$500 Allis Chalmers Crawler, Sitting for Years. (Will It Run?)

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hey everybody welcome back to diesel Creek my name is Matt behind me just like Britney Spears oops I Did It Again this is another Alice chers HD 5G track load this one also came to me for the low low price of $500 guys for 500 bucks I just can't turn one of these things down they are worth more in scrap than that this one however is not scrap it is decidedly better than the one that we did previous on this channel the fell I just bought this beauty from tells me it was running about 2 years ago so theoretically getting it running should not be too much of an issue but he tells me there's bigger problems the steering clutches are all Frozen that could prove to be quite an issue so with the steering clutches Frozen basically this machine should go forward and backward but will not turn left or right and if you can look straight ahead pretty much no way that you could get a trailer backed into this thing for it to walk straight up onto a trailer and of course behind the machine more trees and no way to get a trailer into it so we're going to have to try to get this thing fired up and then get it spun about 90° so that we can potentially get it loaded up onto the trailer that is all of course provided that this thing even starts because if the engine doesn't start that means we've got a loader bucket that is sunk into the ground and that is going to add to the complexity of this recovery so with a little bit of luck and maybe a little bit of ether hopefully our little 271 Detroit that powers this unit will fire right up boys look at the grease on this engine tons of debris packed down in there around the bottom of the engine looks like a whole belly pans just full of stuff out of all my machines I think this one could probably benefit from a good steam cleaning the most but it's that time of year where we're not going to break out the steam cleaner it's going to uh going to probably be wearing this grease until spring and it is getting colder by the minute out here but let's go ahead and check some fluids before we get carried away looks like our dip sticks down in here uhhuh oh yeah she's got and it's also got dirt all over the dipstick now since I just drug it across the track we're going to have to wipe that off this is how you keep your boots oiled properly just always wipe dipsticks on them keeps the leather very Supple 1540 don't tell my wife this is how I clean off dipsticks sometimes sorry our engine oil is good let's have a gander at this radiator oh look at this it's got some Dodge superpower on here what is going on with this thing oh that's interesting there's no radiator cap we'll just we'll just use this thing well it's not ideal and there's some dead bugs hiding in there but there's antifreeze and it's green so when I showed up here to buy this thing the whole machine was actually covered with a tarp which was good and he had this Bucket over the stack which has been nice of him so we shouldn't have any issues with into the engine hopefully it's been a while I think since she's run that's probably the most wallered out rain cap I think I've ever seen too yeah everything is definitely in much better condition on this machine than the other one that we have so I'm feeling good about this purchase hopefully it just comes to freeing up some steering clutches well that one actually moved we'll see what we can do here let's try to get this thing fired up first the fuel tank on this machine is in slightly better condition than the other hd5 as well these things take a beating since they're kind of sticking out proud back here if you know you're working in the trees or something it's very easy to back into a tree when you're not paying attention dent in that tank and it's definitely it's seen some abuse over the years too but nothing like the other one we have underc Carriage is in pretty good shape we got a good bit of rail height left the rail height if you don't know is the distance between this flat spot and this guy right here so that looks about I don't know 60% maybe the sprockets are pretty good the sprockets still have nice squared off teeth on them actually the sprockets look look real good looks like they welded some new ones on there this is all weld here and it's actually cut in half and rewelded right there idlers have also been beefed up by the looks of it they're nice and squared off that helps keep the track on the rails all in all not bad for 500 bucks I don't think let's break out the jump pack and see what happens So based upon my experience with the last one it's going to be much easier if we just go straight to jumping on the starter which is kind of down in here really hard to get the camera on you can barely fish the jumper pack underneath the boom arm and get it over there on it but it is possible all right I think that this machine was originally wired for two 6vt batteries one in each armrest here but I just hooked 12 volts up to one side maybe that'll work enough get this thing cranking over if I slide this Rod right here it should engage the starter contact nothing all right that Rod Runs up here to the operator's platform it's actually meant to be pushed with your foot so maybe it just needs a little more Jam yet all right hopefully we got our connected right this time contact there we go things are happening all right so we should be ready to turn this thing over but I know that it's not going to start at first because there was no fuel in the tank the tank was nice and clean but it was bone dry so I went ahead and dumped a couple gallon of fuel in it and now because the tank was empty we're going to have to Prime the filters so I have this line right here open to let the fuel bleed out but it's after the fuel pump so we're going to have to crank the engine over to get that to bleed out all right I'm going to crank it you guys just holler when you see fuel nothing yet starting to get a little bit of fuel fuel starting to just tighten that back up fuel should be pretty well primed up we're going to probably have to help it out a little bit with The Ether but hopefully she goes here contact uh-huh come on kick the starter out there we go oh come on stay running h I H yeah it's not picking up fuel all the way I don't know all right it rebled the fuel system we had an air pocket that I didn't get before so hopefully it'll actually take off this time contact come on yeah we might need some more let me go see if I have any more give her another go here got some more ether and some more battery still not catching fuel I don't understand I'm going to try pressurizing the whole fuel system and force bleeding it with air we're getting plenty of fuel coming out of this fitting it's not making sense why we're not getting it up to our injectors I might pull the valve cover off and check it right there on the injector see if we're getting fuel right [Music] there seems to be moving freely all right so this should be your fuel line coming into the injector this should be your return line from the injector I'm going to crank it over and make sure we got fuel coming out of those yep getting all kind of fuel something about this fuel rack doesn't seem right like we should be able to shove these in further I think I'm going to take the control arm off the side of the rack and run it manually I think we found our issue yep that is the fuel shut down lever and it was stuck in the on position there we go now we're giv full fuel to the injectors that's what we needed all right I'm feeling confident that was our issue here hopefully this thing fires right up now I'm going to try not to even give it any ether all right contact there we go beautiful all right it runs that is great news now we just need to get it out of here so my plan is I'm going to try to walk it back and forth here a few times and then we'll start trying to work on getting these clutches to break free maybe we can get lucky if we can get one of them free we can get this thing on the trailer real easy all right we'll put it in first gear here should be that guy right there and we'll engage the clutch uh-oh shouldn't like that there we go oh yeah these things tracks haven't turned in a long time all right well it doesn't look like I'm going to have any luck getting the clutches to steer well to get this thing out of here here's my plan I've got a chain hooked on the side of the bucket there and we're going to improperly use a yankum rope so I apologize to those guys in advance and I've got it connected up to this tree over here and what I'm hoping is going to happen is I'm going to start to drive forward everything's going to tighten up and that'll just bring the front of the machine right around the direction I need it to to point down the driveway and then I can just walk it right up there is my My Hope here goes nothing he he hey it's working all right I'm not going to lie that worked way better than even I expected it to here's where my smart smart plan comes to an end how do I get this unhooked now it's under tension still yeah not happening [Applause] [Music] well and just like that another Track Loader [Applause] [Music] [Music] saved [Music] what a sweetheart this one runs a heck of a lot better than the other one did not nearly as abused or beat up or clapped out we get those steering clutches freed up it might be a decent little machine there we go we made her home okay here we are back with the hd5 a few months later and I want to try to see if we can get these clutches freed up today so what actually happens in there when the clutches stick is that the friction plates stick to the steel plates um and basically the clutch pack just won't separate it doesn't have any tension on it that's holding it it's just kind of stition or rust or whatever it may be in there um so sometimes you can get lucky and break those clutch packs free by shock loading the clutches now you can do that a couple different ways um but you basically just pull the clutches and disengage them and then because you're going no matter what you pull those and you'll still keep going and then you can run it into a tree stump or something hard or hook a chain to it which is I believe what we're going to try today and hook it to an immovable object so that when you get to the end of the chain it induces a shock load into that drive line and can break those clutches free sometimes if you're lucky that's what I was trying to do the day we got this thing running by stabbing the brakes because that can do it if they're not stuck very bad sometimes you can just stab the brakes really hard while you have the clutches pulled and in our case all I did was break the the brake linkage on that left side so let's hook the jump pack up see if this thing fires up and see what's going to happen okay here we go contact bad ground shocked Bo it wants to go get a switcher over to 24 volt real quick just to make it spin a little bit faster I bet it goes ready contact yeah it either goes or we smoke our connection come on t all right so the old crawler's been warming up for a little while it's time to see what we can do about those steering clutches now remember both steering clutches are frozen unlike the other hd5 we worked on a while back so I've got two choices when operating this thing I can go forward or I can go backwards I cannot steer either direction you're just on a fixed path so the old cabelo here is going to have to provide the steering for us today and I think that we're also going to use it as the immovable object for to attach the chain to all right so we got the hd5 tethered off to the bucket of the cabelo and if you'll notice I have all the weight of the cabelo actually sitting on the bucket so we're not pulling against the Hydraulics really all as much as uh the ground or at least the ground is helping quite a bit I'm not just shock loading that boom so yeah let's back up and give her a go here [Applause] all right I'm going to hold off on this for a second I don't like this apparatus here I didn't even pull on it super hard I just gave her a few tugs and I don't like this chain I this thing's actually pulling a bit harder than I thought it was going to be able to let me try to find a heavier cable or something to put in between there chains or cables when they snap can come up and do some radical stuff and that's why I have the Anchor Point uh about even with the hitch point on the machine because if it snaps theoretically it goes straight you know if you have it on an angle it can break and go uh on that angle a well guys that didn't work that's the extent of my bag of tricks on trying to get these clutches freed up so unfortunately we're going to have to dive into this thing we're going to actually have to pull off the fuel tank the seat all that assembly and the top of the clutch covers there and hopefully we can break the clutch packs free with a pry bar or something without to actually disconnect and remove the clutches but if it comes to that you know that's the next step I think we do have a pretty good loader here though for what a paid 500 bucks really can't go wrong like I said at the beginning of the video I think that it's worth more in scrap so we have a good running 271 Detroit I was really impressed it actually started without any ether and it was pretty cold when I started this the engine seems pretty strong pushing Against the Machine here I mean it it's spinning the track so nothing's uh slipping the engine wasn't bogging down or dying out I think the engine's pretty good the Hydraulics they seem to function pretty quickly I really can't complain too much about them I mean the cylinders aren't dumping fluid out on the ground or anything I think the packing is bypassing internally pretty good but for what this machine is we really can't complain about that if you were going to take this machine and you know use it a lot or try to restore it or something sure we would take those cylinders down and repack them reseal them and all that jazz but for my personal needs and what we're going to do with this machine I'm not going to worry about those cylinders they're going to be just fine for now if they start leaking real bad that'll be a different story so all that being said I think it's going to be a little bit of time before you guys see this unit again but when you see it we're probably going to be steam cleaning it all off so we can actually see what's going on underneath the engine there cuz it is just covered in grease and grime and oil after that's all done I think we're probably going to pull it into the shop and see what we can't do about those clutches if we get the clutches freed up we'll give the whole thing a complete service from end to end and uh make sure there's nothing else critically wrong with it I think this machine's going to be be ready for action after that anyways guys I think that's about where this one's going to wrap up if you like this video do me a big favor hit that thumbs up button down below the video it doesn't cost you guys a dime it really helps out the channel helps me to keep buying stuff like this and uh making cool videos for you guys about it if you guys would like to help support the channel in a little more direct way head on over to dieselcreek decom pick yourself up some sweet swag over there we just got some new heavyweight hoodies over there at the store I really like these hoodies I was not a big fan of the old ones so I decided we're going to get something better these things fit almost like a car heart they're nice and long uh they're definitely a better quality hoodie for the money so if you guys are interested in these we have a couple different designs and a bunch of different colors over there that's diesel creek.com link as always is down below but anyways that's all I got so until the next time guys thanks for watching I'll catch you [Music] later [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 685,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: allis chalmers, crawler, loader, dozer, deere, john, international, drott, cat, caterpillar, case, diesel, cummins, detroit, 2-71, 71 series
Id: 0oQlQOa-iuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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