Ultimate Australian Food Tour!! 🇦🇺 TOASTY HEAVEN + Best Kebabs in Melbourne!!

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[Music] I'm in Melbourne Australia and if you love to eat this is a food Paradise hey everyone it's Mark Wiens I'm so happy to be in Australia and Melbourne has one of the most vibrant food scenes in the entire country I'm gonna take you on an ultimate Melbourne food tour we have a lot to eat so let's get started now [Music] thank you [Music] within Melbourne now there is a huge sandwich craze and I mean if you love sandwiches Melbourne is a paradise the sandwiches that are coming out of Melbourne are like they just look absolutely incredible and we're going to a place that kind of started it all they are legendary for their sandwiches Hector's Deli hectic and cheese maybe a Mushroom Melt because underrated tuna melt fried chicken I said sorry fried mushroom as well so um start there and then you can just tell me what you like get how many sandwiches are being made here at a time that must be like 50 sandwiches [Music] this is Mark if everyone wants to say what up hello hello hello good um so come on come on through most hectic classic kitchen Toasties we sell anywhere of like maybe you know 700 a day per location kind of being amazing so we've got our best chefs always working on the toasty section how long have you you has Hector's Deli been open we opened in 2017. yeah it was a total accident um we were opening a fine dining French restaurant and permits didn't come through so we opened our little 32 square meters in Richmond and uh it's been nuts every day since so yeah but you know like we're Australians and we grew up eating sandwiches it's Linda if you're Australian you've eaten sandwiches as a child so this is probably the best representational Classics nothing's really over the top or overly um uh Workshop it's just Classic's done really well yeah so it's it's chef chef detail to make the best sandwiches possible you can see Mick Karen who's the absolute on the prior working away quickly but um chicken thigh which is again something that we push through people want breasts because they're funny about chicken oh if you're marked wines you know that chicken thighs yeah even though every now we get about three or four Cent back every day because the color is different but we persist with it so it's Psy that's basically um buttermilk for 48 hours it's put in a secret marinade that I'm not going to mention oh yeah Panko crumbed and then fried in the fryer to order every single order is fried to order um yeah and it's a it's a beautiful thing it's massive it's put on a potato bun that we developed in-house so that gets steamed to order every time then simply with some crunchy lettuce and pickle mayo and done oh it's huge fresh batch in okay [Music] foreign generous thank you beautiful beautiful yes [Music] steam potato bun here we've got the buttermilk brine chicken tag and butter pickle crumb chicken crunchy lettuce pickle mayo and then we've got a whole filled mushroom which has been crumbed with some hectic sauce again steamed potato bun and lettuce this this is like the most Australian thing you can eat chicken chicken salad chicken salt on cheese oh chicken Salt okay so it's like an essence of chicken powder it's like the most fake tasting stuff ever it's incredibly Umami and it's so good um yeah it's so good but you know you find it in like really classic like chicken shops rotisserie chickens okay okay let's try the signature first okay this one he said is the highest seller this is the beef and pickles like a pastrami oh oh it's so crispy the amount of butter maybe I'll just break this here we go okay here we go here we go first bite here we go [Music] oh wow [Music] oh that's insane oh wow all the meat the pastrami the beef just melts in your mouth the sauce your cheese is so Oozy the tartness of the sauce and then the crispiness of the bread oh that's like Perfection okay next up one of their signatures the the chicken schnitzel fried buttermilk chicken that's like an engineering feat right there it actually picks up you think it's just gonna collapse but it actually holds up it's a potato bun that's steamed so it's really bouncy and spongy and then just a massive schnitzel in this in the in the center with lettuce uh with tarragon butter like thank you oh wow crispy and juicy and Jeff Dom was mentioning that he only uses chicken thighs because he he knows there's so much juicier than chicken breast and I fully agree with him incredible satisfying the bun is so fluffy and spongy oh that's awesome the fries with the chicken Salt Australian chicken Salt my first time oh yeah it even has a little bit of a sweetness to it a little bit of a sweetness a little bit of I mean a saltiness definitely and then that kind of like chicken stock flavor to it okay next up I've got to try the Mushroom Melt which chef Dom said is underrated uh one of his favorites oh I immediately love the mustard in there oh wow mm-hmm so much flavor coming from those mushrooms they're so juicy the bread is just phenomenal crispy oh Airy crunchy that is so good and the flavor of that sour like mustardy herbal hectic sauce oh yeah that's unbelievably tasty okay next I've got to try the the tuna the tuna toasty one of the greatest tuna sandwiches you'll ever have it's just so melted together and so oozy oh man the cheese the mayonnaise it's flowing it is so good I have to have another piece of the beef and pickles it is just this is the winner which one is the best the best yeah yeah this one the best yeah the best oh um it all comes together in a perfect harmony that's crispy and buttery and Oozy and mayonnaise cheesy everything melts in your mouth and then the crispy bread with the butter that is a masterpiece of a sandwich thank you very much that was incredible thank you so much thank you absolutely amazing I appreciate it and Chef Dom he's such a nice guy such a friendly guy so much passion and he's you could really tell that he's doing what he loves to do so much effort so much passion the quality of ingredients and he brings that amazing Chef's style and touch to the sandwich which makes it even more impressive really highly recommended Hector's Deli outstanding in Melbourne [Music] [Music] so next up on this ultimate food tour we have come to a place called pp's kiosk it's right on the side of the ocean ocean front ocean side it's a beautiful location tree-lined fresh air coming off of the sea and we're gonna stop into a place the restaurant is called pipi's kiosk and so when you say kiosk in Australia is it does it sometimes mean a restaurant casual a casual joint where you could get some fish and chips you could get some ice creams oh it's okay it's sort of like a little beach so it's not not just like a little convenience store it's well at the front they have one oh okay so it's starting to have a little window maybe it started out as a as a little convenience store and then has grown into a restaurant that it is today chaos time for fish and chips nice to meet you Tom it's a pleasure nice to come thanks thank you for having us yes thank you for having us a little bit about yeah sure we opened up the kiosk in the middle of coven okay walk down mine on lockdown two we started doing this little takeaway window um just serving fish and chips lots of coffees fresh juice things like that and we opened up the dining room in April two years ago um just doing a contemporary Seafood Bistro on the beach lots of Australian wine fresh seafood um heaps of oysters just celebrating Logan products and you must be serve seasonal seasonal Seafood change the menu once a week sometimes every day um yeah lots of fresh produce and small organic producers that's who we like to support around the corner okay all right oh nice is that kind of a seasoned seasoned salt Yeah so basically it's um kind of like a secret little half bun but basically it's like a seaweed seasoning we'll pull it okay really Savory super Umami um so a nice way of like elevating the fish but cool cool um [Music] comes with just broccoli okay every day um here in-house make sure we save them both sides because like it gets the seasoning and stuff afterwards as well but it's to kind of maximize it's in the flour some excess you're better yeah and again there's two sides to the the kiosk one is more of the kiosk which is the takeaway food where there's fish and chips there's sandwiches available and the other side is more of a gourmet seafood restaurant serving the seasonal uh seafood and produce what we're gonna do is that we're gonna be able to taste a few dishes from both sides including the fish and chips over from the kiosk side as well as some grilled Dory fish some other Seafood Specialties from the other side so we're getting the best of everything it's going to be an incredible meal already I mean they're frying the fish they're grilling the fish you could see the Vibrance of the produce just ah focusing on freshness and just I mean straight up farm and boat to table yeah okay so Kobe is black king fish essentially you start with avocado oil yeah some chives on top and these are half my potato crisps with Norris so I'm going to start here with the kobia tater um oh wow yes oh it's so fresh and refresh the quality the finely shaved chives on top oh delicious and then you can eat it with these oh with these these crisps so thank you scroll down oh thank you chef slow down thank you Chef gig oh yeah oh yeah oh there's even shots on the bottom so refreshing so fresh yeah okay next up for their salt Cod croquettes oh the potato in there the shellfish almost tastes like there's a little bit of a I mean herb herbal balance to it Dill mustard seed really good really good really smooth [Music] Place eggplant with a little onion white sauce just to balance the acidity so you've got a nice really rich flavored glazed eggplant foreign [Music] on the beach you just got to be careful of the seagulls buzzing overhead who also want to eat fish and chips but this is their signature fish and chips legendary fish and chips again it's available at the kiosk so a lot of people get this takeaway maybe sit on the beach have a picnic fish and chips that's just a gorgeous it's like a boat a fish boat oh all the crispiness [Laughter] um oh wow all that fish that batter is incredibly fluffy and Airy and Light and not like an oil sponge well you got to see those seagulls around here oh they're hovering oh no I'm gonna I'm protecting I'm gonna protect this fish and chips with my life but that's unbelievably light and fluffy and juicy and so fresh I'm gonna do one dip into the the tartar sauce wow oh wow that was unbelievable the quality it's outstanding okay let's try some of the chips I also really love how the the fish it you can pick it up with your hands and eat it you know it's like it's stable as well and sturdy oh chips are excellent thick cut quality great texture this is a stunning but efficient Egypt no wonder so many people have said good things about this plate of fish are in Japan they're wow highly recommended just had to eat the fish and chips with the seafood but let's go back to the table for the other dishes okay and we have the octopus there's some chickpeas in here the tenderness of the octopus oh there's smokiness watch they're so fresh oh really good how is the eggplant yeah eggplant let me try that moving over to that eggplant yes oh that's salty that's sweet that's Smoky you taste the caramelized sugar on top of that eggplant and then the milk butter just kind of melts in your mouth wow excellent again okay let's try the next um I think tarragon is there tarragon in there plus it kind of has like a tartar sauce kind of like sweet and sourness to it oh man really creamy really good and Rich and just like they were mentioning to me in the kitchen driven by fresh produce by fruits and vegetables by the seafood directly from the sea and I mean with every bite with every dish that they serve you you really can tell that great place fantastic location fresh food highly recommend it again pp's kiosk [Music] so the next place we're at this place is called kumka it's a bun me bar but they've taken the bun me to a really Gourmet level where they everything is fresh they have a fire going they baked the bread and they have some really unique bun me options so we're gonna talk to the owner we're gonna learn a little bit about this place and definitely sample their famous bunnies is this the turmeric chicken yeah yeah the turmeric chicken nice okay here's the Lao sausage on the grill smoking oh you could smell the herbs that smells so good it's such a cool setup you have here yes fire different levels um and it's all adjustable like all these can bring down and then All These Bricks you can move out so you can make your fire as wide or as small as you want like a lot of freedom very cool so do you do a lot of things on the fire a lot of the everything's done on the file we warm up the bread on the fire all the proteins are cooked in the fire it was and the different stews students like The that are cooked in clay pots and the fire is off fire as well um we used to take away ducks like whole takeaway Ducks hang them wow they're the coolest thing ever oh and toast the bread have so it's galango lemongrass chili and garlic and like pork skin as well as pork fat so that pork fat red is down like heat the sausage roll as well as like make sure it's just juicy when you eat it you're making my mouth water that's the point um this is the sun eats okay yeah and I just love how everything is so fresh and vibrant and the toast the bread everything is made over the fire from the grilled Meats to the stews to the sausage and just load it up with pickled carrots with herbs the dill the coriander the pickles oh it smells so good and then the meats and the stews go into the the bread thank you so much this is beautiful and one of the well Sophia said we have to try the Lao sausage and so what goes into the the sausage making um so we get the whole pigs and we break it down and um totally sorry and we break it down and then we we grind the meat with extra pork skin and we mix through like there's a ton of lots of lemongrass garlic Lime Leaf sticky rice wow sugar fish sauce yeah lots of pepper yeah coriander root amazing oh I can't wait to try the the Lao sausage first foreign immediately taste the lemongrass mmm the pickle and carrots all the chili oil drizzled on there gives it a nice little burst of flavor as well the herbaceousness oh that's incredible with the Smoky toasted bread the coriander and the herbs all that sausage is incredible [Music] um okay you have a couple more to try okay I'm gonna try the Sardine next oh the chili oil [Music] the dill the sardines the the chili and then that balance of the The Pickled yeah the dill that contrast oh it's so refreshing I love the crustiness of the bread as well oh show them and then the final one we're trying is the turmeric chicken again really Saucy like a grilled chicken but then almost stewed down with a turmeric sauce onions and coriander and the pickles and that bread oh wow the smokiness of the chicken the turmeric definitely some lemongrass Maybe the onions that bread is incredible so Krusty and crispy and Smoky and toasty wow all three of them are fantastic but definitely that that allows sausage there's one of the highlights something that you cannot miss we've already eaten some incredible food on this Melbourne food tour now we are pretty much in downtown Riverfront and we're going to another extremely iconic bar restaurant but there's something really unique about it I'll show you as soon as we get there beautiful so many people out today enjoying the sunny weather here in Melbourne to where we're going right there [Music] yes [Laughter] Aubry flies arboria float in Spanish the biggest the First floating bar and restaurant yeah so cool to be here again it's called Arbury afloat and it is a floating raft a massive floating raft in the river within downtown Melbourne known for their food known for their drinks there's a swimming pool on them there's palm trees extremely popular and it's such a cool environment night and day this year's theme is Spanish balaric Islands so the food the cocktails everything has a hint of espanol we've had the pleasure to be hanging out with Nick with Tess with Richard from this restaurant group two days uh and from our Brewery afloat from her from BKK Melbourne so it's an honor to be here to get a first-hand glimpse at the kitchen and how they produce and I mean how the the production happens the behind the scenes of arboria float and we're gonna head back to the kitchen see some of the cooking first probably go to Varsity some of the cocktails that they make here before we eat bonivisciano oven from Italy uh Crane or not crane but forklift into a container and built the whole shipping container around it uh and does up to 800 pieces a day so pizzas are very very popular wow dude it's like three seconds what a Pizza Kitchen chefs are just flying on the pizzas non-stop ordering to meet the demand and man they're just maintaining the quality while just bumping out the pizzas uh flipping out that dough tomato sauce goes on their number one seller is the margarita chorizo so the tomato sauce goes on cheese goes on basil goes on and then the slices of chorizo go on that goes into the oven wood burning oven that bakes until bubbly crispy until that cheese is melted and the chorizo is sizzling and that goes straight to your table oh that smells incredible that's something we have to taste [Music] all right wow oh yeah right out the oven whatever I'm I'm pretty happy with the action already what a what a place I just love the energy the buzz the action the people oh yes good to see you guys good to see you guys but so many friendly people great atmosphere the pizza oh is out of control and the different cocktails the beers the beverages available uh the world's best bartender yes [Applause] oh that's Crisp that's refreshing okay Pizza oh I gotta get that chili can't wait to try the pizza flaming out of the oven just seconds ago the chorizo on top oh man [Music] um oh and that pizza is so good um the the dough chewy bubbly not too thick Airy fluffy and you've got that tart tomato sauce you've got the chorizo which is nice and salty um and then you've got that I love that green chili on top which gives it a little bit of acidity and that brininess oh man what a location what an atmosphere just people just hanging out just just positivity good times good food great drinks okay I'll go for a margarita slice with fresh buffalo mozzarella on top thank you that is excellent as well really brings out the the partners for their tomato sauce the freshness of the mozzarella that Buffalo mozzarella but yeah I definitely like that spicy chorizo the best man that makes it really good pizza wow [Music] okay southern rock lobster hey yeah yeah so really thinly cooked nice and crispy on the edges and and beautiful Lobster from Victoria I was from from Southern Australia so awesome delicious and great presentation as well okay God [Applause] oh no Chef the perfect serving oh oh wow the lobster it's so sweet so juicy then you've got the rice Al Dente the flavor the squeeze the freshness of the lemon juice oh wow man the lobster is impressive oh that's so good massive floating raft a swimming pool within the river in the heart of Melbourne arboria float what a place what a concept the entire team from the HQ group uh Richard and Nick and Tess uh an outstanding job and people I mean just thoroughly enjoy it love it I mean how could you not love a location like this an atmosphere like this just good positive great food to pizzas all that Lobster an amazing place I mean this is an iconic uh one of the must visit dining restaurants bars when you're in Melbourne without a doubt [Music] so it's a beautiful evening in Melbourne and we're gonna stop at King and Godfrey one of the most iconic I mean the original supermarket in Melbourne and now they have many different entities but one of the most famous is their gelato which is I mean Nick was saying that it's the best in Melbourne possibly the best gelato in all of Australia Nutella right salted caramel yes for a chef gig yes sweet tooth wow continuously flowing Nutella out of a spigot on tap wow oh oh you make a crater a Nutella crater wow okay here we go so I got the pistachio that is just an amazing giant ball of pistachio oh yeah all this thing it's so creamy so rich buttery Micah can I try your strawberry can we do a switch thank you oh nice you have a spoon stuck into it oh that's a it's a spork oh nice mm-hmm oh strawberry really good too really refreshing and sour thank you Chef gig oh Chef gig with the the Nutella salted caramel with a puddle a puddle of Nutella in the center wow look at that so good oh wow all that Nutella Chef gig oh thank you dip this is the next up passing them around yes well that's good yeah how about you okay chocolate um all the flavors are fantastic everything I mean top quality so creamy that you could taste the quality of the cream in there [Music] okay right super normal one of Andrew McConnell's restaurants Andrew McConnell is sort of like the poster boy of Melbourne Hospitality so all of his restaurants in Melbourne are great and they're all really really different so we're at supernormal which is sort of mostly Japanese um generally Asian modern Australian influence Chinese influence I'd say yeah Japanese yeah yeah a mixture of Asian sort of influences here so yeah yeah the first first bite of the meal crispy Nori seaweed with tuna on top excellent a little bit of Ginger maybe on top oh the flavor just keeps on coming so next up for the lobster roll one of the iconic Foods dishes here New England style lobster roll oh it's so the bread is so fluffy so light oh wow the bread is so soft oh you're just like crispy edge of butter the lobster is so cool and refreshing Tosh with mayonnaise destroy the duck leg oh battered and fried oh just comes off the bone so easily oh smells really good so you add the duck so that duck like a light batter it's so crispy and then you just tear It Off the Bone and then that bread that's steamed Chinese style bouncer bread is just incredibly pillowy and soft why phenomenal um wow yeah so pillowy with a crispy salty duck the fruity sauce yeah so good here we go the next main course we're having is flounder steamed in a Dashi stock giant pile of hairy looking thing on the top is shredded uh humble thank you oh oh wow yeah okay as soon as it starts getting hydrated it kind of has a like a slimier kind of texture to it then you've got a little bit of acidity in there you've got that Umami of the the Dashi stock on this beautiful beautiful salad leaves hmm still yeah it's got a little bit of a dressing on it Dylan a little citrusy yeah oh the lettuce is incredible a little bit more of that fish with some of the sauce and rice really incredibly tasty and there's some kind of an oil or maybe just the oil the protein from The Flounder that's been released into the sauce that's giving making it so rich and thick I love the citrusy taste of that sauce the Dashi stock I know the freshness of that fish next up on this ultimate Melbourne food tour and what a day incredible food it's been we're at a restaurant which is called komur and we're gonna hear about it we're gonna meet the chef and see what he's cooking you've come to the best Turkish food in Melbourne absolutely guaranteed I do I did a girl with my father's commercial for on and off I mean I started when I was very young and then on and off since I was 19 till about 31. and yeah eventually we decided to open this you know it was a goal of one for a really long time since I was about 19. I wanted to do something like this and I'm very fortunate that the boss over there pushed me to typing something like this and you know it's originally yeah you know back here at the grill man that's some insane amounts of heat coming off of that fire wow yeah you can feel that in your face yeah oh that's radiating those are Magma Hot calls what I just I was almost full but step in here I've never been so excited to eat and Chef and mirror he's such a cool guy you can tell he's just so passionate he's in the zone he loves what he's doing and literally everyone that we've spoken with the environment here people are so friendly and everyone says this is the best Turkish food the best kebabs in Melbourne and you would not doubt them whatsoever Emir is the man that we got we're starting off with some of the Adana kebabs some of the chicken some of the chicken wings some of the side dishes it's mouth-watering I'm just going in for that Adana Kebab first adonic above one of the world's greatest Meats oh it's butter it's perfect it's so good yeah I love the the texture of the Lamb it squeezes with lamb fat as you bite down the peppers in there the seasoning that's spices oh that's stunning of course you can take bread can go in oh the juice all the fatty juices if you squeeze this the fatty juices just come out and then add in some of the sumac with onions parsley oh yeah oh wow that is happiness this is pure joy I love it the contrast of the fatty meat with those refreshing really fresh onions the sourness of the sumac The Parsley wow okay let's try the chicken wings chicken shish chicken wing I'm gonna try a chicken wing smell the chocolate so juicy a bit of lemon [Music] so juicy and Smoky yeah lemon making a little bit sour skin I'm hungry again I'm hungry again the garlic it's like the fat the skin has just kind of melted into the chicken to make it even more juicy this is the lamb lamb cheese oh oh look out tender that I you can see the marinade on it too a red marinade oh that's so tender I mean just bursting with flavor and that marinade like a dry chili kind of the smoke wow okay last one on the platter is the chicken sheesh oh again you can feel how juicy that is overflowing let's do it and then always change that with some of the onions wow truly outstanding okay we have some of the eggplant I think smoked chard eggplant garlic it's so creamy again just melt in your mouth eggplant and so Smoky as well the combination is almost unbeatable with the onions and sumac wow crispy bits of lamb fat then lamb fat tail fat from the tail of a lamb okay and liver okay next up and Chef Amir recommended squeeze lemon on it I'm gonna sprinkle on some of this spice seasoning probably some cumin cumin in here grab a piece of liver plus tail fat onions on the bottom there too so aromatic um oh yeah like sweet when you taste your liver that's the purest Taste of the Lamb oh man the sweetness the lemon juice the cumin the fat melts in your mouth okay green chili done it depends just on the chili I'll go all in oh it's a lot of chili in your mouth at once um [Laughter] oh it's so soft all loaded with cheese sauce onions sumac is it a double Patty a double hamburger patty oh it's so oily and juicy yeah Donna Burger [Music] kebabs in Burger formation Smash Burger oh man oh that's unbelievable the lamberger cheers like that happiness homemade baklava an outstanding Kebab lamb Turkish food meal combustion Melbourne oh yeah nutty sweet juicy yeah it's so good what a outstanding meal thank you again thank you again thank you again thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much that was incredible Melbourne is really an incredible City with such a diversity of people which translates directly to the food and I will have all of the information of the restaurants that we went to in the description box below that you can check out when you're in Melbourne and I want to say a huge thank you to all of my friends here in Melbourne for taking me around for showing me these amazing restaurants and I'll have their information in the description box below as well big thank you also to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos good night from Melbourne and I will see you on the next video [Music] foreign
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,056,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Melbourne, Australia, Australian food, Australian food tour, Mark Wiens, Mark Wiens Australia, things to do in Australia, best food Melbourne, best restaurants in Melbourne, best restaurants in Australia, Aussie food, Aussie best food, food vlog, food videos, street food, Hector's Deli, Arbory Afloat, Turkish food, kebabs
Id: 3xAG5f5waDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 39sec (2919 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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