5600X VS 5800X3D fps comparison with RTX 4080, Ray tracing on + off + DLSS + FSR 2023 Benchmark

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hi today we finally have another video today for all of us 48 you peasants out there [Music] and for those of us who also wish to become peasants I would like to upgrade their level of peasantry after finally coming to terms with the [ __ ] in regret I've gone with the far eae instead of the 90 you're probably asking yourself what's the next terrible decision I can make but before you sell your kidneys to build yourself an RGB layer of Darkness maybe you should buy a new processor instead and today we're going to take a look at a couple of CPUs that you might be considering and seeing whether it's worth your while going with a 5800x 3D over the 5600x the CPUs were paired with 32 gigabytes of 3200 megahertz cl16 RAM and I'm using Windows 10 and rebars enabled I decided to include a few single player 2023 games some of the most demanding ones some aren't actually that demanding but still I included some popular multiplayer games that aren't from this year but the most demanding ones that I'm aware of and are still being updated to this date and I also shot plague tail in there as some of the best graphics I've seen and it's just as demanding as most of the 2023 games I actually put in a test with the race racing but it's completely unplayable with race racing so I thought I'd keep it in the video anyway as well RT oh my data was taken with MSI afterburner but as there's so many settings per game I won't be showing the Rivia Rivia Riva stats over there there's a 60 series you'll be out by the end of the video if I do so we'll just have some gameplay behind the stats today but for those of you who do want to see the overlay I will be releasing separate videos for most of the games with the split screen and reverse stats overlay to show the compare in real time anyway let's do it starting with the last of us part one and I don't want to give anything away on this one but it's not very nice to use CPU I took my data from a little bit near the start with loads of explosions fire and a lot of people running around the little area where this explosion was taken from because it's one of the most demanding areas on your CPU in the game at least that I've found anyway there's not a lot of settings on this one as your CPU limited pretty quickly so I just kept it simple starting with four Kilt room we're pretty much neck and neck average wise slightly better one percent laws and minimums for the 5800 X 3D but when adding dlss balanced the 3D does take a nice lead there giving you 20 frames there with better one percent laws and much better minimums allowing through a lock 60 on the 5800x 3D but not on the 5600x turning down at high settings now we see both CPUs getting much better averages and slightly better one percent laws but we're not in dlss Balance we're seeing both systems completely CPU limited here getting no more FPS than there were the ultra settings with the LSS balance moving down to medium settings the CPU gets a little bit of a break here allowing both CPUs a bit of a boost to Performance but the 5800x 3D still much smoother and when adding dlss balance now it finally allows the 5600x to hit a 60 FPS lock there but it's only just so I can't guarantee it's going to hold and the 5800 X 3D is a massive 31 faster rear with 25 better one percent laws now we have 1440p Ultra we're pretty much completely CPU limited with both CPUs now beginning nothing when adding dlss quality for the 5600x and a tiny little boost for the x3d making it 31 faster than the 5600x at this setting moving down to high settings and there's basically no difference for either CPU or you're performing within margin of error of the ultra settings foreign [Music] medium takes a little bit of strain off the CPU once again but not enough to make any noticeable difference to gameplay allowing the x3d to increase its lead to 32 and a massive 38 better one percent laws [Music] [Music] now we have 1080p not surprisingly nothing really changes if anything you're getting slightly worse results with the 5600x we won't include any DLS essay as you can probably imagine what's going to happen but yeah it's really bad on your CPU this one the 5600 XC are only able to get me a lock 60 or one set in that ride and even the 5800 X 3D massively holding the 4080 back here in this game has however they've created the game engine it just seems it just likes to hurt your CPU pretty much right so now we are our first multiplayer title of the video which is Battlefield 2042. I'm going to include quite a lot of settings here going down really low because there's a lot of performance to be gained and for those of you who believe frames win games this could be important information unfortunately for me frames still don't win games so this is a bot match this is where I took my dear from this level and I just run from the starting point which is the US side to this checkpoint ESC one stood around for a bit then run back to the bottom there and that was the end of my run possibly more demanding areas or sections of the game but should give you an idea of how each CPU perform against each other anyway starting with 4K Ultra we see both CPUs pretty much match within margin of error anywhere and both CPUs are capable of a locked 120 uh with a bit of dlss the x3d have a 19 better one percent loss with dlss balanced 23 with dlss performance and slightly better averages now we have high medium and low settings we're pretty much neck and neck in averages a few frames to the x3d there but the x3d is much smoother in one percent loss being 18 faster at high 16 at medium and 18 faster a loss ends all right now we have four in four you pay you must starting to see some big differences between the CPUs now fourth are still able to provide a great frame rate for the 600x it's completely CPU limited with dlssa fall in charge of reaching unlock 244 Hertz which is a pretty easy task for the x3d which is 12 faster Ultra around 17 18 faster with dlss turning down the settings instead of using dlss allows the 5600x to scale a lot better both CPUs hitting massive frame rates now and all the x3d has been in all areas with such high frame rates and the gap's not been that far apart I know it's anything you're gonna actually notice in gameplay so now we have 1080p I'm just gonna have deals this quality here and as you can see the 600x CPU limited straight away yeah but hitting some good frame rates but the x3d is 22 faster at best and as better one percent laws and much better minimums like the look for that turn down the settings now and as you can see the x3d is able to max out a 240 hertz monitor there with its minimums of 250. both CPU is getting massive frame rates but the x3d's average is a 17 better a high 25 better or medium and 27 better at law with better one percent laws too and much higher minimums so as you can see in this game both CPU is a more than capable of getting some really high frame rates and the 5600x is probably enough for most people realistically although the 5800x3d can give you a much smoother experience and if you are someone who can feel the difference between 290 odd frames a second and 230 then it might be for you so next up we have Resident Evil 4. I took my data from a little route I do around the Villager starting in this building what I'm running up to now jumping out the window running around the village try to keep it as close as possible to the same but being the type of game is the enemies are always going to do different things so it's impossible to get exact but I did want to use this Village scene because it's really intensive so it'll give you a kind of worst case scenario of what you can expect to get frame rate wise starting with 4K Max settings here and as you can see we're pretty much neck and neck within margin of error ads here so we're gonna move straight to the FSR settings and immediately even at 4K you see the 5600x completely CPU limited here allowing the x3d a 22 leading averages and 29 better one percent laws of the quality zones and a massive 42 lead in averages and a 37 lead in one percent laws with FSR performance turning down to prioritized Graphics the x3d has a slight advantage in averages and a 15 lead in one percent loss adding FSR was stuck once again with the 600x completely bottleneck in the 48 year allowing for up to 43 better averages much better one percent laws and minimums so if you ask for the hardware unboxed 90 is the new 60. you're gonna at least need the x3d now we have 4K balanced and both CPUs see a slight Improvement of the prioritized graphic sign but once again you've seen that hard limit with the 5600 x here so down the following five here we go this is Max settings and just like Fork here it seems like when you have a ray tracing enabled you basically hard locked through an 81 FPS average with a 5600x at least at the max preset anywhere although in the x3d 47 higher averages and 51 higher with FSR quality so now we move down to prioritize graphics and once again we're completely limited here actually on both CPUs both ARCA who will have reading Eggs averages though but the x3d does pretty much destroy the 600 exit here with 49 better averages and 46 there one percent laws and I was able to lock 120 there with FSR quality no moving down a balance ends and as you can see we're hitting that same wall again pretty much exactly the same frame rate so you go straight down to 1080p now and you'll probably recognize these numbers from earlier at least very similar ones four systems completely CPU limited here leaving the 48e to pretty much twiddle its thumbs Andrew [Music] it's a Resident Evil 4. there is a lot of rooms to be getting from going with the x3d but if you're someone who's happy with 60 FPS you can pretty much play any setting in the game and be fine with the 5600x but at best you're going to be getting 20 FPS from turning down settings on in FSR so if you want one that you'll have to go for the 5800 X 3D or the upcoming 5600 x 3D or some other more powerful CPU so now we're going to have a go of dead space and I took my dare in this one from just like a little route that I run around I picked an area where you'd get some nice high frame rates and certain bits and some lower ones so there's a good representation of the averages you can get while playing the game and with 4K Ultra settings as usual we're pretty neck and neck a slight difference in one percent laws there but within margin of error so straight to dlss now and the x3d gives us a nice boost to one percent laws averaging in the lower 20s but as you can see by the one percent loss here there is some stores in this game and they're pretty bad but the x3d does make them feel a little bit less game ruining we're going to skip High settings in this one as there's just no difference between high and Ultra so we're going straight to medium settings and once again within margin of error here so no difference addendale SS both CPUs still scaling pretty well here next 3D having a slight lead here but nothing major nothing over 10 but it does have a little bit of one percent loss and the minimums are a bit higher so the stores will be just a little bit less upsane so just in the way that going down from ultra high didn't change anything going from medium Allure halls or doesn't affect performance in any way that I could see so straight to following five pay now we're finally able to see some noteworthy gains with the 5800x 3D with 15 averages with dlss quality and 20 of dlss balance once again the minimums are much better too it's just a shame of all the stores in this game really as other than that both CPUs were able to provide a great experience hopefully they'll be able to fix it before there's a remake of the Remake so now we're gonna go down a medium settings here and as you can see the 5600x been CPU limited there Beyond dlss quality nothing to be gained really well other than minimum X3 there will invested by 22 at best with up to 33 bare minimum and 22 percent better one percent loss so far now we're going down 1080P and we'll include a bit of DLS essay here as it actually doesn't look too bad in this game but as you're already getting like 183 FPS you probably wouldn't use it so without it we're getting the next boost of 15 averages with the x3d and 16 minimums with a slight boost to the one percent loss so yeah once again both CPUs careful of getting great frame rates in this game so either would be fine but as the game is pretty broken wise I guess neither would be fine but if they do ever manage to fix it I don't think I'd be particularly worried about which CPU I had in this game at least out of these two anyway so now we have Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. this is the multiplayer not Wars on and I actually use the games inbuilt Benchmark in this one because it's very repeatable and gives me a much more accurate result Warzone performs a lot differently at this game so don't look at these numbers and think this is how my warzone's gonna perform was on just basically knee capture CPU and tea bags in the ground I'll have a little mini War Zone video with these CPUs soon though so [ __ ] it we have ultra settings dlss balanced and dlss performance and in this one we're basically completely neck and neck all the numbers are within margin of error so if you're playing at 4K at least on ultra settings either CPU is fine here and both are capable of 120 FPS lock at least in The Benchmark anywhere and then we're going to turn down the settings so we have balanced basic and minimum settings here and strangely it seems like we're getting better performance with the 5600x at least by a tiny little bit anyway until we go down the minimum settings and really become CPU limited here but the x3d completely destroys it in 46 faster on average 37 better one percent laws and 41 better minimums now we're going to move down to four invite p and we see the x3d constantly taking over now when I didn't dlss I'll all pretty much in without both CPUs are doing well though and it's really just down with a personal opinion like preference whether you feel an extra 40 FPS over 200s making much of a difference for you is a 20 boost to averages with a 12 booster one percent loss though anyway then we're going to turn down the settings and we'll find ourselves quickly limited here with a 5600x barely getting in any frames at all for the hit to image quality whereas the x3d scales pretty well most capable of a massive 328 frames a second on average and over 250 in the minimums it will look pretty terrible like this though because it does have its own image scaling on at the minimum setting but is 52 faster than the 5600x anyway on the 1080p both CPUs are careful of some great frame rate so yeah the 5800 X 3D able to beat the 5600x by 34 of best while keeping a reasonable visual quality thank you now we turn down those settings to see what we can do to ruin that visual quality we won't include minimum here because it's basically like a blind Theory simulator especially if you use a little Sunrise odds and as you can see the 5600x has got barely anything left to give along the 5800 X 3D to be 38 faster at balanced 46 faster at her to balance with dlss quality and 42 faster up basic with a pretty massive boost to one percent loss so once again it seems poor CPUs are fine here but if you really want the maximum reduction to input latency without going am5 it might be worth going for the 5800 X 3D for you or for someone with a 205 Hertz monitor but for someone just having a few casual games a card the 5600x is probably enough to be honest for multiplayer anymore but yeah now we have return all really like this game don't think it's getting enough love if you're into your roguelikes it's definitely worth a go the art style is pretty cool as well anyway enough of my micro reviews I use the built-in Benchmark on this one once again to give me a more accurate constant result because in this game obviously everything keeps regenerating in different ways so if you die in a benchmark run you're pretty knackered so we're starting out with 4K this is epic with rt epic your neck and neck again with the higher settings but when adding dlss performance the 5800 X 3D does start to pull away just a tiny little bit but I wouldn't write a book if I wait I'll make a video about it so now we're going to turn RT off this is still epic sends or it's a very similar story as RT on pretty much no big difference lock 60 epic like that here dlss quality and so on and a slight Advantage for the x3d with dlss performance enabled this game's actually pretty well optimized for once and mainly relies on the GPU to run especially at 4K now we're going down on medium settings with epic RT and we're able to get 18 better averages 15 better one percent laws and 14 better minimums with dlss performance but the other settings are just matching within margin of error pretty much so now we turn RT off not much to say with no dlss a tiny boost with dlss quality maybe it's probably within margin of error realistically but with a nice boost with the 5800 X 3D 17 on average and 46 one percent loss and a 22 boost to the minimums would deal with this performance enabled now we have 1440p and we're going to start with epic settings with rt epic we'll finally starting to see some differences at all the settings now as a CPU becomes a little bit more important at 145p and it's looking like the 5600x has pretty much hit its limit at least at least ends anyway allowing the x3d to Beat It by 30 on average with dlss bonds enabled with much better one percent loss and minimums turning RT off now of the 5600x a few mile frames but still hitting the limit with dlss there while the 5800 X 3D continues to increase its performance as the settings are turned down allowing it to lock 120 FPS with DLS this quality although its lead is still not as big as it was when RT was enabled now we're going down a medium settings with Arty Epic and the 600x is completely a wall here allowing the x3d a 35 lead with dlss balanced enabled a 32 lead with dlss quality and a small lead with dlss turned off turning RT off medium settings both super use cable or some great frame rate so yeah although both of them are completely bottleneck in the 40 you know the 5600x taking so much abusive dlss balanced enabled but it's actually performing worse now going down to 1080p we have epic with rt epic and the LSUS quality good games with the x3d here 21 without dlss and 38 with foreign RT off and both CPUs are pretty much hitting the limit here allowing the x3d 28 better averages with DSS quality and 18 with it off you get some grit for Emirates in this game with both CPUs there is some big gains from the 5800 X 3D but it's mainly when turning the settings right down I'll let it 1440p or below and even when you are at 1440p the 5600x is still a great CPU so unless you're really wanting to hold 120 FPS with rt on at 1440p in this game the 5600x is probably enough for you [Music] so now we have Star Wars Jedi Survivor another game that really doesn't want to be friends with your CPU at all I might even say it hates it well it did on launch anyway but it's definitely improved the RT is really heavy on the CPU in this one though so you see for you is really going to affect the frame rates if you want to see my little Loop that I used to collect the deer it's on any of my other Star Wars videos on the channel and I will be releasing a video with the Riva stats shooting rod for this game so we start 4K epic with rt on and as you can see here you immediately become CPU limited when adding FSR on both CPUs allowing the x3d a 22 lead with FSR balanced and also allowing it to lock 60 which is the 5600x can't do unfortunately now we turn the rear tracing off the 5600 xca is once again CPU limited once you add FSR whereas the x3d now is able to get a lot higher frame rates alone at a 30 lead in the averages at best but at least the 5600 is able lock 60 now [Music] foreign once again with CPU bottlenecked with FSR and can't get very good frame rates without it there's kind of a thing going on here where you might get a bit sick of seeing these 76 averages and 64 averages for the 5600x which once again unfortunately was unable to lock 60 with rt enabled turn an RT off and the 5800 X 3D was able to beat its uh epic settings by good few frames oh yeah whereas we're pretty stuck on the 5600x again which allows the x3d to increase its lead to 38 with FSR balance enabled we won't include any uh medium settings here dual CPU limitations or go down to 1440p now we've got epic with rt and FSR quality we won't go any lower than that fsis and you can probably see why already completely CPU limited deal with rt enabled and once again no lock 60 for the 5600x unfortunately and both CPUs holding the 4080 back here well are the engineers anywhere so we switch our T off now and we're stuck in the mid 80s with the 600x once again with rt disabled whereas you're able to get a lock 90 with FSR enabled with the 5800x 3D giving it a lead of 50 of the 5600 x here with FSR quality enabled so we go down to 1440b high now with rt enabled and it's just for a laugh really because uh yeah here we are again it's getting pretty depressing for the 5600x now and in all honesty it's not looking that great for the 5800 X 3D either but at least it's a good few frames over 60. although playing the game on a controller at least to me it feels fine at 50. so now it looks like both CPUs have hit Hawaii without a off at high settings the 5600x actually losing frames over its epic RC offset we're after you know so now we're going down to 1080p for no apparent reason well no other reason than the fact that I actually spent the time collecting the data so far battles to it and as you can see from these settings I uh it's looking pretty familiar I could have just done this singular page for the entire game really so this is probably the second game where I'd say who actually really could do with the 5800x 3D obviously if you want a lock 60 with rt enabled you actually need it and if you want anything over 70 odd frames a second locked even with RTA disabled you're still going to be needing the 5800 X 3D this game is just so CPU limited it's mental take the new Witcher enhanced Edition or whatever it's called but like I said earlier if you are playing the game on a controller myself I feel like it feels fine at around 45 50 frames a second so you don't actually need 60 but if you want it and you want RT well you want at least the 5800x 3D hopefully they'll update the game to the point where that isn't the case but at the moment is now we're going to move on to fortnite and this is running in dx12 mode and on the ultra and high settings it does have aluminum nanite enabled and ta was used for anti-air leasing when dlss was not enabled I used the replay mod to uh collect my data from so it's the exact same match in the exact same areas but it's not actually from the replay that's on the screen as my replay was deleted luckily I managed to record the data first [ __ ] epic settings here with neck and neck with four CPUs I mean completely GPU limited even with dlss performance all the numbers are within margin of every area decided to include higher levels of dlsse than I normally would as the style of the game I feel they can get away with it a little there so I'm moving down a high settings now now we start to see the x3d pull aware just a little bit nothing major just a tiny little bit on each side foreign s down to medium and low and you're getting some massive frame rates with both CPUs now the x3d is 16 faster at lower settings but I can't see anyone getting too upset about only having 371 fps to be honest well though I was able to max out uh 240 hertz monitor even on medium settings with the x3d and it does look better than law no moving down to 1440p Epic once again there's just a very slight uh victory for the x3d nothing major but is there we're not in dlss foreign so now we have high settings and now the 5600x is completely CPU Limited and if you're on 144hz monitor find 40p it might start to seem worth it to buy the 5800x 3D in this game if you like to have the eye candy and the bells and whistles and the moon beams on while you're doing your killing anyway now we move down a medium and low settings and there's some ridiculous frame rates now for all of those who just must have 432 FPS average the 5800 X 3D is perfect now but seriously though they're both ridiculous and I doubt there's that many people out there that will be able to notice the difference although once again those with the 240 hertz monitor to get the benefit of being able to lock it at medium instead of law now we have 1080p epic and here both CPUs are able to lock 90. for the 5600x hits a wall when dlss is enabled allowing the 5800x 3D a 19 lead with DSS balanced oh moving on the high settings both CPUs are limited now next Friday does gain a couple of friends by adding OSS but the zero again from the 5600 in fact lost if anything when you're getting a 25 lead over the 5600x with no deal assessor yeah everything going down a medium and low settings to see how extravagant we can get and we're pretty much the same as we were um 1440p now along the x3d 23 lead at Best of the 5600x so yeah in this one obviously both CPUs are capable of just getting extremely high frame rate so if you're looking for the Competitive Edge of really high frames like honestly either CPU is probably going to be fine for you but if you're someone who plays at 1440p and you'd like to have all the nice shiny Graphics turned on and get some pretty good frame rates it might actually be worth going for the 5800x 3D for you but it depends on what you value them extra few frames right so last we have playtail Requiem and I thought I'd include this anyway even though it's not really from 2023 well it's pretty demanding and decided to do my little running there's a little bit here with the rats as someone in my comment section told me on my other video that it's the harshest bit on this epu so I thought I'd give it a go right so we start off with fork Ultra and we see the X 3D just slightly better in the one percent laws and minimums when I didn't do LSS the 5600x hits a wall almost immediately whereas the x3d is able to make slight gains with each additional level of dlss but still it's not a huge boost going down from dlss quality a dlss performance there especially in the minimum so I would say it's not really worth going below quality we are getting a 27 boost in averages with the x3d equality they are still reducing the settings at 4K we see that both CPUs are pretty much neck and neck within margin of error anywhere until we go and open the loss ends where there's a slight boost to Performance for the x3d I would recommend using dlss quality in this game over reducing the settings as I found it to reduce costs and on certain things in the game such as plants and certain particle effects anywhere we're going to move to 1440p now and we're actually getting nothing over 4K with the 5600x here but we are getting a pretty good boost with the 5800 X 3D even though we're still running into a CPU bottleneck we're getting 33 better averages with no dlss and with dlss quality we're getting 38 better averages 29 better one percent laws and 27 better minimums now he turns on the settings again and we see the numbers are very similar to when using dlssa and both CPUs are bottleneck in the 48 year all settings although both are still giving you a very playable experience [Music] you can do it don't panic too late for that now I moved down to 1080p and the numbers are pretty similar for invite per year the 5800 X 3D beating the 600x by 40 at best foreign down the settings we're seeing very similar numbers again making the 5800 X 3D between 27 and 38 faster than the 5600x that sounds I would use myself in this game we're getting closer to sunlight maybe we'll get out closer to that Tower I can't wait to hear magic as you can see in this one it is a heavily CPU limited game at times but other times it really isn't so you'll find the performance is a lot closer together in different areas of the game and there may be points where it's even further apart too so thanks to the guy in the comments for uh telling me about the rats sorry I can't remember your name but cheers but yeah the 5600x still is capable of getting some good frame rates in this one not massively over 60 FPS but if you are happy with that then there's no need to go for the x3d in this game yeah so that's the end of the video and it's a bit of a mixed bag really in all other games it does seem that the 5600x is enough for the fight but there are certain times when if you want to lock 60 FPS experience you do need the 5800x 3D especially if you're like a lock 90 or even more than that in some of these new CPU demanding titles so it's very dependent on the game that you want to play so the question kind of becomes not is it enough for it but how much does it hold the 4080e back and it's actually quite a lot so is it really worth it buying a far Yeti if you have or upgrade into a 5600x or would you be able to get 90 of the performance with a bit of dlss with maybe a 4070 TI or 7900 XT I'm honestly not sure about the answer to that question but it's a question worth asking as you might find you get stuck at the same frame rates when using say 4K with dlss performance as you do when using a 48 you with the 5600x at least in certain games where you heavily CPU limited anywhere such as a plague tail layer where you're getting 100 FPS and you can't get past it no matter what setting you change to I'm pretty sure the 4070 TI will be able to get 100 FPS in that game with this CPU in particular settings anyway maybe 4K dlss performance or fine for you PDL assist quality so as much as the 5600x is okay with the 40 I mean in most of the games and most other games that aren't in this video or aren't so CPU limited it'll be sound but definitely holds you back at times and the 5800x 3D is the better match for the 4080 by far especially in these modern single player titles but even the 5800 X 3D holds the 480e back to some level anywhere at certain settings and in certain games like Star Wars with Ray tracing enabled you find big difference when using the 7800x3d than you would over the 5800 X 3D but as you all know we can just upgrade forever and ever and ever really until we're all absolute poppers and then maybe we'll think about playing a computer game at some point weird so you've just got to decide how much you are happy being held back anyway these are just my thoughts on the CPUs and my opinions feel free to disagree or tell me I'm an idiot in the comments you're probably right have a look through the data and you can decide for yourself whether you think it's worth going with the 5800x3d I'm going to be working on some separate videos for a few other games like fortnite Last of Us Star Wars and Battlefield and also war zone comparing these CPUs together with the MSI overlay over the top for those who like to see that and I'll also won't be talking very much if at all in those videos but I hope the video offers you some value and I hope you enjoyed it so thanks a lot for watching my video if you like the video please give it a like And subscribe for more thanks bye
Channel: dram-BU-ee
Views: 62,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc gaming, benchmark, 4080, ryzen, 5800x3d, rtx, fortnite, warzone 2.0, plague tale requiem, cpu, pc, gaming, nvidia, ryzen 7, ray tracing, geforce, DLSS, AMD, 5600x, gpu, fsr, the last of us, the last of us part 1, battlefield 2042, resident evil 4, star wars, jedi survivor, call of duty, modern warfare 2, dead space, returnal
Id: kEbdWbMR49o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 51sec (2451 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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