5.7x28mm Showdown! PS90 VS CMMG BANSHEE

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awesome alright guys Dustin here and I don't know maybe we could title this when Dustin finally likes the five-seven because I have two five seven by 28 caliber rifle,er, well one's a rifle and once a pistol and we're gonna kind of compare them to because everybody knows this one this is the fn ps90 s meaning stupid I mean semi because infringement so we can't have the fun real thing and it's got a longer barrel but then we have the CMMG Banshee and 5.7 here cool thing about this is you can just buy the upper and put it on any lower and it uses the radial delay blowback system that I've talked about a lot in the past so you don't have any gas tube and it's got a really neat just radio delayed blowback bolt with those cuts that it kind of slows down the recoil impulse it makes it really fun gun and so they both have their pros and cons well there's not much guts to God the Banshee really because I was like well the obvious pro of the the p90 is that it's more compact right oh my goodness when I put these right side by side it's not that much shorter and so anyway it's a fun one they're both fun and the five-seven ammo will you know I guess I didn't like it a years ago when it came out because it's like $1.00 around I was like I like to shoot too much so I would go broke if I shot that but now okay right now is a bad time because ammos out of stock everywhere but right before the whole virus trash hit you could find it for less than 40 cents around and so that's putting it right up there with two to three now it's an interesting round to say the least and if you've never messed with it the craziest thing is cuz at first I'm like ah I can just reload these and then I found out well there's really a lot more to it and one thing is the coating that's on it now the guys over at Detroit ammo told me the reason for the coating the big reason is for full auto fire but of course that slick coating that's on it will allow it to function better no matter what but it also makes it a pain to reload I also heard that the bullets are actually glued into the mouse the case and so it's it's a little bit cumbersome to reload while it is possible it just may not be one of the things a beginner wants to do but it's still kind of a cool round we're gonna put it to the chronograph to throw some SPR two-to-three stuff see how that works and of course let's just shoot alright so ma'am some of my kids play Call of Duty sometimes and so what we did is built the rcxd and so it is ready for deployment here but instead of shooting the car and only using it once I got the target up here and so it's a small target it okay I'm pretty sure I could disable this thing a little easier I don't know your inch it's kind of small your your your receipt so I guess that's kind of accurate to shut this thing down we're gonna have to shoot that little thing Hebrew system it remain anonymous but you're ready right here alright so I guess that's all there's to it we're gonna put it out there and then it's gonna charge at me and I'm gonna try to stop it so the rcxd is set up right out there little man has instructions to go full speed towards me I'm gonna try to shoot it after it hits the shadow area there's that's where the high-speed cameras set up let's see we got hostile rcxd spotted we have my CMMG banshee this is the 200 series because I wanted the longer I believe it's a 8 inch barrel get a little more velocity not much but a little bit because it seems that the five-seven is made for you know shorter barrels kinda like your 300 blackout you know kind of market it well just designed for the shorter barrels we have the American Engel 5.7 x 28 40 grain this is gonna be your blinkin load this is the go to plinking load for the 5-7 what cracks me up though if you ever seen the inside of this box it's got a little add for for you to go buy some apparel FNH USA store i don't care about a shirt when I'm shooting ammo but anyway that's about all there is to we got the Bowers USS suppressor on it hardcore 22 and whatnot but also 5 7 rated and a bunch of doctor thunder diet doctor thunder cans because we buy that for the marksmen camp hand cannon because then the kids don't want to just drink it all the time it actually works nicely how many of you think it'll go through so I expected to take out at least half this is the full metal jackets but we've numbered them on top just to know so we went through seven cans because we have eight and Beyond left and it did its thing I wonder if we can find the bullet most likely it deviated off-course because I can see some stuff on the lower part there which is this this is 7 yeah so it was starting to go low didn't get in in the wood though and we have cams all the way out there that's pretty cool so yeah we have plenty left let's do it again now we have the 16 HP s90 16 well it's actually not 16-inch because it has this pinned and welded shroud on it you're really only getting this like fourteen point two inches but that's still almost twice as much barrel length as the other this is our redneck chronograph we're gonna pull the real chronograph out later but this is more fun now the deal with the the p90 is I guess well first I can't put a suppressor on it that's right if you take the shroud off which takes some doing because it's like pin and welded on there I think there's threads on there but then you have SBR so most folks cut and chop it put it could you forget it custom threaded or CMMG actually offers a shorter ps90 barrel and that's what so the customers going to put in this one says tax stamp clears and so you can uh you got a little nub there then you're gonna put a suppressor on it the same way they'll just be quieter so we'll see what that 16 inch if it goes through more than seven leave a guess what do you think I think so moment of truth oh we did go through one more okay uh number nine let's find eight this is one yeah okay that hole is dead center so we did well on our offset and if you don't know mechanical offset we'll do a video sometime all right changing it up since we have so many extra cokes left over we have the Detroit ammos 40-grain v-max now I can testify that this does a pretty good number on a squirrel that v-max bullet even a close range just stay tuned but we've got that in the CMMG now I think it'll go through half what it went through earlier your turn to guess oh I think I was right oh snap number five four three two one okay that's awesome there that's a great split so that was canned number four so I seriously doubt they're still boy oh I have jacket though oh no that's not just jacket that is the bullet that's amazing that's really cool so that also proves well at least with the hydrostatic shock of some coke cans you know you're only going through four so think of that width and think of a self-defense situation that's just about nailed it and oh that is the entry so that's the industry right there because it didn't exit I saw such a big gap I was like that's cool so these blue to smithereens where's number one yeah I bet that's number one top completely off all right last coke test and federal sent me over some of these five seven this is their sporting cartridge sporting hunting and it's their version of the 40 grain they're real pretty though they got a v-max as it's just blue it's just blue I I'm like a hundred percent sure that's the exact same bullet as that that the the Detroit ammo is going it's just blue and pretty so let's do it with the sixteen inch I'm gonna guess five what's your guess put it out there I think I was right as I see for shrapnel and that was the fifth and this is number six we mailed know that so all but we just barely it's a we deviated just a little so again for self defense that thickness is pretty good too bad we didn't catch that bullet alright so for a quick can more accurate and less visually appeasing a chronograph test we're gonna check the ban sheet then we can check five seven then we're gonna check some fifty five grand in two two two three the best VR alright let's go with it alright it's showing right around nineteen thousand it's this will fast nineteen hundred feet per second with this eight-inch now the five seven same ammo let's see let's see how much quicker we get that's not much at all we are showing an average in of 1993 feet per second so if we're double the barrel you get a hundred feet per second that's actually pretty pathetic it is not worth it is not worth that extra barrel link so now this is my SBR 12-inch LaRue upper yes we do have a suppressor that okay a bit more but come on who's not gonna suppress let's see what 55 grain does out of this so this is your full power mess alright now that was worth a cartridge jump two thousand four hundred and seventy feet per second on the average that's that's pretty good but you know you have such a heavier rifle when you move to this so why I'm liking the five-seven lately is just the package can be so small and effective now we saw that this 16 inch barrel are almost 15 inch barrel doesn't matter over 8 inch hardly at all 100 feet per second is not worth it when you step up to 2 to 3 it's a whole different realm of cartridges okay we better get some better velocity now we do have a longer barrel good bit longer you know overall package because we did have a larger gun for what the cartridge was designed for remember it was designed for non-combatants to just be able to pick up a rifle and go see that's what this p90 is all about you've got these really cool magazines that load and stack sideways you can put 50 rounds in the top of that why doesn't FN send a 50 round mag I don't know they all come 30s and you got to modify and we're get a 50 round what's wrong with you FN you're not gonna really have to reload because kind of good it's because it would be a little bit cumbersome on this p90 nice not terrible though I mean you just rip this off throw it away I don't know how you're carrying these long bad boys on the next one really this is a cool car gun though if it's SP yard because it's such a small package and tucked away you don't have a magazine sticking out the bottom like you would on these so it's got that going for it but if you want to just get your wife and up or something because you can put just a 22 caliber suppressor on the front most you know check your check your suppressors not all of them are as robust as this USS but it comes in a really short package you keep it pretty short and very lightweight by only adding you know four to eight ounces on the on the muzzle compare that to a two to three suppressor it's a lot you know a lot more and the recoil so unintimidating so you can pretty much have someone trained on a 22 give them this and then they have a pretty good defense mechanism in a nice lighter weight more compact package that's why I like it now with the Banshee you're gonna have a better trigger choice because you can throw any trigger you want in it this trigger itself almost 6 pounds it was like 5 pounds 15 ounces the p90 trigger was surprisingly Pleasant for what it is because the p90 it's a bullpup and so I thought it's gonna have a crummy trigger and it's not wonderful but it was almost seven pounds there's like 6 pounds 15 ounces every break and it's not horrible travel you got a good bit of a kind of a first stage creep going on there and then there's more creep and then you've got a nice clean break so it's not bad here's one thing I didn't like about the p90 just messing with it this barrel is floated and so you see that all that movement is just my me holding the barrel steady and and just twisting it you have that many degrees of move so the safeties it's almost like a frigate safety right there because you can just keep clicking it around I found myself doing that now this is an add-on this this little charging handle here because this nub is all that you normally get and I thought it was fine is like oh you don't need that head on until you put a magazine in it once you put a magazine in it you can't reach that little nub at all I'm like what how in the world where they planted ish to charge at so this aftermarket one works well with that the ejection port kind of cool goes at the bottom and you can close it but I tell you it's downright annoying you're shooting it and those rounds are flying down at your feet with force and it shakes it literally shakes the ground a little and so the first thing what's going on and you got a pile of brass almost hitting your feet that if you're shooting from a sitting position guess where the brass gonna go too so watch out for that you can do the whole ambidextrous thing we put a lower rail on this one because because optic on the high rail is pretty high and the cheek welds all off but so the cool thing about this you've got backup iron sights on each side for lefty and righty it's just a little notch they're kind of cool though it's all blowback though the Banshee is not it's got the radial delay blowback you know we've talked about it before with a 9 millimeter of the 40 the 10 millimeter of the 45 they're all really cool and it really does lower your felt recoil we've put it side-by-side a nine-millimeter blowback and you could definitely see regular blowback you have this all action and when it hits the buffer tube you hit you have another raise and the recoil impulse and then when it hits the front you get the lower with the radial delay blowback you see the initial bullet pushing the bolt back you see a little rise you never see it bounce when it hits the rear and then once that bolt hits down it is lowers you're back on target and so you can just see the evidence right there on how it doesn't buck and so do like the Banshee and it's stupid accurate I was shooting golf balls at a hundred yards with it the first day just right out of the box with the with a bulk ammo I'm like well that's pretty cool I have not tried the p90 back that far yet we will in a second but I'm bored let's shoot something fun so I'm curious can I shoot through this tell a tree that the Desert Eagle couldn't go through and you know it still hit that target I sounds cool to me because I am now hidden behind the tree so nothing can happen oh I got it in the head Oh shooting down. Hot Brass! it's going through it it's not hitting and it's right stinking there let's get it closer I think I got it I heard of that that's cool before we move on did you know that our sponsor Sonoran Desert Institute gives you the firearms education that you want from the comfort of your own home that's right you're gonna be able to cover gunsmithing and woodworking and armor topics and more online and the tools and materials are shipped right to your door pretty cool so give them a call eight hundred three three six eight nine three nine or visit SDI.edu alright so while I'm loading up the next one these CMMG mags of course so it's a conversion kit if I didn't say it earlier you can just buy this upper and throw it on your SBR or another pistol lower or you can buy the 16 inch long rifle upper butt and then just stick these in any mil spec lower they hold 40 rounds so that's pretty cool but here's something I I do realize that when I'm loading them if I kind of push with my finger and push those rounds down it wants to kind of jump back past the lip so sometimes when I run the fully loaded magazine in fast enough it kind of loses one we're gonna see if that's the case today yep so those lips are just a little loose but I'll see you know hit it hard there it goes again so do have to watch out for that this mag wells a little snug but yeah what if I don't Ram it home it's okay okay I just don't fine now alright let's see how this radial delayed blowback works that's awesome all I saw was the little bitty bumpy's like this but I wasn't even leaning in that far towards it oh gosh on target yes you do have a bolt hold-open not sure if I'm supposed to put 40 rounds of 5:7 through the suppressor because it's so loading the p90 mags really aren't bad you just kind of shove them in and they automatically rotate in there and you have two little rollers so it pushes the last two rounds out so it allows it to keep pushing all the way to your 50th round and like I said earlier this is the 30 round magazine that ships with the p90 but I ripped the insides out of a of a pro mag stuffed it in this one and so now I have a hybrid 50 round mag actually it's 49 when I shoved the follower and everything from the PMAG in there it I can only scram 49 in there so it'll go all the way up to here what's a finish load all right we're gonna do a little mag dump is enough alot of course because this is you know PS 90s first third bed okay here we go it's got a little more bounce but if I do it one-handed what happens is if if it's here which makes it great for one-handed shooting because it's so just you're but it does have a little more pop that radial delayed really does better on the recoil management because you you feel it hit in the back with this but it's still just a 5 7 so it still works just fine and my feet feel every bit of those what watch they feel they fall out here I feel every bit of those brass falling at my feet you can't get a brass catcher and so you know that would help that problem this is a cool thing that many people might not even know there's an option I have from Detroit ammo some 5:7 subsonic rounds so we've got our suppressor on there and now we have 55 grains subsonic rounds so yes you're you're almost in the realm of 22 when you're cutting subsonic let's see how quiet it is it didn't want to cycle that one maybe our buffer is not the same I need to change back to my lower and that's something that I'm glad it actually happened because the CMG Banshee you have these bolts in the back I mean not well no of course you have a bolts but you have weights that you can put in and so I had the heaviest weight stuck in here because I was noticing I was kind of getting a early ejection especially with the suppressor because increase your blow back in here and everything else but you can fine-tune these so I'm gonna go grab my Banshee lower put it back on here we're gonna see if it cycles with those I still have my weight in the bolts because that's harder to change but I put a I think it's a regular carbine buffer in it now let's see how that works out that's just to cool and quiet we hit some steel that's neat yes it's a little more expensive than 22 but it's a neat option we just play around a little bit on the steel just such a little bounce you know so it gives you more power than of course like a 22 or a 9-millimeter something like that but it it's not as crazy as a 2 2 3 because I'd never should have to do three of this close I'm probably pushing it a little bit at 20 yards with the you know we run into 2,000 feet per second it's all good it's still foot all right so we have a cm mg Banshee and what's that long mag I'm gonna have to go a little high we're gonna use that blue tip SF 197 sporting cartridge that's 40 grain vmax so the optic I'm using I got this from OpticsPlanet this is the burst AR 332 it's a 3x optic my only complaint you got to get close to it short I relief but you have illuminated radical and rails all over the place you know it's nice and 3x Paul it's just 2 splatters right there beside each other that's pretty cool alright we've got the same ammo in this FN and I make sure I don't rest on the barrel that would mess up our test and this ejection port is probably gonna cause me grief cuz it's got a throught right my fingers longer trigger that's for sure well sweet it looks like a one-hole group there are two let's go check it well I have to say I'm not disappointed um we are looking at right under three inches all right and this is the ps90 we are looking right under three inches I'm impressed because if that floated barrel I mean a floating barrel that was that's a good group that one needs a little scoot to the right see if we can gig golf ball all right final test we have a golf ball out there at a hundred yards what are the ones left over marksman camp and so it's brand-new I put three clicks to the right let's see if that did it for us Oh gracious okay so this is reticles kind of um bold I can't see the golf ball we're just gonna have to guess oh they're gone guys not bad for covering the whole girl with that fat dot let's go check it so yeah that's it this one all right right through the top edge there Oh in and out and that was that v-max and they just yeah it'll be it'll be good for a lot more shots later on we'll just leave it right there alright guys so that wraps it up for our five-seven video if you want a ar-15 style pistol or rifle that shoots 5-7 you know check out that same mg Banshee and you get that radial delay blowback and all that good stuff nice soft shooting and accurate and if you're local hit me up I can get you see MMG that's right I'm a dealer too and then there 5:7 you know in the FS p90 is kind of cool it's pretty cool but uh you gonna have a little hard time outfitting it and modernizing it as much as you can just na r so I guess that wraps it up thanks for watching and leave a subscription and like and click the notifications and all that stuff okay I live with a bi Hey yeah
Channel: Top Shot Dustin
Views: 34,749
Rating: 4.8751149 out of 5
Keywords: Dustin Ellermann, Dustin Ellerman, Top Shot Dustin, Top Shot, Nosler the pig, #topshotdustin, FNP90, FN P90, FN PS90, CMMG, 5.7x28mm, showdown, full auto, m16, CMMG banshee, CMMG Guard, COD, call of duty, modern warfare, loadout, RCXD, exploding RC car, suppressor, bowers uss, machine gun, gun, rifle, pistol, handgun, brace, banshee
Id: lwTwXkwqK6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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