HAMMOCKS - The three big mistakes people often make

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody this is the marine with backpacking with a hammock this video is for the people that have never used a gathered in hammock or just purchase one or for people that have one and after a while being in it laying in it they find it to be uncomfortable and never would think about spending the night in one in this video instead of talking about and showing you the basic concept of a gathered and hammock we're gonna look at it in a different angle we're gonna look at the three biggest mistake that people would make when they purchase a gathered in hammock number one is how they lay in it number two is how to set it up or to hang it and number three is the cold but syndrome so we look at these three mistakes we're going to go from the third to the second to the first which is the biggest mistake people make number three would be the frozen butt syndrome when the first things that people notice is when the temperature drops below 68 degrees their underside will start getting cold if they're laying in their back or sitting in it there but will get cold hence the frozen butt syndrome and as a temperature gets colder of course your backside gets colder because of the air circulate underneath you you have to have some sort of insulation underneath you so you can use a air mattress but it has to be insulated air mattress otherwise you could use a mat these clothes foam mats work the best and you can get these really cheap at Walmart or Target or any department store and they work very well and this would probably get you down to 40 degrees and what you do is you take it you lay this in your hammock and then you get in it and one thing about the foam mattress it shifts around and you really have to work with it to get it exactly where you want it so it isn't the best way of doing it but for cheaply it works very well and now my backside is not cold I don't feel any coldness in it with this mat underneath me one thing I recommend if you're going to buy a hammock and you plan to start off using a mat because under quilt can be very expensive so if you're starting off i really suggest getting a hammock that's a double layer so there's two layers here where the mat will slide in there and won't shift around so if you're thinking about purchasing a hammock and you're gonna start off using closed format i really suggest getting a two layer hammock otherwise the best insulation underneath you is called an under quilt this one's made out of goose down you can find them cheaper now hammock gear is making one with duck down so they're a lot cheaper right around a hundred dollars worth this is made out of goose down it's very warm and you can get different thickness loft it depends on how many Ounces the down you put in there for the temperature you want to reach this is a forty degrees I have a twenty degrees and I have one they'll go to ten below zero Thunder coil has shot cord on each end and has a hook there and a hook it to my suspension on each end and it comes underneath then you take it with the hammock inside there and when I put this under quilt underneath me I can feel the warmth already it's really starting to get warm they're very expensive but it's a good investment if you really want to get into a backpacking with a hammock or hammock camping i really suggest saving and getting a nice under quilt for you for a top quilt you can use a sleeping bag just zip it down 18 inches from the bottom and just flip it over and use it like a top coat so you don't really don't have to go out and buy an undercoat right away but i really suggest to purchase an under quilt top quilt you can wait well I can feel my butt getting warm right now now if you're in temperatures and are above 68 degrees then you don't have to worry about it under quilt and if you're just going out to lounge at a picnic area or just kicking back for the afternoon I wouldn't worry about an under quote unless it gets really cold then you want to get a matter under quote a few years ago we're up in the Boundary Waters and my nephew brought a friend that made a hammock a DIY hammock and he had no under insulation he didn't have a mat he didn't bring an under quilt and he said well I'll just put blankets underneath and or the sleeping bag would be just fine now you remember when you have a down sleeping bag it lost and that's what gives you the insulation and when you lay on it it flattens down and there's no insulation value at all so he set his hammock up by a lake and he was just freezing and I remember he woke up in the middle of the night because of the wind coming out the lake and going back in the middle of woods and hanging his hammock back there trying to get out of the wind and even without that he was just he was cold that was a big mistake so any type of insulation underneath you is a must if you're gonna be under 68 degrees especially if you're gonna sleep overnight nature very important number two the second biggest mistake is how to set up the hammock or how to hang it the proper angle for a hammock suspension either be it straps or Whoopie sling as a 30-degree angle to achieve this the fart of the tree the distance between a tree the higher the straps that attach to tree will have to go so if the tree was farther I would take the suspension and move it up higher and higher to achieve the 30 degree to figure out the 30 degree angle there's one little trick I like to show you is what you do is you take what you do is you take a finger keep it parallel to the ground and your thumb up and if it hits the suspension that there is a 30 degree angle they say that 12 to 15 feet 17 feet works best to achieve this 30 degree angle I have 11 foot hammocks and sometimes I go a little bit farther but I tried to go as high as I can another way you can tell if you have a proper hang is if you have a ridge line on there and if you take it and you pinch it if you can bend it and it's not to taunt to where you can bend it and not to loose this is a perfect hang a lot of people will take their hammock and they'll have it almost attached to the tree without any distance that thing is Seguin and it would be pretty tough to get comfortable in that now the number one biggest mistake that people make is how to lay in it gathered in hammock like the e knows the Duchess the Blackbirds wore banach are becoming very popular every day I see a lot of people hanging in their hammocks in the public parks campgrounds picnic areas and I have to say about 90% of these people are laying in their hammocks when I walk by they're laying in them wrong when people think of hammocks they think of hammocks that you purchase at a department store made of cotton twine or rope that goes through a wooden spreader bar to the end of the stand that are probably put on a patio and in which are not the most comfortable and they are very tippy let alone sleeping in them overnight the problem is their body is shaped like a Blayne in it they just lay straight in it you know our bodies are not shaped like a banana well most of us so no wonder they find it to be very uncomfortable there is a way to lay in a hammock and I'd like to show you how to properly lay in a hammock what people tend to do when they get in a hammock they lay straight in it my feet is up high my head's up high I'm shaped like a banana it isn't too bad right now but it's certainly getting uncomfortable and so what you want to do the proper way to lay in a hammock is to lay asymmetrical so what you do is you turn and twist almost like you're trying to get get in it's sideways you want to lay asymmetrical in there and you just shift their own until you find yourself flat right now I'm laying in this flat this is very comfortable and this is a proper way to lay in a hammock I could sleep in this all night this is very comfortable I can just fall asleep right now it's very comfy the other way straight up and down is very uncomfortable you want to lay in this asymmetrical and try to get as a flat lay as you can so you always adjusting twisting and turning until you get to proper most comfortable lay each person is different what I suggest if you're taller if you're looking at purchasing a hammock this is a wide hammock the wider the hammock the more comfortable it is for people that are taller one of the problems that people have with the gathered and hammock it bunches up here and it runs down into my calf here and I can feel pressure on my calf probably the first time you do it you're gonna have that problem to get rid of that is what you do is you take your foot with your heel and you push down on that fabric and as you can see it's gone and now I'm laying very flat I'm very comfortable like I said I could just I could fall asleep and when I sleep in a hammock this is the best sleep I get is in a hammock I could just sleep all night when we hike many miles I get in this hammock man I am just comfortable now this is a proper way to lay in a hammock one other thing I'd like to add about a gathered in hammock it is also not just for laying down and it's also for sitting so to properly sit in a hammock you want your feet flat so you set it so your feet is just flat on the ground so you can sit on it you can lounge back on it man this is real comfy you can sit and read a book this is really nice you can put this up put your head behind there one of the problems that people have is they may have a hammock that has thin material so it stretches a lot and the pressure it pushes down in the butt and the hammock comes up to the thighs here or if you have a white hammock that could happen to one way to alleviate that problem is you just take get off the hammock and you take this and you just fold that material over like that and you sit down and there's no pressure this is a really nice nice nice chair for doing whatever you want to do in here sit back just kicking back so that's how you alleviate that pressure on the back of your thighs because you just fold that end over I hope you found this video to be helpful this is the proper way to lay in hammock so if you're thinking about purchasing one if you have when you're having problems laying in or getting uncomfortable this is how you do it if you have any questions leave it down below in the comments otherwise what I really recommend is this book the ultimate hang by Derek Hansen this book is really an easy read as you can see a lot of illustrations in there this is a great book this book I give to my friends and family member that start hammock camping I always will purchase this book and give it to them it's very helpful wrongly recommend this well thank you for watching this is the marine with backpacking with hammock sign it up
Channel: Backpacking With a Hammock
Views: 1,576,565
Rating: 4.7916541 out of 5
Keywords: hammock, hammocks, how to set up a hammock, how to lay in a hammock, hammock supention, backpacking with a hammock, hammock camping, the marine, marine and runner
Id: 0UheGtdXE2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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