6 Differences Between Healthy and Unhealthy Love

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[Music] hi there's like to go fans thank you for your continued support and for bringing new friends to learn more with us love it's a word that holds weight feels good love is an instinctive emotion most of us feel yet is not fully understood being a complicated emotion in spite of the ubiquity and universality of love we are rarely taught the how or what love really means we simply navigate our relationships and hope we'll figure it out along the way love may drive us wild causing dysfunctional patterns in our relationships even the truest kind of love can turn toxic if we're not careful with that in mind here are six key differences that can help us distinguish between healthy and unhealthy love 1 intensity vs. stability remember back to that new relationship feeling when everything is just incredible in the beginning you get a rush of emotions and that high intensity of affection that gives you a sort of euphoria when you're together in a healthy relationship these emotions mature and stabilize they grow into a fondness and relaxed deep affection instead of staying at a feverish unstable high contrast this with an unhealthy relationship where the deepening maturity and calmness doesn't happen the intensity persists you spend virtually all your time together constantly checking in when apart and there are upsets when the other person doesn't reciprocate the smothering attention that good intensity has now turned negative and feels uneasy instead of euphoric to isolation versus independence isn't it thoughtful and romantic when your partner asks you out and makes plans with you this depends on how often and when it happens healthy love involves a sense of Independence you stay connected to the important people in your life and continue to be able to - paid in your own pursuits unhealthy love involves a sense of isolation cutting you off from everything in your life that is not your partner they become your one and only priority thus your only source of happiness they will question or guilt you if it seems you're deriving happiness or enjoyment from anything other than them this is not love it's controlling possession 3 concern versus jealousy we may not want to admit it but jealousy is a normal part of any relationship it's okay to feel occasionally insecure and one assurance from your partner just as long as jealousy does not get out of hand healthy love is all about open communication and listening to each other it means setting mutually comfortable boundaries and having mutual trust unhealthy love is all about wild and irrational jealousy the unreasonable kind that can never be reassured your partner may become possessive of you and start invading your privacy they may read your messages and restrict who you can and can't interact with they need to know who you're with and where you are at all times there may also be frequent accusations of infidelity like cheating or flirting even when you're not for teasing versus belittling once you become more comfortable with one another you might start playfully teasing or lightly rubbing on each other even in front of others that's a sign of healthy love that you feel secure enough and know each other well enough to laugh slightly at yourselves you both know when to stop and know feelings are hurt unhealthy love on the other hand crosses over the lines and the teasing isn't light its belittling insulting and humiliating maybe your partner decides to share embarrassing knowingly private information to get laughs and adult ation from other people they may purposely make fun of you or something they know is hurtful even worse is that they likely won't even apologize for it twisting it so it seems like you're the one with a problem by being too sensitive and reacting five generosity versus manipulation healthy love does not require payback or an exchange you give freely of your time energy money and whatever else may be needed from you because you care about them and want happiness for them there is no attempt to purchase desired behavior healthy love is selfless while unhealthy love is selfish unhealthy love gives not out of generosity but with expectations of something in return it's a transaction it can look like them offering you a ride to work in the morning and in exchange you'll be expected to stop your painting hobby that makes you leave every Thursday night for classes the reasoning used to hide it because if you really love them you'd do it this is manipulation not love and six honesty versus volatility the final but highly important aspect is that healthy love is honest but not manipulative the openness about your feelings wants and thoughts are shared for the pure reason of better mutual understanding this being so you can be a stronger support to each other and grow closer there is no hidden motive just open healthy communication an unhealthy love the honesty shared is volatile it involves tearful fights screaming terrible low blow things at each other then panicky begging the other partner to come back because you can't function without them your relationship feels constantly unsafe and insecure with emotions soaring or plummeting with no consistency when you love someone it can be difficult to accept the reality surrounding them and your relationship with them once the shiny new relationships Mel wears off we all struggle at being good at times so it feels hypocritical to fault others for that same struggle we wrongly believe that if there is love imperfections are all negligible the be dismissed are ignored this is a game idea to entertain as it makes us more vulnerable to abuse and mistreatment everyone deserves to be treated with decency courtesy kindness and care knowing the difference between what's healthy and unhealthy and love can help you better understand your relationships and assess whether they're good for you healthy love is open communication mutual respect trust and compatible values if your relationship lacks all of these then it may be time to consider if it's a love that's not meant to last hey guys you guys may have seen me in our most recent video seven signs it's obsession not love I hope you guys found that video insightful and learn something new from it today's video is brought to you by better help an online platform for counseling and therapy services if you guys know anyone that can benefit from it I'm going to leave a link in the description box below because supporting them means supporting our channel too whether you are battling through anxiety or depression better help is an amazing platform to get you started in becoming a better you I want to say thank you for all of your support and until next time hi guys this video provide any insight into your life and your connections do you think someone you know may appreciate this topic please like comment share and subscribe until next time thanks for watching you
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 379,294
Rating: 4.9749622 out of 5
Keywords: healthy relationship, unhealthy relationship, relationship, love, what is love, signs of an unhealthy relationship, true love, love is, falling in love, love me, unconditional love, healthy relationships, unhealthy relationships, traits of a healthy relationship, signs of a healthy relationship, relationship tips, dating advice
Id: 4c5dFcC4LNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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