You Won't Believe This MONSTER JACKPOT at the Arcade!

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that was awesome that was the most insane glitch i've ever seen that was probably one of the most unbelievable jackpots i have ever had in my life the arcades are back open baby but today we're doing it we'll be doing an in freak insane kickoff video guys i'm gonna go around zone 28 today play a ton of games i'm actually gonna go for for some prizes in the prize area so make sure you guys watch until the end to see if i can win the prizes that we're gonna go for june 28 got awesome mass here guys for six hundreds that's not bad here we got a really awesome i've never seen that before it's a donkey kong uh money bank thing money box thing and you like put the coins in it goes down or something so i thought that'd be cool that's 3 000 so that's a little bit higher end so we'll try for that and then we're also going to go for the the lounge monkey disco ball for 2 000 guys right there i want you guys to take a guess in the comments right now how many total tickets do you think i'm gonna win in this arcade session if you're right i'll nothing's gonna happen i'll i'll give you a high five this is gonna be my first game that i've played in almost four months guys i had to play tower tickets because it is oh it's so weird swiping a card my lord all right it'll be cool if we got a first win here i haven't played this game uh i figured i'd start with tower tickets because it is one of my favorite arcade games in the world look at this first troll oh my god it was close we worked that thousand out oh that was two oh what was that that was too early all right there it is oh that arm's slow all right there it is yes that was only a couple tries nice a thousand tickets baby i still got the groove kind of maybe that was warm up guys right there there it is a thousand tickets oh that's beautiful love this game it's so good to be back playing this again and adds them right to the card [Music] oh man it's been a while since i played this game let's see if i can hit let's see what happens this is my very first try in months almost four months guys are playing this so let's see if i remember how to play i feel like a lot of these games are like riding a bike you just automatically get back in the groove well we'll see here oh first try not even clickbait right there a bang 325 tickets wow now you guys know i got to try again because every time i hit a jackpot i have to try again because i gotta see if i can beat my record which i believe is six in a row and that was at main event all right this is four two in a row let's see if we can do it oh i feel like it's going real slow i don't know why maybe nobody's played it for four months the game is just like i gotta warm up that's crazy man yeah those last ten seem to be going slow and i don't know why we're not gonna complain we're gonna let these add up but that's another 325 guys let those add up and we'll see uh all right it's for three in a row guys this is unreal unreal what is that three or four i actually lost count three yeah wow that's insane he might break my record here guys all right guys so this is for four in a row this is insane let's see if we can do it it just seems like it's going so slow i mean i'm not gonna complain at all yes that was trickier as you noticed that was those last 12 we're really trying to trick me with the spacing there but there were like there were like four that that weren't spaced in the last ten and i was anticipating one to be spaced on like three or four so that's the trick to win at this you got to anticipate the ones that are going to be spaced on those last ten there's three of them so after these count we're gonna be going for five in a row right now guys this is insane if six in a row is my record we may beat my record guys this is nuts here we go oh no pressure now jeez probably getting kicked out of this place [Applause] that was stew that was my fault i should have had that i knew those weren't gonna be spaced what am i doing why am i hesitating like an idiot that would have been five oh you dumb idiot oh that was so dumb ah well four in a row we're not gonna complain that was awesome for having haven't played this in almost four months so we're gonna play some power drop extreme here we got ten bonus balls that's a lot of bonus balls so i might go for those and if i miss those i got a chance of a good bounce for that power bonus man we were right next to it got an eight all right let's try i'm gonna try for the bonus balls again because that's how i hit the power bonus before oh my god that was a baby every time it goes up there man we might be at 11 now yeah okay we're at 11 bonus balls now oh that was closer get up there oh my god that was close get into bonus polls 50 okay i love this game because it's so intense you just never know man wow that was almost power bonus though i thought that was rolling right in there had a little too much speed oh get oh my god almost extreme mystery drop bonus polls oh 30 40. all right 40 is not bad i gotta pay attention okay so that was a little too early there so i gotta go a little bit later oh get in there sometimes it'll go in get in there no not the pity oh oh wait wait wait wait get in there come on oh i like bouncing around man all right still got them 11 bonus bowls i'm gonna go a little bit later try to swish it i was still a little too early come on and we got a oh man get up there what's it gonna go in it's gonna go in five that was not good they're dropping quick look at that get up there oh my god oh it's so close to power bonus now we're at the 12 bonus balls now and this ain't fooling around here that's a lot of bonus balls to this big uh monster drop game so i'd love to hit these trying my best here guys oh that was closer get up there oh my god dude these bounces are insane yeah lucky rolling on the bonus balls we got 12 what is gonna happen stay wide on this man oh my god it was the first ball oh my lord this is how i hit the power bonus last time we had the bonus balls and that was the first time i hit it on camera i only hit it one other time and i wasn't filming and i was so mad guess 20s not bad still got seven balls left guys oh good bounce oh my god almost went right through there oh that one went right in the 30 didn't even bounce that was a 20. not bad we're not getting terrible values jackpot would be nice a lucky rolling not a mystery value that'll come at the end oh my lord that's it we are out of balls oh get in the jackpot two oh my god that's a disgrace two that's terrible and our last ball looks like another mystery let's see what we get 22 we got an extra two in there so that was good all right last ball for now oh that was so close oh my god almost power bonus 125 we're gonna finish up on that right there that was a good session that was a great one for one ball there 125 very nice add them right up hey that wasn't bad for a couple swipes on this green lights right there it's pretty light that's loud loud as heck oh my gosh that might be good slow down oh that was too light that might make red though oh that might be good oh my god two away again but we got the bonus shot that's what matters so we got 100 tickets which is amazing now if we get this shot we're going to get 2 500 tickets and that's way up there so i got to wail it all right ready here we go [Music] ah it like went weird nah that won't even mate i won't even be close hey we'll take our 100 tickets any bad i'm going to do a couple more on this [Music] it's a tough game a lot of muscle memory in this i got 30 because it slows it slows the faster the higher it goes up the faster it slows down so [Music] oh that might be good that might be good oh get there oh it was off by two again oh my lord [Music] that might that's gonna be oh my god am i come on be red at least okay good we just got the red there by the skin of my teeth 100 and the bonus shot that's good as long as you get that bonus shot that's nice you know even if you don't make it you still get 100 tickets so the lights right here so it's pretty high up [Music] that's where i had it when i weld it that one time that's not going to be enough that's weird huh it's try again though [Music] that might be good oh too much oh too much too dizzy i did that oh that was too light i hit that like a baby hit it like get up there oh man i hit it too light again oh get up at the same spot the exact same spot i should get a gajillion tickets for that there's a 500 right there i might be able to do do do do lullaby music we got 25 tickets first try not bad all right let's try for this now that we got it in a better position we can cradle it might be able to swing it in guys i don't want to go too much though oh don't hit the glass oh my god i just oh i missed it like an idiot all right try again for it the big blue ring that looks better come on swing it in there oh son of a gun we're going for the 200 instead guys because these are a little bit lighter and it holds them every time it's got that pink with the the purple label there it is look at that cradle right there that's a 200 see how it holds every time so it's less weight so you'll see 200 add right to the card oh that was great one grab i think there's another one i'm going to try for it oh that's a lot of swinging i might have it though there it is another 200 dude back to back 200s that is insane that's 400 tickets right there guys in two plays watch come on bro okay don't be screwing me now look at that 425 that's total accumulated because we had that 25 before all right so we got to play greg's game this is the one that he custom made this was an old wheel of fortune guys like cyclone style game very ingenious it's a lot of fun it has three different levels and it's got an accumulating jackpot which is insane so let's see if we can hit it here lull two here we go come on lull two that thing was there i think it rigged me so you got to collect all the white lights in your zone ironically this place is called zone 28 which is kind of cool they also have red zone over there it would be cool if it made it green zone get ready but that would take a lot of work it would look just what am i doing why can't i not play this oh my god all right let's stop crapping around i gotta focus on lol too over here get ready go go go all right level three man if i can't even beat lull two am i gonna be low three get ready it's down to one light and it's tough to see if we get it in there we win 257 tickets can i do it there we go it's got like a freaking subwoofer in here i know it's shaking the whole place guys look insane bonus winner he actually had a guy on fiverr do the voice ingenious like it's fun i love the music i love everything about it greg man he's a genius so there we go we just hit the jackpot oh it's been a while since i played this i probably still suck just like i did four months ago yep i don't know let's see if i can get lucky here oh that might be ready a little crooked there on the blocks it's lagging it got windows 10 inside guys let me know in the comments your favorite windows operating system dude i know it's old school but xp man there was nothing wrong with when to go to windows xp i like windows 7 though i have 10 now and i missed because i'm babbling about windows all right let's try again focus stop talking about windows xp and whatever cortana she slows the whole thing down oh that's good there yes oh i think it's ready oh give that to me it see it i know that it's ready and i can't hit it cause i suck that's a thousand tickets man see every time we gotta play big bass wheels guys this is a classic so let's man we've had some insane wins in this video i haven't had winds like this in forever watch that thousand hit i will crap a brick oh that's got a 15 that was nice my luck on this game never play the lottery it's the worst down here there we go oh my god 15 again are you kidding me brother all right look at a whale i gotta put some muscle into it here i gotta put my noodle arms into this pull the handle just bend the wheel get some anger there we go i'm messing around three months cooped up in the house that's where all that came from look at this 100 oh my god i would have had a baby 40 is a little better we'll try one times i think more fish man all right let's see what we get this one got another good spin into it here 100 oh give me that 40 please don't give me four man 100 tickets are you kidding me all right are you seeing that film guys look where this is at and it gave me the hundred i know baytech favors the player there but that was a little generous i have never seen that there it is now if i land i think you have to land the thousand on this to get the 2500 i don't think and maybe it is one of i'm not sure let me know in the comments guys if it's the thousand you have to land on this one before the time runs that was insane i think i spun it so fast i the calibration i threw it off i've never hit 2500 on this before oh what if it still gave you it was like congratulations you win 25 000. 10 there yeah oh my god that was insane that was awesome that was the most insane glitch i've ever seen all right so zone 28 guys got a brand new game whack and win i like this game it's really cool and that's a thousand tickets you can win so and like wow that was way too high boy oh man it's like going to the moon oh maybe oh it's going to be one short i think oh my god that was close oh too hard [Applause] yeah it's like oh when's the moon again i got 80 tickets in that sesh tomorrow all right so we're at the regular small monster drop almost 1500 i'd like to get the drop bonus balls and we got oh my god it was almost a lucky roll in there i had a lot of um i think i'm gonna try for the bonus balls first okay 26. let's see if we can swish it through them bonus balls no okay that hung up a little bit that was four [Music] oh that one really hung up oh god ooga [Music] 26 man we keep getting at 26. okay so i was a little bit late oh man oh my oh they're like they are lagging a little bit so i'm gonna have to adjust mystery you see i'm gonna hung up even more oh my god that was so close 13 on the mystery we got one more here and that one in 14. swipe couple i don't know i'm kind of feeling it 40 98 let's just get it to 1500 it goes up one every time you swipe 1500 monster jackpots right in the ads so we're at 10 bonus balls now all right that's what i'm going for right there let's try to swish it man every time i go later it like lags later it knows what a ruling regular jackpot right there 123 123 baby oh that was sick dude that was insane oh so i love the lucky rollins you can't beat those wasn't even going for it see that's why it's kind of nice that the bonus balls are how i go for them because you still have a chance to roll it up get a lucky roll in on the job oh my god if i could have got back to back i would have jumped this railing no joke kind of fell over and broke my neck all right let's get these bonus balls now stop crapping around [Applause] you've gotta be kidding me wow look at that i have never seen one swoosh like that ever in my life that one didn't even it was just like oh my god dude oh this is insane this is how we bring back the arcade videos right here man that was probably one of the most unbelievable jackpots i have ever had in my life [Music] did you hear that greg all right guys that's gonna do it for this arcade session so in total do we have enough for all three of those prizes that we were going for we had a total in this video of 5 898 tickets guys we just made it by a couple hundred extra so we're going to go to the prize area redeem for the prizes i'm going to show you guys what i get right after this prizes for the video guys so i'm wearing my new zone 28 mask i love this as comfy i can breathe it's great it looks better i think um so then we got the lounge monkey lighting it's a disciple and this these things actually spin too which is really neat so that's pretty cool and the main prize we got is this really awesome donkey kong money box guys so let's see if we can take it out real quick yeah you put the coin up here guys look and it actually oh i see this is bla there's a thing between this yeah so the coin is actually contained and then it falls down all right so we got a quarter guys we're going to see if this works ready that is cool as heck oh my god that's that is great it's totally going in the living room that is awesome and then the coins fall down here and you get them out through this we had a heck of a time putting it back on so i'm not gonna take that off but yeah that is really cool that's probably one of my favorite arcade products i've ever won it's just so unique i've never seen anything like that and actually works really good so that was the uh donkey kong money box has some of my plush and prizes for sale like we always say thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 308,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster jackpot, arcade, arcade matt, arcade jackpot, monster jackpot win, jackpot, huge arcade jackpot, monster drop, arcade games, arcade win, arcade hacks, arcade videos, jackpot win, monster drop jackpot, arcade game win, arcade jackpot win, arcade monster jackpot, matt 3756, claw machine, coin pusher, arcade fun, arcade game
Id: MiehZ9c-0jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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