50 Times Someone BROKE THE LAW in Bikini Bottom! šŸšØ SpongeBob SquarePants

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Iā€™m breaking in! Well, well, well. What do we have here? A burglar bunny. What do they do it, Oā€™Malley? I donā€™t know. Itā€™s probably how he gets his kicks. You criminals make me sick! Iā€™m no criminal. I live here! Iā€™m just throwing a party. I got locked out. I swear. What about all the stuff you stole? What do you mean? Like that barrel! It says ā€œProperty of Salty Sea Farmsā€. Oh, thatā€™s where I rent me pickles from. - Are you renting the barrel too? - Wellā€¦ no. - Then you bought it? - No. - Then isnā€™t that stealing? - Wellā€¦ I, uh... What about this towel from the Sizzling Spring Sauna? - Umm well, thatā€™sā€¦ - And this Bikini Bell phone. - Well, Iā€¦ - And Sandyā€™s hedge clippers. - Ooh, theyā€™re umā€¦ - And Planktonā€™s lawnmower. - Well heā€¦ - Even Mrs. Puffā€™s hair curlers. That one was a gift. Listenā€¦ All that stuff is uhā€¦ borrowed. [screaming] [crashing] - Patrick! You just ran three red lights! - So? Youā€™re supposed to stop. I think the driving genius knows what heā€™s doing. Weā€™ll take that sicko off your hands. Cops! Thank goodness youā€™re here. Take the sicko away! Actually, weā€™re referring to you, maā€™am. Public nudity is against the law in this county. Heā€™ll be driving by tomorrow. Toodle-loo! What have I done? Everyone will know that I let him slide through school. Iā€™ll have to move to a new city. Start a new boating school with a new name. No! Not again. If you canā€™t do the time, donā€™t do the crime. Okay, times up. Now get out. But, but we stole a balloon. Yeah, on Free Balloon Day. [laughing] Squidward Q. Tentacles, Iā€™m placing you under arrest for impersonating a genius. - Alright you two, youā€™re under arrest. - What for? - Unlicensed use of a sitar. - But my grandma gave me this sitar. It didnā€™t come with a license. Plankton! Uh, Iā€™m ready? Wait a minute. Was this band just a front, so you could steal the Krabby Patty secret formula? What? No! I was in it for the music, man! Hold it right there! Well, well, well. If it ainā€™t Mrs. Puff. I saw what you did. - I... you did? - Yeah. Oh please, I didnā€™t mean to do it! I swear! Itā€™s too late for swearing, Puff. The evidence is right here. You littered. - Now come to Krabsy. - Halt! Patrick Man is on to you! Thief! Stealing is bad! Bad! Fiddle sticks! Reckless drivers. I loathe reckless drivers. [laughing] Holy sea cow! That hooligan ran a stop sign! - Stop thief! - You know that guy? - Hardly, he stole my wallet. - What? That makes him a dual offender. Letā€™s get him. Weā€™ve received hundreds of reports of an excruciating musical disturbance and youā€™re the only one holding an instrument. Wait a minute. Iā€™ve never seen this instrument before in my life. Heā€™s right officer. Plankton doesnā€™t even play clar-- There, there laddie. Just let the legal system run its course. Watch your head. [screaming] Huh, this guyā€™s not half bad looking for a maniac. Wait a minute, Patrick. Iā€™m the maniac! [screaming] [sirens] Weā€™ll take that as a confession. Am I really gonna defile this grave for money? Of course, I am! I havenā€™t the foggiest idea what youā€™re carrying on about, SpongeBob. But I donā€™t have time for it. Iā€™ve got my own problems. Johnny Law finally caught up to me for ditching jury duty. Let this be a lesson to you, son. Never ditch! You canā€™t fire me! Iā€™m not an executive at all! Iā€™m just a guy who happens to like sandwiches. So, go ahead! Send me away forever as a corporate spy if you want to. But not before Iā€™ve had my say! Destruction of private property. Oh, and I see here youā€™re a repeat offender. Youā€™re going to real jail. Anything to get out of this game! Thanks officers! Welcome back. Mr. Krabs has stolen a very important item from the Oyster. Behold! The Oysterā€™s pearl! [moaning] One too many Goofy Goobers again aye, Patrick? [moaning] No sir! I couldnā€™t eat another! Ow! Youā€™re under arrest! But Iā€™m innocent. No one is innocent! Whoa, things got dark fast. - You sold me! - No! Bartered is more like it. They keep you, I keep my kneecaps. - Come on, Mack. - Youā€™re pathetic! Well, you crossed the county line three miles back. You maā€™am, are a parole violator. Letā€™s book him! Wow, you guys are good. Iā€™m the last person I wouldā€™ve suspected, but I was looking for me all the time! Itā€™s the perfect crime! - I donā€™t think heā€™ll be laughing boy. - Why, Sir? Because that patty killed him! [screaming] [screaming] - Mr. Krabs what are we gonna do? - Whatā€™s this 'we' stuff? You fed him the tainted patty. Looks like it's the stony lonesome for you! - But you told me to give it to him! - Well you could've talked me out of it! Youā€™re right, Mr. Krabs. Iā€™m guilty. Iā€™ll never survive in prison. Theyā€™ll mop up the floor with me! Get a hold of yourself, boy! We gotta get rid of this body before anyone sees it. We gotta take it out and bury it! Hey you! - Youā€™re under arrest! - Arrest? For what? I didnā€™t even steal anything this time. Vandalismā€™s a crime too! Well, well, well. If it isnā€™t the art thief himself. Drop the spoon. Youā€™re all under arrest until we figure this out. What do you mean all? Iā€™m not under arrest. I, Iā€¦ These are idiots. Theyā€™re causing a ruckus. I, I want sleep. Mr. Krabs did you get those ingredients from the trash? Of course not! That wouldnā€™t be legal. I intercepted these items on their way to the trash. You donā€™t deserve this! [giggling] Huh, litter bugs. This is why I joined the force. Itā€™s the police! Pull it over litterbug! Litter bug? No! Ooh, I got me a runner. - Eh, your turn to chip in, boy. - Sure. Here you go. Buy yourself something pretty. Hey! This isnā€™t money! No, it's even better! This is what Mr. Krabs pays me with. Mr. Krabs' wacky bucks! Ooh, it's all starting to catch up with me. Your joyrideā€™s over, punk! No! No, no! What are you doing? Help, help! No, no, please! No, I have a snail to feed! I canā€™t go to jail now! This is not a good time! No! Please, please! Iā€™m not a criminal! Stop, thief! [panting] Looks like this case is all wrapped up. [groaning] - Thank you, Mummy. - Anytime, sweetie. SpongeBob warned me you were planning a jailbreak. So, I took the precaution of hiding the entire Bikini Bottom police force in me safe. Come along, Plankton. Itā€™s back to jail for you. Uh! Hey, watch where youā€™re pointing that thing, Buster. Hey, we can trust Patrick. Heā€™s my best friend. Well, I canā€™t take any chances. For all we know, he could be the strangler. Iā€™m the strangler! No, I should've known! I gotta turn myself in! [crashing] So, Patrickā€™s the strangler. Gee, you think you know a guy. Under penal code 26-1. Quote, ā€œThe boating instructor is responsibleā€¦ for any minorā€™s delinquent actions under that teacherā€™s care. Unquote. Iā€™m afraid weā€™re gonna have to take you in, madam. You missed one! Ooh, Miss Gristlepuss! Iā€™m sorry we sell Krabby Patties, but do you really have to send us to jail? Of course I do! You are a nuisance to my community! You tell ā€˜em, honey! Thatā€™s my girl. This guyā€™s been ka-ra-taed! After all I said about never using karate for revenge! For shame Squidward, for shame. Looks like heā€™s not worthy of this belt after all. Thanks for dishonoring o our trust in you, Squidward. Whatever, Iā€™m still a karate master! - Wow, really you are? - Yes, I am. Hey, watch your head. Iā€™d never guess that. And what is that supposed to mean? Oh a, nothing. Just with the rubbery arms and the doughiness in the midsectionā€¦ Okay, already, I get it! What, wait a second. Am I under arrest? You sure are and you have the right to remain silent. [screaming] Or not silent. What are you thinking? I donā€™t know what you two are doing, but it looks illegal. I have a confession to make! Iā€™ll just hold on to this formula ā€™til the morning. - Oh but officer, I have more confessions. - Zip it, kid. I get it, youā€™re a criminal mastermind. Guilty, yay!
Channel: SpongeBob SquarePants Official
Views: 10,752,240
Rating: 4.6066613 out of 5
Keywords: 50 times someone broke the law, 50 times someone broke the law SpongeBob, breaking the law, breaking the law SpongeBob, breaking the law Bikini Bottom, Bikini Bottom, Bikini Bottom SpongeBob, crime SpongeBob, Free Balloon Day, Free Balloon Day SpongeBob, crime Bikini Bottom, Spongebob, spongebob squarepants, spongebob music, spongebob episodes, spongebob nick, nickelodeon, nick show
Id: GgtMz6ZVFE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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