Taking the Capitol Limited Night Train from Pittsburgh to Chicago (USA Rail Trip Ep5)

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so I'm at Pittsburgh's Union Station and I'm about to take the Night Train I'm about to take the midnight train to finish that sentence Chicago Illinois and um I'm booked into a coach class Carriage unboxing I'm on a seat basically so I've got that thing where hopefully it'll be better than an aircraft because they recline really quite heavily I think they recline probably about as much as a business class seat might do in a in an aircraft um so that's good because you know like you have that thing where you try and fly where you try and sleep in economy class when you're flying and it's basically just you sort of it's 37 minutes of sleep and then waking up going oh man and then you'd kind of roll over to sort of try and sleep on the other side then you get 37 minutes and then you're like oh my neck and it's just that it's just multiples of that so I'm hoping it'll be a little bit better than that because yeah the seats are glowing quite a bit so that should be yeah hopefully that'll be good soon find out leaves it 11 59 or or so they claim I feel like it's a bit a bit of Showmanship though go on give it the full midnight maybe it's just easier to tell Midnight's awkward isn't it because when it says like if you say it's like 12 then it's like which 12 people say and they don't really use the 24 hour clock here so I'm guessing maybe the reasons why it's deliberately one minute to midnight and not yeah whatever but um yeah it's the midnight train gets in at 8 45 and hopefully I will see very little of this journey because I will be asleep let's let's go it's gonna be so exciting finding out if I can't sleep on the train isn't it hey how's it going [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] it's more comfortable than it looks well marginally [Music] [Music] good morning [Music] [Music] freshening up a little bit after that sleep this sounds it's wonderful the smells of fig ures if I can have your attention please one of the parallel will be making our arrival into Chicago Union Station currently the time is nine o'clock Green's operating close to about 20 minutes late [Music] thank you [Music] so started out up here and then went along to here Harrisburg then Pittsburgh and then just done this strip here to Chicago what I'd like to do next is head up over the top here this is somewhere in that corner thank you [Music] we really went to town on this look at these beautiful Corinthian columns I don't know too much about architecture but I'll tell you these are Corinthian fluting on the columns then the acanthus leaves on the capitals at the top it's a maging out of it of any city in the USA look at all this I love the names of them as well Hiawatha Wolverine Blue Water Texas eagle Southwest Chief California Zephyr that's fantastic it's interesting that you have all that sort of I don't know what you'd call that other stuff Renaissance neoclassical I don't know but that very sort of classic architecture and then you have all the art deco styling as well which is really cool in its own right so now to go off and find some breakfast and work out what my next plans are they aren't actually booked on a uh on another train this afternoon to Minneapolis I did that tentatively because I I know that I know how it can be with this I've learned from you know my errors that you've gotta you really need to book ahead whenever you can to make sure that you can actually get on the train with the USA Rail Pass so I booked that anyway will I will I do that or will I change plans I don't know I need to sit in a cafe check it all out and then make a decision so that's what I'll go and do First Impressions I like this city already really do very tempted to stay so thinking Chicago looks amazing with all its architecture and its food and culture and everything and then I thought oh this is ridiculous I need a week to do this place Justice I've only just got going I'm gonna press on I'll just have to come back some other time back again so Serendipity can be a great thing in life but if you're enjoying these videos and you want to find out what happens next like subscribe and hit the bell and that way you're not leaving it down to the admittedly beautiful mysteries of Randomness and of the universe and the vagaries of the YouTube algorithm of course until next time bye-bye
Channel: Neil Bennion
Views: 1,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WR_0z9ABmNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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