Primitive Technology: Blower and charcoal
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Primitive Technology
Views: 13,780,192
Rating: 4.8817453 out of 5
Id: JgQ-07VgJuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
If anyone is wondering why he is doing this again, he is in a new area and completely restarting.
Ah damn I was so disappointed he didn't get any visible iron. I wish he would get enough to make some kind of small iron tool.
i'm pretty sure he's just showing off the nice clay he's got at his new location :D
ELI5: Why does charcoal burn hotter that the wood it's made from?
Vitrified: To convert (something) into glass or a glasslike substance, typically by exposure to heat.
Awesome! Saturday morning here in Australia, perfect breakfast watching with the kids.
Then they'll get over enthusiastic and we'll spend the rest of the weekend negotiating about building a charcoal furnace and blower from household items before their mother steps in and says we're not allowed to burn a hole in the lawn again.
I love this guy but I can't wait until he catches up to where he was at his old site so we can see some new stuff again!
This guy needs to be on Naked and Afraid, except theyโll have to rename the show Naked and Not Even Worried About This
His Face Here - "What am I doing with my life!" haha
But man, this guy's videos are awesome!