produced [Music] maximum speed was 300 kilometers an hour with a service ceiling of 7200 meters the sk14 was agile and sturdy enough to give Pilots ample opportunity to hone their dive bombing skills a domestically designed and built Swedish trainer was the Saab 91. the Prototype of 91 also called the sapphire took its first flight in 1945. the 91's power plant was a de Havilland Gypsy major engine generating 147 horsepower speed was 248 kilometers an hour the last propeller-driven airplane built by Saab was the B18 the B18 also took on reconnaissance dive bombing and Maritime missions it originally had two Pratt and Whitney twin wasp engines later versions flew with Daimler Ben's power plants development of the B18 was described as difficult and it had a poor accident rate out of 244 aircraft 44 crashed between 1944 and 1959. this led in 1949 to the installation of ejector seats which had originally been installed for the Saab j-21 fighter despite this emergency escapes were successful in only four out of the 44 crashes at the outbreak of World War II development of the ba team was delayed so that Saab could concentrate on building more b-17s Saab Engineers used the delay to give the B-17 self-sealing fuel tanks armor protection for the crew a new Bombay and bomb site configuration it was the most complex aircraft in Swedish Air Force service at the time had 15 000 components a crew of three had to contend with 160 levers controls and buttons and read 45 instruments the first version of the b80 was considered underpowered and was transferred to the Strategic reconnaissance wing it was given the designation s 18. this had a cruising speed of 390 kilometers an hour and it flew at an altitude of 8 700 meters the S18 was modified for its new row with two Hasselblad cameras in the glazed nose it was also fitted with a special night camera that produced excellent photographs in combination with the use of flares the S18 flew with three wings of the Swedish Air Force as was the case with B-17 reconnaissance missions the Air Force used mobile Laboratories to speed the processing film in 1949 the S18 was the first aircraft in the Swedish Air Force to carry radar it was fitted with an American design that had a range of 100 nautical miles the radar and a radio altimeter were installed in a part beneath the nose the b18b carried 1500 kilos of disposable Armament this included bombs rockets and Torpedoes held in the Bombay and hard points on the wings [Music] B was the version fitted with more powerful Daimler Benz engines each generating nearly 1500 horsepower top speed Rose to 540 kilometers an hour with a range of 2400 kilometers this made it one of the fastest bombers of the second World War a far cry from the junkers ju-86 that was so slow that Swedish officials knew enemy Fighters could circle around it as long as necessary to shoot it down a new version of the Saab task bomb site was developed and installed on the b18b this allowed a more shallow dive and more accurate targeting foreign [Music] the b18b was the first true attack aircraft in the Swedish Air Force in part because it was also the first Swedish aircraft to carry Rockets these were normally carried under the wing and below the nose of the fuselage the maximum load of rockets was 12. to fire the Rockets a new gun site was installed and because this version didn't carry bombs the crew was reduced to two the b18's most unusual role may have come during testing of Sweden's version of Germany's V1 rocket in November 1943 a V1 test rocket crashed in southeast Sweden two weeks later another V1 was found two more missiles were found in 1944 one of which was a V1 but the other a V2 caused a sensation the Swedish Navy saw the rocket as a new kind of torpedo the Army promoted it as an alternative to the anti-aircraft gun and the Air Force recommended its use as a pilotless aircraft [Music] the Trek was understanding how it worked and copying the technology but this was easier said than done one test with the B18 went terribly wrong the sequence was shot from several angles from the b18's fuselage the missile is seen dropping from its cradle and all appears to be going well but as the missile begins to go off course and explodes the chase plane comes into view narrowly avoiding the missile the view from the chase plane is even more dramatic the plane passes through the missile's explosion and the shrapnel fortunately no one was injured another film record shows an uneventful test the chase planes camera follows the test missile flying over the Baltic Sea in 1948 most missile development was transferred from Private Industry to government facilities Sweden went on to become a Pioneer in the development of radar homing anti-ship missiles Sweden also pioneered in the field of commercial aircraft in 1943 Saab approached Scandinavian Airlines suggesting a replacement for its Douglas dc-3s the project was approved and the proposed aircraft became known as the saab-90s Scandia the Scandia was a top quality aircraft but it became obsolete because of its unpressurized cabin and underpowered engines only 18 were built but while Sweden was not committed to competing in the transport aircraft Arena it was determined to enter the jet age Saab was hard at work on its own jet design but as an interim measure the Swedish Air Force turned to Britain's de Havilland company for the turbojet vampire the production Vampire made its first flight in 1945 and was powered by a single de Havilland Goblin engine the j-29 was designed as a jet from start to finish it was the first Western European swept Wing Jet Fighter to be put into large-scale production design started in 1945 and it first flew in 1948. a British pilot was chosen to head the test phase for Saab because Sweden had no test pilots with jet experience the fuselage was given a barrel-like shape with a central air intake and a straight air duct to the engine in the rear of the fuselage the shape led to the nickname tunnel or flying Barrel the round fuselage also housed the aircraft's Armament and fuel there was also room for fuel in the wing and provisioned for two drop tanks the j-29 was powered by De Havilland Ghost turbojet Engine it was built under license in Sweden later production versions were fitted with an afterburner it had a top speed of nearly 990 kilometers an hour the airframe was designed to withstand Maneuvers at 8gs at low altitude the j-29 caused quite a stir in eastern as well as Western Europe when the first deliveries were made in 1951 some serious safety problems arose Pilots were not familiar with the flying characteristics of a swept-wing aircraft flights in simulators and the two-seat training version made the conversion easier like its predecessors the j-29 was deployed to remote facilities in wooded areas the technology of aircraft might have changed but the philosophy on how best to use them had not in May 1954 the j-29 set a record by flying a closed course at an average speed of 910 kilometers an hour the next year a formation of two j-29s flew at the record-setting pace of just under 840 kilometers an hour improvements continue to be made over the next few years until the j-29 became the first Saab aircraft to go to war Independence came to over a dozen states peaceably but in the Belgian Congo Freedom was followed by rioting and army Mutiny A Reign of Terror and disorder United Nations troops were called in to avert total chaos for months the political pattern kept changing with kaleidoscopic speed in September 1960 a contingent of the Swedish Air Force was sent with five j-29s to the Belgian Congo the assignment lasted four years a few months earlier the Congo had been given its independence then the soviet-backed province of katanga broke away and declared its autonomy the Congo asked for United Nations intervention [Music] when 10 light aircraft and one jet-powered fuga Magista armed with guns rockets and bombs began successfully attacking the Congo the um decided that combat aircraft should be added to its Force Sweden bore the greatest burden but India and Ethiopia also contributed aircraft [Music] the j-29 was chosen because of its low fuel consumption important for the long distances to be flown in the Congo its primary missions were air defense attacks on air base installations and close support of ground forces but reconnaissance was also an important assignment in 1962 two reconnaissance j-29s were airlifted to the Congo by an American Transport the katangan Air Force was given reinforcements by the Eastern Bloc then in January 1963 four j-29bs were shipped to the Congo just in time for the final action against katanga the katangian Air Force was wiped out when the war ended the two reconnaissance j-29s were returned to Sweden the five remaining j-29 combat versions were scrapped in Africa like the j29 the j-32 lansom was a swept Wing aircraft but it was considered an entirely new class of aircraft it was the first two-seat Swedish jet with built-in search radar designers made special effort to integrate the electronic and weapon systems to provide the Swedish Air Force with a true all-weather attack aircraft the j-32 was armed with four 30 millimeter cannon and Sidewinder missiles unguided air-to-air Rockets could also be carried externally bombs or anti-ship missiles were also part of the potential armament the lansom or Lance prototype first flew in 1952 production began the following year the j-32 remained in service until June 1998. thank you not long after the go-ahead had been given for design and production of the j-32 the Swedish Air Force began drawing up specifications for a new single seat fighter that could intercept enemy aircraft the new aircraft would need supersonic speed a high rate of climb excellent range and endurance and the ability to carry a heavy load of weapons but such an aircraft would also push Pilots to the edge of their endurance the Swedish Air Force undertook a testing program to determine what Pilot's limits might be researchers then sought a balance between what a new aircraft could do and the forces a pilot could withstand Not only would air pressure be a factor but g-forces as well in addition to bomber interception dogfighting would also be required of the latest aircraft design [Music] in 1949 attacks by fast high-flying enemy bombers were considered the greatest threat to security to meet the threat Saab initiated project 1250 the result was the j-35 drucken or dragon the draken was designed with a double Delta configuration this met both high and low speed requirements and enabled the draken to perform short takeoffs and landings necessary in remote areas [Applause] the first prototype flew in October 1955. in January 1956 the draken exceeded Mark 1 in a climb without an afterburner in 1960 an updated version of the Dragon exceeded Mark II in level flight it was fitted with Rolls-Royce Avon engines that were improved with each new version of the jet the last type generated more than 17 000 pounds of thrust the main Armament was The Sidewinder missile two 30 millimeter cannons and air-to-surface missiles [Music] the dragon was designed to be economical to maintain this was especially important for countries with limited resources a team of seven could re-arm and refuel it in as little as six minutes ground Crews used hardpoints on the wing for missiles crewmen opened the Leading Edge of the wing to service the cannon the j-35 had a combination of bag and integral fuel tanks the dragon was intended primarily as an interceptor but it showed itself to be a good dog fighter as well it had Target acquisition radar and a Saab Collision Course sighting system [Music] thank you later versions of the draken were armed with the Hughes Falcon missile with the help of the draken's targeting computer and radar the Falcon was capable of acquiring a Target in all weathers it was made under license by Sav [Music] ate time the draken was the most advanced fighter in Europe it was exported to Finland Denmark and Austria similar efforts were made to export another SARP product of the time like the drucken the Saab 93 featured a unique design but the 93 stayed firmly on the ground and advertisements for it featured loads of luggage rather than loads of bombs foreign the reconnaissance version of the draken the s-35e didn't carry bombs it carried nine cameras The Limited space in the nose led to the development of a new type of camera made by the French five of the cameras were in the nose four were placed in the wings instead of the normal 30 millimeter cannon the s35e pioneered development of a new infrared reconnaissance system the equipment was carried in a special pod range was greatly increased with the introduction of drop tanks with these tanks the s35e could fly up to 3 000 kilometers at first Saab didn't think that a trainer version of the draken would be necessary because company test pilots considered it very easy to fly but most Air Force pilots did not agree but the Air Force only required new pilots to fly one year or an average of 175 hours before making the transition to the draken 25 of the original drakens were converted into two seat trainers the Air Force also acquired flight simulators fighter Wings further refined the policy of ensuring the survivability of units on the ground and below it and again the aircraft's sturdy design and simple maintenance needs enabled it to fly virtually non-stop with One Pilot completing a mission and another ready to take his place Sweden's abandoned mines were also utilized as command posts crew quarters and aircraft hangars and the drakens relatively small size allowed it to be housed in close quarters in time of emergency taking to the skies in case of attack in 1985 66 druckens were updated to the j-35j configuration the modifications were mainly done to the weapon system which allowed it to accommodate up to six air-to-air missiles in addition to a top speed of better than Mark II its rate of climb was 16 000 meters per minute [Music] the j35j could fly at supersonic speed even while carrying four drop tanks and two missiles the draken was Europe's first supersonic combat aircraft a great engineering achievement that was undertaken when very little was known about how to make an aircraft capable of flying faster than sound thank you and in the case of the draken Saab designers took a great aircraft and over the years only made it better the tensions caused by the Cold War and the Vietnam conflict served to increase concerns about the survivability of airfields this was especially true in Europe where the distances between potential targets was less [Music] the French explored ways to decrease Reliance on airfields with the dassault Mirage 3v V took its first flight in 1965. it had eight Rolls-Royce lift Jets the British had greater success with the Hawker siddly P11 27 Kestrel the Kestrel project evolved into the Harrier Saab designers were also inspired to take advantage of new technological advances their ideas ranged from jet aircraft that took off vertically and transitioned to forward flight to aircraft with a swing Wing configuration but designers settled on a four-plane fitted with flaps ahead of a main delta wing wind tunnel tests were conducted they showed that the four planes served as a lifter generator making it possible to land at very low speeds at the same time the floor plane did not prohibit supersonic speed this meant the strict requirements of the Swedish Air Force without resorting to expensive variable wings or vertical thrusters the results led to the creation of the Saab 37 vigan or Thunderbolt building the vigan was the biggest industrial project in Sweden's history the Prototype made its first flight in 1967. the first operational squadrons of Wiggins were established in 1972. the fighter version has a more powerful engine a Doppler radar and better Hydraulics which provided enhanced maneuverability [Applause] the Saab 37 has been designed for a no flare approach to Landing with a rate of sync of a little more than 5 meters per second this required the creation of a special landing gear able to absorb an enormous impact the Swedish Air Force required that the 37b Supersonic and able to operate from bases near highways its Landing distance had to be the same as the j-29 about 530 meters to meet this requirement Saab developed a titanium thrust reverser integrated into the rear fuselage the device redirects 60 of the 37's thrust and works well even on icy runways this is the only one of its kind on a single-engined aircraft [Music] pilots who fly the vigan are well accommodated the cockpit is air-conditioned heated and pressurized and it's protected by a birdproof canopy the advanced avionics package includes a head-up display for attack the display is linked by an air data computer to a digital fire control system for protection the vigan has an electronic countermeasures package and radar warning system there's Doppler radar and a radio altimeter for navigation foreign [Music] Landing system is geared towards all weather use there is also a guidance system for blind Landings Armament includes a 30 millimeter cannon there are three hardpoints under the fuselage and four under the wing for weapons such as two Sky flash missiles or four Sidewinders for ground attack it carries up to 24 135 millimeter Rockets [Applause] final versions of the vican were upgraded with terrain following radar and a Digital Data bus for True multi-row capability this effort was undertaken to allow for compatibility before the Next Generation Swedish fighter the jas-39 grippen contracts for design and manufacture was signed in 1982 [Music] the first Griffin Squadron was declared operational in the Autumn of 1997. the Griffin has the same basic floor plane and Main delta wing design as the thicken but is 40 smaller and lighter the name Jas is the Swedish acronym for Interceptor strike and reconnaissance aircraft the same pilot flies all three missions and changes from one to the other with the Press of a button the pilot gets his information through an air-to-air tactical information data link system this allows real-time exchange of mission information within tactical units the pilot has enhanced situational awareness and can make better use of his weapon systems altogether 30 computers are involved including a triple redundant fly-by-wire control system the cockpit display provides information from Doppler radar and allows look-down shootdown capability the Griffin can carry the aim-120 amram missile an advanced air-to-air missile and a 27 millimeter Mauser automatic gun the two-seat gripon has the same avionic suite and Armament as the Single Seed version with the exception of the gun performance and flight characteristics are virtually identical the control and display functions are the same in both the front and back positions foreign has a single general electric turbofan engine that generates 27 500 pounds of thrust with an afterburner it's supersonic at high and low levels [Music] [Applause] it has a retractable fueling probe which increases its range [Music] for pilot safety it has an ejection seat that is operational at zero speed and zero altitude the Griffin's Grand crew is considered part of the aircraft's weapon system the maintenance routine is technologically advanced but operationally simple five crewmen and one technician refuel and re-arm the aircraft in under 10 minutes and the appropriate equipment for the gripon's different missions can be installed at even the most primitive roadside bases foreign maintenance the Griffin lands with a characteristically steep descent using its canards as air brakes the Griffin's approach is similar to that employed in a Carrier Landing an operational Landing would typically be on an ordinary road because the Swedish Air Force still considers the national highways to be a system of air bases this enables aircraft to be stationed in many locations immune to enemy detection [Music] another option for grip and operation is called a base 90 a hardened roadway measuring 860 by 10 meters it's just another example of the Griffin's practicality and versatility it's also serve's claim to fame [Music] in 1995 Saab signed an agreement with British Aerospace to market the Griffin abroad this was a vote of confidence for saab's Hamburg and recognition of the grippen's true potential foreign but this is not surprising from its humble but optimistic Beginnings in 1914 to the present day the Swedish aircraft industry has consistently beaten the Arts by making more from less [Music] uh if you enjoyed this video please remember to like And subscribe and as always thank you for watching [Music] foreign [Music] if you enjoyed this video please remember to like And subscribe and as always thank you for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: DroneScapes
Views: 287,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saab draken documentary, swedish supersonic fighter jet, j35 draken, saab 35 draken documentary, j 35 draken, j-35 draken, saab 35 draken fighter, saab 35, saab j35 draken, draken saab, Draken j35, j 35, Saab j 35 draken, saab 35 draken, saab viggen documentary, saab j35, Saab Draken, saab 37 viggen, aviation, airplanes, aircraft, air force, history, documentary, dronescapes, aviation history, jet fighter, Swedish air force, saab gripen, saab viggen, Saab fighter jet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 4sec (5224 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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