Auction Buy from the DEAD aisle, Will it RUN!?!? (Cummins Powered Service Van)

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what's going on everybody welcome back to diesel creek my name's matt as you know i have a thing for auctions and a couple videos ago there was the big richie brothers auction here by the house so of course we came up to the sale had to look around and uh wound up spending some money on some stuff but i think i got some pretty good deals uh the last of which was this freightliner step van we're coming to pick up today i wasn't able to pick it up originally because they didn't have the title so they finally called me the other day said hey we got the title in so let's go see if we can't get this thing shoved onto a trailer and then uh take it home and see if we can get this thing to start there she be that's the baby we're after right there well this thing here doesn't look like much but could be a good buy it's been sitting here for over a year at this point it's in the inoperable aisle i don't know why it's got 24 vol 24 valve cummins in it got these nice fuel hose setups uh so that's pretty slick crappy crappy toolbox here with random assorted junk in it but a few good little odds and ends nice little workbench here with the locking drawers you know that's great for mobile setup [Music] um nice fuel tank in it and it has onboard air decent little vise you know it was definitely a service truck of some kind but it's in the inoperable aisle for a reason reasons i do not know so i picked this gem up for twenty seven hundred and fifty dollars i think after the auction fees and taxes we were a little over 3 000 but uh all in all not too bad it's a 2002 model mt-55 i believe it's called but it's just a step van by freightliner i don't know too much else about it yet it has a 5 9 cummins in it and an allison automatic transmission has a pto generator and a pto compressor and we'll check out the inside here in a minute but i want to try and get this thing out of here first and we should be pretty much good to go except for the one front tire here it's flat and it's not just flat it's off the rim so i'm gonna throw a bottle jack under here and maybe we can get this thing up off the ground and do the old ether pop and get this thing on the rim oh we got the tire on there how do you shoot it with some ether got the loader guy pulling me right now once the defrosters worked so hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] can't go any lower hey matt we're gonna bend that bumper yep so lift up up yeah it looks a little funny but really this thing isn't that heavy this shouldn't be a problem when we first put it on there we had it shoved all the way up front and it really shoved down on the truck which made it look worse plus the truck's sitting on a slight upward angle which also makes it look worse but i haul a lot of stuff and i can usually get the load balance pretty pretty well and just judging by my trailer tires and looking at the distance between the bed and the rear tires on the truck there i think we got it loaded pretty well so i'm guessing this thing weighs around twelve thousand pounds five nine allison various junk in the rear so no more than no more than 13. so we are pushing my legal weight on the trailer but should be still within it but just barely the ramps won't close so i got them ratchet strapped up there i even did it twice because we found out the bumper pretty darn rusted he started pushing on it and it just bent like easy like nothing so yeah i didn't notice all that rust before i bid on it but what are you gonna do it's part of getting part of getting your auction on you know what i mean part of me was also pretty excited to go home and get these doors open because i couldn't get them open here at the auction i wanted to see was in that compartment nothing nothing's in that compartment the floor is completely gone out of it that's a bit of a bummer but the truck still isn't in terrible shape it's just the back end there seems to be where all the rust was at you know all the salt from the rear tires would have sprayed up there the body itself is all aluminum so really only the aside from the bumper and the air tanks all the uh steel stuff is heavy metal framework and all that so enough jabbering let's get home so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well would you look you there guys we made it home safe and sound everything went according to plan i guess you could say um yeah it rode pretty decent i could have had just a little teeny bit more tongue weight actually but uh not bad at all you usually do rather have a little too much tongue weight than not enough though because things are get to swaying around and stuff if i was taking this thing any great distance i would have definitely stopped and unchained and slid the thing up a little bit further and chained it back down but but for going just a few miles like we did not too bad at all so i guess i'll uh show this thing off to you if you didn't see it in the previous video and then we'll go ahead and try and get this thing started so we can just drive it off the trailer rather than do the sketchy thing and drag it off by myself so this truck belonged to an environmental service group around here which actually leads me into a good time for a little story here i get asked all the time where the name diesel creek came from well it was a series of unfortunate events really so here we are sitting in the truck right now and i tell you what this is the first time i've actually sat in this truck and it's pretty darn comfortable this seat's great i might end up putting this in one of my uh one of my trucks it's an automatic everything's dusty this thing has been sitting in the auction yard for several years now it was already in an iron planet auction at one time i have to look up that number see if i can find anything on it it's got trailer brakes that's nice uh we have the chelsea pto here for the air compressor and the generator system i do not see an odometer anywhere i don't know if it's hidden or if there just isn't one or what but yeah i don't know how many miles are on this thing there is a hour meter here and it has 5671.2 engine hours which i don't think is terrible oh next pm next preventative maintenance hundred and sixty thousand five hundred so there's an odometer somewhere that we're not seeing this thing's got all kinds of auxiliaries hooked up here we got a switch right here i have no idea what that does master switch light bar beacon rear flasher aux one and two no idea what any of these switches do so that's pretty cool you know what i bet you these were switches for lights on the side of the truck to project light out there in a working situation looks like we picked us up a cobra 29 ltd classic two in the process here three count em three one two three napa blower fans in this thing so you're staying cool somehow in here there's no ac though tons other various garbage just floating around in here nothing but the best stuff here it's always kind of fun to rummage through this stuff though because you never know what the people left in here you might find something that's still good these things i use these things all the time i love having those around so you never know we got pto compressor operations installation and part manual right there this is a pass-through door that goes into the back they got it locked up here over here on the passenger side i think we have our battery box looks like oh man this is a mess yeah so connections are hooked positive to positive so this is a 12 volt system so we can jump this with anything well i got the cables from the jeep here thrown onto it we're gonna let that sit there and charge a while these batteries like i said have been sitting this truck has been sitting in the yard dead for two or three years now so i doubt these batteries are going to come back but we'll try all right here it is it's uh it's a mess two years of people at the auction rummaging through it so you know it's had its fair share of pillaging but but there is still some good stuff in here so it's just rummaging through the back of the old freightliner van here looking for some of the ransacked treasures that are littered all over the place and i know this is a bit overwhelming for a lot of people because i get comments all the time people telling me how they they could never do what i do because it's just such an undertaking and there's such a risk involved and truth be told that's what i appreciate about doing the auction stuff but i know a lot of other people don't so one of the websites you can get some screaming deals on for all kind of different products and they're all brand new so you don't have the risk of winding up with something like this on your hands is dealdash now if you've never heard of dealdash they have an ios app android app and the website they've been around for 13 years now and they are the sponsor of today's video dealdash has hundreds of auctions daily on brand new items ranging from tvs to laptops to tools and kitchenware they even have cars all with guaranteed free shipping so you can't beat that you can use dealdash both on their website as well as through ios and android apps all auctions start at zero dollars and each bid raises the final auction price by one cent and resets the clock by 10 seconds after 10 seconds runs out the final bidder wins and can claim the auction win by paying the final price users of have gotten items like a mountain bike for eleven dollars or an ipad for less than twenty four dollars they've even sold a 4k tv for under two dollars use the promo code diesel deals for a bonus worth ten dollars when making your first bid pack purchase and start bidding i'm right now i'm bidding on a 2022 seadoo gti 90. current bids only 1317 dollars and all you got to do is be the last person to bid on the thing i'm also using their bid buddies that i don't have to sit here and watch this thing it'll automatically bid for me so i guess what i'm saying is if you don't want to wind up in a van down on diesel creek you should try out deal dash today don't forget to use your promo code diesel deals for a bonus worth ten dollars on your first bid pack purchase but i won't bother with any more than that let's get back to the old freightliner here and see if we can't get this thing to start there really is a lot of little odds and ends in here that add up to be worth quite a bit of money we'll just start on the left here the big ticket items these two real craft hose reels this top one's set up for air so we got quite a nice bit of air hose here and big air hose at that i'm imagining the pto compressor that's hooked to this truck puts out quite a bit of air so if you don't know these real craft reels are really nice expensive reels i think these are in the neighborhood of 800 bucks a piece below that we have a few whole a fuel hose yeah below that we have a fuel hose reel this is set up for diesel fuel and it also has a quick attach on the end there which uh that's pretty nice i think they probably have this set up where you can reverse the flow and actually suck fuel out of stuff too which is uh i've seen people do that before got a nice big meter here to show you how much fuel you're pumping good filter housing setup seems to be a never-ending supply of these uh shop lights here wired onto this truck i mean they're absolutely everywhere so some of those are definitely going to come off and go into other things i imagine i mean i know it doesn't seem like much when you're sitting here looking at the odds and ends and junk on the floor but you know look we got a socket right here 3 8 socket to never craft it's nothing great you know but you throw that in your bin with all your extra loose junk sockets these things are a caging tool for brake chambers and i've seen several of these in this truck boy when you need one of these you better hope you have one if you don't know what that does that releases the brakes on air brakes so that you can drag things around another big ticket item here this is a fuel tank i think this is around 60 or 80 gallons something like that doesn't sound like it has anything in it but it does have a nice pump rigged up here on it hopefully the pump works if not these things are usually fixable but these are several hundred dollars i think these are probably in the neighborhood of four or five hundred dollars now the tanks another three or four at least maybe more all these parts on the shelves here i mean we could sit here and spend spend a whole day probably rooting through this thing and we're organizing and yeah there's just a lot of good little odds and ends here some brake chambers nice look at these i didn't notice these before these are nice heavy duty wheel chocks they're all jammed in there right now now it's busted but we had a trouble light there whole cabinet full of different filters and stuff here you know this stuff's all pretty expensive i go through a lot of filters so it's kind of a crap shoot if they're gonna fit stuff but like that three three three six filter there i know i have something that takes that and uh i'll bet a lot of these are usable oh yeah sledgehammer right there baby 12-pound sledgehammer tucked away heck yeah this bench vise here i mean it works the handle's missing you can see they just threw a bolt in it uh or actually it's another caging tool is what they put in there but you know throw a piece of all thread in there for another handle and this will be a usable bench vise so that's nice to have i think that's a good six inch jaw too it's pretty beat up it's not a real high-end bench vise or anything but anything's better than nothing when you need it shame this bolt bin got wrecked because those things are expensive yeah we have several hundred dollars worth of parts just jammed in here and i still got to go through all these drawers and see if i find anything cool in here so this workbench nice sturdy workbench and it has the drawer latches on it for being in a mobile service truck so that's always nice see once that's latched it can't come out right so under here we have a 24 valve 5.9 liter cummins diesel and of course you can't tell much looking at the outside of an engine but i didn't see any obvious reasons that it wouldn't run there's no holes in the block or anything like that and i didn't see any signs of anyone ripping anything apart a lot of times people start to tear something down to find a problem find the problem realize it's too big for them to fix or they don't want to put the money into it or whatever and then they send it to the auction this thing looks like you just parked it and let it sit so i'm going to check all the fluids again i checked them at the auction and everything was topped up but just gonna double check now that it's bounced around coming down the road and everything engine oil looks good and it's right on the full maybe slightly over full yeah the brake fluid is way down there maybe don't use the brakes right away look at that the coolant is topped right up to the top nice and green doesn't show any signs of oil being mixed into it so that's a good sign looking down inside the valve cover best i can tell no signs of metal shavings or anything so that's good i don't know if this thing even spins over yet i'm about to go hit the key and find out i guess this has been charging for a while i don't know these batteries are gonna hold enough charge to make this happen but i think we're gonna go find out all right you guys ready oh man you can hear it putting a draw on the jeep out there gonna wait for the weight to start light to go out and then we're gonna give her a shot all right guys ready contact well it is spinning the engine over that's a good sign but very very very slowly so i think we just need a lot more juice coming into these batteries all right the weight the start light is out again contact nope nothing we're gonna have to let this sit for quite a while longer i think all right well i have the jeep on here for probably 30 minutes charging these batteries up and uh it just wasn't doing it so i pulled the first battery and the series out here i guess they're not in series they're in parallel but anyway i threw another one in there that i had in another truck i don't have two batteries though alright i just switched them both out but i did check them with a volt meter this one's already got 11 volts in it which is pretty impressive so maybe these batteries can be brought back that's good all right well i've concluded that it's just a stupid solenoid on the firewall that's not allowing the starter to engage so uh we can just go ahead and reach a wrench down in here and try to manually crank this thing up hopefully it goes you guys ready contact maybe come on oh i think i wanted to go that was creepy i'm sitting here trying to crank this thing and that fan just kicks on out of nowhere uh i don't like this thing it might be haunted all right one more attempt here contact come on i can't even really see what i'm jumping here i'm just jamming the wrench in come on oh we got oil pressure [Music] man i love going to the auction can you hear the old cummins just occurring oh it sounds beautiful it's not even smoking hardly oh this thing's great oh yeah it blew this whole stinking rat's nest out on the ground here so now i gotta clean all that crap up but man this thing been sitting here idling for five minutes now this thing sounds great we're gonna get in there before i even bother to unchain it we're gonna go in there and put it in reverse and drive and make sure it feels like we got uh we got a transmission in it we also got a brake light on probably something to do with the low fluid level in the master cylinder but uh heart break off we are still chained down here so oh yeah yeah that definitely definitely got forward how about reverse oh yeah oh man i love it listen that thing's her alternator shows charging oh we're in good shape here good shape i think we just need to replace a solenoid and i think it's going to start with a key man this thing runs cherry i don't know if we should but i'm going to go ahead and try the air compressor see if it kicks on oh yeah look at that look how fast we just build air holy crap man this thing puts out some air now uh-oh no we're dropping back down that doesn't hardly seem good well all right let's see if we can't go for a drive [Applause] i got some breaks i started to back off and we did have some brake pedal and it seemed like it was holding us and then all of a sudden bang the brake pedal went to the floor and we went backwards could have been worse so we don't have brakes but we can still drive it around here a little bit well i threw the dog box cover back on here much quieter now so that's good and uh kind of got some break again but not much probably just need blood go with reverse thank goodness we had the park break before oh yeah [Music] everything in this thing just rattles and shakes and rolls shakes rattle and roll that sounds like a song doesn't it fuel gauge shows we even have over half a tank of fuel [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] compressor works perfectly so after i unloaded this the other day i drove it up and down the driveway once or twice and uh i just went ahead and parked it coming back today figured i'd investigate why this thing won't start with a key and after probing around a little while and uh playing with my test light figured out it's just a neutral safety switch runner back and forth about 20 times or so and uh that is a sweet sweet sound i was also able to find the odometer finally we got 156 643.3 miles on this beast still 5 000 miles light on the oil change we don't even need to change the oil yet i probably will anyways just for my own peace of mind but uh yeah this is a sweet running little engine here so uh not much else to do but i guess start cleaning up the mess back here when this thing sits at an auction yard for two or three years and you have ten thousand people just rummaging through in it see when they can stick in their pockets and haul off with them they cause quite a mess so we're gonna try to get this cleaned up now so it's looking like we're going to need some trash bags here and i was just thinking about running to go find some and then i look down and i think the service truck does provide here i think these are trash bags all right let's get this mess cleaned up [Music] and okay [Music] well i wouldn't exactly call it 100 yet but uh a good initial clean just to figure out where we're at what's really in this thing got everything up off the floor here i got all this garbage here to throw away that's nice cardboard for laying on here this little cutout here i think that's for a ladder you could stick a ladder in there if you had to get up on top of a box van got all the garbage out of the bins and organized threw everything away that was no good only kept the good stuff here organized the parts that we had left in here these are all truck parts got some airbags up here belt couple wipers random bits of metal down here good little cheater pipe stuff like that nice to have air brake parts down here which are nice you know definitely going to be using some of these i think the auto car needs one of these right now so i might get to that pretty soon oh i missed the filter i missed two filters look at that but some more random parts here more air brake parts i have to stick these filters back in the filter cabinet here which i also got organized look at that these are all organized filters here i don't know that i'll be able to use all these filters but i i'm definitely going to be able to use some of them i'd call that a vast improvement i'm sure this is going to come in handy as a nice little workshop in the time being until my building is put up i think we finally may have a window in the forecast where i can put the fill in that i need to but progress has been slow on the building front [Applause] boy what do you guys think about that i think it's safe to say that we scored this go-round we did pretty well at this auction i still have the man lifts to really work on and get working uh and there's a video on the humvee coming soon but but i think we did pretty well all the way around this time i think it's safe to say that i am happy with the deal i got on this van now here's where you guys come in what the heck do i do with this thing everybody's going to say oh it's a service truck you should use it but it's not it's a roadside service truck it really doesn't work for the type of service truck that i need i need a utility bed service truck with uh with a crane on it ideally this truck being two wheel drive would just be a lead sled you go to a job site you're just going to get buried also the thing's kind of big if i build a service truck i want it to be also my daily driver so something about the size of my f-350 or just a little bit bigger so what do i do with it do i strip the drivetrain out of it and keep it for a service truck build like i want to do with the four-door load star eventually or do i sell this truck outright as it is or do you guys have some sort of crazy idea that i haven't even thought of yet and you're gonna tell me down in the comments and then we're gonna do that i don't know yet you guys got to tell me but the old girl's all here and she's all solid and she's pretty much ready to roll all it really needs is some attention with the brakes and a few other little minor things all the lights the best i can tell work even the cb started to work in there so we're billy big rigging now i don't know if i mentioned it or not but while i was climbing all around this truck trying to figure some things out on it i did notice that the pto generator the generator unit itself is still underneath the truck but the previous owners must have taken the actual pto off the transmission and the drive shaft that goes to the generator head because they're not there so we can't test the generator head but i venture to say it probably works we just need a pto to hook it up i'm not sure what else to say about it but i'm gonna take the old party wagon for another cruise here if you guys like the video don't forget to hit the thumbs up button down below and as always thanks for watching i'll catch you on the next one later [Applause] [Music] uh and the day have finally come i've had this tripod since i was a kid and i knew sooner or later someday i was gonna mess it up i already hit it with a skid steer one time and i was able to fix it but uh i don't know if there's any coming back from that that's pretty well fubar so this truck belonged to an environmental service group around here which actually leads me into a good time for a little story here i get asked all the time where the name diesel creek came from well it was a series of unfortunate events really so as you know i'm into heavy equipment and stuff and of course that comes with the the baggage like fuel tanks sitting around and fuel storage issues and one day i was uh on a job like i don't know four or four and a half hours from home and i got a phone call and said hey is this your fuel tank at such and such a dress and i said uh maybe why well apparently it was mud season in pa when the ground is completely saturated and my fuel tank actually sunk into the ground because i just filled it with fuel so it sunk into the ground and when it did it snapped the drain valve right off the bottom of the tank which i guess was stupid on my part i should have had the thing up on solid dirt but you know i'm constantly in a process of moving things around and evolving and changing my setup here and growing and uh i didn't so my fault the thing sunk into the ground snapped the drain valve off and all the fuel in this tank went straight down into a leach field behind the house and straight into a french drain and dumped into a creek so if you don't know anything about the dep that's a bad time so i had fire department police department hazmat the dep the dnr fish and wildlife commission every wasteful branch of government spending you've never heard of was all in my backyard and i was four and a half hours away so i i told my boss hey i gotta go so i hightailed at home and then uh started the cleanup efforts on that but in the meantime uh they told me look you gotta get somebody out here to control the damage in the in the stream so i had to call the company that owned this very truck they're an environmental service group as i said and they uh they would put protections in the streams and keep things from getting worse than they already were but anyways that's the story of how diesel creek came to be um there was an article in the paper about the fire department's response to it the next day and uh just that diesel creek was written in there somewhere in the article or whatever and it just kind of stuck and i kind of ran with it kind of rolls off the tongue i think it's not a proud moment i'm certainly wasn't ever trying to lose all my fuel and pollute the environment but it did happen and it's an unfortunate event the only shining light there was that the creek that it drained into is already very polluted and there wasn't much wildlife in there to hurt so we got out of that one okay but it was an expensive cleanup and uh luckily the fines weren't too bad i just basically had to pay the cost of the cleanup and a small fine for negligence which i guess i can't complain too much about that it pretty much was just negligence but that's how we got diesel creek [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 839,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freightliner, Stepvan, Cummins, box truck, Allison, Service, truck, mechanic, Wagon, auction, steal, deal, burned
Id: hhQGFErBXfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 8sec (2648 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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