Complete Spongebob Squarepants Minors Collection

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no dang nema toads i'm losing money on this deal [Applause] [Music] it's worth every penny [Music] spongebob now are you gonna oh squidward i was going through some records back in the office huh so you got the hairpiece after all thought you could sneak up on me at work did you well you can't cause i'm fast i'm mean and i can do this rev up those fryers because i am sure hungry for one help oh as you see we're closed the hooks the hooks how about a men [Music] excuse me sir i hope my horrible ugliness won't be a distraction to you not at all [Music] the same old man crab sold the krusty krab that's a darn shame hey lady do you know where we can get something to eat around here popcorn peanuts ice cold drink hey tom fred hey you want to eat the krusty krab nah let's go to the shell shack they've got a talking dog great say what's a dog hey everyone listen the talking dog at the shell shack is singing come on [Applause] thanks for the lies mr fairy tale let's go waste our time somewhere else hey guys where's your christmas spirit he's just running late he probably just stopped for a snack fruit and what does that make ketchup oh brother this guy stinks roll on her stick i think she should buy both oh yeah [Music] hey buddy what the heck is that why this is a hole good sir you see i am a sponge and we typically not that that it's just a little old krabby patty smothered in jellyfish jelly i call it a crabby patty with jellyfish jelly could i try some sure amazing i've got to tell someone about this hey all you people hey all you people hey all you people won't you listen to me i just had a sandwich no ordinary sandwich a sandwich filled with jellyfish jelly hey man you got to try this sandwich it's no ordinary sandwich it's the tastiest sandwich in the sea yeah skipping the food about identity now yeah [Applause] thank you spongebob who's playing squidward's records again sir this is the greatest thing i've ever eaten i'm gonna come back here for lunch every day for the rest of my life hey buddy you're all right the kitchen is no place for a live horse where's our food i'm so hungry this is my only lunch hour where's old man jenkins [Music] hey i'll give you a hundred thousand dollars in cash for said hat [Music] sir i'll give you a million dollars for that hat excuse me sir could i get a napkin why of course dear sir and next time feel free to approach me it must be so degrading to ask from across the room and who am i making this bad boy out to to my tail fin i'll get it myself f i end there we are darling it is a sad day in bikini bottom when a guy is ridiculed for having dreams [Music] um [Music] no [Music] how about now no no no no no no no no no [Music] now let me get my wallet wait let me check this no patty's got any change how much do you need yeah how much is it 50 cents 50 cents let me check my other forget it what did you say just take your seats thanks mister yeah whatever [Music] welcome to the krusty krab how may i have you yeah give me two large fries in the jumbo krabby patty hey what's that oh i didn't see anything hey where'd that other guy go april falls i'm right here [Laughter] hey that was pretty good [Music] hey pal you just blowing from stupid down [Music] everyone must write an essay on what not to do at a stoplight did you hear that what not to do at a stoplight in no less than 800 words to hear that 800 words yeah i know welcome to art class oh isn't this cooking sorry we should lock our doors we should call my nephew buddies dude put that thing away they're like children here i'm going to the snack bar me you think this is funny in a cosmic sort of way yes well mr funny man is this how you get your sick kicks what it's just an ordinary krabby oh my goodness squidward hey i couldn't afford a present this year so i got you this box that's what i got you all right put the money in the bag put it in um you're facing the wrong way sir all right give me my money will that be from your savings or your checking account sir saving may i please see some identification okay there you go thank you sir we are showing a balance of zero dollars and zero cents for both of your accounts oh next i'll give you a hundred thousand dollars in cash for said hat sir i'll give you a million dollars for that hat didn't you hear they found a whole warehouse full of them they're worthless [Music] now that's worth a million dollars yes that was me oh please excuse me sir oh well that's quite all right uh spongebob wow i'm getting recognized all over my next thing you know people are gonna start doing stuff like holding doors open for oh why sir i'm flattered really i don't smell anything you're on your way kid good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to our live coverage of this year's annual spring classic the 102nd running of the snail and what a beautiful day for the sport of kings of which i am a huge fan seriously i'm just a fan i was on my way to my seat the door was open hey what are you doing what is it peterson i'm not sure i feel a disturbance excuse me sir but you have the time sure it's a ten to three thank you don't mention it don't mention what yeah who said that [Music] hey i'm no ghost well the nerve of that guy in his driving eyeballs there really should be a wet floor sign yeah if that were me who slipped i'd sue old man crabs for all he's got does that include the krabby patty formula of course you'll be forced to eat at the chum bucket what you mean you kidnapped us just to sell us your fast food come on it's a standard marketing technique you little twerp hey please please forgive me what's the holdup oh it's you two look you left your net on the bus again oh reliable i left you on the bus you do it every week now can we get going i accept your apology [Music] they do this all the time i'm serious i oh never mind hide me young lady what a you're all mine you sweet krabby patty [Laughter] [Music] initiating launch sequence krabby patty here i come i hope i don't miss again reunited [Music] hey you top of the morning ulster hey i saw you on tv last night new bran flakes bold new taste bran flakes you did yeah you were on a commercial you're right wow he recognized me yep see you later bran flakes what a nice cereal box give it up for day 15. [Music] [Laughter] give it a birthday 6 653 40 120. [Music] who could pull out your eye and put it on him wouldn't that make you a zombie too you're right i'm a zombie who's to say we're not all zombies [Music] hey i just got my license hey i'm getting my next hey i doubt it okay see you on the road so as i was saying excuse me do you guys have a time [Music] hey buddy you need a ride i was just on my way to the big doofus convention to us sorry here's your hot dog here your third one crabby patty wow hey spongebob you gotta try this dude we finally got enough people for a seven mile spanking machine ouch ouch ouch next is this where the line starts i for one love to watch people dance while i eat who's with me who wants minnie squidward to dance for our amusement park and watch this mr krabs yeah i have the crusty special thank you sir i will squeak when it's ready could the greatest fry cook do that mr krabs a customer welcome to the krusty krab spongebob cater to his every whim and don't screw this one up hi sir welcome aboard sir here at the krusty krab you are the captain and i am your cabin boy you just say the word and i will throw myself in the brig may i take your order all i wanted was change for the pay phone hi sir mom sewers change thanks [Music] here you go [Music] he kept us waiting for a bubble that's nothing he called us fat hey what's that guy talking about i don't know but he's got a megaphone may i help you i'll take a banana split uh we don't have that that's okay i already split my pants get it tee hee anything else [Laughter] [Music] one please excuse me one please sorry kid we're all out ah barnacles a pervader of foods yes you must be my new fry cook uh sorry king neptune i don't make them i just sell them then who pulled up the spatula i hate it it is even funnier a second time [Music] hi there hey don't you want a free balloon it's national free balloon day get your fish sticks here hey were you able to catch glanduma pink fish on flounderman last night no how was he well i knew this guy's acting was good but his singing is phenomenal i'm telling you vendor if that guy was to cut a solo record it would be a hit [Music] solo record in texas we caught ice cream frozen cow juice excuse me for a second thank you no no thank you 19 seconds that's a new record lou uh that's great spongebob 142. but it's not an official record until we record it in the book of records 19 seconds okay so it's a dollar 42 sign here please initial here and here and here oh look it's a picture i took of you the first time i ever came here look at you so young and happy where do the years go hey what's that plan your own party kid hey lou how much for the plan your own party kit oh we're having a special on those uh they're free but you have to leave right now hey but i'd like to return this kite hey i know you yeah from today's paper local nutcase tries to fly i'm a nutcase because i follow my dreams well they laughed at the guy who invented light bulbs too no they didn't you'll see hey spongebob thanks for the bike can you believe this guy i just met him this morning hey put some clothes on no one's gonna serve you happiness on a silver platter free sample cookies anyway i oh what can i do for you two nice young man we're selling chocolate bars would you like to buy one that sounds heavenly i'll take one one chocolate bar coming up [Music] [Applause] [Music] mommy what is that thing i don't know but it's hideous hey look a cardboard box washed up on the beach holy fish paste it's a guide [Music] [Applause] spongebob come closer i need i need what do you need a tailor [Music] because get out of town and take a vacation to beautiful sunny seashores resort here you go sir [Music] is that a burger you're eating why yes it is you know what would go good with that [Music] oh yeah we are definitely out of here [Applause] [Music] it's his first time on his own once again congratulations two hours is long enough that's it hey bubble buddy you're finished [Music] hey do you sell food here yes sir we sell pretty patties that thing's green green hey is that one purple purple is my favorite color this isn't half bad hey world pretty patties is the best idea ever hey hey funny guy i got a joke for you what smells rotten and puts people to sleep um not just gasps no you're act well maybe we wouldn't sound so bad if some people didn't try to play with big meaty claws what did you say punk big meaty claws riley's claws ain't for just attracting mates bring it on old man bring it on [Applause] dude can i have some ketchup oh here you go max oh did he just say i he did it feels like somebody wants to sell me something i told you he was on to [Applause] [Music] us i declare these fry cook games open [Applause] [Music] i declare these fry cook games open [Music] and you see he's gonna kick my butt hi there young people a nice day today so you like kicking butts do ya well we'll show you old man how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man i love the young people here you go sir a king-size ultra crabby supreme with the works double batter fries on a stick thanks barnaclehead pardon me you forgot your mayonnaise thanks look at them eating that garbage it's disgusting here's a typical customer i wonder what he wants well if we just remember poop we can figure it out i'd like to order do you think he's going to order a a sofa b an expensive haircut or c a patty one patty please ah poop you never let us down [Music] come on move it could you be any slower and you've had your blinker on for the last five blocks i'm feeling it spongebob patrick that's not a ride get off of me are you enjoying your in-meal movie this movie hasn't even been in the theaters yet no expense paired for my valued customers [Music] what's your problem make a wish dear all my wishes have already come true oh you [Music] i'll save your money gotcha what you heartless bruce think you're doing um using the wishing well you toss in a coin and make a wish and then what and that's it nothing else happens it's fun you mean suckers throw money down a hole for fun that's the greatest scam ever can we have our quarterback now [Music] i knew it lifeguard can you point out the snack bar right over there but you guys are way too old and unsightly for my beach and i'm afraid i'm gonna have to ask you to leave so polite just like we raised him see anything you like yeah i'll give you a buck 50 for this umbrella a 50 for that but it's an antique it belonged to a queen 10 bucks and box it's full of holes it was the queen of switzerland a queen you say and that's right wait a second they don't have a queen okay mr bargain hunter five bucks deal oh yeah wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i'm supposed to be at jellyfish fields right now but instead i'm rubbing your scalp i don't even know who you are but we went to elementary school together dennis oh oh yeah excuse me could you tell me where the forks are they're right here lady oh but this is a spoon april fools oh excuse me do you know where the menu section is [Music] the menu section that's easy it's over there [Music] oh holy smokes [Music] is that you ah no no cause i the ominous flying dutchman there's this great new product called toothpaste i think you should try it oh man poor kid that guy has definitely got some issues to work out i'm out of soap can i borrow stay back i just want some here here's my money take it take it and go away my hands aren't that dirty look guys it's the stupid squirrel i know let's try and communicate with it [Music] oh that's real nice [Music] i'm flying hey look at that guy tied to a kite why is he doing that why is he doing this hi whoa rock on freaky bro yeah wow would you like a drink with that order oh no thanks i got me one of those new kelp shakes before i came in here that comes out to two dollars even wow what a steal why didn't that guy order a deliciously overpriced fountain beverage with his krabby patty hi mail face hello package for mr squarepants great thanks so uh you like delivering mail it puts bread on the table rye or pumpernickel oh brother so do you deliver your own mail or do you have your own mail person but then who delivers his mail is there a never-ending chain of mailmen delivering mail to other mailmen well i guess a p.o box could in theory break don't you have a paper to write how did he know i'm supposed to be writing an essay talk to me package sir [Music] i can't believe it's finally here there you go oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you mr tennis balls that's tentacles [Music] okay see you tomorrow one magic kit and another one of these yellow things [Music] i couldn't afford a present this year so i got you this box that's what i got you mommy my krabby patty tastes funny well no wonder it's all old and dried out like that man right there now put that thing where it belongs in the garbage [Music] excuse me but i dropped my krabby patty could i get another one spongebob yes sir cosby crab policy clearly states that once the burger has reached the customer it is his slash her responsibility spongebob that's the old policy now run back and bring out a first one hi i third sorry about the confusion free toy yeah you sing the crabby monday's birthday song to my special little man happy happy birthday happy happy uh squidward come again sir i'm getting back in line hello i love you i think you laid it on a teensy bit thick there oh pal let me try please go away um how are you doing how am i doing wanna buy some chocolate we gotta blow sorry chocolate has sugar and sugar turns to bubbling fat isn't that right lover boy tickles as you can see me and chocolate no longer hang you can keep that for five bucks i'll take turn hey it's my lucky day a penny your luck just ran out hey man he's back you're crushing my arm unhand that penny or the arm comes off don't stand too close to a squirrel billy you'll catch it stupid okay mom who the barnacles is spongebob squarepants i believe you went to kindergarten with him dear kindergarten huh oh yeah squarepants well i guess it's time to move again look mom it's the birdman of bikini bottom wow i wonder why he's still using his legs come on birdman flap your wings and fly look it's the flying guy wow i guess he wasn't a lunatic after all [Music] excuse me ma'am do you know what's in that krabby patty you're eating no [Applause] see that without all your smoking mirrors no one would stomach this garbage hold it right there buddy my son just dropped that quarter yeah well that kid looks pretty shifty to me how do i know he didn't steal it hey that little bat's throwing perfectly good money away oh so if i can't have it no one i hope he throws all your retirement money down a hole my name is squidward can i take your order uh oh i'll have a uh no oh maybe no i'll have no oh maybe are you planning on ordering today sir i'll have a krabby patty how original and with extra onions daring today aren't we one krabby patty extra onions hey do you guys want to hear a bathroom joke you trying to kill us hey spongebob well at least i still have my personality [Applause] [Music] [Applause] spongebob don't let that guy sit on you assertiveness lesson number one tell him to get off um excuse me sir you're sitting on my body which is also my face no no be assertive not insertive hey grandma's boy [Music] [Laughter] no you're wrong there's nothing wrong with getting kisses from your grandma no especially if you're a big baby who wears diapers and sucks and plays with dolls and uh where's pajamas we'll feed him and carry some some uh banky round and uh all right already there really should be a wet floor sign yeah if that were me who slipped i'd sue old man crabs for all he's got does that include the krabby patty formula of course are you boring yes yes i am when friends describe you do they use words like doll or drab don't forget platitudinous [Music] [Applause] yes that too charlie but what if i told you that you could change all that with the magic of magic i look like some kind of magician now people won't ignore me honey i got the napkins oh what have i missed this time your dumb pretty patties turned my face purple [Music] we got a sinker spongebob let me take this i haven't seen any action all day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] breathe darn you yeah that's the last time i read and swim you saved my life don't mention it it's all part of the job nice do spongebob yeah where can i get one [Music] who are you where did you come from uh up there oh thank neptune hey guys i found a way out come [Music] i'm on i'm free i'm sugar free [Music] [Music] one krabby patty grilled with the fiery warmth of my feeding heart enjoy thanks is there a problem well you really should be wearing a name tag so i can thank you properly while it is against my philosophy to disagree with the customer i must point out that i am in fact wearing a name tag right here [Music] oh you poor man you must be very sick let us take you to the hospital no really i'm fine please i know i'm fine [Applause] [Music] make a wish dear all my wishes have already come true oh you [Music] i'll save your money gotcha what you heartless bruce think you're doing um using the wishing well you toss in a coin and make a wish and then what and that's it nothing else happens it's fun you mean suckers throw money down a hole for fun that's the greatest scam ever can we have our quarterback now well mr squarepants it seems you have the suds are you ready for your treatment you're not gonna make me read old magazines are you no silly you get the sponge treatment oh hans [Music] i can smell [Music] again i feel it's good as new i love the doctor here's your lollipop [Music] lollipop hey doc i got the suds too oh yes dr patrick we have a special treatment for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay mr krabs get plenty of rest and if things don't seem right come back thanks doc i'm bob you can't beat me [Music] clear i love it [Applause] yeah uh we're with the pet hospital down the street and i understand you have a dying animal on the premises what happened i slipped on an ice cube and got covered in boo-boos boo-boos eh hmm i think you guys want that hospital weenie hut general well mr krabs you gave us quite a scare so i'm gonna be okay doc well if you don't want to take my word for it let's just check your chart hmm oh no oh no this is terrible everything okay doc don't touch me well it looks like your gluteus maximus has made a full recovery my what has it what now your butt's all better it's really quite amazing it took 20 hours to put it all back together we actually ran out of staples and had to use a glue stick yep you're a lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky luck boy but from now on i'd like you to be more careful one more injury like that and you could wind up like that poor creature there in the iron butt oh man it itches hey watch it buddy i don't care how much you want your pretty patty you're gonna have to wait in line like the rest of us i never had a line hey everybody let's do peanuts in him and see how he likes it [Applause] [Applause] i'm here to lay my cards on the table to trim the branches of deception from the tree of life to shave away the unkempt sideburns from the face of truth and just get on with it [Music] hey they're so peanuts at both of them [Applause] here please hit me as hard as you can squidward i'm working in the kitchen at night don't hold back fun fair where oh i could go for some fun that's a krusty krab hey everybody let's go to the fun fair [Applause] wow all this supporting is making me hungry hey everybody let's go get a krabby patty nobody gives a care about the fate of labor as long as they can get their instant gratification hey what do you got against the melons let's try to stick to the schedule shall we cake will be eaten at 8 52 everyone 8 52. hey what's this that's my breakfast hey man that's not cool what do you like better the coral bits are the nacho oyster skins i like neither can i take your order well how about the barnacle rings are they any good no what will you have well uh what's your vote on the kelp sir let's just get this out of the way i hate everything on the menu now what do you want try the coral bits uh i'll try the coral bits that'll be one dollar what's going on something stupid i'm sure [Music] [Applause] what's wrong with mr krabs nothing lad do you know what this is a very dirty dollar no this is my 1 millionth earned every crab's goal in life is to make a million dollars and now i got mine congratulations sir you have just given me my one millionth dollar great what do i win nothing now get out uh what get out everybody get out you're spoiling me moments i was supposed to be a concert pianist until i realized i didn't have any fingers whoa rock on freaky bro excuse me i didn't do it oh can i help you yeah i'm ready to order what do you have i'll take uh what did you say i said i'll take her huh i heard his order mr krabs he said he was and um [Music] i didn't raise that stop it yes i did it i did it i took the boots excuse me can i get a couple ice cubes in here please sure a couple of ice cubes coming up here you go thanks [Music] what did you do to my drink i you i do you what you asked for a couple of ice cubes in your drink and i only put in one [Music] i guess that is pretty funny can you make that to go you don't know how lucky you are the hooks so there i was minding my own business i'd love to hear another of your riveting sea tales but um i have to do my waste basket inspection oh yeah there's one could you show me how to tie my shoes uh fins he poisoned our water supply burned our crops and delivered a plague onto our houses he did no but are we just gonna wait around until he does hey tom fred hey you want to eat the krusty krab nah let's go to the shell shack they've got a talking dog great say what's a dog why are you open read the sign i'll have a krabby patty deluxe and a double chili kelp fries no you won't i can't hang out here all night i've got a life well fine if you don't want my money money you mean if we stayed open later you'd give us your money sure mr squidward welcome to the night shift i don't understand that guy's talented he doesn't have to work blue let's go somewhere more family-oriented where's our food i'm so hungry this is my only lunch hour where's old man jenkins way to go buddy it took us three days to make that potato salad three days hey [Music] good afternoon sir could we interest you in some chocolate chocolate did you say chocolate yes sir with or without nuts chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate [Music] [Applause] [Music] chocolate [Applause] [Music] finally i've been trying to catch you boys all day now that i've got you right where i want you i'd like to buy all your chocolate thank you for your patronage i told you that shirt was hideous as the jury reached a verdict we have your honor we find the defendant not guilty but he is cheap i don't like pistachio then why did you ask for it [Music] hey free krabby patties hey look at that krabby patty wait you got to pay for those for the roses spongebob happy valentine's day you too dave [Applause] [Music] [Applause] squidward hey frank so hungry oh mr krabs a customer no food three days hold on me buckle food's on the way hey you got money right yeah spongebob bring this man some grub before he kills over here you go sir oh krabby patties huh fightness under the sea yeah yeah sure but where's the pizzazz huh look at this place i mean what is the theme here underwater it's boring food water atmosphere nobody goes to a restaurant for atmosphere what's wrong with you we want our money back all 46 853 of us this is a load of barnacles thinks he can stay open longer than me does he sure i i don't know why not but he's wrong okay sure as of now the krusty krab is open 24 hours [Music] hotel guest watch me really mean welcome to the krusty towers where our motto is we shall never deny a guest even the most ridiculous request oh that's great i'd like a double krabby patty with no onions and extra pickles if you want a krabby patty you'll have to rent a room and order room service oh i've only got an hour for lunch huh stop you can't let anyone in but they just want to dine on some krabby patties they're zombies they only want to dine on our flesh yeah all right but it's coming out of your paycheck i don't work here [Music] that was too funny you are hilarious ain't he the funniest little sponge you ever saw [Music] [Applause] once again dude you have split my sides you still got it dude [Music] dude i'm telling you he's huge have you guys seen spongebob anywhere you mean muscle bob buff pants he's in there uh whatever thanks what happened i hit a reef with my new board dude no problem [Music] spongebob stop before it's too late your kindness is bringing everybody back get back wait [Applause] [Music] that was awesome [Applause] gee plankton i'm sorry about the chumba and just when you think you found the land of milk and honey they grab you by the bridges and haul you way up high then higher and higher and higher dudes bury me see what i mean all done all right bubble buddy you dig them out well i get some cotton candy did you stand there dude the tide's coming in dudes he made me experience high tide look guys it's the stupid squirrel i know let's try and communicate with it [Music] how's the cave edge gnarly dudes all right get out go go hey look mr krabs put in a kiddie rod why don't you try it out [Music] i can't find the coin slot here it is [Applause] [Music] if you've got a case of the jabber jaws i can pair you up right now with scooter here are some topic cards to break the ice at the door mine says which came first the oyster or the pearl you take the side of the pearl this is lame hey good if you're looking for spongebob he's over by the punch bowl thanks what can i do for you sir i'll tell you what you can do give me all of your uh get give me give me all of you give me let's be smart and bring it off oh so now the talking cheese is gonna preach to us he ate my wheelbarrow he ate my children's homework to us sorry here's your hot dog the kitchen is no place for a live horse [Music] excuse me miss i don't want to have to report you again i was just wondering is it the homework pencil on the left side of the paper next to the quiz pencil or over on the right side all by itself or i think it goes stuck inside your wait i got it the quiz pencil goes right over here next to the essay pencil and the essay pencil gets turned sideways towards the notepad just in case i have to write an essay good morning wow oh yes we'd have so much in common you like teddy bears i like teddy bears you like ponies i like ponies is that a wedding ring oh this show it's nothing what is going on around here come on spongebob don't be a how was that even better the third time oh no no no no no no everyone get out all righty boys party's over time to scoot honey [Music] your name is susie fish right yes and you'd also be correct in saying you ruined my food with your sweat you lit wet mr grabs that's the last customer do i well actually i wasn't keeping score
Channel: MobkillerB
Views: 1,070,418
Rating: 4.625 out of 5
Keywords: mlg, funny, disney, peppa pig
Id: pDEMaxb0QAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 49sec (3589 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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